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Msg# 5587

Final Author Reviews 10/2/2005 Posted by Ainaechoiriel October 03, 2005 - 0:43:48 Topic ID# 5587
253 Author Reviews today!

Author: Acacea
6> · ID: 196
or_filter=196> · Books/Time: Gap-Filler [58]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:05:30 Score: 7
Acacea's real gift, at least in the stories nominated this year seems to be
Faramir's character. He's amazingly complex, but she seems to capture each
of these aspects in a way that's astounding. For example, "Legacy" shows us
Faramir as a father and how he tied the past in with the future; that seemed
a fitting extrapolation from the fact that he's a scholar. On the other
hand, "Dawn" shows him embracing the future for its own right whereas
"Restoration" shows his hope for the future and how the more mythic
qualities of the Ring War plays into it. What's truly astounding about this
is that each of these slight variations is consistent with each other; they
interlock in a really interesting way. THis shows to me a conception of the
character that extends beyond the piece in question, something I really
Author: Acacea
6> · ID: 196
or_filter=196> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:23:49 Score: 7
Acacea's real gift, at least in the stories nominated this year seems to be
Faramir's character. He's amazingly complex, but she seems to capture each
of these aspects in a way that's astounding. For example, "Legacy" shows us
Faramir as a father and how he tied the past in with the future; that seemed
a fitting extrapolation from the fact that he's a scholar. On the other
hand, "Dawn" shows him embracing the future for its own right whereas
"Restoration" shows his hope for the future and how the more mythic
qualities of the Ring War plays into it. What's truly astounding about this
is that each of these slight variations is consistent with each other; they
interlock in a really interesting way. THis shows to me a conception of the
character that extends beyond the piece in question, something I really
Author: Acacea
6> · ID: 196
or_filter=196> · Books/Time: The Hobbit [22]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:27:22 Score: 7
Acacea's real gift, at least in the stories nominated this year seems to be
Faramir's character. He's amazingly complex, but she seems to capture each
of these aspects in a way that's astounding. For example, "Legacy" shows us
Faramir as a father and how he tied the past in with the future; that seemed
a fitting extrapolation from the fact that he's a scholar. On the other
hand, "Dawn" shows him embracing the future for its own right whereas
"Restoration" shows his hope for the future and how the more mythic
qualities of the Ring War plays into it. What's truly astounding about this
is that each of these slight variations is consistent with each other; they
interlock in a really interesting way. THis shows to me a conception of the
character that extends beyond the piece in question, something I really
Author: Acacea
6> · ID: 196
or_filter=196> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings [111]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:31:41 Score: 7
Acacea's real gift, at least in the stories nominated this year seems to be
Faramir's character. He's amazingly complex, but she seems to capture each
of these aspects in a way that's astounding. For example, "Legacy" shows us
Faramir as a father and how he tied the past in with the future; that seemed
a fitting extrapolation from the fact that he's a scholar. On the other
hand, "Dawn" shows him embracing the future for its own right whereas
"Restoration" shows his hope for the future and how the more mythic
qualities of the Ring War plays into it. What's truly astounding about this
is that each of these slight variations is consistent with each other; they
interlock in a really interesting way. THis shows to me a conception of the
character that extends beyond the piece in question, something I really
Author: Acacea
6> · ID: 196
or_filter=196> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:31:59 Score: 7
Acacea's real gift, at least in the stories nominated this year seems to be
Faramir's character. He's amazingly complex, but she seems to capture each
of these aspects in a way that's astounding. For example, "Legacy" shows us
Faramir as a father and how he tied the past in with the future; that seemed
a fitting extrapolation from the fact that he's a scholar. On the other
hand, "Dawn" shows him embracing the future for its own right whereas
"Restoration" shows his hope for the future and how the more mythic
qualities of the Ring War plays into it. What's truly astounding about this
is that each of these slight variations is consistent with each other; they
interlock in a really interesting way. THis shows to me a conception of the
character that extends beyond the piece in question, something I really
Author: Acacea
6> · ID: 196
or_filter=196> · Races/Places: Gondor [79]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:33:00 Score: 7
Acacea's real gift, at least in the stories nominated this year seems to be
Faramir's character. He's amazingly complex, but she seems to capture each
