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Msg# 5458

80 Reviews today 9/28/2006 Posted by Ainaechoiriel September 29, 2005 - 0:42:46 Topic ID# 5458
Title: On Cerin Amroth Author: Dwimordene Genres: Romance: Vignette ID:
Reviewer: Marta 2005-09-28 00:15:29
The great thing about this piece is its ability to be both transcendent and
immanent at the same time. The tone is almost like something out of the
appendices, or from the point of view of the land of Lorien itself. We are
distant from Arwen and Aragorn. Yet at places, their emotions are so clear!
And we feel the weight of their situation.. Wonderful job, Dwim; it gave me
a lot of insight into these characters.
Title: The King's Commission Author: Larner Races/Places: Cross-Cultural:
Post-War of the Ring ID: 215
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan 2005-09-28 00:26:22
Vignettes and drabbles, vignettes and drabbles I told myself that I'd be
reading tonight, having many reviews undone, but I thought it couldn't hurt
to take a peek at the first chapter of "The King's Commission", since I
liked "For Eyes to See that Can" so well.

That was three hours ago, I'm only up to chapter twenty four, there's no way
I can finish the whole thing tonight or even before the end of voting season
if I'm to manage getting more reviews done, but I want to say WOW!

From the very beginning this story pulls you in, Ruvemir is a strong,
fascinating character who gives us great opportunities to observe each of
the remaining members of the Fellowship, and the gradual way in which we see
the story reconstructed through the eyes and tales of first Strider, Gimli,
Legolas and the people of Minas Tirith, and later the three remaining
Travellers and the hobbits of the Shire, is completely entrancing. I'm
looking forward to finishing this one, but for right now it's nearly 1:30 in
the morning and I've got to get some sleep!

Thank you!
Title: High Flight Author: Jay of Lasgalen Books/Time: The Hobbit:
Vignette ID: 419
Reviewer: Isil Elensar 2005-09-28 00:58:03
First, I must tell you that I love the sonnet you based this story off of.
It has always been one of my favorites since I heard it for the the first
time in 1986, after the Challenger exploded. But I digress, this review is
for your story.

I love how you interpreted the poem in your tale of Eagles and flying. I
especially loved the old veteran bird talking to the younglings. Such a
magnificent tale of flying, battle, of victory even through the injury. I
especially love the foreshadowing from the young eaglet when he says 'The
eagles are coming!' Even better to wonder if young Meneldor was actually one
of the eagles to fly against the ringwraiths at the Black Gate. Such a
lovely tale written around such a lovely sonnet. Thank you so much for
Title: Letter From Elladan Author: Jay of Lasgalen Races/Places: Elves:
Imladris ID: 1080
Reviewer: Isil Elensar 2005-09-28 01:22:10
My current curiosity of the sons of Elrond, especially Elladan, led me to
this story, not to mention a very good friend of mine. I'm glad to have read
this. Elladan writes to his father, not expecting to make it through the
battle of the Morannon, and yet, it seems to me that he does have some hope
of survival. Very well written, and I especially loved the end when father
and sons went to burn the letter, happy that they were all alive and well.
Title: The Other Day Author: Space Weavil Books/Time: Post-Ring War ID:
Reviewer: Isil Elensar 2005-09-28 01:25:58
How very Entish! A very nice tale showing the passing of time in the eyes of
the very creatures who could say they saw time begin. A sad tale as well,
once I read the end. The poor trees.. I mean Ents! Very well written. I'm
glad I read it.
Title: Take the Little Ones Author: Space Weavil Genres: Drama (includes
Angst): Elves ID: 163
Reviewer: Isil Elensar 2005-09-28 01:29:23
Very haunting, very sad. Very well written! Plus, I'd love to know what
happened to Erestor's children. This particular elf has also gained my
interest (Elladan being another one), and though I've only run across
dramatic/angsty stories concerning him, I find I enjoy them just as much as
I would a happy tale. Well done, SW. I'm glad I read it!
Title: The Bow Author: Space Weavil Genres: Drama (includes Angst):
Mirkwood ID: 161
Reviewer: Isil Elensar 2005-09-28 01:33:29
A nice full-circle story and very well written. From the memories of
Thranduil comes a scene of his father, Oropher, teaching him to make a bow.
And then after Thranduil becomes King of Mirkwood, he does the same for his
son. A lovely glimpse of the lives of the royal family of Greenwood the
Great. I'm glad I read it!
Title: Father-Names Author: Finch Books/Time: The Silmarillion: Feanor and
Sons ID: 345
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon 2005-09-28 04:44:12
An excellent reconciliation of the two versions of what befell Elwing's sons
after the fall of the Havens of Sirion - and, as Maglor's adoption of the
boys whose home and family he helped destroy is one of my favorite events in
The Silmarillion, I really enjoyed this story. And Maglor's giving the boys
their father-names is a wonderful touch.
Title: Dragons and Shadows Author: Branwyn Races/Places: Cross-Cultural:
Drabble ID: 285
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon 2005-09-28 04:56:32
One of my all-time favorite birthday presents, to be sure! A lovely vignette
about the ways that different cultures, and people, explain celestial
mysteries. The imagery of Denethor lost in solitary contemplation of the
faraway heavens is very Numenorean, and so is particularly apt for one of
the noblest, and most tragic Numenoreans of them all. And how appropriate
that Denethor realized the truth about eclipses.

