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Msg# 5582

Today's Reviews...This is going to take a few posts.... #2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel October 03, 2005 - 0:32:36 Topic ID# 5582
Okay, make that 500 or so, it's too late to change it back to 250 per page

Title: On Becoming An
<> Adventurer ·
Author: Piplover
0> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Hurt/Comfort · ID: 1161
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 19:48:04 Score: 3
Pippin's determination to live up to his new responsibilities and not be "a
bother" is given a good basis in his growing understanding of how much he
has changed since he left the Shire -- and I do believe that the other
hobbits' intended cure for what ails him is a recognition of the changes
too, but also of the things that have stayed the same.
Title: Caught Between
<> the Light and
Dark · Author: Budgielover
1> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Incomplete · ID: 874
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 19:51:43 Score: 3
I've been following this story along as it has grown and I'm getting short
on fingernails! It's a marvelous cliffhanger, with more than one member of
the Fellowship imperilled, and with the strong characterizations which are a
trademark of Budgielover's work.
Title: Close your
<> Eyes · Author:
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Poetry · ID: 95
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 19:53:27 Score: 1
Ah, that's cute!
Title: Abrecan <> · Author:
9> · Races/Places: Rohan: Original Characters · ID: 433
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 19:59:21 Score: 6
Ooo yeah bravo! Lovely! One of the things that amazes me about this author,
is that english is NOT her native language. I was aquainted with her for
some months before I learned this! I am in awe of those who can speak more
that one language, but to also craft a story in a second language awes me
all the more.

This story is wonderful! A rocky start for such a close relationship to
come. I'm not completely familiar with the characters in this styory, but
That didn't matter. It was proved all the more a wonderful story in that I
was able to enjoy it nonetheless. Made me wanna go find a horsey companion

Fantastically done Rhapsody!! As always! I enjoy your stories!
Title: Namesake
> · Author: Ruby
2> Nye · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War · ID: 271
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:04:15 Score: 7
Ruby has a great sense of the difference between the way a child sees the
world and the way an adult does, and this story clearly shows that skill.
Farry Took feels like a real child, and he observes the things a child sees,
the things that are important to him because he is a child. There is a
marvelous physicality to the way that Pippin and Faramir (the grown up
Faramir) interact with each other -- a quick abandonment of formality that
speaks volumes about friendship and Faramir's understanding of the nature of
hobbits -- or at least of Tooks! And mixed in with the great story there is
a strong sense of time and place that shows up in the vocabulary. "Stone
fruit harvest" really struck me as the kind of time-identifier that would
make sense in a rural society like the Shire. All in all well worth the
Title: Runes in the leaves
<> · Author: Rhapsody
9> · Genres: Mystery · ID: 768
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 20:10:05 Score: 3
Way too short a review for a lovely little hobbit tale! I remember reading
this at Marigolds challenge and being intrigued by the mystery! Never did I
guess in the course of the story the true perpetrator of the crimes. A sweet
lovely tale from an author I enjoy finding stories from. I'm so thrilled she
wandered into the shire!
Title: Swords Returned <> ·
Author: Leaward
2> · Races/Places: Men: Eriador · ID: 172
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 20:13:16 Score: 5
Once again one of my FAVE authors comes through Beautifully! I do LOVE this
story! The basis of it is so beautifully thought out. The practical rangers
would not be able to carry each fallen comrade home, and so each one's U -
neek sword is brought home instead. How horrible it would be the one
carrying that extra sword/s. And Oh what a beautiful father son moment!!
Young Tarkil is JUST as wonderful as the adult he becomes. I Love his young
naive ideas, that he would like his own sword. Ah yes, brings me to tears
each time I read it. Big clapppings and crunchable birdses to Leaward!
Title: The Creation
<> of Horses ·
Author: Elwen_Aiwelinde
3> · Races/Places: Men: Poetry · ID: 275
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:14:04 Score: 6
I loved the urgency of the opening of this piece. Then, having got the full
attention, the telling of the myth itself.

At first it is black and quiet then gradually the awakening of the creatures
without form, until they are moulded by Bema.

I particularly liked how he colours them according to what is within the
earth and sky. The pace is picked up again as the poem concludes with the
sounding of the horn and the call for attention once more.

Excellent piece both in content and form, I dread to write structured prose,
but this is done well. The metre certainly suggested to me galloping horses
and much movement.
Title: Kingly <>
Gifts · Author: Dreamflower
5> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Friendship · ID: 831
Reviewer: Garnet
9> Took · 2005-10-02 20:15:35 Score: 4
Such a heartbreakingly beautiful story of grief and hope. Merry needing to
be beside Pippin just seems so right.

Dreamflower always paints such lovely pictures in a very few words. She is
one of the true masters of the drabble and short story.

One thing, besides the ending, that I liked about this story was Gandalf's
own misgivings about what had happened to the hobbits and how he would have
had to explain things to their relatives.

Great Job.
Title: Song of the
<> Faithful ·
Author: Ninquelosse
0> · Races/Places: Men: Poetry · ID: 498
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:18:36 Score: 2
I like how you have taken an original stanza from the hymn and built your
model around it. I think this works really well and, although I'm not sure
to which deity they are appealing, it is pious and evocotive of their plight
and demeanour.
Title: A Pint of Trouble <> · Author:
0> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: The Shire · ID: 890
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:21:55 Score: 3
Pippin is still learning how to talk, and his vocabulary gets an unexpected
(and unwanted) boost when Frodo and Merry make a visit to the pub with him
in tow.

Occasionally, I feel like there is a surfeit of small-Pippin stories out
there, but this story never makes me feel overloaded with sugar. I'm
laughing far too hard. Hooray!
Title: A Lullaby for
<> the Longest
Night · Author: Alawa
3> · Races/Places: Men: Poetry · ID: 503
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:24:28 Score: 3
Lyrical and pleasing. I enjoyed the rhyming couplets and I think they sit
well here, uncomplicated and something that could be dreamed up on the road
rather than a scholarly device. The sentiments are heartfelt but not cloying
and the whole is satisfying and a pleasant read.
Title: A Matter of
<> Time · Author:
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 514
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:32:27 Score: 4
This is a wonderful concept, exploring the reason that Elrond may have been
against Pippin's accompanying the Fellowship--and it's not because he's too
young. The idea that he might be a sort of catalyst, and that this is why
Elrond was at first against and then for it is very original. But what I
love best is at the end, Merry's discussion with Gandalf, and his answer to
how he feels about the Quest: "Look what we did." Absolutely perfect.
Title: The
Stubborness of Tooks · Author: Dreamflower
5> · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID: 918
Reviewer: Garnet
9> Took · 2005-10-02 20:33:30 Score: 3
Great story. Dreamflower nicely ties this story into her wider uniferse with
mentions of characters and events from other stories. I especially loved the
large pink rabbits. Paladin is both an annoying yet simpathitic character.
The whole thing was so believable.
Title: Creatures
<> of Habit
· Author: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 811
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:34:23 Score: 1
So sweet and beautiful. I love the way Pippin continues to show his love and
respect for Boromir for the rest of his life.
Title: In the Company
<> of Friends ·
Author: SlightlyTookish
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 830
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:36:14 Score: 2
I love this story of friendship between Pippin and Gimli, with a bit of h/c
for both of them. Pippin's concern for Gimli is touching, and Gimli
comforting Pip is so sweet.
Title: The
<> Prodigal
Took · Author: Lulleny
2> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: The Shire · ID: 1032
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:36:26 Score: 3
This is a powerful version of Pippin's return to the Great Smials, in no
small part because Lulleny has chosen to admit that not everything has come
around right just because the heroes are home. I don't know if she's written
a sequel, but I'd read it if she has.
Title: Prince of
<> Pride · Author:
> · Races/Places: Villains: Poetry · ID: 577
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:37:30 Score: 2
The rhyming scheme is a little wonky for a sonnet, but I'm old fashioned in
that way. Overall I liked the poem as it is full of depth and evocative of
the beginning of things. Manwe seems almost surprised at her choice but
pleased also of course.
Title: It Takes A
<> Took · Author:
5> · Races/Places: Hobbits: Pippin · ID: 823
Reviewer: Garnet
9> Took · 2005-10-02 20:38:15 Score: 3
One of the more clever Pippin meets Diamond stories. Diamond as a healer was
different, and quite pleasant. It certainly raised a whole new set of
issues. Ethics and traditions needed to be examined before the couple could
even begin a relationship. Very good story.
Title: Grasping at
<> Moonbeams
Glistening · Author: Werecat
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Post-War of the Ring · ID: 363
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:38:34 Score: 2
This story could have been a Mary Sue, but it is anything but. The OFC is a
believable and well rounded person, and her infatuation with Legolas and its
resolution are simple and realistic.
Title: Giving <>
Ground · Author: Suzene
0> Campos · Genres: Movie-verse: Vignette · ID: 1123
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:42:34 Score: 3
Legolas' moment of despair at Helm's Deep is enlarged and examined here, and
it isn't until a conversation with Gimli (one I would have dearly loved to
have seen in the film) that he comes to an understanding of why Aragorn has
chosen the way he has and what he has to accept in order to face the coming
Title: Under the Lonely Mountain Cold
<> · Author: Marta
> · Races/Places: Villains: Poetry · ID: 965
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:50:13 Score: 3
This was an excellent song! The rhythm worked well and the rhyming scheme is
cleverly done, especially the internal rhyme of the third line.

It also tells well the story of the slaying of Smaug and the reclaiming of
the treasure, just as one might imagine the dwarves would have told it -
especially in their cups!

Well done.
Title: When the
<> King Returned ·
Author: Ninquelosse
0> · Races/Places: Gondor: Original Characters · ID: 497
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:50:17 Score: 2
Of course there would have been doubts and fears among many of the common
people when they learned the King had returned. A realistic look at some of
Title: Ad Sum <> ·
Author: Dwimordene
· Races/Places: Gondor: Original Characters · ID: 693
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:52:21 Score: 2
And so there were those who were too humble for battle, who cleaned up its
aftermath, and tended to the dead. Very melancholy and insightful.
Title: An Act of
<> Desperation ·
Author: ShieldmaidenofRohan
6> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Incomplete · ID: 910
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:56:57 Score: 3
I'll cheerfully confess to not having read this entire story, but the early
chapters are well-written and show a strong sense of the lives and society
of the Rohirrim. Eowyn's voice is clear and her characterization so far is
sure-handed. I'm looking forward to finishing it when I have time.
Title: Renewed
Acquaintance · Author: Tanaqui
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Drabble · ID: 548
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:00:15 Score: 2
Interesting look at Aragorn, remembering his time as Thorongil, and Boromir
as a baby. I like the way he ponders what the son's differences from his
father might be.
Title: Time
<> in the
Ditch · Author: Dwimordene
· Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Drabble · ID: 253
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:01:54 Score: 1
A nice glimpse of Aragorn the wanderer, finding joy wherever he can.
Title: Bringing
<> the Sun ·
Author: Tanaqui
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Drabble · ID: 1382
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:02:08 Score: 2
Yes, it may have been irritating to have an Elf that could run on snow, but
without his encouragement, they might have given up. Very insightful.
Title: The Same Story <> ·
Author: Marta
> · Races/Places: Hobbits: Poetry · ID: 956
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 21:03:06 Score: 1
Don't know the song, but good verse comparing Frodo with Beren. The voices
of Sam and Frodo are true and it runs well.
Title: A Short <>
Rest · Author: Jay
4> of Lasgalen · Books/Time: The Hobbit · ID: 428
Reviewer: LOTR_lover
4> · 2005-10-02 21:03:19 Score: 3
A sweet vignette, not only about Estel meeting Bilbo and the dwarves, but
also about family life in Elrond's household in Imladris. I love all of your
stories, Jay (probably won't/or didn't get any others reviewed, darn it!)
and this one is no exception. Nice work.
Title: The <>
Room of Tears · Author: Elendiari22
3> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Gondor · ID: 759
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:05:11 Score: 4
This ficlet later inspired the author to write a longer tale based on the
same incident, but I love the way this can also stand on its own. There are
not many stories pairing Eowyn and Pippin, yet this makes it very
plausible--they are both young, impulsive and curious. Why not? And the
little story that accompanies the hidden room is chilling and sad. Wonderful
Title: Reunion
<> at Cormallen
· Author: Shirebound
5> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War · ID: 1116
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:08:35 Score: 3
This is a very different version of Cormallen than most. Though there's more
than a little h/c, it's far more light-hearted than most, and there is a
good bit of humor in the unusual situation that Aragorn and the hobbits find
themselves in. A very nice read.
Title: Hobbits: An
<> Owner's Guide
and Maintenance Manual · Author: Theresa
6> Green · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID: 1158
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:09:42 Score: 2
Oh, joy! I do love these owner guides. And this one had me smiling from the
beginning to end. I shall have to invest in locks for my
larders/freezers/etc. and get myself a set of hobbits, and soon!
Title: Two of A <>
Kind · Author: Gaslight
1> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War · ID: 1133
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:10:08 Score: 2
A very chilling look at what Wormtongue and Lotho might have had in
common--aside from sheer hatred of Saruman. Creepy, but in a way that
provides food for thought.
Title: Always <>
Dancing · Author: Mariposa
0> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Friendship · ID: 928
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:29:42 Score: 3
I can't believe I missed this! Pippin is teaching some of the hobbits who
want to learn swordplay, but all through the lesson are memories of Boromir
and the quest, and the lessons that he and Merry shared not all that long
before. The details are marvelous, and I absolutely howled at Pippin's
memory of Merry's comment concerning the proper grip.
Title: In <>
the Hands of the King · Author: Gwynnyd
6> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Gondor Drabble · ID: 22
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:33:51 Score: 2
Beregond really looks at his son, as if he's looking for damage, as the two
of them confront their fears and hopes in this brief, illuminating moment.
Title: An Unexpected Gift
<> · Author: Marta
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 584
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:35:47 Score: 1
Even a flawed gift can have value, if you know what to look for. An
interesting moment between Gandalf and Denethor.
Title: Kindred
<> Spirits ·
Author: Elana
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 299
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:38:02 Score: 1
I hadn't thought of this before, but it's true. A nice insight!
Title: Echo <> · Author:
5> Brooke · Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble · ID: 684
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:40:55 Score: 1
I like Pippin "touching everything" as if it will somehow summon Boromir to
come and yell at him.
Title: Interrupted
<> Journeys:
Part Three - Journeys Begin · Author: elliska
3> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Mirkwood · ID: 1311
Reviewer: Elena
7> Tiriel · 2005-10-02 21:42:15 Score: 7
The Interrupted Journeys series is a fascinating look at Thranduil and his
family throughout the Third Age, as they move their stronghold further North
and try to fend off the encroaching Darkness....

This (unfinished) story focuses on Thranduil's growing family, with Legolas
and various cousins, real and extended-family, still very young. But trouble
is brewing: a conspiracy has arisen against Thranduil amongst some of the
Elves in his realm, led by Marti, an unstable Noldorin elleth that we have
met in the other stories. And she appears to be conspiring with evil
Easterlings to attack the king's family; there are attempts to capture
Lindomiel and also Legolas.

This story ranges from delight in the antics of elflings to extreme tension
as Thranduil and his advisors discover the depths of the conspiracy. It's
very tense, and very exciting. I look forward to reading each chapter.

Title: A <>
Good Custom · Author: Tanaqui
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 1380
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:42:29 Score: 2
The joy of giving is a gift too. This is a nice interchange between Faramir
and Pippin, and one that has great appeal as a plotbunny for a larger story.
Title: The
<> Gift ·
Author: maranya14
0> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 480
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:44:23 Score: 1
Nicely done! One for the dwarves, and one for the men of Dale and as a
bonus, one for the hobbits as well!
Title: sworn brothers <> · Author:
1> · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 864
Reviewer: Lindelea
> · 2005-10-02 23:00:50 Score: 1
Shows promise; author can write dialogue and description but would do better
if heeding "canon".
Title: Homecoming
<> · Author:
> · Genres: Romance · ID: 541
Reviewer: Elena
7> Tiriel · 2005-10-02 23:09:06 Score: 8
"Homecoming" is a fascinating look into the relationship between Faramir and
Éowyn in the very early days of their marriage. It is a realistic look,
which means that it is not all sweetness and light. They are really learning
their new roles as spouses.

Éowyn is very unsure of herself, not understanding yet how Faramir responds
to some situations by withdrawing, not yet knowing how to initiate behaviors
from him, like sex, for example.

Faramir is still grieving over his father's death, and that affects his
ability to settle into the Steward's mansion with his new wife -- there are
too many memories, happy and not.

But the two of them find ways to create happier memories for the rooms in
the house... which is where Tanaqui's writing really shines. She does not
write smut -- she writes about realistic sexual activity... and sexual
activity isn't all hearts and flowers. Sometimes it is wonderful and
sometimes it is just plain uncomfortable and distasteful and upsetting; and
Tanaqui also shows that part.

And I love the very hopeful note that this story ends on. Very nice writing,

Title: Life in the Angle <>
· Author: Leaward
2> · Genres: Romance · ID: 181
Reviewer: MysteriousWays
2> · 2005-10-02 23:21:01 Score: 10
How do I love this story, let me count the ways.

Well, actually I will not count the ways as that is to near to organization.

This story goes where few have gone before. I think that is why I like it so
much. I read mostly fan fiction of hobbits. The problem with that is much of
it is rehashing the same plots with the same characters. So earlier this
year I started a C2 group at The purpose of the group is to
promote stories that use characters that are beyond the Fellowship. This
story and all of Leward's stories not only get away from the Fellowship but
she dares to dive into a little written of culture.

Tolkien wrote enough of the Dunedain into his stories to make it clear that
this people really mattered to him. But he never quite managed to find the
time to go into the tales of these people. Leaward picked up where Tolkien
left off. She did careful research as Tolkien would have done and came up
with a rich tapestry of details that I think the professor truly would have

I know there are readers out there who feel that there is not point to
writing fan fiction if you are not going to have it focus on the books
characters. But I see it differently. In a letter to his publisher Tolkien
said he hoped that others would be inspired by his work to expand upon it in
whatever ways they wished. Leaward has done this. In "Life in the Angle" she
paints a clear and inviting picture of this mysterious group of people that
lived in exile in Middle Earth. Aragorn's people.

Their story needed to be told and I think Leaward did that admirably. I love
her characters. I love her take on what the elves are like. Elrond's sons
are dignified and fun. I don't think I will ever be able to put a baby in a
crib again without thinking of them. Tarkil and Poppy perfectly show that
the true romance in marriage is the give and take and staying strong when
all around you is crumbling. Even the villians are wonderful. I absolutely
loved being ticked off at them.