of these aspects in a way that's astounding. For example, "Legacy" shows us
Faramir as a father and how he tied the past in with the future; that seemed
a fitting extrapolation from the fact that he's a scholar. On the other
hand, "Dawn" shows him embracing the future for its own right whereas
"Restoration" shows his hope for the future and how the more mythic
qualities of the Ring War plays into it. What's truly astounding about this
is that each of these slight variations is consistent with each other; they
interlock in a really interesting way. THis shows to me a conception of the
character that extends beyond the piece in question, something I really
Author: Acacea
6> · ID: 196
or_filter=196> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings [111]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:33:30 Score: 7
Acacea's real gift, at least in the stories nominated this year seems to be
Faramir's character. He's amazingly complex, but she seems to capture each
of these aspects in a way that's astounding. For example, "Legacy" shows us
Faramir as a father and how he tied the past in with the future; that seemed
a fitting extrapolation from the fact that he's a scholar. On the other
hand, "Dawn" shows him embracing the future for its own right whereas
"Restoration" shows his hope for the future and how the more mythic
qualities of the Ring War plays into it. What's truly astounding about this
is that each of these slight variations is consistent with each other; they
interlock in a really interesting way. THis shows to me a conception of the
character that extends beyond the piece in question, something I really
Author: Aeneid
1> · ID: 201
or_filter=201> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings [111]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:53:42 Score: 5
Aeneid writes original characters like no one's nbusiness. Whether it's Gil
in "Sight" or the whole cast in "Adraefan" and "The Laughing Oliphaunt", the
characters are always well-realised, three-dimensional with real flaws, and
they always fit well into what we know of Gondorian culture. It always
amazes me the different genres that you can write: romance/erotica, drama,
and oh so definitely humour. I was laughing out loud at places, often
seconds after being near tears; that takes a lot of talent.
Author: Aeneid
1> · ID: 201
or_filter=201> · Genres: Alternate Universe [20]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:54:00 Score: 5
Aeneid writes original characters like no one's nbusiness. Whether it's Gil
in "Sight" or the whole cast in "Adraefan" and "The Laughing Oliphaunt", the
characters are always well-realised, three-dimensional with real flaws, and
they always fit well into what we know of Gondorian culture. It always
amazes me the different genres that you can write: romance/erotica, drama,
and oh so definitely humour. I was laughing out loud at places, often
seconds after being near tears; that takes a lot of talent.
Author: Aeneid
1> · ID: 201
or_filter=201> · Races/Places: Gondor [79]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:54:17 Score: 5
Aeneid writes original characters like no one's nbusiness. Whether it's Gil
in "Sight" or the whole cast in "Adraefan" and "The Laughing Oliphaunt", the
characters are always well-realised, three-dimensional with real flaws, and
they always fit well into what we know of Gondorian culture. It always
amazes me the different genres that you can write: romance/erotica, drama,
and oh so definitely humour. I was laughing out loud at places, often
seconds after being near tears; that takes a lot of talent.
Author: SilverMoonLady
3> · ID: 343
or_filter=343> · Books/Time: Gap-Filler [58]: Drabble
Reviewer: Ghettoelleth
7> · 2005-10-02 00:01:03 Score: 10
Oh dear. My darling Sil is one of those very wicked people who dragged me
kicking and screaming into a world where little munchkins with hairy feet
have sex and we're all foaming at the mouth to watch. Sil really is taking
courses from some of the lesser demons and is a sort of, 'cajole by
example.' evangelical machiavelli. In other words, no one is safe until all
the world has recognized that Hobbitcentric romance is every bit as steamy
and wonderful as is the elven and human variety. I was forced to lock myself
away for several days upon discovering that, whilst reading one of
SilverMoonLady's stories, my upper lip was actually sweating. (Shut up, Sil,
I did not have a flashlight and printed pages of Hobbit smut under the bed.)
Well, I probably would have been fine after that, just knowing I was safe
from the most evil and hated entities, the dark elves, the fallen Ainur, the
dwarves. Hahaha, I say, but then...that's for other reviews. I would just
like to thank you, SilverMoonLady, for giving that initial push off the
diving board and into the ole muddy river which began my descent and also, I
wanted to let you know that I'm now here amongst the really pissed off and
gaining on you. You know what they say, if everyone's cranky, this must be
In summation, if you want to secure your spot in the abyss, read
SilverMoonLady's yummy Hobbit fics, her Merry is one of the coolest guys and
he just exudes an aura of manly, self possessed gentleman that is strangely
attractive. Oh crap, there I go again.

Author: Ithilwen
6> · ID: 286
or_filter=286> · Books/Time: The Silmarillion [67]: General
Reviewer: Ghettoelleth
7> · 2005-10-02 00:03:13 Score: 10
Wow, I have not been completely blown away be an author's talent within the
Tolkien fan fic world in a long time, but I am almost speechless. I have
spent the last couple of hours reading this author's fiction, both what is
nominated here as well as what she has available on her site, and I am damn
near fan girling this author. She makes me want to say things like, her
Caranthir is teh hawt, and make that weird squealing noise but then I'd have
to take my life But her writing is definately not to be missed.
Though usually I gag at the pretention of overly anal adherence to canon
because, lets face it, canon is the stuff Tolkien wrote and nothing else, I
did not get a sense of being patronized by this author in the least. What I
did feel was a sense of passion for Tolkien's characters and an overriding
desire to do justice to a greatly admired author. Well, she has achieved
uncategorical success in my humble opinion. Though I must confess, I did not
read the slash stories, nothing personal but, A) I have had more gay Maeglin
than I can stomach any longer and B) Tolkien was a tridentine catholic, ergo
Maedhros and Fingon would have been stage performers perhaps, but never gay.
Of the fics I did read, her Caranthir, good lord, simply jumps off the page
as do her Aredhel and Eol. It was also entirely refreshing to read through a
fic without pausing to beta in my head every few lines. I get enough of that
with my own crap. I believe Haleth recommend Ithilwen's fics a while back
and I'm truly sorry I didn't have time then to read some of them. These are
stories that deserve to be read more than once, wonderfully stylized and
brilliantly rendered. Bravo Ithilwen
Author: AfterEver
2> · ID: 202
or_filter=202> · Books/Time: The Silmarillion [67]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 00:25:10 Score: 2
AfterEver seems to write two time periods (the elves of the First Age and
Rivendell in the late Third), and both of them really well. The way she can
develop complete worlds is admirable.
Author: AfterEver
2> · ID: 202
or_filter=202> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 00:25:39 Score: 2
AfterEver seems to write two time periods (the elves of the First Age and
Rivendell in the late Third), and both of them really well. The way she can
develop complete worlds is admirable.
Author: AfterEver
2> · ID: 202
or_filter=202> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural [80]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 00:25:40 Score: 2
AfterEver seems to write two time periods (the elves of the First Age and
Rivendell in the late Third), and both of them really well. The way she can
develop complete worlds is admirable.
Author: Ainaechoiriel
· ID: 2
or_filter=2> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:34:15 Score: 2
Ainaechoiriel can make Legolas come alive for me. You infuse him with depth,
which is something that I have always struggled to see.
Author: Ainaechoiriel
· ID: 2
or_filter=2> · Books/Time: The Silmarillion [67]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:34:34 Score: 2
Ainaechoiriel can make Legolas come alive for me. You infuse him with depth,
which is something that I have always struggled to see.
Author: Ainaechoiriel
· ID: 2
or_filter=2> · Genres: Humor [85]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:34:35 Score: 2
Ainaechoiriel can make Legolas come alive for me. You infuse him with depth,
which is something that I have always struggled to see.
Author: Alawa
3> · ID: 103
or_filter=103> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:44:44 Score: 5
Alawa brings an amazing depth and reality to Eriador, which I know from
personal experience is very hard to do and make it still feel connected to
canon. She is perhaps best known for her poetry, and she shines on that note
here, but her vignettes are what really grab me. I think my favourite ones
are the ones where she deals with customs (as in "Of Herbs and Stewed
Rabbit"), and where she looks at the family relationships like she does in
"Love's Labours". And as always, her Aragorn and Bilbo are particularly
enjoyable. Thank you for all the lovely reads, Alawa.
Author: Alawa
3> · ID: 103
or_filter=103> · Books/Time: The Hobbit [22]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:45:02 Score: 5
Alawa brings an amazing depth and reality to Eriador, which I know from
personal experience is very hard to do and make it still feel connected to
canon. She is perhaps best known for her poetry, and she shines on that note
here, but her vignettes are what really grab me. I think my favourite ones
are the ones where she deals with customs (as in "Of Herbs and Stewed
Rabbit"), and where she looks at the family relationships like she does in
"Love's Labours". And as always, her Aragorn and Bilbo are particularly
enjoyable. Thank you for all the lovely reads, Alawa.
Author: Alawa
3> · ID: 103
or_filter=103> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings [111]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:45:03 Score: 5
Alawa brings an amazing depth and reality to Eriador, which I know from
personal experience is very hard to do and make it still feel connected to
canon. She is perhaps best known for her poetry, and she shines on that note
here, but her vignettes are what really grab me. I think my favourite ones
are the ones where she deals with customs (as in "Of Herbs and Stewed
Rabbit"), and where she looks at the family relationships like she does in
"Love's Labours". And as always, her Aragorn and Bilbo are particularly
enjoyable. Thank you for all the lovely reads, Alawa.
Author: Alawa
3> · ID: 103
or_filter=103> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:45:04 Score: 5
Alawa brings an amazing depth and reality to Eriador, which I know from
personal experience is very hard to do and make it still feel connected to
canon. She is perhaps best known for her poetry, and she shines on that note
here, but her vignettes are what really grab me. I think my favourite ones
are the ones where she deals with customs (as in "Of Herbs and Stewed
Rabbit"), and where she looks at the family relationships like she does in
"Love's Labours". And as always, her Aragorn and Bilbo are particularly
enjoyable. Thank you for all the lovely reads, Alawa.
Author: Alawa
3> · ID: 103
or_filter=103> · Genres: Romance [72]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:45:05 Score: 5
Alawa brings an amazing depth and reality to Eriador, which I know from
personal experience is very hard to do and make it still feel connected to
canon. She is perhaps best known for her poetry, and she shines on that note
here, but her vignettes are what really grab me. I think my favourite ones
are the ones where she deals with customs (as in "Of Herbs and Stewed
Rabbit"), and where she looks at the family relationships like she does in
"Love's Labours". And as always, her Aragorn and Bilbo are particularly
enjoyable. Thank you for all the lovely reads, Alawa.
Author: Alawa
3> · ID: 103
or_filter=103> · Races/Places: Gondor [79]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:45:22 Score: 5
Alawa brings an amazing depth and reality to Eriador, which I know from
personal experience is very hard to do and make it still feel connected to
canon. She is perhaps best known for her poetry, and she shines on that note
here, but her vignettes are what really grab me. I think my favourite ones
are the ones where she deals with customs (as in "Of Herbs and Stewed
Rabbit"), and where she looks at the family relationships like she does in
"Love's Labours". And as always, her Aragorn and Bilbo are particularly
enjoyable. Thank you for all the lovely reads, Alawa.
Author: Alawa
3> · ID: 103
or_filter=103> · Races/Places: Men [31]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:45:23 Score: 5
Alawa brings an amazing depth and reality to Eriador, which I know from
personal experience is very hard to do and make it still feel connected to
canon. She is perhaps best known for her poetry, and she shines on that note
here, but her vignettes are what really grab me. I think my favourite ones
are the ones where she deals with customs (as in "Of Herbs and Stewed
Rabbit"), and where she looks at the family relationships like she does in
"Love's Labours". And as always, her Aragorn and Bilbo are particularly
enjoyable. Thank you for all the lovely reads, Alawa.
Author: Aliana
8> · ID: 208
or_filter=208> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:55:12 Score: 8
There's just one day left of voting and I'm only on the A's of the author
list, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sacrifice points for time here.
It's not that Aliana doesn't deserve all ten.

In the future when I run into someone who claims that a Mary Sue is
equivalent with being an OFC I think I'm going to point to "Fallen". Here is
a protagonist who is an original character in a story populated almost
entirely by other original characters, yet there is nothing Sueish about her
in my mind. She has real faults, real temptations, faces real problems. I
don't normally read WIPs, but "Fallen" is one I'm willing to make an
exception for.

And I know Aliana can handle almost anything -- from the pathos we see in
"Object Lessons" to the sidesplitting humour of "A Proper Course of Action".
And she showed us in "To Labor and to Wait" how she really can write short
pieces with a lot of punch, too. I'm looking forward to seeing how they all
fit together in "Fallen" -- and whatever else she decides to try.
Author: Aliana
8> · ID: 208
or_filter=208> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings [111]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:55:42 Score: 8
There's just one day left of voting and I'm only on the A's of the author
list, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sacrifice points for time here.
It's not that Aliana doesn't deserve all ten.

In the future when I run into someone who claims that a Mary Sue is
equivalent with being an OFC I think I'm going to point to "Fallen". Here is
a protagonist who is an original character in a story populated almost
entirely by other original characters, yet there is nothing Sueish about her
in my mind. She has real faults, real temptations, faces real problems. I
don't normally read WIPs, but "Fallen" is one I'm willing to make an
exception for.

And I know Aliana can handle almost anything -- from the pathos we see in
"Object Lessons" to the sidesplitting humour of "A Proper Course of Action".
And she showed us in "To Labor and to Wait" how she really can write short
pieces with a lot of punch, too. I'm looking forward to seeing how they all
fit together in "Fallen" -- and whatever else she decides to try.
Author: Aliana
8> · ID: 208
or_filter=208> · Genres: Humor [85]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:55:44 Score: 8
There's just one day left of voting and I'm only on the A's of the author
list, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sacrifice points for time here.
It's not that Aliana doesn't deserve all ten.