And I loved Faramir and Eowyn's physical closeness as they watched the moon,
speaking of the real and the mythic. Faramir is a realist with a stubborn
tendancy to hope; while Eowyn fled from a terrible reality and became the
maker, and ender, of a myth .
Title: The Wizard and His Pupil Author: Acacea Books/Time: The Lord of The
Rings: Gondor ID: 53
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke 2005-09-28 10:33:25
How rarely one gets to say thank you and good bye to a mentor, teacher,
friend or father figure. You imagined this conversation fully and with a
nice, unhurried pace that suited the mood just perfectly.
Title: Language Lessons Author: Celandine Brandybuck Races/Places: Gondor:
Boromir and Faramir ID: 190
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke 2005-09-28 10:42:29
This is a lovely glimpse into the Steward's family life. I like that you've
depicted a thoughtful and politic Boromir and a Denethor who is firm but
Title: On the West Slopes of Mindolluin Author: Gwynnyd Races/Places:
Gondor: Boromir and Faramir ID: 576
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke 2005-09-28 10:45:25
This is a lovely vignette. I found your characterizations true and
thoughtful. You caught their unconscious competition, Boromir's frustration
with not being king, and Faramir's more wary nature very clearly.
Title: The Sky Wept Diamonds Author: Elen Kortirion Races/Places: Gondor:
Boromir and Faramir ID: 710
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke 2005-09-28 10:56:14
This is a remarkable tale. You did a wonderful job weaving so many threads
together: Boromir's bright and forceful character, the miriad superstitions
and rituals of birthing, Findiulas's heritage - how appropriate her son was
helped to birth by water! The voice of your narrator was clear and unique,
with both love for and caution at her mistress's difference heard.
Title: The Garden of Samwise Author: ErinRua Genres: Drama (includes
Angst): Drabble ID: 332
Reviewer: Marta 2005-09-28 11:11:56
This drabble reminds me of Gandalf's comment to Denethor that he (Gandalf)
is also a steward, and that he will have succeeded if anything good survives
the shadow that can flower again. Sam seems to have taken this spirit to
heart, and both the voice and the thoughts were very sam-like.
Title: Out of Doubt Author: Nessime Genres: Drama (includes Angst): War of
the Ring ID: 494
Reviewer: Marta 2005-09-28 11:12:26
You know, the quote that this most calls to mind has nothing to do with
Eomer or even Rohan. I'm thinking of what someone says to Aragorn (Gimli, I
think? Sorry, I don't have the time to look it up) that what hope is there
with Gandalf gone, and Aragorn says they must do without hope. Eomer seems
to be channeling that same spirit, and it seems very Tolkienesque. Nice
insight into his mind!
Title: Not Permitted Author: Tanaqui Genres: Humor: Drabble ID: 545
Reviewer: Marta 2005-09-28 11:12:57
So many "Boromir lives" AU pieces have been done, it's hard to believe there
could ever be a creative angle left to take. But Tanaqui has taken a fairly
minor fact, that the steward can't leave Gondor, and taken it to its natural
conclusion. All of the characterisations here were very believable, and the
humour was sharp.
Title: Entitlement Author: Tanaqui Genres: Humor: Metafic ID: 537
Reviewer: Marta 2005-09-28 11:13:31
You know, it's one thing to be bothered by some trend or fanon and to rant
about it to everyone who stands still (Not that that's not also allowed...).
It's quite another thing to have the distance from that subject to turn it
into something this funny. All of the points are well done, but the humor
Tanaqui has infused into this short piece are what makes it so memorable --
and ultimately get the reader to sit up and listen. I still remember the
brainstorming session where we came up with all those names for Aragorn, and
the way she used them is truly inspired, as is the "*very* good friends"
woman. And I had completely missed that reference to Faramir's restraint
giving way. That made me laugh outloud this time around. Very nice read.
Title: No Other Choice Author: LadyAranel Races/Places: Cross-Cultural:
Drabble ID: 456
Reviewer: Marta 2005-09-28 11:14:12
Very clever. I really like how you write dwarves, Lady Aranel, they always
have so much dwarven spirit infused into them. And it's amazing the amount
of humor you packed into such a short scene.
Title: Blood and Warm Blankets Author: Kielle Genres: Humor: Metafic ID:
Reviewer: Altariel 2005-09-28 11:40:41
One of the funniest, most knowing pieces of fanfic I've read. There are very
few stories which manage to have a quotable line - this has several, and one
of them is from the author's notes. ("Legolas/Gimli. I know the old rascal
meant that one.") A classic.
Title: Butterbur and the King Author: Eledhwen Books/Time: Post-Ring War:
Vignette ID: 261
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 14:11:58
I love Barliman's "voice" in this story, and the way he is utterly taken by
Arwen, and his amazement at it all. Very nice!
Title: In Thranduil's Halls Author: Gwynnyd Books/Time: Post-Ring War:
Vignette ID: 1304
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 14:14:56
A perfect look at what the passage of time and the friendship of mortals
means to Legolas. I really love his startlement, as he realizes *he* is
responsible for wearing the stone away.
Title: Watery Grave Author: Ijemanja Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Vignette
ID: 1074
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 14:19:06
A very strange and poetical piece, eerie, and not at all what you would
expect. An interesting concept.
Title: Wizard's Watch Author: Pipspebble Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings
ID: 1227
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 14:45:29
Just a gorgeous Gandalf-Pippin moment, filling in that little gap during the
ride to Minas Tirith. Although Gandalf is gruff with the hobbits, it's quite
clear how fond he is of them, how much he loves them. In this little ficlet,
he gets to say so. *happy sigh*
Title: Isildur's Inheritance Author: Gwynnyd Books/Time: The Lord of The
Rings ID: 1299
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 14:48:00
I love how subtle the Ring is, dragging on his thoughts and movements before
he is aware of them; and I love how it is the very thought of Arwen that
checks the Ring's blandishments. The Ring had no true concept of what love
really meant, and was bound to get it wrong.
Title: Another Bride Author: Isil Elensar Books/Time: The Lord of The
Rings ID: 426
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 14:52:59
A very interesting AU concept, and one that is seldom explored. Meril sounds
like an intriguing OFC.
Title: In the Dark Author: Ariel Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings ID:
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 14:56:40
A very dark and angsty look at Frodo's thoughts when they come to the last
part of the journey to the mountain. Very much as I would have imagined;
well done.
Title: Love and Healing Author: pippinfan88 Books/Time: The Lord of The
Rings: Hobbits ID: 1035
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 14:59:41
This is such a sweet and tender story, with a bit of humor, and a very tiny
bit of romance, though of an innocuous and innocent sort. I like very much
the idea that Pippin is trying to help heal the City, or that Merry would
help him. A favorite of mine.
Title: Hoped, At Least Author: Dana Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings:
Hobbits ID: 1131
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 15:03:36
A stream of consciousness look at Pippin's thoughts on the way to, and just
before, the Last Battle. Hope, both the having of it, and the lack of it,
runs as the thread throughout, until only one forlorn hope is left.
Beautiful and lyrical and very well done.
Title: The Dark Places Author: Citrine Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings:
Hobbits ID: 1152
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 15:08:09
What a perfect look at what it must have been like in Moria, the light
joking hobbity words contrasting starkly with their dark and helpless
thoughts! I liked the ending, with its repitition of the beginning; very
well balanced.
Title: All Else Fades Author: Claudia Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings:
Hobbits ID: 1263
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 15:10:33
A very angsty movie verse look at Sam's thoughts when he held the Ring.
Title: Cormallen Author: Mariposa Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings:
Incomplete ID: 807
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 15:15:54
This is one of the most heart-wrenching peices on Pippin's injuries after
the Last Battle I have ever read. The description of his painful cries as he
is taken from the battlefield to Cormallen had me wincing in sympathy. I
love Legolas and Gimli in this, so very gentle with him, and so worried. I
sincerely hope that it does in fact, get finished.
Title: Caught Between the Light and Dark Author: Budgielover Books/Time:
The Lord of The Rings: Incomplete ID: 874
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 15:18:26
I look forward constantly for updates of this WIP. The author specializes in
suspenseful gapfillers, and this is no exception every chapter ends in a
nail-biting cliffhanger. I love her determined Frodo, her patient Sam, her
brilliant Merry and her hyper Pippin. Boromir comes off very well indeed in
this one.
Title: Travel Times in Middle-earth Author: sulriel Genres: Non-Fiction
ID: 144
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 15:26:14
This is one of the most fascinating and useful pieces of information on the
web for a writer of Tolkien fanfic. I have several stories I would have been
completely at sea with if I had not had this most useful source of