This story is the direction I would like to see more fan fiction go. Telling
of the Fellowship by telling of the culture the members come from.

Title: Flowers
<> in
Disguise · Author: Holdur
8> · Races/Places: Hobbits · ID: 377
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:28:57 Score: 1
Sweet little Sam - trying so hard. But it's an important thing to learn -
and not only for a gardener.
Title: Under
<> Siege ·
Author: Forodwaith
> · Races/Places: Elves: Drabble · ID: 387
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:29:29 Score: 1
We forget sometimes that there were other battles outside of the Black Gate.
This reminds us, using deft imagery.
Title: A <>
Father’s Choice · Author: Elana
> · Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble · ID: 298
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:30:37 Score: 1
Lyrical language for a hard choice.
Title: Once
<> ·
Author: Meril
3> · Races/Places: Villains: Nazgul · ID: 485
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:35:01 Score: 2
How odd to think of the Ring being presented like a watch that fell off the
back of a truck, and yet it works well enough in this context.
Title: The One and
<> True Dark Lord
· Author: Werecat
> · Genres: Crossovers · ID: 358
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:37:56 Score: 2
I stumbled across this once before and it made me laugh then, too. How
appropriate that the megalomaniacs should be banished together, and how true
that their meeting would spark contempt!
Title: The
POrdinal=6> Swan Feather · Author: Starlight
5> · Genres: Romance: Vignette · ID: 50
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:39:01 Score: 3
How lovely to see the softer and more romantic side of one who is usually
portrayed as rather monstrous. Not only does he indulge Finduilas's
superstititions - he indulges in his own. Their marriage seems off to a
promising start. A most enjoyable tale.
Title: Winter <>
Solstice · Author: Fileg
6> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Gapfiller · ID: 727
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:42:01 Score: 3
Elrond faces his own doubts about the Fellowship in this vignette, but finds
hope too, in what is left when all the outer layers of defense have been
stripped away. The thought of them all agreeing to Boromir's horn cry at the
outset struck me most strongly here, but there is a great deal of strong
Title: Leaves
<> and
Stones · Author: Starlight
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Vignette · ID: 522
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:43:29 Score: 2
It is good to see Legolas discovering something while out of his comfort
zone - and observing something different about the dwarf while he does it.
Title: Uncover
SPOrdinal=16> the Past, Discover the Future · Author: Starlight
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Vignette · ID: 524
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:48:00 Score: 3
And so their relationship begins to build and develop understanding of one
for the other. Lothlorien is probably a good place for Gimli to read the
Book - and I hope he left it in Galadriel's safe-keeping when the Fellowship
moved on. I can't see it having survived the rest of the journey in Gimli's
Title: Keeping the
<> Watch · Author:
7> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Pre-War of the Ring · ID: 333
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:48:28 Score: 2
A chance enounter, made a distance, but still one which would have left a
strong impression I think. I love the hobbity details and the personalities
of the two hobbits as they observe the injured Ranger.
Title: Of Durin and
<> Kibil-nala ·
Author: Mantida
4> · Races/Places: Dwarves · ID: 473
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:53:46 Score: 2
The eloquent use of language, very like a formal tale from the Professor
himself, marks this "legend" about why Cirdan has a beard. And the way the
tale unfolds you find it hard to think of a flaw in it, as well. A happy
Title: The Eagle
<> Silmarillion ·
Author: Tehta
5> · Genres: Humor: Animals · ID: 554
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:56:40 Score: 3
Gravity! On you Wingless Ones! I just love Thorondor's embarrassment here.
And the Magpie One - who stole the shiny things. An eagle's perspective on
events is just so different. I loved his contempt for seagulls. (But at
least Elwing made it out in time!) A most enjoyable story.
Title: A Birthday
<> Party · Author:
> · Races/Places: Hobbits: Merry & Pippin · ID: 1171
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:57:36 Score: 1
Pippin has his own plans for Merry's birthday party, but at least they
include making sure the Merry has a good time!
Title: This
<> Silence ·
Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Elves · ID: 566
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
So poignant and so touching, it always makes me teary. The ending was the
last thing I expected first time I read it. Everything just falls together
brilliantly, the characters’ behaviour just fitting so well with one
another, despite the fact they are so different.
Title: Choose
<> Your Fate
· Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Races/Places: Elves: Poetry · ID: 568
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
An impressive feat of poetry, especially given every line rhymes! Rhyming
and getting a poem to make sense is a very difficult thing and you’d managed
it extremely well. For what is normally depicted as a very serious scene,
you’ve managed to inject humour, yet not lose the thoughtfulness.
Title: Ballad
> For Boromir And Legolas · Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Poetry · ID: 567
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
I love the formatting you apply to your poems, it really adds to the overall
effect. Once again, you manage to inject a subtle amount of humour into more
serious topic. A lovely ending, despite the sorrow.
Title: The
<> Flower
and the Sun · Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Post-War of the Ring · ID:
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
Such a different side of Gimli to what is normally depicted in stories. Such
a welcome change to the coarse character that we usually see. The comparison
and parallels between a flower, the sun and the two characters worked
extremely well! I was most surprised to see just how well it all came
together. A lovely short story.
Title: Not
In Our Stars · Author: Dwimordene
· Races/Places: Men: Eriador · ID: 245
Reviewer: Kenaz
4> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
Utterly heartbreaking and deftly written, this piece is wonderfully
evocative and utterly sad. Dwimordene is an expert at wordcraft and sets her
scenes beautifully. It's hard for me to say which of her stories is my
Title: Where Roses Grow <> · Author:
1> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Shire · ID: 589
Reviewer: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 6
This wonderful story was an intimate peek inside hobbit culture, written
with such a careful eye for detail that its verisimilitude is almost
heart-wrenching. One almost feels that the reader is actually inside the
community of the Tooklands. With many characters developed to sound
roundness, a sense of actual community has been accomplished by the writer,
and the descriptives are so wonderfully detailed that I could almost smell
the inside of the Great Smials and the countryside surrounding it. Plotline
and sub-plot were well thought-out and characterization was deftly handled.
It even accomplished its own subtext and adhered to Tolkien's world with
good craftmanship and great love for and care of canon.
Title: I Won't! <>
· Author: TopKat
9> · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 570
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
So sad... And the song fitted in perfectly - it really added to the overall
feel of the story, despite the fact that the song was so definitely modern
as compared to the story. A nice contrast and an open ending that leaves you
Title: Death
<> Awakening ·
Author: Luna
8> · Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble · ID: 647
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
A touching insight into the mind of Boromir, with a different, less angsty
spin on it than many pieces that deal with this issue. An interesting theme
to deal with in drabble form, but one that works exceptionally well.
Title: Mist <>
· Author: bernstein_nixe
7> · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 731
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 4
Oh my god! This made me cry SO much! Every word evoked a new emotion in me.
It was just so beautiful - just two moments in time so evocatively
described!!! Time just seemed to freeze in that final moment - it was so
sad, yet so beautiful. The true emotion I felt whilst reading this is
indescribable! No matter what I say, it never feels like I have truly
captured the emotion it made me feel. Thank you, thank you, thank you for
writing this and for sharing it.
Title: While We Dwelt in Fear <> ·
Author: pearltook1
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: The Shire · ID: 632
Reviewer: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 9
This amazing gap-filler could very well have been a part of the books. I
particularly like what Pearl did with Pippin and his lineage. If the author
didn't do massive research on the histories of countries under occupation
you'd never know it from this story. This took great dedication and
imagination. It was well researched for calender, hobbit names and places
and anything else canon you wish to throw in. Plot, subplot and
characterization are strong and complete, lending verisimilitude in
abundance. This has such a sense of completeness about it that it could
easily be made a movie in its own right.

The story of the occupation of the Shire is suitably dark, yet laced through
with the determination and hope of a splendid people. She has filled the
Shire with characters so true to life, you could swear they are based on you
family, friends and neighbors.

I loved the author's characterizations of Tolkien folk which were mentioned
in the books, but never really filled out. With this story, Pearl Took has
taken that task on with a talent best described as deft and meaningful. She
puts her very heart into her work, and this one, above all, for me, is a
splendid example of her dedication to her craft.
Title: Something
<> to Do
before the End · Author: Lindelea
> · Books/Time: Gap-Filler · ID: 753
Reviewer: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 10
True to canon and character, I found this story to be a wonderful study in
Boromir's character. His duties continue, and the character is written in
such a soldierly fashion I could almost see him. Pippin, too, is totally in
character, a bright spirit edged in just the right amount of darkness that
the writing of this hobbit, like the writing of Boromir, is perfectly
outlined and straight from the book. Reading this, I could feel how well
these two had learned the inner workings of each other as only brothers in
arms can. Boromir knows just what to say to each soldier he encounters, and
I wasn't at all surprised to see him spend a little extra effort for his
hobbit friend. The ending is so touchingly perfect and true to the
characters that I simply couldn't not nominate this story.

This is, quite simply and directly, beautiful. It is most fitting that
Boromir would watch over not only his city, but his brothers-in-arms. Most
especially he would not desert the child of his heart, and this story
illustrated that point with a fine touch and an artistic eye. Boromir would
indeed think in terms of a drill. He was Gondor's finest soldier, and I'm
sure he took great pains to teach Merry and Pippin all he could in the time
alotted him. I liked how the author had him mention the worthiness of the
deeds of both Pippin and Beregond, and his gratitude for their saving
Faramir. Also he would certainly remind Pippin his cousin needed him, and
doing so illustrated the Captain-General also loved Merry and worried about
him, too. The characterizations was well turned, the dialogue perfect, and
the story was very canon. The author has a grasp of language most admirable
and an eye for the beauty which may be wrought with words in a manner so
deft it is almost painterly. The author handled my favorite characters with
obvious love. How grateful I am for this story!

Title: Jerusalem
<> · Author:
1> · Genres: Crossovers · ID: 658
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel
· 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
I read this one quite some time ago and it was so touching. Amarie blended
two two times very well. If Elves are immortal, then it's not unthinkable to
think one could have seen Jesus in his day. And the kind words spoken to him
by Jesus.... Perfectly in character.
Title: Starlight,
<> Starbright ·
Author: Mariposa
0> · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID: 309
Reviewer: grey_wonderer
> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 4
I love humor and this story made me laugh out loud. Frodo's attempts to keep
Pippin in line and Pippin's desire to tell his rather rude story about a
certain grouping of stars to the other member's of the fellowship made for
entertaining reading. The author does a wonderful job of including the
different legends of each race and keeps everyone in character through the
Title: Pawns
<> · Author:
0> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Hobbits · ID: 310
Reviewer: grey_wonderer
> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
This is a very interesting look at exactly how Sam feels about Frodo's part
in the quest. Lovely use of symbolism and quiet conversation between
Title: A Took by Any
<> Other Name ·
Author: Lindelea
> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Fourth Age · ID: 773
Reviewer: grey_wonderer
> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
The author has a way of telling a story and keeping it fresh while
connecting it to all of her other lovely tales. This fits perfectly into her
universe. I enjoyed the banter between Merry and Pippin in this as well as
the rela<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

Msg# 5584

Today's Reviews...This is going to take a few posts.... #2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel October 03, 2005 - 0:34:40 Topic ID# 5582
Okay, make that 500 or so, it's too late to change it back to 250 per page

Title: On Becoming An
<> Adventurer ·
Author: Piplover
0> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Hurt/Comfort · ID: 1161
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 19:48:04 Score: 3
Pippin's determination to live up to his new responsibilities and not be "a
bother" is given a good basis in his growing understanding of how much he
has changed since he left the Shire -- and I do believe that the other
hobbits' intended cure for what ails him is a recognition of the changes
too, but also of the things that have stayed the same.
Title: Caught Between
<> the Light and
Dark · Author: Budgielover
1> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Incomplete · ID: 874
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 19:51:43 Score: 3
I've been following this story along as it has grown and I'm getting short
on fingernails! It's a marvelous cliffhanger, with more than one member of
the Fellowship imperilled, and with the strong characterizations which are a
trademark of Budgielover's work.
Title: Close your
<> Eyes · Author:
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Poetry · ID: 95
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 19:53:27 Score: 1
Ah, that's cute!
Title: Abrecan <> · Author:
9> · Races/Places: Rohan: Original Characters · ID: 433
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 19:59:21 Score: 6
Ooo yeah bravo! Lovely! One of the things that amazes me about this author,
is that english is NOT her native language. I was aquainted with her for
some months before I learned this! I am in awe of those who can speak more
that one language, but to also craft a story in a second language awes me
all the more.

This story is wonderful! A rocky start for such a close relationship to
come. I'm not completely familiar with the characters in this styory, but
That didn't matter. It was proved all the more a wonderful story in that I
was able to enjoy it nonetheless. Made me wanna go find a horsey companion

Fantastically done Rhapsody!! As always! I enjoy your stories!
Title: Namesake
> · Author: Ruby
2> Nye · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War · ID: 271
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:04:15 Score: 7
Ruby has a great sense of the difference between the way a child sees the
world and the way an adult does, and this story clearly shows that skill.
Farry Took feels like a real child, and he observes the things a child sees,
the things that are important to him because he is a child. There is a
marvelous physicality to the way that Pippin and Faramir (the grown up
Faramir) interact with each other -- a quick abandonment of formality that
speaks volumes about friendship and Faramir's understanding of the nature of
hobbits -- or at least of Tooks! And mixed in with the great story there is
a strong sense of time and place that shows up in the vocabulary. "Stone
fruit harvest" really struck me as the kind of time-identifier that would
make sense in a rural society like the Shire. All in all well worth the
Title: Runes in the leaves
<> · Author: Rhapsody
9> · Genres: Mystery · ID: 768
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 20:10:05 Score: 3
Way too short a review for a lovely little hobbit tale! I remember reading
this at Marigolds challenge and being intrigued by the mystery! Never did I
guess in the course of the story the true perpetrator of the crimes. A sweet
lovely tale from an author I enjoy finding stories from. I'm so thrilled she
wandered into the shire!
Title: Swords Returned <> ·
Author: Leaward
2> · Races/Places: Men: Eriador · ID: 172
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 20:13:16 Score: 5
Once again one of my FAVE authors comes through Beautifully! I do LOVE this
story! The basis of it is so beautifully thought out. The practical rangers
would not be able to carry each fallen comrade home, and so each one's U -
neek sword is brought home instead. How horrible it would be the one
carrying that extra sword/s. And Oh what a beautiful father son moment!!
Young Tarkil is JUST as wonderful as the adult he becomes. I Love his young
naive ideas, that he would like his own sword. Ah yes, brings me to tears
each time I read it. Big clapppings and crunchable birdses to Leaward!
Title: The Creation
<> of Horses ·
Author: Elwen_Aiwelinde
3> · Races/Places: Men: Poetry · ID: 275
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:14:04 Score: 6
I loved the urgency of the opening of this piece. Then, having got the full
attention, the telling of the myth itself.

At first it is black and quiet then gradually the awakening of the creatures
without form, until they are moulded by Bema.

I particularly liked how he colours them according to what is within the
earth and sky. The pace is picked up again as the poem concludes with the
sounding of the horn and the call for attention once more.

Excellent piece both in content and form, I dread to write structured prose,
but this is done well. The metre certainly suggested to me galloping horses
and much movement.
Title: Kingly <>
Gifts · Author: Dreamflower
5> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Friendship · ID: 831
Reviewer: Garnet
9> Took · 2005-10-02 20:15:35 Score: 4
Such a heartbreakingly beautiful story of grief and hope. Merry needing to
be beside Pippin just seems so right.

Dreamflower always paints such lovely pictures in a very few words. She is
one of the true masters of the drabble and short story.

One thing, besides the ending, that I liked about this story was Gandalf's
own misgivings about what had happened to the hobbits and how he would have
had to explain things to their relatives.

Great Job.
Title: Song of the
<> Faithful ·
Author: Ninquelosse
0> · Races/Places: Men: Poetry · ID: 498
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:18:36 Score: 2
I like how you have taken an original stanza from the hymn and built your
model around it. I think this works really well and, although I'm not sure
to which deity they are appealing, it is pious and evocotive of their plight
and demeanour.
Title: A Pint of Trouble <> · Author:
0> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: The Shire · ID: 890
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:21:55 Score: 3
Pippin is still learning how to talk, and his vocabulary gets an unexpected
(and unwanted) boost when Frodo and Merry make a visit to the pub with him
in tow.

Occasionally, I feel like there is a surfeit of small-Pippin stories out
there, but this story never makes me feel overloaded with sugar. I'm
laughing far too hard. Hooray!
Title: A Lullaby for
<> the Longest
Night · Author: Alawa
3> · Races/Places: Men: Poetry · ID: 503
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:24:28 Score: 3
Lyrical and pleasing. I enjoyed the rhyming couplets and I think they sit
well here, uncomplicated and something that could be dreamed up on the road
rather than a scholarly device. The sentiments are heartfelt but not cloying
and the whole is satisfying and a pleasant read.
Title: A Matter of
<> Time · Author:
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 514
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:32:27 Score: 4
This is a wonderful concept, exploring the reason that Elrond may have been
against Pippin's accompanying the Fellowship--and it's not because he's too
young. The idea that he might be a sort of catalyst, and that this is why
Elrond was at first against and then for it is very original. But what I
love best is at the end, Merry's discussion with Gandalf, and his answer to
how he feels about the Quest: "Look what we did." Absolutely perfect.
Title: The
Stubborness of Tooks · Author: Dreamflower
5> · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID: 918
Reviewer: Garnet
9> Took · 2005-10-02 20:33:30 Score: 3
Great story. Dreamflower nicely ties this story into her wider uniferse with
mentions of characters and events from other stories. I especially loved the
large pink rabbits. Paladin is both an annoying yet simpathitic character.
The whole thing was so believable.
Title: Creatures
<> of Habit
· Author: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 811
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:34:23 Score: 1
So sweet and beautiful. I love the way Pippin continues to show his love and
respect for Boromir for the rest of his life.
Title: In the Company
<> of Friends ·
Author: SlightlyTookish
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 830
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:36:14 Score: 2
I love this story of friendship between Pippin and Gimli, with a bit of h/c
for both of them. Pippin's concern for Gimli is touching, and Gimli
comforting Pip is so sweet.
Title: The
<> Prodigal
Took · Author: Lulleny
2> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: The Shire · ID: 1032
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:36:26 Score: 3
This is a powerful version of Pippin's return to the Great Smials, in no
small part because Lulleny has chosen to admit that not everything has come
around right just because the heroes are home. I don't know if she's written
a sequel, but I'd read it if she has.
Title: Prince of
<> Pride · Author:
> · Races/Places: Villains: Poetry · ID: 577
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:37:30 Score: 2
The rhyming scheme is a little wonky for a sonnet, but I'm old fashioned in
that way. Overall I liked the poem as it is full of depth and evocative of
the beginning of things. Manwe seems almost surprised at her choice but
pleased also of course.
Title: It Takes A
<> Took · Author:
5> · Races/Places: Hobbits: Pippin · ID: 823
Reviewer: Garnet
9> Took · 2005-10-02 20:38:15 Score: 3
One of the more clever Pippin meets Diamond stories. Diamond as a healer was
different, and quite pleasant. It certainly raised a whole new set of
issues. Ethics and traditions needed to be examined before the couple could
even begin a relationship. Very good story.
Title: Grasping at
<> Moonbeams
Glistening · Author: Werecat
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Post-War of the Ring · ID: 363
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:38:34 Score: 2
This story could have been a Mary Sue, but it is anything but. The OFC is a
believable and well rounded person, and her infatuation with Legolas and its
resolution are simple and realistic.
Title: Giving <>
Ground · Author: Suzene
0> Campos · Genres: Movie-verse: Vignette · ID: 1123
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:42:34 Score: 3
Legolas' moment of despair at Helm's Deep is enlarged and examined here, and
it isn't until a conversation with Gimli (one I would have dearly loved to
have seen in the film) that he comes to an understanding of why Aragorn has
chosen the way he has and what he has to accept in order to face the coming
Title: Under the Lonely Mountain Cold
<> · Author: Marta
> · Races/Places: Villains: Poetry · ID: 965
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:50:13 Score: 3
This was an excellent song! The rhythm worked well and the rhyming scheme is
cleverly done, especially the internal rhyme of the third line.

It also tells well the story of the slaying of Smaug and the reclaiming of
the treasure, just as one might imagine the dwarves would have told it -
especially in their cups!

Well done.
Title: When the
<> King Returned ·
Author: Ninquelosse
0> · Races/Places: Gondor: Original Characters · ID: 497
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:50:17 Score: 2
Of course there would have been doubts and fears among many of the common
people when they learned the King had returned. A realistic look at some of
Title: Ad Sum <> ·
Author: Dwimordene
· Races/Places: Gondor: Original Characters · ID: 693
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:52:21 Score: 2
And so there were those who were too humble for battle, who cleaned up its
aftermath, and tended to the dead. Very melancholy and insightful.
Title: An Act of
<> Desperation ·
Author: ShieldmaidenofRohan
6> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Incomplete · ID: 910
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:56:57 Score: 3
I'll cheerfully confess to not having read this entire story, but the early
chapters are well-written and show a strong sense of the lives and society
of the Rohirrim. Eowyn's voice is clear and her characterization so far is
sure-handed. I'm looking forward to finishing it when I have time.
Title: Renewed
Acquaintance · Author: Tanaqui
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Drabble · ID: 548
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:00:15 Score: 2
Interesting look at Aragorn, remembering his time as Thorongil, and Boromir
as a baby. I like the way he ponders what the son's differences from his
father might be.
Title: Time
<> in the
Ditch · Author: Dwimordene
· Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Drabble · ID: 253
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:01:54 Score: 1
A nice glimpse of Aragorn the wanderer, finding joy wherever he can.
Title: Bringing
<> the Sun ·
Author: Tanaqui
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Drabble · ID: 1382
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:02:08 Score: 2
Yes, it may have been irritating to have an Elf that could run on snow, but
without his encouragement, they might have given up. Very insightful.
Title: The Same Story <> ·
Author: Marta
> · Races/Places: Hobbits: Poetry · ID: 956
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 21:03:06 Score: 1
Don't know the song, but good verse comparing Frodo with Beren. The voices
of Sam and Frodo are true and it runs well.
Title: A Short <>
Rest · Author: Jay
4> of Lasgalen · Books/Time: The Hobbit · ID: 428
Reviewer: LOTR_lover
4> · 2005-10-02 21:03:19 Score: 3
A sweet vignette, not only about Estel meeting Bilbo and the dwarves, but
also about family life in Elrond's household in Imladris. I love all of your
stories, Jay (probably won't/or didn't get any others reviewed, darn it!)
and this one is no exception. Nice work.
Title: The <>
Room of Tears · Author: Elendiari22
3> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Gondor · ID: 759
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:05:11 Score: 4
This ficlet later inspired the author to write a longer tale based on the
same incident, but I love the way this can also stand on its own. There are
not many stories pairing Eowyn and Pippin, yet this makes it very
plausible--they are both young, impulsive and curious. Why not? And the
little story that accompanies the hidden room is chilling and sad. Wonderful
Title: Reunion
<> at Cormallen
· Author: Shirebound
5> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War · ID: 1116
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:08:35 Score: 3
This is a very different version of Cormallen than most. Though there's more
than a little h/c, it's far more light-hearted than most, and there is a
good bit of humor in the unusual situation that Aragorn and the hobbits find
themselves in. A very nice read.
Title: Hobbits: An
<> Owner's Guide
and Maintenance Manual · Author: Theresa
6> Green · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID: 1158
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:09:42 Score: 2
Oh, joy! I do love these owner guides. And this one had me smiling from the
beginning to end. I shall have to invest in locks for my
larders/freezers/etc. and get myself a set of hobbits, and soon!
Title: Two of A <>
Kind · Author: Gaslight
1> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War · ID: 1133
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:10:08 Score: 2
A very chilling look at what Wormtongue and Lotho might have had in
common--aside from sheer hatred of Saruman. Creepy, but in a way that
provides food for thought.
Title: Always <>
Dancing · Author: Mariposa
0> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Friendship · ID: 928
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:29:42 Score: 3
I can't believe I missed this! Pippin is teaching some of the hobbits who
want to learn swordplay, but all through the lesson are memories of Boromir
and the quest, and the lessons that he and Merry shared not all that long
before. The details are marvelous, and I absolutely howled at Pippin's
memory of Merry's comment concerning the proper grip.
Title: In <>
the Hands of the King · Author: Gwynnyd
6> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Gondor Drabble · ID: 22
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:33:51 Score: 2
Beregond really looks at his son, as if he's looking for damage, as the two
of them confront their fears and hopes in this brief, illuminating moment.
Title: An Unexpected Gift
<> · Author: Marta
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 584
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:35:47 Score: 1
Even a flawed gift can have value, if you know what to look for. An
interesting moment between Gandalf and Denethor.
Title: Kindred
<> Spirits ·
Author: Elana
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 299
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:38:02 Score: 1
I hadn't thought of this before, but it's true. A nice insight!
Title: Echo <> · Author:
5> Brooke · Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble · ID: 684
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:40:55 Score: 1
I like Pippin "touching everything" as if it will somehow summon Boromir to
come and yell at him.
Title: Interrupted
<> Journeys:
Part Three - Journeys Begin · Author: elliska
3> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Mirkwood · ID: 1311
Reviewer: Elena
7> Tiriel · 2005-10-02 21:42:15 Score: 7
The Interrupted Journeys series is a fascinating look at Thranduil and his
family throughout the Third Age, as they move their stronghold further North
and try to fend off the encroaching Darkness....

This (unfinished) story focuses on Thranduil's growing family, with Legolas
and various cousins, real and extended-family, still very young. But trouble
is brewing: a conspiracy has arisen against Thranduil amongst some of the
Elves in his realm, led by Marti, an unstable Noldorin elleth that we have
met in the other stories. And she appears to be conspiring with evil
Easterlings to attack the king's family; there are attempts to capture
Lindomiel and also Legolas.

This story ranges from delight in the antics of elflings to extreme tension
as Thranduil and his advisors discover the depths of the conspiracy. It's
very tense, and very exciting. I look forward to reading each chapter.

Title: A <>
Good Custom · Author: Tanaqui
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 1380
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:42:29 Score: 2
The joy of giving is a gift too. This is a nice interchange between Faramir
and Pippin, and one that has great appeal as a plotbunny for a larger story.
Title: The
<> Gift ·
Author: maranya14
0> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 480
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:44:23 Score: 1
Nicely done! One for the dwarves, and one for the men of Dale and as a
bonus, one for the hobbits as well!
Title: sworn brothers <> · Author:
1> · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 864
Reviewer: Lindelea
> · 2005-10-02 23:00:50 Score: 1
Shows promise; author can write dialogue and description but would do better
if heeding "canon".
Title: Homecoming
<> · Author:
> · Genres: Romance · ID: 541
Reviewer: Elena
7> Tiriel · 2005-10-02 23:09:06 Score: 8
"Homecoming" is a fascinating look into the relationship between Faramir and
Éowyn in the very early days of their marriage. It is a realistic look,
which means that it is not all sweetness and light. They are really learning
their new roles as spouses.

Éowyn is very unsure of herself, not understanding yet how Faramir responds
to some situations by withdrawing, not yet knowing how to initiate behaviors
from him, like sex, for example.

Faramir is still grieving over his father's death, and that affects his
ability to settle into the Steward's mansion with his new wife -- there are
too many memories, happy and not.

But the two of them find ways to create happier memories for the rooms in
the house... which is where Tanaqui's writing really shines. She does not
write smut -- she writes about realistic sexual activity... and sexual
activity isn't all hearts and flowers. Sometimes it is wonderful and
sometimes it is just plain uncomfortable and distasteful and upsetting; and
Tanaqui also shows that part.

And I love the very hopeful note that this story ends on. Very nice writing,

Title: Life in the Angle <>
· Author: Leaward
2> · Genres: Romance · ID: 181
Reviewer: MysteriousWays
2> · 2005-10-02 23:21:01 Score: 10
How do I love this story, let me count the ways.

Well, actually I will not count the ways as that is to near to organization.

This story goes where few have gone before. I think that is why I like it so
much. I read mostly fan fiction of hobbits. The problem with that is much of
it is rehashing the same plots with the same characters. So earlier this
year I started a C2 group at The purpose of the group is to
promote stories that use characters that are beyond the Fellowship. This
story and all of Leward's stories not only get away from the Fellowship but
she dares to dive into a little written of culture.

Tolkien wrote enough of the Dunedain into his stories to make it clear that
this people really mattered to him. But he never quite managed to find the
time to go into the tales of these people. Leaward picked up where Tolkien
left off. She did careful research as Tolkien would have done and came up
with a rich tapestry of details that I think the professor truly would have

I know there are readers out there who feel that there is not point to
writing fan fiction if you are not going to have it focus on the books
characters. But I see it differently. In a letter to his publisher Tolkien
said he hoped that others would be inspired by his work to expand upon it in
whatever ways they wished. Leaward has done this. In "Life in the Angle" she
paints a clear and inviting picture of this mysterious group of people that
lived in exile in Middle Earth. Aragorn's people.

Their story needed to be told and I think Leaward did that admirably. I love
her characters. I love her take on what the elves are like. Elrond's sons
are dignified and fun. I don't think I will ever be able to put a baby in a
crib again without thinking of them. Tarkil and Poppy perfectly show that
the true romance in marriage is the give and take and staying strong when
all around you is crumbling. Even the villians are wonderful. I absolutely
loved being ticked off at them.

This story is the direction I would like to see more fan fiction go. Telling
of the Fellowship by telling of the culture the members come from.

Title: Flowers
<> in
Disguise · Author: Holdur
8> · Races/Places: Hobbits · ID: 377
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:28:57 Score: 1
Sweet little Sam - trying so hard. But it's an important thing to learn -
and not only for a gardener.
Title: Under
<> Siege ·
Author: Forodwaith
> · Races/Places: Elves: Drabble · ID: 387
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:29:29 Score: 1
We forget sometimes that there were other battles outside of the Black Gate.
This reminds us, using deft imagery.
Title: A <>
Father’s Choice · Author: Elana
> · Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble · ID: 298
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:30:37 Score: 1
Lyrical language for a hard choice.
Title: Once
<> ·
Author: Meril
3> · Races/Places: Villains: Nazgul · ID: 485
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:35:01 Score: 2
How odd to think of the Ring being presented like a watch that fell off the
back of a truck, and yet it works well enough in this context.
Title: The One and
<> True Dark Lord
· Author: Werecat
> · Genres: Crossovers · ID: 358
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:37:56 Score: 2
I stumbled across this once before and it made me laugh then, too. How
appropriate that the megalomaniacs should be banished together, and how true
that their meeting would spark contempt!
Title: The
POrdinal=6> Swan Feather · Author: Starlight
5> · Genres: Romance: Vignette · ID: 50
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:39:01 Score: 3
How lovely to see the softer and more romantic side of one who is usually
portrayed as rather monstrous. Not only does he indulge Finduilas's
superstititions - he indulges in his own. Their marriage seems off to a
promising start. A most enjoyable tale.
Title: Winter <>
Solstice · Author: Fileg
6> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Gapfiller · ID: 727
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:42:01 Score: 3
Elrond faces his own doubts about the Fellowship in this vignette, but finds
hope too, in what is left when all the outer layers of defense have been
stripped away. The thought of them all agreeing to Boromir's horn cry at the
outset struck me most strongly here, but there is a great deal of strong
Title: Leaves
<> and
Stones · Author: Starlight
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Vignette · ID: 522
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:43:29 Score: 2
It is good to see Legolas discovering something while out of his comfort
zone - and observing something different about the dwarf while he does it.
Title: Uncover
SPOrdinal=16> the Past, Discover the Future · Author: Starlight
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Vignette · ID: 524
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:48:00 Score: 3
And so their relationship begins to build and develop understanding of one
for the other. Lothlorien is probably a good place for Gimli to read the
Book - and I hope he left it in Galadriel's safe-keeping when the Fellowship
moved on. I can't see it having survived the rest of the journey in Gimli's
Title: Keeping the
<> Watch · Author:
7> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Pre-War of the Ring · ID: 333
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:48:28 Score: 2
A chance enounter, made a distance, but still one which would have left a
strong impression I think. I love the hobbity details and the personalities
of the two hobbits as they observe the injured Ranger.
Title: Of Durin and
<> Kibil-nala ·
Author: Mantida
4> · Races/Places: Dwarves · ID: 473
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:53:46 Score: 2
The eloquent use of language, very like a formal tale from the Professor
himself, marks this "legend" about why Cirdan has a beard. And the way the
tale unfolds you find it hard to think of a flaw in it, as well. A happy
Title: The Eagle
<> Silmarillion ·
Author: Tehta
5> · Genres: Humor: Animals · ID: 554
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:56:40 Score: 3
Gravity! On you Wingless Ones! I just love Thorondor's embarrassment here.
And the Magpie One - who stole the shiny things. An eagle's perspective on
events is just so different. I loved his contempt for seagulls. (But at
least Elwing made it out in time!) A most enjoyable story.
Title: A Birthday
<> Party · Author:
> · Races/Places: Hobbits: Merry & Pippin · ID: 1171
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:57:36 Score: 1
Pippin has his own plans for Merry's birthday party, but at least they
include making sure the Merry has a good time!
Title: This
<> Silence ·
Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Elves · ID: 566
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
So poignant and so touching, it always makes me teary. The ending was the
last thing I expected first time I read it. Everything just falls together
brilliantly, the characters’ behaviour just fitting so well with one
another, despite the fact they are so different.
Title: Choose
<> Your Fate
· Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Races/Places: Elves: Poetry · ID: 568
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
An impressive feat of poetry, especially given every line rhymes! Rhyming
and getting a poem to make sense is a very difficult thing and you’d managed
it extremely well. For what is normally depicted as a very serious scene,
you’ve managed to inject humour, yet not lose the thoughtfulness.
Title: Ballad
> For Boromir And Legolas · Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Poetry · ID: 567
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
I love the formatting you apply to your poems, it really adds to the overall
effect. Once again, you manage to inject a subtle amount of humour into more
serious topic. A lovely ending, despite the sorrow.
Title: The
<> Flower
and the Sun · Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Post-War of the Ring · ID:
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
Such a different side of Gimli to what is normally depicted in stories. Such
a welcome change to the coarse character that we usually see. The comparison
and parallels between a flower, the sun and the two characters worked
extremely well! I was most surprised to see just how well it all came
together. A lovely short story.
Title: Not
In Our Stars · Author: Dwimordene
· Races/Places: Men: Eriador · ID: 245
Reviewer: Kenaz
4> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
Utterly heartbreaking and deftly written, this piece is wonderfully
evocative and utterly sad. Dwimordene is an expert at wordcraft and sets her
scenes beautifully. It's hard for me to say which of her stories is my
Title: Where Roses Grow <> · Author:
1> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Shire · ID: 589
Reviewer: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 6
This wonderful story was an intimate peek inside hobbit culture, written
with such a careful eye for detail that its verisimilitude is almost
heart-wrenching. One almost feels that the reader is actually inside the
community of the Tooklands. With many characters developed to sound
roundness, a sense of actual community has been accomplished by the writer,
and the descriptives are so wonderfully detailed that I could almost smell
the inside of the Great Smials and the countryside surrounding it. Plotline
and sub-plot were well thought-out and characterization was deftly handled.
It even accomplished its own subtext and adhered to Tolkien's world with
good craftmanship and great love for and care of canon.
Title: I Won't! <>
· Author: TopKat
9> · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 570
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
So sad... And the song fitted in perfectly - it really added to the overall
feel of the story, despite the fact that the song was so definitely modern
as compared to the story. A nice contrast and an open ending that leaves you
Title: Death
<> Awakening ·
Author: Luna
8> · Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble · ID: 647
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
A touching insight into the mind of Boromir, with a different, less angsty
spin on it than many pieces that deal with this issue. An interesting theme
to deal with in drabble form, but one that works exceptionally well.
Title: Mist <>
· Author: bernstein_nixe
7> · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 731
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 4
Oh my god! This made me cry SO much! Every word evoked a new emotion in me.
It was just so beautiful - just two moments in time so evocatively
described!!! Time just seemed to freeze in that final moment - it was so
sad, yet so beautiful. The true emotion I felt whilst reading this is
indescribable! No matter what I say, it never feels like I have truly
captured the emotion it made me feel. Thank you, thank you, thank you for
writing this and for sharing it.
Title: While We Dwelt in Fear <> ·
Author: pearltook1
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: The Shire · ID: 632
Reviewer: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 9
This amazing gap-filler could very well have been a part of the books. I
particularly like what Pearl did with Pippin and his lineage. If the author
didn't do massive research on the histories of countries under occupation
you'd never know it from this story. This took great dedication and
imagination. It was well researched for calender, hobbit names and places
and anything else canon you wish to throw in. Plot, subplot and
characterization are strong and complete, lending verisimilitude in
abundance. This has such a sense of completeness about it that it could
easily be made a movie in its own right.

The story of the occupation of the Shire is suitably dark, yet laced through
with the determination and hope of a splendid people. She has filled the
Shire with characters so true to life, you could swear they are based on you
family, friends and neighbors.

I loved the author's characterizations of Tolkien folk which were mentioned
in the books, but never really filled out. With this story, Pearl Took has
taken that task on with a talent best described as deft and meaningful. She
puts her very heart into her work, and this one, above all, for me, is a
splendid example of her dedication to her craft.
Title: Something
<> to Do
before the End · Author: Lindelea
> · Books/Time: Gap-Filler · ID: 753
Reviewer: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 10
True to canon and character, I found this story to be a wonderful study in
Boromir's character. His duties continue, and the character is written in
such a soldierly fashion I could almost see him. Pippin, too, is totally in
character, a bright spirit edged in just the right amount of darkness that
the writing of this hobbit, like the writing of Boromir, is perfectly
outlined and straight from the book. Reading this, I could feel how well
these two had learned the inner workings of each other as only brothers in
arms can. Boromir knows just what to say to each soldier he encounters, and
I wasn't at all surprised to see him spend a little extra effort for his
hobbit friend. The ending is so touchingly perfect and true to the
characters that I simply couldn't not nominate this story.

This is, quite simply and directly, beautiful. It is most fitting that
Boromir would watch over not only his city, but his brothers-in-arms. Most
especially he would not desert the child of his heart, and this story
illustrated that point with a fine touch and an artistic eye. Boromir would
indeed think in terms of a drill. He was Gondor's finest soldier, and I'm
sure he took great pains to teach Merry and Pippin all he could in the time
alotted him. I liked how the author had him mention the worthiness of the
deeds of both Pippin and Beregond, and his gratitude for their saving
Faramir. Also he would certainly remind Pippin his cousin needed him, and
doing so illustrated the Captain-General also loved Merry and worried about
him, too. The characterizations was well turned, the dialogue perfect, and
the story was very canon. The author has a grasp of language most admirable
and an eye for the beauty which may be wrought with words in a manner so
deft it is almost painterly. The author handled my favorite characters with
obvious love. How grateful I am for this story!

Title: Jerusalem
<> · Author:
1> · Genres: Crossovers · ID: 658
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel
· 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
I read this one quite some time ago and it was so touching. Amarie blended
two two times very well. If Elves are immortal, then it's not unthinkable to
think one could have seen Jesus in his day. And the kind words spoken to him
by Jesus.... Perfectly in character.
Title: Starlight,
<> Starbright ·
Author: Mariposa
0> · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID: 309
Reviewer: grey_wonderer
> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 4
I love humor and this story made me laugh out loud. Frodo's attempts to keep
Pippin in line and Pippin's desire to tell his rather rude story about a
certain grouping of stars to the other member's of the fellowship made for
entertaining reading. The author does a wonderful job of including the
different legends of each race and keeps everyone in character through the
Title: Pawns
<> · Author:
0> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Hobbits · ID: 310
Reviewer: grey_wonderer
> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
This is a very interesting look at exactly how Sam feels about Frodo's part
in the quest. Lovely use of symbolism and quiet conversation between
Title: A Took by Any
<> Other Name ·
Author: Lindelea
> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Fourth Age · ID: 773
Reviewer: grey_wonderer
> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
The author has a way of telling a story and keeping it fresh while
connecting it to all of her other lovely tales. This fits perfectly into her
universe. I enjoyed the banter between Merry and Pippin in this as well as
the rela<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

Msg# 5585

Today's Reviews...This is going to take a few posts.... #2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel October 03, 2005 - 0:34:40 Topic ID# 5582
Okay, make that 500 or so, it's too late to change it back to 250 per page

Title: On Becoming An
<> Adventurer ·
Author: Piplover
0> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Hurt/Comfort · ID: 1161
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 19:48:04 Score: 3
Pippin's determination to live up to his new responsibilities and not be "a
bother" is given a good basis in his growing understanding of how much he
has changed since he left the Shire -- and I do believe that the other
hobbits' intended cure for what ails him is a recognition of the changes
too, but also of the things that have stayed the same.
Title: Caught Between
<> the Light and
Dark · Author: Budgielover
1> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Incomplete · ID: 874
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 19:51:43 Score: 3
I've been following this story along as it has grown and I'm getting short
on fingernails! It's a marvelous cliffhanger, with more than one member of
the Fellowship imperilled, and with the strong characterizations which are a
trademark of Budgielover's work.
Title: Close your
<> Eyes · Author:
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Poetry · ID: 95
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 19:53:27 Score: 1
Ah, that's cute!
Title: Abrecan <> · Author:
9> · Races/Places: Rohan: Original Characters · ID: 433
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 19:59:21 Score: 6
Ooo yeah bravo! Lovely! One of the things that amazes me about this author,
is that english is NOT her native language. I was aquainted with her for
some months before I learned this! I am in awe of those who can speak more
that one language, but to also craft a story in a second language awes me
all the more.

This story is wonderful! A rocky start for such a close relationship to
come. I'm not completely familiar with the characters in this styory, but
That didn't matter. It was proved all the more a wonderful story in that I
was able to enjoy it nonetheless. Made me wanna go find a horsey companion

Fantastically done Rhapsody!! As always! I enjoy your stories!
Title: Namesake
> · Author: Ruby
2> Nye · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War · ID: 271
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:04:15 Score: 7
Ruby has a great sense of the difference between the way a child sees the
world and the way an adult does, and this story clearly shows that skill.
Farry Took feels like a real child, and he observes the things a child sees,
the things that are important to him because he is a child. There is a
marvelous physicality to the way that Pippin and Faramir (the grown up
Faramir) interact with each other -- a quick abandonment of formality that
speaks volumes about friendship and Faramir's understanding of the nature of
hobbits -- or at least of Tooks! And mixed in with the great story there is
a strong sense of time and place that shows up in the vocabulary. "Stone
fruit harvest" really struck me as the kind of time-identifier that would
make sense in a rural society like the Shire. All in all well worth the
Title: Runes in the leaves
<> · Author: Rhapsody
9> · Genres: Mystery · ID: 768
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 20:10:05 Score: 3
Way too short a review for a lovely little hobbit tale! I remember reading
this at Marigolds challenge and being intrigued by the mystery! Never did I
guess in the course of the story the true perpetrator of the crimes. A sweet
lovely tale from an author I enjoy finding stories from. I'm so thrilled she
wandered into the shire!
Title: Swords Returned <> ·
Author: Leaward
2> · Races/Places: Men: Eriador · ID: 172
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 20:13:16 Score: 5
Once again one of my FAVE authors comes through Beautifully! I do LOVE this
story! The basis of it is so beautifully thought out. The practical rangers
would not be able to carry each fallen comrade home, and so each one's U -
neek sword is brought home instead. How horrible it would be the one
carrying that extra sword/s. And Oh what a beautiful father son moment!!
Young Tarkil is JUST as wonderful as the adult he becomes. I Love his young
naive ideas, that he would like his own sword. Ah yes, brings me to tears
each time I read it. Big clapppings and crunchable birdses to Leaward!
Title: The Creation
<> of Horses ·
Author: Elwen_Aiwelinde
3> · Races/Places: Men: Poetry · ID: 275
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:14:04 Score: 6
I loved the urgency of the opening of this piece. Then, having got the full
attention, the telling of the myth itself.

At first it is black and quiet then gradually the awakening of the creatures
without form, until they are moulded by Bema.

I particularly liked how he colours them according to what is within the
earth and sky. The pace is picked up again as the poem concludes with the
sounding of the horn and the call for attention once more.

Excellent piece both in content and form, I dread to write structured prose,
but this is done well. The metre certainly suggested to me galloping horses
and much movement.
Title: Kingly <>
Gifts · Author: Dreamflower
5> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Friendship · ID: 831
Reviewer: Garnet
9> Took · 2005-10-02 20:15:35 Score: 4
Such a heartbreakingly beautiful story of grief and hope. Merry needing to
be beside Pippin just seems so right.

Dreamflower always paints such lovely pictures in a very few words. She is
one of the true masters of the drabble and short story.

One thing, besides the ending, that I liked about this story was Gandalf's
own misgivings about what had happened to the hobbits and how he would have
had to explain things to their relatives.

Great Job.
Title: Song of the
<> Faithful ·
Author: Ninquelosse
0> · Races/Places: Men: Poetry · ID: 498
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:18:36 Score: 2
I like how you have taken an original stanza from the hymn and built your
model around it. I think this works really well and, although I'm not sure
to which deity they are appealing, it is pious and evocotive of their plight
and demeanour.
Title: A Pint of Trouble <> · Author:
0> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: The Shire · ID: 890
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:21:55 Score: 3
Pippin is still learning how to talk, and his vocabulary gets an unexpected
(and unwanted) boost when Frodo and Merry make a visit to the pub with him
in tow.

Occasionally, I feel like there is a surfeit of small-Pippin stories out
there, but this story never makes me feel overloaded with sugar. I'm
laughing far too hard. Hooray!
Title: A Lullaby for
<> the Longest
Night · Author: Alawa
3> · Races/Places: Men: Poetry · ID: 503
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:24:28 Score: 3
Lyrical and pleasing. I enjoyed the rhyming couplets and I think they sit
well here, uncomplicated and something that could be dreamed up on the road
rather than a scholarly device. The sentiments are heartfelt but not cloying
and the whole is satisfying and a pleasant read.
Title: A Matter of
<> Time · Author:
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 514
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:32:27 Score: 4
This is a wonderful concept, exploring the reason that Elrond may have been
against Pippin's accompanying the Fellowship--and it's not because he's too
young. The idea that he might be a sort of catalyst, and that this is why
Elrond was at first against and then for it is very original. But what I
love best is at the end, Merry's discussion with Gandalf, and his answer to
how he feels about the Quest: "Look what we did." Absolutely perfect.
Title: The
Stubborness of Tooks · Author: Dreamflower
5> · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID: 918
Reviewer: Garnet
9> Took · 2005-10-02 20:33:30 Score: 3
Great story. Dreamflower nicely ties this story into her wider uniferse with
mentions of characters and events from other stories. I especially loved the
large pink rabbits. Paladin is both an annoying yet simpathitic character.
The whole thing was so believable.
Title: Creatures
<> of Habit
· Author: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 811
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:34:23 Score: 1
So sweet and beautiful. I love the way Pippin continues to show his love and
respect for Boromir for the rest of his life.
Title: In the Company
<> of Friends ·
Author: SlightlyTookish
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 830
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:36:14 Score: 2
I love this story of friendship between Pippin and Gimli, with a bit of h/c
for both of them. Pippin's concern for Gimli is touching, and Gimli
comforting Pip is so sweet.
Title: The
<> Prodigal
Took · Author: Lulleny
2> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: The Shire · ID: 1032
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:36:26 Score: 3
This is a powerful version of Pippin's return to the Great Smials, in no
small part because Lulleny has chosen to admit that not everything has come
around right just because the heroes are home. I don't know if she's written
a sequel, but I'd read it if she has.
Title: Prince of
<> Pride · Author:
> · Races/Places: Villains: Poetry · ID: 577
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:37:30 Score: 2
The rhyming scheme is a little wonky for a sonnet, but I'm old fashioned in
that way. Overall I liked the poem as it is full of depth and evocative of
the beginning of things. Manwe seems almost surprised at her choice but
pleased also of course.
Title: It Takes A
<> Took · Author:
5> · Races/Places: Hobbits: Pippin · ID: 823
Reviewer: Garnet
9> Took · 2005-10-02 20:38:15 Score: 3
One of the more clever Pippin meets Diamond stories. Diamond as a healer was
different, and quite pleasant. It certainly raised a whole new set of
issues. Ethics and traditions needed to be examined before the couple could
even begin a relationship. Very good story.
Title: Grasping at
<> Moonbeams
Glistening · Author: Werecat
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Post-War of the Ring · ID: 363
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:38:34 Score: 2
This story could have been a Mary Sue, but it is anything but. The OFC is a
believable and well rounded person, and her infatuation with Legolas and its
resolution are simple and realistic.
Title: Giving <>
Ground · Author: Suzene
0> Campos · Genres: Movie-verse: Vignette · ID: 1123
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:42:34 Score: 3
Legolas' moment of despair at Helm's Deep is enlarged and examined here, and
it isn't until a conversation with Gimli (one I would have dearly loved to
have seen in the film) that he comes to an understanding of why Aragorn has
chosen the way he has and what he has to accept in order to face the coming
Title: Under the Lonely Mountain Cold
<> · Author: Marta
> · Races/Places: Villains: Poetry · ID: 965
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:50:13 Score: 3
This was an excellent song! The rhythm worked well and the rhyming scheme is
cleverly done, especially the internal rhyme of the third line.

It also tells well the story of the slaying of Smaug and the reclaiming of
the treasure, just as one might imagine the dwarves would have told it -
especially in their cups!

Well done.
Title: When the
<> King Returned ·
Author: Ninquelosse
0> · Races/Places: Gondor: Original Characters · ID: 497
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:50:17 Score: 2
Of course there would have been doubts and fears among many of the common
people when they learned the King had returned. A realistic look at some of
Title: Ad Sum <> ·
Author: Dwimordene
· Races/Places: Gondor: Original Characters · ID: 693
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:52:21 Score: 2
And so there were those who were too humble for battle, who cleaned up its
aftermath, and tended to the dead. Very melancholy and insightful.
Title: An Act of
<> Desperation ·
Author: ShieldmaidenofRohan
6> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Incomplete · ID: 910
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:56:57 Score: 3
I'll cheerfully confess to not having read this entire story, but the early
chapters are well-written and show a strong sense of the lives and society
of the Rohirrim. Eowyn's voice is clear and her characterization so far is
sure-handed. I'm looking forward to finishing it when I have time.
Title: Renewed
Acquaintance · Author: Tanaqui
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Drabble · ID: 548
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:00:15 Score: 2
Interesting look at Aragorn, remembering his time as Thorongil, and Boromir
as a baby. I like the way he ponders what the son's differences from his
father might be.
Title: Time
<> in the
Ditch · Author: Dwimordene
· Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Drabble · ID: 253
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:01:54 Score: 1
A nice glimpse of Aragorn the wanderer, finding joy wherever he can.
Title: Bringing
<> the Sun ·
Author: Tanaqui
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Drabble · ID: 1382
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:02:08 Score: 2
Yes, it may have been irritating to have an Elf that could run on snow, but
without his encouragement, they might have given up. Very insightful.
Title: The Same Story <> ·
Author: Marta
> · Races/Places: Hobbits: Poetry · ID: 956
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 21:03:06 Score: 1
Don't know the song, but good verse comparing Frodo with Beren. The voices
of Sam and Frodo are true and it runs well.
Title: A Short <>
Rest · Author: Jay
4> of Lasgalen · Books/Time: The Hobbit · ID: 428
Reviewer: LOTR_lover
4> · 2005-10-02 21:03:19 Score: 3
A sweet vignette, not only about Estel meeting Bilbo and the dwarves, but
also about family life in Elrond's household in Imladris. I love all of your
stories, Jay (probably won't/or didn't get any others reviewed, darn it!)
and this one is no exception. Nice work.
Title: The <>
Room of Tears · Author: Elendiari22
3> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Gondor · ID: 759
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:05:11 Score: 4
This ficlet later inspired the author to write a longer tale based on the
same incident, but I love the way this can also stand on its own. There are
not many stories pairing Eowyn and Pippin, yet this makes it very
plausible--they are both young, impulsive and curious. Why not? And the
little story that accompanies the hidden room is chilling and sad. Wonderful
Title: Reunion
<> at Cormallen
· Author: Shirebound
5> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War · ID: 1116
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:08:35 Score: 3
This is a very different version of Cormallen than most. Though there's more
than a little h/c, it's far more light-hearted than most, and there is a
good bit of humor in the unusual situation that Aragorn and the hobbits find
themselves in. A very nice read.
Title: Hobbits: An
<> Owner's Guide
and Maintenance Manual · Author: Theresa
6> Green · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID: 1158
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:09:42 Score: 2
Oh, joy! I do love these owner guides. And this one had me smiling from the
beginning to end. I shall have to invest in locks for my
larders/freezers/etc. and get myself a set of hobbits, and soon!
Title: Two of A <>
Kind · Author: Gaslight
1> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War · ID: 1133
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:10:08 Score: 2
A very chilling look at what Wormtongue and Lotho might have had in
common--aside from sheer hatred of Saruman. Creepy, but in a way that
provides food for thought.
Title: Always <>
Dancing · Author: Mariposa
0> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Friendship · ID: 928
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:29:42 Score: 3
I can't believe I missed this! Pippin is teaching some of the hobbits who
want to learn swordplay, but all through the lesson are memories of Boromir
and the quest, and the lessons that he and Merry shared not all that long
before. The details are marvelous, and I absolutely howled at Pippin's
memory of Merry's comment concerning the proper grip.
Title: In <>
the Hands of the King · Author: Gwynnyd
6> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Gondor Drabble · ID: 22
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:33:51 Score: 2
Beregond really looks at his son, as if he's looking for damage, as the two
of them confront their fears and hopes in this brief, illuminating moment.
Title: An Unexpected Gift
<> · Author: Marta
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 584
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:35:47 Score: 1
Even a flawed gift can have value, if you know what to look for. An
interesting moment between Gandalf and Denethor.
Title: Kindred
<> Spirits ·
Author: Elana
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 299
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:38:02 Score: 1
I hadn't thought of this before, but it's true. A nice insight!
Title: Echo <> · Author:
5> Brooke · Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble · ID: 684
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:40:55 Score: 1
I like Pippin "touching everything" as if it will somehow summon Boromir to
come and yell at him.
Title: Interrupted
<> Journeys:
Part Three - Journeys Begin · Author: elliska
3> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Mirkwood · ID: 1311
Reviewer: Elena
7> Tiriel · 2005-10-02 21:42:15 Score: 7
The Interrupted Journeys series is a fascinating look at Thranduil and his
family throughout the Third Age, as they move their stronghold further North
and try to fend off the encroaching Darkness....

This (unfinished) story focuses on Thranduil's growing family, with Legolas
and various cousins, real and extended-family, still very young. But trouble
is brewing: a conspiracy has arisen against Thranduil amongst some of the
Elves in his realm, led by Marti, an unstable Noldorin elleth that we have
met in the other stories. And she appears to be conspiring with evil
Easterlings to attack the king's family; there are attempts to capture
Lindomiel and also Legolas.

