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Msg# 547

Intro and some noms Posted by c1nnam0ngrr1 May 08, 2004 - 15:54:48 Topic ID# 547
Hi! I'm Cinnie. Been writing fic for almost a year now, primarily
crossovers but also non-cross stuff in the LotR, BtVS/AtS, HP, and
PotC fandoms. Of the four, LotR is by far my favourite, and comprises
the greatest part of my work.

I'm a medieval history buff, a canon and grammar nazi, slavishly
eager for concrit of my work, and have an unhealthy fixation on
various elves of our mutual acquaintance.

Someone said that there's not a lot of recs out there for crossovers.
Let's see if I can't do something about that.


*Nominator's name: CinnamonGrrl

*Story Title: Between the Shadow and the Soul: The Gift of Death

*Story Author: CinnamonGrrl

*Author's E-mail Address: cinnamongrrl @ popullus . net

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Crossover
2nd: Drama
3rd: Lord of the Rings

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Bit of violence, bit of
romance, no sex in main story (softcore romance novelish smut in the
out-take chapters that are separate from the main story, but you
don't need to read them to follow the story-- skip right over).

*Summary: Epic. Yes, another Buffy-jumps-into-the-portal-and-ends-up-
in-Middle-Earth fic but give it a shot, eh? This one's different.

*Nominator's name: CinnamonGrrl

*Story Title: Between the Shadow and the Soul: Without (complete)

*Story Author: CinnamonGrrl

*Author's E-mail Address: cinnamongrrl @ popullus . net

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Crossover
2nd: Drama
3rd: Lord of the Rings

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): This one's got softcore
romance-novelish smut sprinkled throughout.

*Summary: Sequel to TGoD. Epic. Magical love, mystical portals
dropping modern chicks into Middle-Earth. Haldir gets what's coming
to him, but there's always a catch.

*Nominator's name: CinnamonGrrl

*Story Title: The Fall of Night (complete)

*Story Author: CinnamonGrrl

*Author's E-mail Address: cinnamongrrl @ popullus . net

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no sex, no obscenity, a
little violence.

*Summary: Elrond, Haldir, and an old friend make a wager... can the
twins and Rumil make a humourless young woman laugh?

*Nominator's name: CinnamonGrrl

*Story Title: Not Fire, Not Ice (WIP)

*Story Author: CinnamonGrrl

*Author's E-mail Address: cinnamongrrl @ popullus . net

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no sex, no obscenity, a
little violence.

*Summary: Sequel to The Fall of Night. Naure is orc-napped whilst on
her way to Lothlorien to regain her memories. Haldir sets out to
rescue her, but will he get more than he bargains for?

*Nominator's name: CinnamonGrrl

*Story Title: Unrequited: Gilraen (complete)

*Story Author: CinnamonGrrl

*Author's E-mail Address: cinnamongrrl @ popullus . net

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Drama

Subcategory: Angst

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): little bit of sexual
reference, nothing bad, and done quickly

*Summary: A young widow burns for what can never be hers.

*Nominator's name: CinnamonGrrl

*Story Title: The Yellow Bird (complete)

*Story Author: CinnamonGrrl

*Author's E-mail Address: cinnamongrrl @ popullus . net

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Romance
2nd: Humour
3rd: Elves

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): slightly more adult
themes than mere G rating.

*Summary: The only hint Orophin has of his secret admirer's identity
is a yellow bird, but with his meddling brothers involved, will he
*ever* learn who she is?

Msg# 574

Re: Intro Posted by Moralanqua May 09, 2004 - 7:19:00 Topic ID# 547
I've heard of you! I think you fancy me and you followed me here...

Anna - am i supposed to nominate folks as well?

Moralanqua at:

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 582

Re: Intro Posted by Andreth/Anna May 09, 2004 - 11:41:00 Topic ID# 547
--- In, Moralanqua <scarlettangel_22@y...>
> I've heard of you! I think you fancy me and you followed me here...
> Anna - am i supposed to nominate folks as well?
>Whatever you need to tell yourself, Mora. :-D

You don't have to nominate people, but it would be nice if you did.
Especially if you know of any good crossovers.


> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 597

Re: Question for Anna Posted by Moralanqua May 09, 2004 - 17:42:42 Topic ID# 547
I have a crossover in mind - what do i have to do?

Moralanqua at:

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 606

Re: Question for Anna Posted by Andreth/Anna May 09, 2004 - 20:41:53 Topic ID# 547
--- In, Moralanqua <scarlettangel_22@y...>
> I have a crossover in mind - what do i have to do?

Fill out this nomination form and post it back to the list. Then I'll
enter the information into the nominations table for that category.
Or if you have any stories you want to nominate in the other
categories at the bottom of the nomination form, throw them in there,
too. As much as you read, Mora, I know you've got a couple of other
possibles squirreled away in that head of yours.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:

*Story Title:

*Story Author:

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings
