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Msg# 5423

Sad news Posted by beleg1cuthalion September 24, 2005 - 4:32:10 Topic ID# 5423
In the last digest I saw some reviews for kielle's marvelous
tales; I fear I have to inform the members of the MEFA's that
kielle has died on September 22. She was diagnosed of a very
advanced form of colon cancer at the end of August, and two
days ago she lost the fight against her terrible illness, leaving
behind a husband and many friends. I knew her since I asked
her for her permission to translate "Nine Men and a little Lady" ,
and we kept in contact from then on. She commented on my fics
and took a vivid interest in my life. I am very sad, and I will miss
her very much; she was a wonderful, very special woman.


Msg# 5424

Re: Sad news Posted by September 24, 2005 - 6:06:58 Topic ID# 5423
Hello. I am sorry to hear this. I felt that I knew kielle at least in part, because of her great story. "Nine Men and a Little Lady" was among the first fan fiction works I read, and I enjoyed it tremendously. I so admired the writer's talent and sense of humor. Namýriý, brave lady. - Chathol-linn
-------------- Original message --------------
In the last digest I saw some reviews for kielle's marvelous
tales; I fear I have to inform the members of the MEFA's that
kielle has died on September 22. She was diagnosed of a very
advanced form of colon cancer at the end of August, and two
days ago she lost the fight against her terrible illness, leaving
behind a husband and many friends. I knew her since I asked
her for her permission to translate "Nine Men and a little Lady" ,
and we kept in contact from then on. She commented on my fics
and took a vivid interest in my life. I am very sad, and I will miss
her very much; she was a wonderful, very special woman.



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Msg# 5425

Re: Sad news Posted by Marta Layton September 24, 2005 - 12:32:42 Topic ID# 5423
On 24 Sep 2005, at 05:32, beleg1cuthalion wrote:

> In the last digest I saw some reviews for kielle's marvelous
> tales; I fear I have to inform the members of the MEFA's that
> kielle has died on September 22. She was diagnosed of a very
> advanced form of colon cancer at the end of August, and two
> days ago she lost the fight against her terrible illness, leaving
> behind a husband and many friends. I knew her since I asked
> her for her permission to translate "Nine Men and a little Lady" ,
> and we kept in contact from then on. She commented on my fics
> and took a vivid interest in my life. I am very sad, and I will miss
> her very much; she was a wonderful, very special woman.
> Cúthalion

I meant to forward Altariel's email to this group. I did pass it along
to the staff group. Kielle's death affected me deeply. I did not know
her personally, but her stories indicate to me that she has the type of
zany and creative personality that I would have loved to know better. I
am truly sorry for her family's loss.

I hope it is not in bad taste to observe that she passed away on
September 22 according to her husband's LJ post
( Make of
that what you will.

Now I have to say something admin-like. Kielle's stories are not
withdrawn from the awards. If you liked them, feel free to review them
(or give her an author review). I know that when my family members have
passed away, knowing how much their art affected others meant a lot. I
do not know whether Kielle's family will be interested in reading
these, of course, but please don't feel it's in bad taste to review her
stuff now.

One project the admins have talked about is putting together a website
and/or livejournal with her reviews and the banners for any awards she
might win. If anyone has any ideas or is interested in helping out with
this, please contact me privately.

Kielle really did affect a lot of people. She will be sorely missed, I
know that for certain.


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