One of the best parts is the listing of two travel times: one, a journey
taken at a normal pace, and not trying to particularly hurry, and two, a
journey of some urgency, ridden flat out as fast as possible. It's amazing
that the difference can actually be as much as it is.

I also like the way the distances are listed, and the to-from listing, and
the mentions of the differences between cart-travel and horseback, and what
a pony can do.

An invaluable resource and I highly reccommend it.
Title: Three Strands of Golden Hair Author: Werecat Genres: Romance:
Poetry ID: 270
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 15:28:32
Lovely and well-done, it is only appropriate that the Lockbearer's thoughts
should be captured in poetry.
Title: Elanor Author: Fileg Genres: Romance: Poetry ID: 340
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 15:31:01
Very well done! The imagery sharp and romantic, as fits the subject, and I
do so love a structured poem. This one doesn't have a single wrong syllable.
I love the way he muses on both the flower elanor, and on his love.
Title: Circle of Light Author: White Gull Books/Time: The Lord of The
Rings: Poetry ID: 1208
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 15:34:22
Beautiful. I love the way it goes back and forth between the star and the
Title: Brown Spirit Author: Werecat Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings:
Poetry ID: 367
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 15:36:41
I am not sure what JRRT would have thought of his very English tale being
cast into haiku, a very oriental poetic form. But I'd like to think he'd
appreciate these, on behalf of a very neglected character. I especially like
the last one.
Title: Craft-masters' Song Author: Werecat Books/Time: The Lord of The
Rings: Poetry ID: 129
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 15:39:05
I like the strength of the words and meter in this, very solid and hard,
like Dwarves. I also wonder if the poet is not having a tiny bit of ironic
humor in her choice of "Hey Ho!" for repetition?
Title: Close your Eyes Author: Werecat Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings:
Poetry ID: 95
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 15:40:06
This truly does sound like the kind of lullaby a Dwarf would sing.
Title: The Confused Elf Author: Kenaz Genres: Humor: Metafic ID: 187
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 15:42:08
Poor Haldir! I love this sly dig at the movies, both lampooning it and
honoring it at the same time. It's certainly harder than he thought to
convince anyone he's not dead.
Title: A Long, Unexpected Drabble Author: Elena Tiriel Genres: Humor:
Metafic ID: 193
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 15:43:58
This should come with a beverage warning. I just love the way she works it
out at the end--by not. And it does sound entirely familiar to anyone who's
ever written a drabble.
Title: Blood and Warm Blankets Author: Kielle Genres: Humor: Metafic ID:
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 15:46:25
A sly parody of every slash cliche you can imagine. Poor Eomer and Faramir,
doomed to be thought of like that whether anything happens or not. *chuckle*
Very deft.
Title: Homecoming Author: Tanaqui Genres: Romance ID: 541
Reviewer: Marta 2005-09-28 17:58:30
I think my favourite part of all of Tanaqui's stories in her Faramir/Eowyn
arc is how she blends the public and the private aspects of those in a
position of power. Last year I remarked how in "Kindred Desires", while the
private scenes are by no means lacking, it is the interactions between
Faramir and Aragorn as they prepare for the weddings, and the wedding
ceremonies themselves, that truly delight me.

