*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar
*Story Title: It's In His Eyes
*Story Author: Larian Elensar
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Silmarillion
2nd: Elves
3rd: Numenor
Subcategory (suggest something): Rings of Power
*Rating: G
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Elros and
Elrond have not made their choice yet. Elros chose mortality. Maybe
Celebrimbor was part of the reason.
*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar
*Story Title: Swept Away
*Story Author: Larian Elensar
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Elves
3rd: Rohan
Subcategory (suggest something):
*Rating: R
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Implied sex, slash
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Rúmil/Theodred
*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Haldir and
Rúmil are on a scouting mission and end up getting separated. Rúmil
ends up in Rohan.
*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar
*Story Title: Stop That, You'll Only Hurt Yourselves
*Story Author: AlexCat and Larian Elensar
*Author's E-mail Address:
alex_cat_45@yahoo.com and
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Elves
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):
*Rating: R
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Implied sex, slash
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The elflords
find all sorts of trouble when they go in search of another drink.
*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar
*Story Title: Keeper Of The Flame
*Story Author: Larian Elensar
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Romance
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Post-LOTR or Valinor
*Rating: R
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Non-graphic Sexual
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Celeborn/Galadriel
*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Galadriel is
crossing the sea after the war of the ring. This is what she's
thinking about on the ship to Valinor.