This story ranges from delight in the antics of elflings to extreme tension
as Thranduil and his advisors discover the depths of the conspiracy. It's
very tense, and very exciting. I look forward to reading each chapter.

Title: A <>
Good Custom · Author: Tanaqui
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 1380
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:42:29 Score: 2
The joy of giving is a gift too. This is a nice interchange between Faramir
and Pippin, and one that has great appeal as a plotbunny for a larger story.
Title: The
<> Gift ·
Author: maranya14
0> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 480
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:44:23 Score: 1
Nicely done! One for the dwarves, and one for the men of Dale and as a
bonus, one for the hobbits as well!
Title: sworn brothers <> · Author:
1> · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 864
Reviewer: Lindelea
> · 2005-10-02 23:00:50 Score: 1
Shows promise; author can write dialogue and description but would do better
if heeding "canon".
Title: Homecoming
<> · Author:
> · Genres: Romance · ID: 541
Reviewer: Elena
7> Tiriel · 2005-10-02 23:09:06 Score: 8
"Homecoming" is a fascinating look into the relationship between Faramir and
Éowyn in the very early days of their marriage. It is a realistic look,
which means that it is not all sweetness and light. They are really learning
their new roles as spouses.

Éowyn is very unsure of herself, not understanding yet how Faramir responds
to some situations by withdrawing, not yet knowing how to initiate behaviors
from him, like sex, for example.

Faramir is still grieving over his father's death, and that affects his
ability to settle into the Steward's mansion with his new wife -- there are
too many memories, happy and not.

But the two of them find ways to create happier memories for the rooms in
the house... which is where Tanaqui's writing really shines. She does not
write smut -- she writes about realistic sexual activity... and sexual
activity isn't all hearts and flowers. Sometimes it is wonderful and
sometimes it is just plain uncomfortable and distasteful and upsetting; and
Tanaqui also shows that part.

And I love the very hopeful note that this story ends on. Very nice writing,

Title: Life in the Angle <>
· Author: Leaward
2> · Genres: Romance · ID: 181
Reviewer: MysteriousWays
2> · 2005-10-02 23:21:01 Score: 10
How do I love this story, let me count the ways.

Well, actually I will not count the ways as that is to near to organization.

This story goes where few have gone before. I think that is why I like it so
much. I read mostly fan fiction of hobbits. The problem with that is much of
it is rehashing the same plots with the same characters. So earlier this
year I started a C2 group at The purpose of the group is to
promote stories that use characters that are beyond the Fellowship. This
story and all of Leward's stories not only get away from the Fellowship but
she dares to dive into a little written of culture.

Tolkien wrote enough of the Dunedain into his stories to make it clear that
this people really mattered to him. But he never quite managed to find the
time to go into the tales of these people. Leaward picked up where Tolkien
left off. She did careful research as Tolkien would have done and came up
with a rich tapestry of details that I think the professor truly would have

I know there are readers out there who feel that there is not point to
writing fan fiction if you are not going to have it focus on the books
characters. But I see it differently. In a letter to his publisher Tolkien
said he hoped that others would be inspired by his work to expand upon it in
whatever ways they wished. Leaward has done this. In "Life in the Angle" she
paints a clear and inviting picture of this mysterious group of people that
lived in exile in Middle Earth. Aragorn's people.

Their story needed to be told and I think Leaward did that admirably. I love
her characters. I love her take on what the elves are like. Elrond's sons
are dignified and fun. I don't think I will ever be able to put a baby in a
crib again without thinking of them. Tarkil and Poppy perfectly show that
the true romance in marriage is the give and take and staying strong when
all around you is crumbling. Even the villians are wonderful. I absolutely
loved being ticked off at them.

This story is the direction I would like to see more fan fiction go. Telling
of the Fellowship by telling of the culture the members come from.

Title: Flowers
<> in
Disguise · Author: Holdur
8> · Races/Places: Hobbits · ID: 377
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:28:57 Score: 1
Sweet little Sam - trying so hard. But it's an important thing to learn -
and not only for a gardener.
Title: Under
<> Siege ·
Author: Forodwaith
> · Races/Places: Elves: Drabble · ID: 387
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:29:29 Score: 1
We forget sometimes that there were other battles outside of the Black Gate.
This reminds us, using deft imagery.
Title: A <>
Father’s Choice · Author: Elana
> · Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble · ID: 298
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:30:37 Score: 1
Lyrical language for a hard choice.
Title: Once
<> ·
Author: Meril
3> · Races/Places: Villains: Nazgul · ID: 485
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:35:01 Score: 2
How odd to think of the Ring being presented like a watch that fell off the
back of a truck, and yet it works well enough in this context.
Title: The One and
<> True Dark Lord
· Author: Werecat
> · Genres: Crossovers · ID: 358
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:37:56 Score: 2
I stumbled across this once before and it made me laugh then, too. How
appropriate that the megalomaniacs should be banished together, and how true
that their meeting would spark contempt!
Title: The
POrdinal=6> Swan Feather · Author: Starlight
5> · Genres: Romance: Vignette · ID: 50
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:39:01 Score: 3
How lovely to see the softer and more romantic side of one who is usually
portrayed as rather monstrous. Not only does he indulge Finduilas's
superstititions - he indulges in his own. Their marriage seems off to a
promising start. A most enjoyable tale.
Title: Winter <>
Solstice · Author: Fileg
6> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Gapfiller · ID: 727
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:42:01 Score: 3
Elrond faces his own doubts about the Fellowship in this vignette, but finds
hope too, in what is left when all the outer layers of defense have been
stripped away. The thought of them all agreeing to Boromir's horn cry at the
outset struck me most strongly here, but there is a great deal of strong
Title: Leaves
<> and
Stones · Author: Starlight
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Vignette · ID: 522
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:43:29 Score: 2
It is good to see Legolas discovering something while out of his comfort
zone - and observing something different about the dwarf while he does it.
Title: Uncover
SPOrdinal=16> the Past, Discover the Future · Author: Starlight
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Vignette · ID: 524
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:48:00 Score: 3
And so their relationship begins to build and develop understanding of one
for the other. Lothlorien is probably a good place for Gimli to read the
Book - and I hope he left it in Galadriel's safe-keeping when the Fellowship
moved on. I can't see it having survived the rest of the journey in Gimli's
Title: Keeping the
<> Watch · Author:
7> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Pre-War of the Ring · ID: 333
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:48:28 Score: 2
A chance enounter, made a distance, but still one which would have left a
strong impression I think. I love the hobbity details and the personalities
of the two hobbits as they observe the injured Ranger.
Title: Of Durin and
<> Kibil-nala ·
Author: Mantida
4> · Races/Places: Dwarves · ID: 473
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:53:46 Score: 2
The eloquent use of language, very like a formal tale from the Professor
himself, marks this "legend" about why Cirdan has a beard. And the way the
tale unfolds you find it hard to think of a flaw in it, as well. A happy
Title: The Eagle
<> Silmarillion ·
Author: Tehta
5> · Genres: Humor: Animals · ID: 554
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:56:40 Score: 3
Gravity! On you Wingless Ones! I just love Thorondor's embarrassment here.
And the Magpie One - who stole the shiny things. An eagle's perspective on
events is just so different. I loved his contempt for seagulls. (But at
least Elwing made it out in time!) A most enjoyable story.
Title: A Birthday
<> Party · Author:
> · Races/Places: Hobbits: Merry & Pippin · ID: 1171
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:57:36 Score: 1
Pippin has his own plans for Merry's birthday party, but at least they
include making sure the Merry has a good time!
Title: This
<> Silence ·
Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Elves · ID: 566
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
So poignant and so touching, it always makes me teary. The ending was the
last thing I expected first time I read it. Everything just falls together
brilliantly, the characters’ behaviour just fitting so well with one
another, despite the fact they are so different.
Title: Choose
<> Your Fate
· Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Races/Places: Elves: Poetry · ID: 568
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
An impressive feat of poetry, especially given every line rhymes! Rhyming
and getting a poem to make sense is a very difficult thing and you’d managed
it extremely well. For what is normally depicted as a very serious scene,
you’ve managed to inject humour, yet not lose the thoughtfulness.
Title: Ballad
> For Boromir And Legolas · Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Poetry · ID: 567
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
I love the formatting you apply to your poems, it really adds to the overall
effect. Once again, you manage to inject a subtle amount of humour into more
serious topic. A lovely ending, despite the sorrow.
Title: The
<> Flower
and the Sun · Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Post-War of the Ring · ID:
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
Such a different side of Gimli to what is normally depicted in stories. Such
a welcome change to the coarse character that we usually see. The comparison
and parallels between a flower, the sun and the two characters worked
extremely well! I was most surprised to see just how well it all came
together. A lovely short story.
Title: Not
In Our Stars · Author: Dwimordene
· Races/Places: Men: Eriador · ID: 245
Reviewer: Kenaz
4> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
Utterly heartbreaking and deftly written, this piece is wonderfully
evocative and utterly sad. Dwimordene is an expert at wordcraft and sets her
scenes beautifully. It's hard for me to say which of her stories is my
Title: Where Roses Grow <> · Author:
1> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Shire · ID: 589
Reviewer: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 6
This wonderful story was an intimate peek inside hobbit culture, written
with such a careful eye for detail that its verisimilitude is almost
heart-wrenching. One almost feels that the reader is actually inside the
community of the Tooklands. With many characters developed to sound
roundness, a sense of actual community has been accomplished by the writer,
and the descriptives are so wonderfully detailed that I could almost smell
the inside of the Great Smials and the countryside surrounding it. Plotline
and sub-plot were well thought-out and characterization was deftly handled.
It even accomplished its own subtext and adhered to Tolkien's world with
good craftmanship and great love for and care of canon.
Title: I Won't! <>
· Author: TopKat
9> · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 570
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
So sad... And the song fitted in perfectly - it really added to the overall
feel of the story, despite the fact that the song was so definitely modern
as compared to the story. A nice contrast and an open ending that leaves you
Title: Death
<> Awakening ·
Author: Luna
8> · Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble · ID: 647
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
A touching insight into the mind of Boromir, with a different, less angsty
spin on it than many pieces that deal with this issue. An interesting theme
to deal with in drabble form, but one that works exceptionally well.
Title: Mist <>
· Author: bernstein_nixe
7> · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 731
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 4
Oh my god! This made me cry SO much! Every word evoked a new emotion in me.
It was just so beautiful - just two moments in time so evocatively
described!!! Time just seemed to freeze in that final moment - it was so
sad, yet so beautiful. The true emotion I felt whilst reading this is
indescribable! No matter what I say, it never feels like I have truly
captured the emotion it made me feel. Thank you, thank you, thank you for
writing this and for sharing it.
Title: While We Dwelt in Fear <> ·
Author: pearltook1
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: The Shire · ID: 632
Reviewer: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 9
This amazing gap-filler could very well have been a part of the books. I
particularly like what Pearl did with Pippin and his lineage. If the author
didn't do massive research on the histories of countries under occupation
you'd never know it from this story. This took great dedication and
imagination. It was well researched for calender, hobbit names and places
and anything else canon you wish to throw in. Plot, subplot and
characterization are strong and complete, lending verisimilitude in
abundance. This has such a sense of completeness about it that it could
easily be made a movie in its own right.

The story of the occupation of the Shire is suitably dark, yet laced through
with the determination and hope of a splendid people. She has filled the
Shire with characters so true to life, you could swear they are based on you
family, friends and neighbors.

I loved the author's characterizations of Tolkien folk which were mentioned
in the books, but never really filled out. With this story, Pearl Took has
taken that task on with a talent best described as deft and meaningful. She
puts her very heart into her work, and this one, above all, for me, is a
splendid example of her dedication to her craft.
Title: Something
<> to Do
before the End · Author: Lindelea
> · Books/Time: Gap-Filler · ID: 753
Reviewer: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 10
True to canon and character, I found this story to be a wonderful study in
Boromir's character. His duties continue, and the character is written in
such a soldierly fashion I could almost see him. Pippin, too, is totally in
character, a bright spirit edged in just the right amount of darkness that
the writing of this hobbit, like the writing of Boromir, is perfectly
outlined and straight from the book. Reading this, I could feel how well
these two had learned the inner workings of each other as only brothers in
arms can. Boromir knows just what to say to each soldier he encounters, and
I wasn't at all surprised to see him spend a little extra effort for his
hobbit friend. The ending is so touchingly perfect and true to the
characters that I simply couldn't not nominate this story.

This is, quite simply and directly, beautiful. It is most fitting that
Boromir would watch over not only his city, but his brothers-in-arms. Most
especially he would not desert the child of his heart, and this story
illustrated that point with a fine touch and an artistic eye. Boromir would
indeed think in terms of a drill. He was Gondor's finest soldier, and I'm
sure he took great pains to teach Merry and Pippin all he could in the time
alotted him. I liked how the author had him mention the worthiness of the
deeds of both Pippin and Beregond, and his gratitude for their saving
Faramir. Also he would certainly remind Pippin his cousin needed him, and
doing so illustrated the Captain-General also loved Merry and worried about
him, too. The characterizations was well turned, the dialogue perfect, and
the story was very canon. The author has a grasp of language most admirable
and an eye for the beauty which may be wrought with words in a manner so
deft it is almost painterly. The author handled my favorite characters with
obvious love. How grateful I am for this story!

Title: Jerusalem
<> · Author:
1> · Genres: Crossovers · ID: 658
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel
· 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
I read this one quite some time ago and it was so touching. Amarie blended
two two times very well. If Elves are immortal, then it's not unthinkable to
think one could have seen Jesus in his day. And the kind words spoken to him
by Jesus.... Perfectly in character.
Title: Starlight,
<> Starbright ·
Author: Mariposa
0> · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID: 309
Reviewer: grey_wonderer
> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 4
I love humor and this story made me laugh out loud. Frodo's attempts to keep
Pippin in line and Pippin's desire to tell his rather rude story about a
certain grouping of stars to the other member's of the fellowship made for
entertaining reading. The author does a wonderful job of including the
different legends of each race and keeps everyone in character through the
Title: Pawns
<> · Author:
0> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Hobbits · ID: 310
Reviewer: grey_wonderer
> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
This is a very interesting look at exactly how Sam feels about Frodo's part
in the quest. Lovely use of symbolism and quiet conversation between
Title: A Took by Any
<> Other Name ·
Author: Lindelea
> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Fourth Age · ID: 773
Reviewer: grey_wonderer
> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
The author has a way of telling a story and keeping it fresh while
connecting it to all of her other lovely tales. This fits perfectly into her
universe. I enjoyed the banter between Merry and Pippin in this as well as
the rela<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

Msg# 5586

Today's Reviews...This is going to take a few posts.... #2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel October 03, 2005 - 0:36:01 Topic ID# 5582
Okay, make that 500 or so, it's too late to change it back to 250 per page

Title: On Becoming An
<> Adventurer ·
Author: Piplover
0> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Hurt/Comfort · ID: 1161
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 19:48:04 Score: 3
Pippin's determination to live up to his new responsibilities and not be "a
bother" is given a good basis in his growing understanding of how much he
has changed since he left the Shire -- and I do believe that the other
hobbits' intended cure for what ails him is a recognition of the changes
too, but also of the things that have stayed the same.
Title: Caught Between
<> the Light and
Dark · Author: Budgielover
1> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Incomplete · ID: 874
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 19:51:43 Score: 3
I've been following this story along as it has grown and I'm getting short
on fingernails! It's a marvelous cliffhanger, with more than one member of
the Fellowship imperilled, and with the strong characterizations which are a
trademark of Budgielover's work.
Title: Close your
<> Eyes · Author:
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Poetry · ID: 95
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 19:53:27 Score: 1
Ah, that's cute!
Title: Abrecan <> · Author:
9> · Races/Places: Rohan: Original Characters · ID: 433
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 19:59:21 Score: 6
Ooo yeah bravo! Lovely! One of the things that amazes me about this author,
is that english is NOT her native language. I was aquainted with her for
some months before I learned this! I am in awe of those who can speak more
that one language, but to also craft a story in a second language awes me
all the more.

This story is wonderful! A rocky start for such a close relationship to
come. I'm not completely familiar with the characters in this styory, but
That didn't matter. It was proved all the more a wonderful story in that I
was able to enjoy it nonetheless. Made me wanna go find a horsey companion

Fantastically done Rhapsody!! As always! I enjoy your stories!
Title: Namesake
> · Author: Ruby
2> Nye · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War · ID: 271
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:04:15 Score: 7
Ruby has a great sense of the difference between the way a child sees the
world and the way an adult does, and this story clearly shows that skill.
Farry Took feels like a real child, and he observes the things a child sees,
the things that are important to him because he is a child. There is a
marvelous physicality to the way that Pippin and Faramir (the grown up
Faramir) interact with each other -- a quick abandonment of formality that
speaks volumes about friendship and Faramir's understanding of the nature of
hobbits -- or at least of Tooks! And mixed in with the great story there is
a strong sense of time and place that shows up in the vocabulary. "Stone
fruit harvest" really struck me as the kind of time-identifier that would
make sense in a rural society like the Shire. All in all well worth the
Title: Runes in the leaves
<> · Author: Rhapsody
9> · Genres: Mystery · ID: 768
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 20:10:05 Score: 3
Way too short a review for a lovely little hobbit tale! I remember reading
this at Marigolds challenge and being intrigued by the mystery! Never did I
guess in the course of the story the true perpetrator of the crimes. A sweet
lovely tale from an author I enjoy finding stories from. I'm so thrilled she
wandered into the shire!
Title: Swords Returned <> ·
Author: Leaward
2> · Races/Places: Men: Eriador · ID: 172
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 20:13:16 Score: 5
Once again one of my FAVE authors comes through Beautifully! I do LOVE this
story! The basis of it is so beautifully thought out. The practical rangers
would not be able to carry each fallen comrade home, and so each one's U -
neek sword is brought home instead. How horrible it would be the one
carrying that extra sword/s. And Oh what a beautiful father son moment!!
Young Tarkil is JUST as wonderful as the adult he becomes. I Love his young
naive ideas, that he would like his own sword. Ah yes, brings me to tears
each time I read it. Big clapppings and crunchable birdses to Leaward!
Title: The Creation
<> of Horses ·
Author: Elwen_Aiwelinde
3> · Races/Places: Men: Poetry · ID: 275
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:14:04 Score: 6
I loved the urgency of the opening of this piece. Then, having got the full
attention, the telling of the myth itself.

At first it is black and quiet then gradually the awakening of the creatures
without form, until they are moulded by Bema.

