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Msg# 5433

Laptop issues, or why I didn't post reviews last night.... Posted by ainaechoiriel September 26, 2005 - 18:59:15 Topic ID# 5433
My fiance dropped my laptop. And it wouldn't work anymore. But, hey,
I've got 5 other computers, not counting the PDA, right? Right. And I
control them via VNC from the laptop. You don't really expect me to
actually sit in front of my computers, do you? Not when I could be
sitting in comfort on the living room couch? ;-)

Anyway, it was a work laptop, one that was going to be thrown out and
so I "frankensteined" it and they let me hang onto it. So no big loss
money-wise or work-wise as it was going to be junked before anyway.
But a big inconvenience to me.

Until I saw the Nebraska Furniture Mart ad and their offer of 24
months interest free on computers. You see, I'd had my eye on this
interesting notebook. It's monitor flips like my Sony Clie and it
becomes a tablet. But it was pricey and since I had a working albeit
obsolete laptop, I could see the expense. But now that said obsolete
laptop is a glorified paperweight, and with 2 years interest-free
financing, said convertible--or "flippy", as I call it--computer
became affordable. And that's what I'm presently typing on. Thought I
could also be writing with a stylus. Too cool.

But I only just now got VNC working again and since I'd installed a
new antivirus/internet security suite on the computer I generally
e-mail from, I had to configure that so even COULD VNC. Which I can do
now. Expect me to post yesterday and today's reviews this evening.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled reading and reviewing.

preoccupied Admin and Founder