"Homecoming" is no different in this regard. We begin with descriptions of
the journey from Edoras to Minas Tirith, with moments of quiet tenderness
but also welcome interactions between the principal characters. Aragorn's
welcoming of Arwen, Eowyn's desire to see her horse to the stables, and the
less than joyful introduction to the staff are all brilliantly done, but it
was really Hallas that made me sit up and take notice. A young boy barely
old enough to be in service, he was simply a delight to see. I would love to
see him in some of Tanaqui's future pieces, if he fits, because he seems
like there is more to him than we've been shown.

Also, Tanaqui does a fine job of creating a sense of politics in the Fourth
Age: what needs to be done in Ithilien, the shortage of servants and Eowyn's
creative way to feel it, the phantoms of the past that seem to haunt the
house, the ever-present sense of politics (both in Faramir's and Aragorn's
talk in the first chapter and the fact that Aragorn has to limit him to an
hour of work the next day), Eowyn's fear of creating political problems
through her social ineptitude. All wonderful glimpses of a world Tolkien
never really went into.

And of course I am not describing certain other parts of particularly the
last chapter, in order to keep this review PG. Those of you who know this
piece (including the author) know what I'm talking about. I think very, very
highly of those scenes as well. :-D Thank you, Liz, for a simply delightful
moment as the Steward's household is resettled.
Title: First Anniversary Author: Tanaqui Genres: Romance: Drabble ID: 538
Reviewer: Marta 2005-09-28 18:08:04
Another great drabble for Liz. These Faramir/Eowyn ones always astound me
because she seems to really get to the heart of their relationship (or at
least one aspect of it) in such a short number of words, while at the same
time never failing to give us a concrete feel for the scene she's
describing. This one is no exception. I really like how Liz captures how
both Faramir and Eowyn know what the other desires.
Title: Nothing to fear but fear itself Author: Tanaqui Genres: Romance:
Drabble ID: 1350
Reviewer: Marta 2005-09-28 18:19:34
This drabble is both sad and happy, yet the two don't seem at odds. I can
definitely understand Faramir's hesittion, but it almost feels like he's
still suffering from the lingering after-effects of the Black Breath. Good
thing he has Eowyn to convince him thatr yes, he is worthwhile and deserves
happiness (and good that he can do likewise for her).
Title: Now in silence, now in speech Author: Tanaqui Genres: Romance:
Drabble ID: 1389
Reviewer: Marta 2005-09-28 18:25:50
This is another great moment in the life of the first couple of Ithilien. As
with all of Tanaqui's stuff, this isn't the first time I've read it, but I
always see new things in what I read. This time I focused on the modes of
story-tellings: how the Eorling Eowyn is able to take joy out of tales she
believes come from a book while the Gondorian Faramir is instead of
embracing the oral culture of his wife's people. It's a really nice way to
look at how each is adapting to the heritage brought to their marriage by
the other.
Title: Risk and Reward Author: Tanaqui Genres: Romance: Drabble ID: 1364
Reviewer: Marta 2005-09-28 18:30:56
I am always amazed at how erotic Liz can make a drabble. This is no
exception in that regard, but it's the last line of this that truly
impresses me. The thought that Eowyn is his "salvation" in a way, in return
for his role in overthrowing a dark lord, a gift to him that parallels in
his mind the gift of the Valar of Numenor... yes, I can see that very well.
As always, simply beautiful.
Title: The White City Author: Forodwaith Genres: Drama (includes Angst):
Gondor Drabble ID: 21
Reviewer: Marta 2005-09-28 18:46:09
Someone (maybe Dwim?) asked for drabbles one year involving Beregond, and a
lotg of people wrote Bergil trying to convince his father to let him stay.
it's a natural moment, and most of those are excellent, but the result is
that I always think that moment's been covered from every conceivable angle.
But apparently I was wrong, as Forodwaith gives us a very nice insight into
the scene, using a deathbead promise to Bergil's mother as the catalyst for
some nice insights. Very well done, Forodwaith.
Title: Long Leagues for Little Legs Author: Fadagaski Books/Time:
Gap-Filler ID: 628
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke 2005-09-28 19:40:47
This story remains a favorite, reinforced by this rereading. Sam's intent
and incisive common wisdom is wonderful, as is Boromir's corresponding
chagrin and sincere humility. But what continues to delight is the charm of
this unlikely pairing. It was a long way to ... where they were going, and
it's hard to imagine how well the travelers must have gotten to know one
another. Fadaski helps us realize that here.
Title: Under the Lonely Mountain Cold Author: Marta Races/Places:
Villains: Poetry ID: 965
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 19:47:37
A wonderful telling of the taking back of the Lonely Mountain, in the style