I particularly liked how he colours them according to what is within the
earth and sky. The pace is picked up again as the poem concludes with the
sounding of the horn and the call for attention once more.

Excellent piece both in content and form, I dread to write structured prose,
but this is done well. The metre certainly suggested to me galloping horses
and much movement.
Title: Kingly <>
Gifts · Author: Dreamflower
5> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Friendship · ID: 831
Reviewer: Garnet
9> Took · 2005-10-02 20:15:35 Score: 4
Such a heartbreakingly beautiful story of grief and hope. Merry needing to
be beside Pippin just seems so right.

Dreamflower always paints such lovely pictures in a very few words. She is
one of the true masters of the drabble and short story.

One thing, besides the ending, that I liked about this story was Gandalf's
own misgivings about what had happened to the hobbits and how he would have
had to explain things to their relatives.

Great Job.
Title: Song of the
<> Faithful ·
Author: Ninquelosse
0> · Races/Places: Men: Poetry · ID: 498
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:18:36 Score: 2
I like how you have taken an original stanza from the hymn and built your
model around it. I think this works really well and, although I'm not sure
to which deity they are appealing, it is pious and evocotive of their plight
and demeanour.
Title: A Pint of Trouble <> · Author:
0> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: The Shire · ID: 890
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:21:55 Score: 3
Pippin is still learning how to talk, and his vocabulary gets an unexpected
(and unwanted) boost when Frodo and Merry make a visit to the pub with him
in tow.

Occasionally, I feel like there is a surfeit of small-Pippin stories out
there, but this story never makes me feel overloaded with sugar. I'm
laughing far too hard. Hooray!
Title: A Lullaby for
<> the Longest
Night · Author: Alawa
3> · Races/Places: Men: Poetry · ID: 503
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:24:28 Score: 3
Lyrical and pleasing. I enjoyed the rhyming couplets and I think they sit
well here, uncomplicated and something that could be dreamed up on the road
rather than a scholarly device. The sentiments are heartfelt but not cloying
and the whole is satisfying and a pleasant read.
Title: A Matter of
<> Time · Author:
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 514
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:32:27 Score: 4
This is a wonderful concept, exploring the reason that Elrond may have been
against Pippin's accompanying the Fellowship--and it's not because he's too
young. The idea that he might be a sort of catalyst, and that this is why
Elrond was at first against and then for it is very original. But what I
love best is at the end, Merry's discussion with Gandalf, and his answer to
how he feels about the Quest: "Look what we did." Absolutely perfect.
Title: The
Stubborness of Tooks · Author: Dreamflower
5> · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID: 918
Reviewer: Garnet
9> Took · 2005-10-02 20:33:30 Score: 3
Great story. Dreamflower nicely ties this story into her wider uniferse with
mentions of characters and events from other stories. I especially loved the
large pink rabbits. Paladin is both an annoying yet simpathitic character.
The whole thing was so believable.
Title: Creatures
<> of Habit
· Author: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 811
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:34:23 Score: 1
So sweet and beautiful. I love the way Pippin continues to show his love and
respect for Boromir for the rest of his life.
Title: In the Company
<> of Friends ·
Author: SlightlyTookish
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 830
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:36:14 Score: 2
I love this story of friendship between Pippin and Gimli, with a bit of h/c
for both of them. Pippin's concern for Gimli is touching, and Gimli
comforting Pip is so sweet.
Title: The
<> Prodigal
Took · Author: Lulleny
2> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: The Shire · ID: 1032
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:36:26 Score: 3
This is a powerful version of Pippin's return to the Great Smials, in no
small part because Lulleny has chosen to admit that not everything has come
around right just because the heroes are home. I don't know if she's written
a sequel, but I'd read it if she has.
Title: Prince of
<> Pride · Author:
> · Races/Places: Villains: Poetry · ID: 577
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:37:30 Score: 2
The rhyming scheme is a little wonky for a sonnet, but I'm old fashioned in
that way. Overall I liked the poem as it is full of depth and evocative of
the beginning of things. Manwe seems almost surprised at her choice but
pleased also of course.
Title: It Takes A
<> Took · Author:
5> · Races/Places: Hobbits: Pippin · ID: 823
Reviewer: Garnet
9> Took · 2005-10-02 20:38:15 Score: 3
One of the more clever Pippin meets Diamond stories. Diamond as a healer was
different, and quite pleasant. It certainly raised a whole new set of
issues. Ethics and traditions needed to be examined before the couple could
even begin a relationship. Very good story.
Title: Grasping at
<> Moonbeams
Glistening · Author: Werecat
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Post-War of the Ring · ID: 363
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:38:34 Score: 2
This story could have been a Mary Sue, but it is anything but. The OFC is a
believable and well rounded person, and her infatuation with Legolas and its
resolution are simple and realistic.
Title: Giving <>
Ground · Author: Suzene
0> Campos · Genres: Movie-verse: Vignette · ID: 1123
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:42:34 Score: 3
Legolas' moment of despair at Helm's Deep is enlarged and examined here, and
it isn't until a conversation with Gimli (one I would have dearly loved to
have seen in the film) that he comes to an understanding of why Aragorn has
chosen the way he has and what he has to accept in order to face the coming
Title: Under the Lonely Mountain Cold
<> · Author: Marta
> · Races/Places: Villains: Poetry · ID: 965
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:50:13 Score: 3
This was an excellent song! The rhythm worked well and the rhyming scheme is
cleverly done, especially the internal rhyme of the third line.

It also tells well the story of the slaying of Smaug and the reclaiming of
the treasure, just as one might imagine the dwarves would have told it -
especially in their cups!

Well done.
Title: When the
<> King Returned ·
Author: Ninquelosse
0> · Races/Places: Gondor: Original Characters · ID: 497
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:50:17 Score: 2
Of course there would have been doubts and fears among many of the common
people when they learned the King had returned. A realistic look at some of
Title: Ad Sum <> ·
Author: Dwimordene
· Races/Places: Gondor: Original Characters · ID: 693
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:52:21 Score: 2
And so there were those who were too humble for battle, who cleaned up its
aftermath, and tended to the dead. Very melancholy and insightful.
Title: An Act of
<> Desperation ·
Author: ShieldmaidenofRohan
6> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Incomplete · ID: 910
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:56:57 Score: 3
I'll cheerfully confess to not having read this entire story, but the early
chapters are well-written and show a strong sense of the lives and society
of the Rohirrim. Eowyn's voice is clear and her characterization so far is
sure-handed. I'm looking forward to finishing it when I have time.
Title: Renewed
Acquaintance · Author: Tanaqui
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Drabble · ID: 548
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:00:15 Score: 2
Interesting look at Aragorn, remembering his time as Thorongil, and Boromir
as a baby. I like the way he ponders what the son's differences from his
father might be.
Title: Time
<> in the
Ditch · Author: Dwimordene
· Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Drabble · ID: 253
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:01:54 Score: 1
A nice glimpse of Aragorn the wanderer, finding joy wherever he can.
Title: Bringing
<> the Sun ·
Author: Tanaqui
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Drabble · ID: 1382
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:02:08 Score: 2
Yes, it may have been irritating to have an Elf that could run on snow, but
without his encouragement, they might have given up. Very insightful.
Title: The Same Story <> ·
Author: Marta
> · Races/Places: Hobbits: Poetry · ID: 956
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 21:03:06 Score: 1
Don't know the song, but good verse comparing Frodo with Beren. The voices
of Sam and Frodo are true and it runs well.
Title: A Short <>
Rest · Author: Jay
4> of Lasgalen · Books/Time: The Hobbit · ID: 428
Reviewer: LOTR_lover
4> · 2005-10-02 21:03:19 Score: 3
A sweet vignette, not only about Estel meeting Bilbo and the dwarves, but
also about family life in Elrond's household in Imladris. I love all of your
stories, Jay (probably won't/or didn't get any others reviewed, darn it!)
and this one is no exception. Nice work.
Title: The <>
Room of Tears · Author: Elendiari22
3> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Gondor · ID: 759
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:05:11 Score: 4
This ficlet later inspired the author to write a longer tale based on the
same incident, but I love the way this can also stand on its own. There are
not many stories pairing Eowyn and Pippin, yet this makes it very
plausible--they are both young, impulsive and curious. Why not? And the
little story that accompanies the hidden room is chilling and sad. Wonderful
Title: Reunion
<> at Cormallen
· Author: Shirebound
5> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War · ID: 1116
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:08:35 Score: 3
This is a very different version of Cormallen than most. Though there's more
than a little h/c, it's far more light-hearted than most, and there is a
good bit of humor in the unusual situation that Aragorn and the hobbits find
themselves in. A very nice read.
Title: Hobbits: An
<> Owner's Guide
and Maintenance Manual · Author: Theresa
6> Green · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID: 1158
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:09:42 Score: 2
Oh, joy! I do love these owner guides. And this one had me smiling from the
beginning to end. I shall have to invest in locks for my
larders/freezers/etc. and get myself a set of hobbits, and soon!
Title: Two of A <>
Kind · Author: Gaslight
1> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War · ID: 1133
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:10:08 Score: 2
A very chilling look at what Wormtongue and Lotho might have had in
common--aside from sheer hatred of Saruman. Creepy, but in a way that
provides food for thought.
Title: Always <>
Dancing · Author: Mariposa
0> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Friendship · ID: 928
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:29:42 Score: 3
I can't believe I missed this! Pippin is teaching some of the hobbits who
want to learn swordplay, but all through the lesson are memories of Boromir
and the quest, and the lessons that he and Merry shared not all that long
before. The details are marvelous, and I absolutely howled at Pippin's
memory of Merry's comment concerning the proper grip.
Title: In <>
the Hands of the King · Author: Gwynnyd
6> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Gondor Drabble · ID: 22
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:33:51 Score: 2
Beregond really looks at his son, as if he's looking for damage, as the two
of them confront their fears and hopes in this brief, illuminating moment.
Title: An Unexpected Gift
<> · Author: Marta
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 584
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:35:47 Score: 1
Even a flawed gift can have value, if you know what to look for. An
interesting moment between Gandalf and Denethor.
Title: Kindred
<> Spirits ·
Author: Elana
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 299
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:38:02 Score: 1
I hadn't thought of this before, but it's true. A nice insight!
Title: Echo <> · Author:
5> Brooke · Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble · ID: 684
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:40:55 Score: 1
I like Pippin "touching everything" as if it will somehow summon Boromir to
come and yell at him.
Title: Interrupted
<> Journeys:
Part Three - Journeys Begin · Author: elliska
3> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Mirkwood · ID: 1311
Reviewer: Elena
7> Tiriel · 2005-10-02 21:42:15 Score: 7
The Interrupted Journeys series is a fascinating look at Thranduil and his
family throughout the Third Age, as they move their stronghold further North
and try to fend off the encroaching Darkness....

This (unfinished) story focuses on Thranduil's growing family, with Legolas
and various cousins, real and extended-family, still very young. But trouble
is brewing: a conspiracy has arisen against Thranduil amongst some of the
Elves in his realm, led by Marti, an unstable Noldorin elleth that we have
met in the other stories. And she appears to be conspiring with evil
Easterlings to attack the king's family; there are attempts to capture
Lindomiel and also Legolas.

This story ranges from delight in the antics of elflings to extreme tension
as Thranduil and his advisors discover the depths of the conspiracy. It's
very tense, and very exciting. I look forward to reading each chapter.

Title: A <>
Good Custom · Author: Tanaqui
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 1380
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:42:29 Score: 2
The joy of giving is a gift too. This is a nice interchange between Faramir
and Pippin, and one that has great appeal as a plotbunny for a larger story.
Title: The
<> Gift ·
Author: maranya14
0> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 480
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:44:23 Score: 1
Nicely done! One for the dwarves, and one for the men of Dale and as a
bonus, one for the hobbits as well!
Title: sworn brothers <> · Author:
1> · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 864
Reviewer: Lindelea
> · 2005-10-02 23:00:50 Score: 1
Shows promise; author can write dialogue and description but would do better
if heeding "canon".
Title: Homecoming
<> · Author:
> · Genres: Romance · ID: 541
Reviewer: Elena
7> Tiriel · 2005-10-02 23:09:06 Score: 8
"Homecoming" is a fascinating look into the relationship between Faramir and
Éowyn in the very early days of their marriage. It is a realistic look,
which means that it is not all sweetness and light. They are really learning
their new roles as spouses.

Éowyn is very unsure of herself, not understanding yet how Faramir responds
to some situations by withdrawing, not yet knowing how to initiate behaviors
from him, like sex, for example.

Faramir is still grieving over his father's death, and that affects his
ability to settle into the Steward's mansion with his new wife -- there are
too many memories, happy and not.

But the two of them find ways to create happier memories for the rooms in
the house... which is where Tanaqui's writing really shines. She does not
write smut -- she writes about realistic sexual activity... and sexual
activity isn't all hearts and flowers. Sometimes it is wonderful and
sometimes it is just plain uncomfortable and distasteful and upsetting; and
Tanaqui also shows that part.

And I love the very hopeful note that this story ends on. Very nice writing,

Title: Life in the Angle <>
· Author: Leaward
2> · Genres: Romance · ID: 181
Reviewer: MysteriousWays
2> · 2005-10-02 23:21:01 Score: 10
How do I love this story, let me count the ways.

Well, actually I will not count the ways as that is to near to organization.

This story goes where few have gone before. I think that is why I like it so
much. I read mostly fan fiction of hobbits. The problem with that is much of
it is rehashing the same plots with the same characters. So earlier this
year I started a C2 group at The purpose of the group is to
promote stories that use characters that are beyond the Fellowship. This
story and all of Leward's stories not only get away from the Fellowship but
she dares to dive into a little written of culture.

Tolkien wrote enough of the Dunedain into his stories to make it clear that
this people really mattered to him. But he never quite managed to find the
time to go into the tales of these people. Leaward picked up where Tolkien
left off. She did careful research as Tolkien would have done and came up
with a rich tapestry of details that I think the professor truly would have

I know there are readers out there who feel that there is not point to
writing fan fiction if you are not going to have it focus on the books
characters. But I see it differently. In a letter to his publisher Tolkien
said he hoped that others would be inspired by his work to expand upon it in
whatever ways they wished. Leaward has done this. In "Life in the Angle" she
paints a clear and inviting picture of this mysterious group of people that
lived in exile in Middle Earth. Aragorn's people.

Their story needed to be told and I think Leaward did that admirably. I love
her characters. I love her take on what the elves are like. Elrond's sons
are dignified and fun. I don't think I will ever be able to put a baby in a
crib again without thinking of them. Tarkil and Poppy perfectly show that
the true romance in marriage is the give and take and staying strong when
all around you is crumbling. Even the villians are wonderful. I absolutely
loved being ticked off at them.

This story is the direction I would like to see more fan fiction go. Telling
of the Fellowship by telling of the culture the members come from.

Title: Flowers
<> in
Disguise · Author: Holdur
8> · Races/Places: Hobbits · ID: 377
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:28:57 Score: 1
Sweet little Sam - trying so hard. But it's an important thing to learn -
and not only for a gardener.
Title: Under
<> Siege ·
Author: Forodwaith
> · Races/Places: Elves: Drabble · ID: 387
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:29:29 Score: 1
We forget sometimes that there were other battles outside of the Black Gate.
This reminds us, using deft imagery.
Title: A <>
Father’s Choice · Author: Elana
> · Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble · ID: 298
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:30:37 Score: 1
Lyrical language for a hard choice.
Title: Once
<> ·
Author: Meril
3> · Races/Places: Villains: Nazgul · ID: 485
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:35:01 Score: 2
How odd to think of the Ring being presented like a watch that fell off the
back of a truck, and yet it works well enough in this context.
Title: The One and
<> True Dark Lord
· Author: Werecat
> · Genres: Crossovers · ID: 358
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:37:56 Score: 2
I stumbled across this once before and it made me laugh then, too. How
appropriate that the megalomaniacs should be banished together, and how true
that their meeting would spark contempt!
Title: The
POrdinal=6> Swan Feather · Author: Starlight
5> · Genres: Romance: Vignette · ID: 50
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:39:01 Score: 3
How lovely to see the softer and more romantic side of one who is usually
portrayed as rather monstrous. Not only does he indulge Finduilas's
superstititions - he indulges in his own. Their marriage seems off to a
promising start. A most enjoyable tale.
Title: Winter <>
Solstice · Author: Fileg
6> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Gapfiller · ID: 727
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:42:01 Score: 3
Elrond faces his own doubts about the Fellowship in this vignette, but finds
hope too, in what is left when all the outer layers of defense have been
stripped away. The thought of them all agreeing to Boromir's horn cry at the
outset struck me most strongly here, but there is a great deal of strong
Title: Leaves
<> and
Stones · Author: Starlight
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Vignette · ID: 522
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:43:29 Score: 2
It is good to see Legolas discovering something while out of his comfort
zone - and observing something different about the dwarf while he does it.
Title: Uncover
SPOrdinal=16> the Past, Discover the Future · Author: Starlight
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Vignette · ID: 524
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:48:00 Score: 3
And so their relationship begins to build and develop understanding of one
for the other. Lothlorien is probably a good place for Gimli to read the
Book - and I hope he left it in Galadriel's safe-keeping when the Fellowship
moved on. I can't see it having survived the rest of the journey in Gimli's
Title: Keeping the
<> Watch · Author:
7> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Pre-War of the Ring · ID: 333
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:48:28 Score: 2
A chance enounter, made a distance, but still one which would have left a
strong impression I think. I love the hobbity details and the personalities
of the two hobbits as they observe the injured Ranger.
Title: Of Durin and
<> Kibil-nala ·
Author: Mantida
4> · Races/Places: Dwarves · ID: 473
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:53:46 Score: 2
The eloquent use of language, very like a formal tale from the Professor
himself, marks this "legend" about why Cirdan has a beard. And the way the
tale unfolds you find it hard to think of a flaw in it, as well. A happy
Title: The Eagle
<> Silmarillion ·
Author: Tehta
5> · Genres: Humor: Animals · ID: 554
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:56:40 Score: 3
Gravity! On you Wingless Ones! I just love Thorondor's embarrassment here.
And the Magpie One - who stole the shiny things. An eagle's perspective on
events is just so different. I loved his contempt for seagulls. (But at
least Elwing made it out in time!) A most enjoyable story.
Title: A Birthday
<> Party · Author:
> · Races/Places: Hobbits: Merry & Pippin · ID: 1171
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:57:36 Score: 1
Pippin has his own plans for Merry's birthday party, but at least they
include making sure the Merry has a good time!
Title: This
<> Silence ·
Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Elves · ID: 566
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
So poignant and so touching, it always makes me teary. The ending was the
last thing I expected first time I read it. Everything just falls together
brilliantly, the characters’ behaviour just fitting so well with one
another, despite the fact they are so different.
Title: Choose
<> Your Fate
· Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Races/Places: Elves: Poetry · ID: 568
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
An impressive feat of poetry, especially given every line rhymes! Rhyming
and getting a poem to make sense is a very difficult thing and you’d managed
it extremely well. For what is normally depicted as a very serious scene,
you’ve managed to inject humour, yet not lose the thoughtfulness.
Title: Ballad
> For Boromir And Legolas · Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Poetry · ID: 567
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
I love the formatting you apply to your poems, it really adds to the overall
effect. Once again, you manage to inject a subtle amount of humour into more
serious topic. A lovely ending, despite the sorrow.
Title: The
<> Flower
and the Sun · Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Post-War of the Ring · ID:
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
Such a different side of Gimli to what is normally depicted in stories. Such
a welcome change to the coarse character that we usually see. The comparison
and parallels between a flower, the sun and the two characters worked
extremely well! I was most surprised to see just how well it all came
together. A lovely short story.
Title: Not
In Our Stars · Author: Dwimordene
· Races/Places: Men: Eriador · ID: 245
Reviewer: Kenaz
4> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
Utterly heartbreaking and deftly written, this piece is wonderfully
evocative and utterly sad. Dwimordene is an expert at wordcraft and sets her
scenes beautifully. It's hard for me to say which of her stories is my
Title: Where Roses Grow <> · Author:
1> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Shire · ID: 589
Reviewer: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 6
This wonderful story was an intimate peek inside hobbit culture, written
with such a careful eye for detail that its verisimilitude is almost
heart-wrenching. One almost feels that the reader is actually inside the
community of the Tooklands. With many characters developed to sound
roundness, a sense of actual community has been accomplished by the writer,
and the descriptives are so wonderfully detailed that I could almost smell
the inside of the Great Smials and the countryside surrounding it. Plotline
and sub-plot were well thought-out and characterization was deftly handled.
It even accomplished its own subtext and adhered to Tolkien's world with
good craftmanship and great love for and care of canon.
Title: I Won't! <>
· Author: TopKat
9> · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 570
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
So sad... And the song fitted in perfectly - it really added to the overall
feel of the story, despite the fact that the song was so definitely modern
as compared to the story. A nice contrast and an open ending that leaves you
Title: Death
<> Awakening ·
Author: Luna
8> · Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble · ID: 647
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
A touching insight into the mind of Boromir, with a different, less angsty
spin on it than many pieces that deal with this issue. An interesting theme
to deal with in drabble form, but one that works exceptionally well.
Title: Mist <>
· Author: bernstein_nixe
7> · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 731
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 4
Oh my god! This made me cry SO much! Every word evoked a new emotion in me.
It was just so beautiful - just two moments in time so evocatively
described!!! Time just seemed to freeze in that final moment - it was so
sad, yet so beautiful. The true emotion I felt whilst reading this is
indescribable! No matter what I say, it never feels like I have truly
captured the emotion it made me feel. Thank you, thank you, thank you for
writing this and for sharing it.
Title: While We Dwelt in Fear <> ·
Author: pearltook1
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: The Shire · ID: 632
Reviewer: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 9
This amazing gap-filler could very well have been a part of the books. I
particularly like what Pearl did with Pippin and his lineage. If the author
didn't do massive research on the histories of countries under occupation
you'd never know it from this story. This took great dedication and
imagination. It was well researched for calender, hobbit names and places
and anything else canon you wish to throw in. Plot, subplot and
characterization are strong and complete, lending verisimilitude in
abundance. This has such a sense of completeness about it that it could
easily be made a movie in its own right.

The story of the occupation of the Shire is suitably dark, yet laced through
with the determination and hope of a splendid people. She has filled the
Shire with characters so true to life, you could swear they are based on you
family, friends and neighbors.

I loved the author's characterizations of Tolkien folk which were mentioned
in the books, but never really filled out. With this story, Pearl Took has
taken that task on with a talent best described as deft and meaningful. She
puts her very heart into her work, and this one, above all, for me, is a
splendid example of her dedication to her craft.
Title: Something
<> to Do
before the End · Author: Lindelea
> · Books/Time: Gap-Filler · ID: 753
Reviewer: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 10
True to canon and character, I found this story to be a wonderful study in
Boromir's character. His duties continue, and the character is written in
such a soldierly fashion I could almost see him. Pippin, too, is totally in
character, a bright spirit edged in just the right amount of darkness that
the writing of this hobbit, like the writing of Boromir, is perfectly
outlined and straight from the book. Reading this, I could feel how well
these two had learned the inner workings of each other as only brothers in
arms can. Boromir knows just what to say to each soldier he encounters, and
I wasn't at all surprised to see him spend a little extra effort for his
hobbit friend. The ending is so touchingly perfect and true to the
characters that I simply couldn't not nominate this story.

This is, quite simply and directly, beautiful. It is most fitting that
Boromir would watch over not only his city, but his brothers-in-arms. Most
especially he would not desert the child of his heart, and this story
illustrated that point with a fine touch and an artistic eye. Boromir would
indeed think in terms of a drill. He was Gondor's finest soldier, and I'm
sure he took great pains to teach Merry and Pippin all he could in the time
alotted him. I liked how the author had him mention the worthiness of the
deeds of both Pippin and Beregond, and his gratitude for their saving
Faramir. Also he would certainly remind Pippin his cousin needed him, and
doing so illustrated the Captain-General also loved Merry and worried about
him, too. The characterizations was well turned, the dialogue perfect, and
the story was very canon. The author has a grasp of language most admirable
and an eye for the beauty which may be wrought with words in a manner so
deft it is almost painterly. The author handled my favorite characters with
obvious love. How grateful I am for this story!

Title: Jerusalem
<> · Author:
1> · Genres: Crossovers · ID: 658
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel
· 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
I read this one quite some time ago and it was so touching. Amarie blended
two two times very well. If Elves are immortal, then it's not unthinkable to
think one could have seen Jesus in his day. And the kind words spoken to him
by Jesus.... Perfectly in character.
Title: Starlight,
<> Starbright ·
Author: Mariposa
0> · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID: 309
Reviewer: grey_wonderer
> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 4
I love humor and this story made me laugh out loud. Frodo's attempts to keep
Pippin in line and Pippin's desire to tell his rather rude story about a
certain grouping of stars to the other member's of the fellowship made for
entertaining reading. The author does a wonderful job of including the
different legends of each race and keeps everyone in character through the
Title: Pawns
<> · Author:
0> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Hobbits · ID: 310
Reviewer: grey_wonderer
> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
This is a very interesting look at exactly how Sam feels about Frodo's part
in the quest. Lovely use of symbolism and quiet conversation between
Title: A Took by Any
<> Other Name ·
Author: Lindelea
> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Fourth Age · ID: 773
Reviewer: grey_wonderer
> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
The author has a way of telling a story and keeping it fresh while
connecting it to all of her other lovely tales. This fits perfectly into her
universe. I enjoyed the banter between Merry and Pippin in this as well as
the rela<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

Msg# 5588

Today's Reviews...This is going to take a few posts.... #2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel October 03, 2005 - 0:45:34 Topic ID# 5582
Okay, make that 500 or so, it's too late to change it back to 250 per page

Title: On Becoming An
<> Adventurer ·
Author: Piplover
0> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Hurt/Comfort · ID: 1161
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 19:48:04 Score: 3
Pippin's determination to live up to his new responsibilities and not be "a
bother" is given a good basis in his growing understanding of how much he
has changed since he left the Shire -- and I do believe that the other
hobbits' intended cure for what ails him is a recognition of the changes
too, but also of the things that have stayed the same.
Title: Caught Between
<> the Light and
Dark · Author: Budgielover
1> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Incomplete · ID: 874
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 19:51:43 Score: 3
I've been following this story along as it has grown and I'm getting short
on fingernails! It's a marvelous cliffhanger, with more than one member of
the Fellowship imperilled, and with the strong characterizations which are a
trademark of Budgielover's work.
Title: Close your
<> Eyes · Author:
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Poetry · ID: 95
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 19:53:27 Score: 1
Ah, that's cute!
Title: Abrecan <> · Author:
9> · Races/Places: Rohan: Original Characters · ID: 433
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 19:59:21 Score: 6
Ooo yeah bravo! Lovely! One of the things that amazes me about this author,
is that english is NOT her native language. I was aquainted with her for
some months before I learned this! I am in awe of those who can speak more
that one language, but to also craft a story in a second language awes me
all the more.

This story is wonderful! A rocky start for such a close relationship to
come. I'm not completely familiar with the characters in this styory, but
That didn't matter. It was proved all the more a wonderful story in that I
was able to enjoy it nonetheless. Made me wanna go find a horsey companion

Fantastically done Rhapsody!! As always! I enjoy your stories!
Title: Namesake
> · Author: Ruby
2> Nye · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War · ID: 271
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:04:15 Score: 7
Ruby has a great sense of the difference between the way a child sees the
world and the way an adult does, and this story clearly shows that skill.
Farry Took feels like a real child, and he observes the things a child sees,
the things that are important to him because he is a child. There is a
marvelous physicality to the way that Pippin and Faramir (the grown up
Faramir) interact with each other -- a quick abandonment of formality that
speaks volumes about friendship and Faramir's understanding of the nature of
hobbits -- or at least of Tooks! And mixed in with the great story there is
a strong sense of time and place that shows up in the vocabulary. "Stone
fruit harvest" really struck me as the kind of time-identifier that would
make sense in a rural society like the Shire. All in all well worth the
Title: Runes in the leaves
<> · Author: Rhapsody
9> · Genres: Mystery · ID: 768
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 20:10:05 Score: 3
Way too short a review for a lovely little hobbit tale! I remember reading
this at Marigolds challenge and being intrigued by the mystery! Never did I
guess in the course of the story the true perpetrator of the crimes. A sweet
lovely tale from an author I enjoy finding stories from. I'm so thrilled she
wandered into the shire!
Title: Swords Returned <> ·
Author: Leaward
2> · Races/Places: Men: Eriador · ID: 172
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 20:13:16 Score: 5
Once again one of my FAVE authors comes through Beautifully! I do LOVE this
story! The basis of it is so beautifully thought out. The practical rangers
would not be able to carry each fallen comrade home, and so each one's U -
neek sword is brought home instead. How horrible it would be the one
carrying that extra sword/s. And Oh what a beautiful father son moment!!
Young Tarkil is JUST as wonderful as the adult he becomes. I Love his young
naive ideas, that he would like his own sword. Ah yes, brings me to tears
each time I read it. Big clapppings and crunchable birdses to Leaward!
Title: The Creation
<> of Horses ·
Author: Elwen_Aiwelinde
3> · Races/Places: Men: Poetry · ID: 275
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:14:04 Score: 6
I loved the urgency of the opening of this piece. Then, having got the full
attention, the telling of the myth itself.

At first it is black and quiet then gradually the awakening of the creatures
without form, until they are moulded by Bema.

I particularly liked how he colours them according to what is within the
earth and sky. The pace is picked up again as the poem concludes with the
sounding of the horn and the call for attention once more.

Excellent piece both in content and form, I dread to write structured prose,
but this is done well. The metre certainly suggested to me galloping horses
and much movement.
Title: Kingly <>
Gifts · Author: Dreamflower
5> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Friendship · ID: 831
Reviewer: Garnet
9> Took · 2005-10-02 20:15:35 Score: 4
Such a heartbreakingly beautiful story of grief and hope. Merry needing to
be beside Pippin just seems so right.

Dreamflower always paints such lovely pictures in a very few words. She is
one of the true masters of the drabble and short story.

One thing, besides the ending, that I liked about this story was Gandalf's
own misgivings about what had happened to the hobbits and how he would have
had to explain things to their relatives.

Great Job.
Title: Song of the
<> Faithful ·
Author: Ninquelosse
0> · Races/Places: Men: Poetry · ID: 498
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:18:36 Score: 2
I like how you have taken an original stanza from the hymn and built your
model around it. I think this works really well and, although I'm not sure
to which deity they are appealing, it is pious and evocotive of their plight
and demeanour.
Title: A Pint of Trouble <> · Author:
0> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: The Shire · ID: 890
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:21:55 Score: 3
Pippin is still learning how to talk, and his vocabulary gets an unexpected
(and unwanted) boost when Frodo and Merry make a visit to the pub with him
in tow.

Occasionally, I feel like there is a surfeit of small-Pippin stories out
there, but this story never makes me feel overloaded with sugar. I'm
laughing far too hard. Hooray!
Title: A Lullaby for
<> the Longest
Night · Author: Alawa
3> · Races/Places: Men: Poetry · ID: 503
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:24:28 Score: 3
Lyrical and pleasing. I enjoyed the rhyming couplets and I think they sit
well here, uncomplicated and something that could be dreamed up on the road
rather than a scholarly device. The sentiments are heartfelt but not cloying
and the whole is satisfying and a pleasant read.
Title: A Matter of
<> Time · Author:
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 514
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:32:27 Score: 4
This is a wonderful concept, exploring the reason that Elrond may have been
against Pippin's accompanying the Fellowship--and it's not because he's too
young. The idea that he might be a sort of catalyst, and that this is why
Elrond was at first against and then for it is very original. But what I
love best is at the end, Merry's discussion with Gandalf, and his answer to
how he feels about the Quest: "Look what we did." Absolutely perfect.
Title: The
Stubborness of Tooks · Author: Dreamflower
5> · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID: 918
Reviewer: Garnet
9> Took · 2005-10-02 20:33:30 Score: 3
Great story. Dreamflower nicely ties this story into her wider uniferse with
mentions of characters and events from other stories. I especially loved the
large pink rabbits. Paladin is both an annoying yet simpathitic character.
The whole thing was so believable.
Title: Creatures
<> of Habit
· Author: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 811
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:34:23 Score: 1
So sweet and beautiful. I love the way Pippin continues to show his love and
respect for Boromir for the rest of his life.
Title: In the Company
<> of Friends ·
Author: SlightlyTookish
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 830
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:36:14 Score: 2
I love this story of friendship between Pippin and Gimli, with a bit of h/c
for both of them. Pippin's concern for Gimli is touching, and Gimli
comforting Pip is so sweet.
Title: The
<> Prodigal
Took · Author: Lulleny
2> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: The Shire · ID: 1032
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:36:26 Score: 3
This is a powerful version of Pippin's return to the Great Smials, in no
small part because Lulleny has chosen to admit that not everything has come
around right just because the heroes are home. I don't know if she's written
a sequel, but I'd read it if she has.
Title: Prince of
<> Pride · Author:
> · Races/Places: Villains: Poetry · ID: 577
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:37:30 Score: 2
The rhyming scheme is a little wonky for a sonnet, but I'm old fashioned in
that way. Overall I liked the poem as it is full of depth and evocative of
the beginning of things. Manwe seems almost surprised at her choice but
pleased also of course.
Title: It Takes A
<> Took · Author:
5> · Races/Places: Hobbits: Pippin · ID: 823
Reviewer: Garnet
9> Took · 2005-10-02 20:38:15 Score: 3
One of the more clever Pippin meets Diamond stories. Diamond as a healer was
different, and quite pleasant. It certainly raised a whole new set of
issues. Ethics and traditions needed to be examined before the couple could
even begin a relationship. Very good story.
Title: Grasping at
<> Moonbeams
Glistening · Author: Werecat
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Post-War of the Ring · ID: 363
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:38:34 Score: 2
This story could have been a Mary Sue, but it is anything but. The OFC is a
believable and well rounded person, and her infatuation with Legolas and its
resolution are simple and realistic.
Title: Giving <>
Ground · Author: Suzene
0> Campos · Genres: Movie-verse: Vignette · ID: 1123
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:42:34 Score: 3
Legolas' moment of despair at Helm's Deep is enlarged and examined here, and
it isn't until a conversation with Gimli (one I would have dearly loved to
have seen in the film) that he comes to an understanding of why Aragorn has
chosen the way he has and what he has to accept in order to face the coming
Title: Under the Lonely Mountain Cold
<> · Author: Marta
> · Races/Places: Villains: Poetry · ID: 965
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 20:50:13 Score: 3
This was an excellent song! The rhythm worked well and the rhyming scheme is
cleverly done, especially the internal rhyme of the third line.

It also tells well the story of the slaying of Smaug and the reclaiming of
the treasure, just as one might imagine the dwarves would have told it -
especially in their cups!