of the song the Dwarves sang at Bilbo's. The meter scans perfectly, and it
sounds very much like a song that the Dwarves might have come to sing.
Title: Death Doth Come Author: Marta Races/Places: Villains: Poetry ID:
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 19:49:34
This really sounds canon, like they might be verses JRRT wrote, and then
decided for one reason or another, not to include. The second verse most
especially reall evokes the feeling of the Barrow-downs chapter. Brrrr...
Title: Second Watch Author: Gwynnyd Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble ID:
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke 2005-09-28 19:50:07
Wow ... a tough one. You start out so simply and then drop the bomb on us.
It's a terribly interesting and contrary idea that Boromir would wish his
father to have kept him in Gondor.
Title: In the Wild Author: Forodwaith Genres: Horror ID: 304
Reviewer: Marta 2005-09-28 19:52:00
I usually associate Forodwaith with drama, and she writers interactions
between people well. There is some of that especially near the beginning of
this piece, but she really shows here her skill for action, and for keeping
the pace up while not sparing the details, and the sense of horror feels
real throughout.
Title: Heirs of Isildur Author: Dwimordene Races/Places: Men: Eriador ID:
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 19:52:02
Poor Aragorn, most eligible bachelor among the Dunadain. I can imagine the
hearts breaking all over the North, when he plights his troth to Arwen.
Title: No Rival Author: Tanaqui Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble ID: 544
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke 2005-09-28 19:52:48
Very insightful, Tanaqui, to compare these two and reverse the typical
perception - that Arwen would have felt secure and Eowyn jealous. Nicely
Title: The Other Day Author: Space Weavil Books/Time: Post-Ring War ID:
Reviewer: Alassante 2005-09-28 20:00:30
Ents? A story about ents??? Who would have thunk it? Certainly not I. I am a
strictly Elf/human girl. Hobbits and dwarves aren't even my thing and when
people write about the bad guys it just confuses me but ents?? Needless to
say, I was mighty surprised to read this story. Yet Spaceweavil has taken
two original characters and made them so powerful and symbolic for the
changes that have occured over the past centuries. The damage that we have
done to mankind as well as mother nature and earth's natural resources. And
telling it from the ent's standpoint made it more poignant because they are
the epitome of the goodness of nature. Its a beautiful story and worthy of
much praise.
Title: The Comfort of Good Friends Author: SilverMoonLady Books/Time:
Gap-Filler: Hobbits ID: 626
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke 2005-09-28 20:02:52
There is so much about this story to like ... that it's a marvelous and
plausible gap-filler, the interplay between Sam and Merry - rarely (ever?)
seen alone together, your writing ... but I think my favorite parts are the
aphorisms and idioms you used/invented. They are fabulously original and
perfectly appropriate - gave me an appreciative and jealous laugh every one!
Title: Maturity Author: Forodwaith Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble
ID: 381
Reviewer: Marta 2005-09-28 20:07:05
This is so true. You don't need to be a king to realise that you think you
have reached your maturity and then realise that some new situation will
challenge you to grow yet further, when you realise you're just not up to
it. nice use of both crosscultural elements and the aftereffects of the Ring
War to bring that point out.
Title: Kindred Spirits Author: Elana Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble
ID: 299
Reviewer: Marta 2005-09-28 20:13:11
One of the things I love best about Forodwaith is her ability to put unusual
characters together. This piece definitely qualifies under that motif. I
never would have expected Celebrian to have a connection with Frodo, but
here Forodwaith pulls that off very well - to the furthering of both their
Title: The Last Good Day of the Year Author: Talullah Genres: Romance:
Rivendell ID: 618
Reviewer: mirasaui 2005-09-28 20:28:38
The story is set in Imladris during the end of the harvest season before the
traditional celebration of ShadowFest, when the old year dies and the new
one begins. It is the poignant tale of two lovers, Lindir and Rumil, who
after a decade apart, try to reconcile their differences and re-kindle their
broken relationship. Rumil is a free spirit, whose foreign ways shock and
enthrall Lindir. He is quiet but states his wants boldly. Lindir is nave,
bound by convention, with a stereotypical view of the world. Though their
desire is strong, lack of communication eventually causes the relationship
to falter until a final quarrel in the aftermath of Celebrians assault by
orcs, sends Rumil back to Lothlorien. Lindir, over the decade they are
apart, writes Rumil love letters but leaves them unsent, hidden in a drawer.
Each longs for the other but makes no move to reconcile, until Haldirs
brothers push Rumil to do so.

Talullahs wonderful descriptions and dialogue make the story come alive. The
characters are not typical nor are they heroic. It is their flaws that make
them endearing and their sense of sadness. Lindir ignores Rumils faults,
suffering in silence, re-living memories of happier moments. Rumil counters
by running away, easing his hurt in the hunt or the company of the wood. In
the long years of their separation, each pines for the other. The few
letters Lindir writes in the beginning go unanswered. The rest are never
seen. When the finally meet again, each realizes they must talk, yet they
procrastinate, worried that what little love between them remains, will end.
Interwoven with the struggle of the pair to renew what has died, is the
cycle of the harvest. This touch of allegory and metaphor makes each moment
more poignant. The story is bittersweet and the ending fitting with a lovely
line that ties it all together.

Title: Letter From Elladan Author: Jay of Lasgalen Races/Places: Elves:
Imladris ID: 1080
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 21:09:01
The letter was so stark in its simplicity, laying out in bare terms what
Elladan was sure would happen; the epilogue would at first seem
anticlimatic, but it gives Elrond the chance to finally understand what his
sons--all of them--had truly faced. Very well done.
Title: Under the Bed Author: Piplover Genres: Humor: Hobbits ID: 1192
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 21:13:41
This story is so funny and sweet. I love the care with which the Fellowship
sees its youngest member off to bed, and Frodo's and Merry's embarassment at
the tale. Obviously ashamed of themselves for doing something that scarred
Pip for life, they reluctantly admit their youthful prank. I love that for
once, Sam is not taking Frodo's side, and the ending is just priceless, LOL!
Title: Awakening To Sleep Author: Piplover Genres: Humor: Hobbits ID: 819
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 21:16:17
This is hilarious, in spite of the serious undertones. A reaction to being
wrongly medicated is a serious matter, yet Pippin's confusion, and the way
he manages to get everyone involved in it is laugh out loud funny. I love
Aragorn's anger with the healers involved. But Merry's and Frodo's reactions
to Pip's outrageous statements are so funny!
Title: Counting Author: Piplover Genres: Drama (includes Angst): War of
the Ring ID: 1162
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 21:20:41
So sad and so sweet, it made me all sniffly. The contrast between the
light-hearted children's rhymes and the dark endings Pippin's mind supplied
makes this especially haunting. So nice to see Frodo, comforting his
youngest cousin.
Title: Silence In The Night Author: Piplover Genres: Drama (includes
Angst): Post-Ring War ID: 812
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 21:23:03
A nice conflation of book and movie verse; poor Merry's nightmare, and his
friends' inability to convince him it was a dream is heartbreaking, as was
poor Pippin's inability to find solace in song. The conclusion of course was
foregone, and yet very sweet for all that.
Title: Trust to Hope Author: Novedhelion Genres: Romance ID: 1294
Reviewer: Ariel 2005-09-28 21:23:45
This author suggested I read this about a year ago when it was up for a
nomination in another awards category. I started it then and though I am
mostly a hobbit person, I found her story interesting and credible. I've
managed to read a bit more of it since, but must regretfully admit I won't
finish it for the contest - still, it is a very easy read and engaging
enough to keep the interest.
Title: Go to Sleep Author: Piplover Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings:
Post-Ring War ID: 1136
Reviewer: Dreamflower 2005-09-28 21:26:39
A classic Pippin hurt/comfort, with Pippin troubled with illness on the way
to Rohan as the Fellowship prepares to say farewell. The various comforts
offered him are tender and affectionate. I love the relationship that
Aragorn, especially displays here. But the epilogue--ah, now that was
piercingly and sweetly sad. Poor Aragorn.
Title: Cormallen Author: Mariposa Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings:
Incomplete ID: 807
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan 2005-09-28 22:16:22
This story, which needs to be given more chapters sometime soon, focuses
mostly on Pippin, and the reaction of the conscious members of the
Fellowship to his injuries. The characterizations are strong and sure -- and
I especially appreciate Gimli and Legolas here, as well as Gandalf's promise
to tell Pippin stories about his ancestors.
Title: Prayer Author: illyria-pffyffin Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Hobbits
ID: 887
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan 2005-09-28 22:19:06
Legolas gives Merry a great deal to think about, and another option during
his long wait at Cormallen in this lyrical story. As always, Illyria finds
images and phrases which strike for the heart of a reader.
Title: A Mist of Tears and Weariness Author: Dreamflower Books/Time:
Post-Ring War: Friendship ID: 981
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan 2005-09-28 22:22:29
You'd think there would be more stories where Gandalf and Merry share a
quiet moment, although they would have a hard time living up to this one.
That both of them feel a responsibility for what has happened, and see
themselves being the one to tell the families left behind the story is a
great insight into the aspect of their natures which they share.
Title: New Home Author: Tanaqui Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Ithilien
Drabble ID: 20
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan 2005-09-28 22:24:23
Bergil and Bergond, hooray! And in this short drabble we see not only their
new lives being formed, but catch the echo of the price which their old life
had cost them. Well done!
Title: Distance Author: Ancalime8301 Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings:
Post-Ring War ID: 659
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan 2005-09-28 22:30:02
This is one of those stories that make you wish you'd written it. Pippin's
observations of Sam and Frodo during the long wagon ride from the Black Gate
to the Field of Cormallen are sharp and bitter, but still feel very much
like Pippin. What I liked best about it, though was the interplay between
Aragorn and Gimli -- the medicine which Pippin took in spite of the taste,
the way that Gimli has been left to guard the three hobbits, and Aragorn's
concern when Pippin falls into asking the same question he'd asked before.