Well done.
Title: When the
<> King Returned ·
Author: Ninquelosse
0> · Races/Places: Gondor: Original Characters · ID: 497
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:50:17 Score: 2
Of course there would have been doubts and fears among many of the common
people when they learned the King had returned. A realistic look at some of
Title: Ad Sum <> ·
Author: Dwimordene
· Races/Places: Gondor: Original Characters · ID: 693
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 20:52:21 Score: 2
And so there were those who were too humble for battle, who cleaned up its
aftermath, and tended to the dead. Very melancholy and insightful.
Title: An Act of
<> Desperation ·
Author: ShieldmaidenofRohan
6> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Incomplete · ID: 910
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 20:56:57 Score: 3
I'll cheerfully confess to not having read this entire story, but the early
chapters are well-written and show a strong sense of the lives and society
of the Rohirrim. Eowyn's voice is clear and her characterization so far is
sure-handed. I'm looking forward to finishing it when I have time.
Title: Renewed
Acquaintance · Author: Tanaqui
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Drabble · ID: 548
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:00:15 Score: 2
Interesting look at Aragorn, remembering his time as Thorongil, and Boromir
as a baby. I like the way he ponders what the son's differences from his
father might be.
Title: Time
<> in the
Ditch · Author: Dwimordene
· Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Drabble · ID: 253
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:01:54 Score: 1
A nice glimpse of Aragorn the wanderer, finding joy wherever he can.
Title: Bringing
<> the Sun ·
Author: Tanaqui
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Drabble · ID: 1382
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:02:08 Score: 2
Yes, it may have been irritating to have an Elf that could run on snow, but
without his encouragement, they might have given up. Very insightful.
Title: The Same Story <> ·
Author: Marta
> · Races/Places: Hobbits: Poetry · ID: 956
Reviewer: Llinos
> · 2005-10-02 21:03:06 Score: 1
Don't know the song, but good verse comparing Frodo with Beren. The voices
of Sam and Frodo are true and it runs well.
Title: A Short <>
Rest · Author: Jay
4> of Lasgalen · Books/Time: The Hobbit · ID: 428
Reviewer: LOTR_lover
4> · 2005-10-02 21:03:19 Score: 3
A sweet vignette, not only about Estel meeting Bilbo and the dwarves, but
also about family life in Elrond's household in Imladris. I love all of your
stories, Jay (probably won't/or didn't get any others reviewed, darn it!)
and this one is no exception. Nice work.
Title: The <>
Room of Tears · Author: Elendiari22
3> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Gondor · ID: 759
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:05:11 Score: 4
This ficlet later inspired the author to write a longer tale based on the
same incident, but I love the way this can also stand on its own. There are
not many stories pairing Eowyn and Pippin, yet this makes it very
plausible--they are both young, impulsive and curious. Why not? And the
little story that accompanies the hidden room is chilling and sad. Wonderful
Title: Reunion
<> at Cormallen
· Author: Shirebound
5> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War · ID: 1116
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:08:35 Score: 3
This is a very different version of Cormallen than most. Though there's more
than a little h/c, it's far more light-hearted than most, and there is a
good bit of humor in the unusual situation that Aragorn and the hobbits find
themselves in. A very nice read.
Title: Hobbits: An
<> Owner's Guide
and Maintenance Manual · Author: Theresa
6> Green · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID: 1158
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:09:42 Score: 2
Oh, joy! I do love these owner guides. And this one had me smiling from the
beginning to end. I shall have to invest in locks for my
larders/freezers/etc. and get myself a set of hobbits, and soon!
Title: Two of A <>
Kind · Author: Gaslight
1> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War · ID: 1133
Reviewer: Dreamflower
5> · 2005-10-02 21:10:08 Score: 2
A very chilling look at what Wormtongue and Lotho might have had in
common--aside from sheer hatred of Saruman. Creepy, but in a way that
provides food for thought.
Title: Always <>
Dancing · Author: Mariposa
0> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Friendship · ID: 928
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:29:42 Score: 3
I can't believe I missed this! Pippin is teaching some of the hobbits who
want to learn swordplay, but all through the lesson are memories of Boromir
and the quest, and the lessons that he and Merry shared not all that long
before. The details are marvelous, and I absolutely howled at Pippin's
memory of Merry's comment concerning the proper grip.
Title: In <>
the Hands of the King · Author: Gwynnyd
6> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Gondor Drabble · ID: 22
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:33:51 Score: 2
Beregond really looks at his son, as if he's looking for damage, as the two
of them confront their fears and hopes in this brief, illuminating moment.
Title: An Unexpected Gift
<> · Author: Marta
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 584
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:35:47 Score: 1
Even a flawed gift can have value, if you know what to look for. An
interesting moment between Gandalf and Denethor.
Title: Kindred
<> Spirits ·
Author: Elana
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 299
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:38:02 Score: 1
I hadn't thought of this before, but it's true. A nice insight!
Title: Echo <> · Author:
5> Brooke · Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble · ID: 684
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:40:55 Score: 1
I like Pippin "touching everything" as if it will somehow summon Boromir to
come and yell at him.
Title: Interrupted
<> Journeys:
Part Three - Journeys Begin · Author: elliska
3> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Mirkwood · ID: 1311
Reviewer: Elena
7> Tiriel · 2005-10-02 21:42:15 Score: 7
The Interrupted Journeys series is a fascinating look at Thranduil and his
family throughout the Third Age, as they move their stronghold further North
and try to fend off the encroaching Darkness....

This (unfinished) story focuses on Thranduil's growing family, with Legolas
and various cousins, real and extended-family, still very young. But trouble
is brewing: a conspiracy has arisen against Thranduil amongst some of the
Elves in his realm, led by Marti, an unstable Noldorin elleth that we have
met in the other stories. And she appears to be conspiring with evil
Easterlings to attack the king's family; there are attempts to capture
Lindomiel and also Legolas.

This story ranges from delight in the antics of elflings to extreme tension
as Thranduil and his advisors discover the depths of the conspiracy. It's
very tense, and very exciting. I look forward to reading each chapter.

Title: A <>
Good Custom · Author: Tanaqui
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 1380
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:42:29 Score: 2
The joy of giving is a gift too. This is a nice interchange between Faramir
and Pippin, and one that has great appeal as a plotbunny for a larger story.
Title: The
<> Gift ·
Author: maranya14
0> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble · ID: 480
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 21:44:23 Score: 1
Nicely done! One for the dwarves, and one for the men of Dale and as a
bonus, one for the hobbits as well!
Title: sworn brothers <> · Author:
1> · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 864
Reviewer: Lindelea
> · 2005-10-02 23:00:50 Score: 1
Shows promise; author can write dialogue and description but would do better
if heeding "canon".
Title: Homecoming
<> · Author:
> · Genres: Romance · ID: 541
Reviewer: Elena
7> Tiriel · 2005-10-02 23:09:06 Score: 8
"Homecoming" is a fascinating look into the relationship between Faramir and
Éowyn in the very early days of their marriage. It is a realistic look,
which means that it is not all sweetness and light. They are really learning
their new roles as spouses.

Éowyn is very unsure of herself, not understanding yet how Faramir responds
to some situations by withdrawing, not yet knowing how to initiate behaviors
from him, like sex, for example.

Faramir is still grieving over his father's death, and that affects his
ability to settle into the Steward's mansion with his new wife -- there are
too many memories, happy and not.

But the two of them find ways to create happier memories for the rooms in
the house... which is where Tanaqui's writing really shines. She does not
write smut -- she writes about realistic sexual activity... and sexual
activity isn't all hearts and flowers. Sometimes it is wonderful and
sometimes it is just plain uncomfortable and distasteful and upsetting; and
Tanaqui also shows that part.

And I love the very hopeful note that this story ends on. Very nice writing,

Title: Life in the Angle <>
· Author: Leaward
2> · Genres: Romance · ID: 181
Reviewer: MysteriousWays
2> · 2005-10-02 23:21:01 Score: 10
How do I love this story, let me count the ways.

Well, actually I will not count the ways as that is to near to organization.

This story goes where few have gone before. I think that is why I like it so
much. I read mostly fan fiction of hobbits. The problem with that is much of
it is rehashing the same plots with the same characters. So earlier this
year I started a C2 group at The purpose of the group is to
promote stories that use characters that are beyond the Fellowship. This
story and all of Leward's stories not only get away from the Fellowship but
she dares to dive into a little written of culture.

Tolkien wrote enough of the Dunedain into his stories to make it clear that
this people really mattered to him. But he never quite managed to find the
time to go into the tales of these people. Leaward picked up where Tolkien
left off. She did careful research as Tolkien would have done and came up
with a rich tapestry of details that I think the professor truly would have

I know there are readers out there who feel that there is not point to
writing fan fiction if you are not going to have it focus on the books
characters. But I see it differently. In a letter to his publisher Tolkien
said he hoped that others would be inspired by his work to expand upon it in
whatever ways they wished. Leaward has done this. In "Life in the Angle" she
paints a clear and inviting picture of this mysterious group of people that
lived in exile in Middle Earth. Aragorn's people.

Their story needed to be told and I think Leaward did that admirably. I love
her characters. I love her take on what the elves are like. Elrond's sons
are dignified and fun. I don't think I will ever be able to put a baby in a
crib again without thinking of them. Tarkil and Poppy perfectly show that
the true romance in marriage is the give and take and staying strong when
all around you is crumbling. Even the villians are wonderful. I absolutely
loved being ticked off at them.

This story is the direction I would like to see more fan fiction go. Telling
of the Fellowship by telling of the culture the members come from.

Title: Flowers
<> in
Disguise · Author: Holdur
8> · Races/Places: Hobbits · ID: 377
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:28:57 Score: 1
Sweet little Sam - trying so hard. But it's an important thing to learn -
and not only for a gardener.
Title: Under
<> Siege ·
Author: Forodwaith
> · Races/Places: Elves: Drabble · ID: 387
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:29:29 Score: 1
We forget sometimes that there were other battles outside of the Black Gate.
This reminds us, using deft imagery.
Title: A <>
Father’s Choice · Author: Elana
> · Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble · ID: 298
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:30:37 Score: 1
Lyrical language for a hard choice.
Title: Once
<> ·
Author: Meril
3> · Races/Places: Villains: Nazgul · ID: 485
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:35:01 Score: 2
How odd to think of the Ring being presented like a watch that fell off the
back of a truck, and yet it works well enough in this context.
Title: The One and
<> True Dark Lord
· Author: Werecat
> · Genres: Crossovers · ID: 358
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:37:56 Score: 2
I stumbled across this once before and it made me laugh then, too. How
appropriate that the megalomaniacs should be banished together, and how true
that their meeting would spark contempt!
Title: The
POrdinal=6> Swan Feather · Author: Starlight
5> · Genres: Romance: Vignette · ID: 50
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:39:01 Score: 3
How lovely to see the softer and more romantic side of one who is usually
portrayed as rather monstrous. Not only does he indulge Finduilas's
superstititions - he indulges in his own. Their marriage seems off to a
promising start. A most enjoyable tale.
Title: Winter <>
Solstice · Author: Fileg
6> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Gapfiller · ID: 727
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:42:01 Score: 3
Elrond faces his own doubts about the Fellowship in this vignette, but finds
hope too, in what is left when all the outer layers of defense have been
stripped away. The thought of them all agreeing to Boromir's horn cry at the
outset struck me most strongly here, but there is a great deal of strong
Title: Leaves
<> and
Stones · Author: Starlight
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Vignette · ID: 522
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:43:29 Score: 2
It is good to see Legolas discovering something while out of his comfort
zone - and observing something different about the dwarf while he does it.
Title: Uncover
SPOrdinal=16> the Past, Discover the Future · Author: Starlight
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Vignette · ID: 524
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:48:00 Score: 3
And so their relationship begins to build and develop understanding of one
for the other. Lothlorien is probably a good place for Gimli to read the
Book - and I hope he left it in Galadriel's safe-keeping when the Fellowship
moved on. I can't see it having survived the rest of the journey in Gimli's
Title: Keeping the
<> Watch · Author:
7> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Pre-War of the Ring · ID: 333
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:48:28 Score: 2
A chance enounter, made a distance, but still one which would have left a
strong impression I think. I love the hobbity details and the personalities
of the two hobbits as they observe the injured Ranger.
Title: Of Durin and
<> Kibil-nala ·
Author: Mantida
4> · Races/Places: Dwarves · ID: 473
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:53:46 Score: 2
The eloquent use of language, very like a formal tale from the Professor
himself, marks this "legend" about why Cirdan has a beard. And the way the
tale unfolds you find it hard to think of a flaw in it, as well. A happy
Title: The Eagle
<> Silmarillion ·
Author: Tehta
5> · Genres: Humor: Animals · ID: 554
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-10-02 23:56:40 Score: 3
Gravity! On you Wingless Ones! I just love Thorondor's embarrassment here.
And the Magpie One - who stole the shiny things. An eagle's perspective on
events is just so different. I loved his contempt for seagulls. (But at
least Elwing made it out in time!) A most enjoyable story.
Title: A Birthday
<> Party · Author:
> · Races/Places: Hobbits: Merry & Pippin · ID: 1171
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan
0> · 2005-10-02 23:57:36 Score: 1
Pippin has his own plans for Merry's birthday party, but at least they
include making sure the Merry has a good time!
Title: This
<> Silence ·
Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Elves · ID: 566
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
So poignant and so touching, it always makes me teary. The ending was the
last thing I expected first time I read it. Everything just falls together
brilliantly, the characters’ behaviour just fitting so well with one
another, despite the fact they are so different.
Title: Choose
<> Your Fate
· Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Races/Places: Elves: Poetry · ID: 568
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
An impressive feat of poetry, especially given every line rhymes! Rhyming
and getting a poem to make sense is a very difficult thing and you’d managed
it extremely well. For what is normally depicted as a very serious scene,
you’ve managed to inject humour, yet not lose the thoughtfulness.
Title: Ballad
> For Boromir And Legolas · Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Poetry · ID: 567
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
I love the formatting you apply to your poems, it really adds to the overall
effect. Once again, you manage to inject a subtle amount of humour into more
serious topic. A lovely ending, despite the sorrow.
Title: The
<> Flower
and the Sun · Author: Ezra's
8> Persian Kitty · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Post-War of the Ring · ID:
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
Such a different side of Gimli to what is normally depicted in stories. Such
a welcome change to the coarse character that we usually see. The comparison
and parallels between a flower, the sun and the two characters worked
extremely well! I was most surprised to see just how well it all came
together. A lovely short story.
Title: Not
In Our Stars · Author: Dwimordene
· Races/Places: Men: Eriador · ID: 245
Reviewer: Kenaz
4> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
Utterly heartbreaking and deftly written, this piece is wonderfully
evocative and utterly sad. Dwimordene is an expert at wordcraft and sets her
scenes beautifully. It's hard for me to say which of her stories is my
Title: Where Roses Grow <> · Author:
1> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Shire · ID: 589
Reviewer: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 6
This wonderful story was an intimate peek inside hobbit culture, written
with such a careful eye for detail that its verisimilitude is almost
heart-wrenching. One almost feels that the reader is actually inside the
community of the Tooklands. With many characters developed to sound
roundness, a sense of actual community has been accomplished by the writer,
and the descriptives are so wonderfully detailed that I could almost smell
the inside of the Great Smials and the countryside surrounding it. Plotline
and sub-plot were well thought-out and characterization was deftly handled.
It even accomplished its own subtext and adhered to Tolkien's world with
good craftmanship and great love for and care of canon.
Title: I Won't! <>
· Author: TopKat
9> · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 570
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
So sad... And the song fitted in perfectly - it really added to the overall
feel of the story, despite the fact that the song was so definitely modern
as compared to the story. A nice contrast and an open ending that leaves you
Title: Death
<> Awakening ·
Author: Luna
8> · Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble · ID: 647
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
A touching insight into the mind of Boromir, with a different, less angsty
spin on it than many pieces that deal with this issue. An interesting theme
to deal with in drabble form, but one that works exceptionally well.
Title: Mist <>
· Author: bernstein_nixe
7> · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 731
Reviewer: Naresha
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 4
Oh my god! This made me cry SO much! Every word evoked a new emotion in me.
It was just so beautiful - just two moments in time so evocatively
described!!! Time just seemed to freeze in that final moment - it was so
sad, yet so beautiful. The true emotion I felt whilst reading this is
indescribable! No matter what I say, it never feels like I have truly
captured the emotion it made me feel. Thank you, thank you, thank you for
writing this and for sharing it.
Title: While We Dwelt in Fear <> ·
Author: pearltook1
> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: The Shire · ID: 632
Reviewer: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 9
This amazing gap-filler could very well have been a part of the books. I
particularly like what Pearl did with Pippin and his lineage. If the author
didn't do massive research on the histories of countries under occupation
you'd never know it from this story. This took great dedication and
imagination. It was well researched for calender, hobbit names and places
and anything else canon you wish to throw in. Plot, subplot and
characterization are strong and complete, lending verisimilitude in
abundance. This has such a sense of completeness about it that it could
easily be made a movie in its own right.

The story of the occupation of the Shire is suitably dark, yet laced through
with the determination and hope of a splendid people. She has filled the
Shire with characters so true to life, you could swear they are based on you
family, friends and neighbors.

I loved the author's characterizations of Tolkien folk which were mentioned
in the books, but never really filled out. With this story, Pearl Took has
taken that task on with a talent best described as deft and meaningful. She
puts her very heart into her work, and this one, above all, for me, is a
splendid example of her dedication to her craft.
Title: Something
<> to Do
before the End · Author: Lindelea
> · Books/Time: Gap-Filler · ID: 753
Reviewer: pipkinsweetgrass
7> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 10
True to canon and character, I found this story to be a wonderful study in
Boromir's character. His duties continue, and the character is written in
such a soldierly fashion I could almost see him. Pippin, too, is totally in
character, a bright spirit edged in just the right amount of darkness that
the writing of this hobbit, like the writing of Boromir, is perfectly
outlined and straight from the book. Reading this, I could feel how well
these two had learned the inner workings of each other as only brothers in
arms can. Boromir knows just what to say to each soldier he encounters, and
I wasn't at all surprised to see him spend a little extra effort for his
hobbit friend. The ending is so touchingly perfect and true to the
characters that I simply couldn't not nominate this story.

This is, quite simply and directly, beautiful. It is most fitting that
Boromir would watch over not only his city, but his brothers-in-arms. Most
especially he would not desert the child of his heart, and this story
illustrated that point with a fine touch and an artistic eye. Boromir would
indeed think in terms of a drill. He was Gondor's finest soldier, and I'm
sure he took great pains to teach Merry and Pippin all he could in the time
alotted him. I liked how the author had him mention the worthiness of the
deeds of both Pippin and Beregond, and his gratitude for their saving
Faramir. Also he would certainly remind Pippin his cousin needed him, and
doing so illustrated the Captain-General also loved Merry and worried about
him, too. The characterizations was well turned, the dialogue perfect, and
the story was very canon. The author has a grasp of language most admirable
and an eye for the beauty which may be wrought with words in a manner so
deft it is almost painterly. The author handled my favorite characters with
obvious love. How grateful I am for this story!

Title: Jerusalem
<> · Author:
1> · Genres: Crossovers · ID: 658
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel
· 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
I read this one quite some time ago and it was so touching. Amarie blended
two two times very well. If Elves are immortal, then it's not unthinkable to
think one could have seen Jesus in his day. And the kind words spoken to him
by Jesus.... Perfectly in character.
Title: Starlight,
<> Starbright ·
Author: Mariposa
0> · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID: 309
Reviewer: grey_wonderer
> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 4
I love humor and this story made me laugh out loud. Frodo's attempts to keep
Pippin in line and Pippin's desire to tell his rather rude story about a
certain grouping of stars to the other member's of the fellowship made for
entertaining reading. The author does a wonderful job of including the
different legends of each race and keeps everyone in character through the
Title: Pawns
<> · Author:
0> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Hobbits · ID: 310
Reviewer: grey_wonderer
> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 2
This is a very interesting look at exactly how Sam feels about Frodo's part
in the quest. Lovely use of symbolism and quiet conversation between
Title: A Took by Any
<> Other Name ·
Author: Lindelea
> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Fourth Age · ID: 773
Reviewer: grey_wonderer
> · 2005-10-03 00:00:00 Score: 3
The author has a way of telling a story and keeping it fresh while
connecting it to all of her other lovely tales. This fits perfectly into her
universe. I enjoyed the banter between Merry and Pippin in this as well as
the rela<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)