In fact, if I were going to make a complaint at all, it's that I wish there
were more!
Title: Flutterby Author: Piplover Genres: Drama (includes Angst):
Post-Ring War ID: 876
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan 2005-09-28 22:32:38
Short and sweet, this story still manages to get in some deft bits of
characterization, particularly for Pippin, Aragorn, and Gandalf.
Title: Stay Here With Me Author: Marigold Genres: Drama (includes Angst):
War of the Ring ID: 1173
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan 2005-09-28 22:35:31
Ah, angst! Merry's memories of Pippin as a child only make the present more
terrifying as he waits to learn if Pippin will survive his injuries.
Title: Light out of Darkness Author: Shirebound Books/Time: Post-Ring War:
Gap-Filler ID: 895
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan 2005-09-28 22:40:25
Each scene in this story could stand on its own, but the wonderful thing is
the way in which they all work together to give us a larger story about
Frodo and the power of Light in his healing and in the lives he touches. And
of course I love the first chapter, with Sam certain that he and Frodo will
find something to <i>do</i> to help others at Cormallen!
Title: Bed of Roses Author: Vistula the Dunadan Books/Time: The Lord of
The Rings: Hobbits ID: 793
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan 2005-09-28 22:44:51
I admit it, I love any story where Frodo is thinking about the costs of the
Quest to Sam, and this one is going on my little list. It's so nice to have
Rosie seen as a healing influence by Frodo, too! And the way that the title
is twisted at the end into a different kind of bed made me smile.
Title: The Courtship of Samwise Gamgee Author: Lindelea Races/Places:
Hobbits: Poetry ID: 463
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan 2005-09-28 22:46:37
This is just silly. And I must say, "Hooray for silliness!" because we all
need more delights like this to brighten our days.
Title: Passwords Author: White Gull Genres: Humor ID: 1210
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan 2005-09-28 22:48:42
*snicker* Now that wasn't what I expected at all. Poor Legolas! To have to
travel with all these "experienced" fellows! What fun!
Title: Starlight, Starbright Author: Mariposa Genres: Humor: Hobbits ID:
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan 2005-09-28 22:50:20
Another good laugh to end my reading day. I love the various ways that the
different members of the Fellowship see the same constellation, but it's the
failed attempts by the older hobbits to keep a lid on Pippin's enthusiasm
that really makes this story worth a second (and third) read!
Title: A Letter Home Author: Llinos Races/Places: Hobbits: Pippin ID: 761
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan 2005-09-28 22:51:30
Very Pippinish. It makes you wonder if his parents would be more alarmed by
the contents of the letter or reassured by the breezy garrulity of its

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