In the future when I run into someone who claims that a Mary Sue is
equivalent with being an OFC I think I'm going to point to "Fallen". Here is
a protagonist who is an original character in a story populated almost
entirely by other original characters, yet there is nothing Sueish about her
in my mind. She has real faults, real temptations, faces real problems. I
don't normally read WIPs, but "Fallen" is one I'm willing to make an
exception for.

And I know Aliana can handle almost anything -- from the pathos we see in
"Object Lessons" to the sidesplitting humour of "A Proper Course of Action".
And she showed us in "To Labor and to Wait" how she really can write short
pieces with a lot of punch, too. I'm looking forward to seeing how they all
fit together in "Fallen" -- and whatever else she decides to try.
Author: Aliana
8> · ID: 208
or_filter=208> · Races/Places: Gondor [79]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:55:44 Score: 8
There's just one day left of voting and I'm only on the A's of the author
list, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sacrifice points for time here.
It's not that Aliana doesn't deserve all ten.

In the future when I run into someone who claims that a Mary Sue is
equivalent with being an OFC I think I'm going to point to "Fallen". Here is
a protagonist who is an original character in a story populated almost
entirely by other original characters, yet there is nothing Sueish about her
in my mind. She has real faults, real temptations, faces real problems. I
don't normally read WIPs, but "Fallen" is one I'm willing to make an
exception for.

And I know Aliana can handle almost anything -- from the pathos we see in
"Object Lessons" to the sidesplitting humour of "A Proper Course of Action".
And she showed us in "To Labor and to Wait" how she really can write short
pieces with a lot of punch, too. I'm looking forward to seeing how they all
fit together in "Fallen" -- and whatever else she decides to try.
Author: AmandaK
9> · ID: 209
or_filter=209> · Books/Time: Gap-Filler [58]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:58:25 Score: 5
AmandaK is greater at writing the softer side of Middle-earth. Not that
that's all she can do, as she shows she can handle despair and villainy
quite well in "Enmities". But she also possesses a talent that I admire
greatly just because it's something I try to put in my own writing and so
know how hard it is: writing young kids as distinctly the character they
will become, and at the same time not saccharine-y. I always look forward to
reading her stuff, because almost without fail it's always an enjoyable
Author: AmandaK
9> · ID: 209
or_filter=209> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:58:45 Score: 5
AmandaK is greater at writing the softer side of Middle-earth. Not that
that's all she can do, as she shows she can handle despair and villainy
quite well in "Enmities". But she also possesses a talent that I admire
greatly just because it's something I try to put in my own writing and so
know how hard it is: writing young kids as distinctly the character they
will become, and at the same time not saccharine-y. I always look forward to
reading her stuff, because almost without fail it's always an enjoyable
Author: AmandaK
9> · ID: 209
or_filter=209> · Races/Places: Gondor [79]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:58:46 Score: 5
AmandaK is greater at writing the softer side of Middle-earth. Not that
that's all she can do, as she shows she can handle despair and villainy
quite well in "Enmities". But she also possesses a talent that I admire
greatly just because it's something I try to put in my own writing and so
know how hard it is: writing young kids as distinctly the character they
will become, and at the same time not saccharine-y. I always look forward to
reading her stuff, because almost without fail it's always an enjoyable
Author: AmandaK
9> · ID: 209
or_filter=209> · Races/Places: Villains [31]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:58:47 Score: 5
AmandaK is greater at writing the softer side of Middle-earth. Not that
that's all she can do, as she shows she can handle despair and villainy
quite well in "Enmities". But she also possesses a talent that I admire
greatly just because it's something I try to put in my own writing and so
know how hard it is: writing young kids as distinctly the character they
will become, and at the same time not saccharine-y. I always look forward to
reading her stuff, because almost without fail it's always an enjoyable
Author: Arandil
9> · ID: 229
or_filter=229> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 02:06:11 Score: 2
Arandil's writings are often enjoyable, often touching, and always
effective. She does a great job opening up corners of Middle-earth that I
never thought I would find fascinating until after I discovered her writing.
Author: Arquen
3> · ID: 233
or_filter=233> · Books/Time: Gap-Filler [58]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 02:09:25 Score: 3
Arquen astounds me with the depth of The Silmarillion and other pre-Third
Age material that she infuses into this short piece. She makes it accessible
to those like myself, with limited Silmarillion exposure. The first age is
always illuminating, never overbearing.
Author: Arandil
9> · ID: 229
or_filter=229> · Genres: Crossovers [16]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 02:10:00 Score: 2
Arandil's writings are often enjoyable, often touching, and always
effective. She does a great job opening up corners of Middle-earth that I
never thought I would find fascinating until after I discovered her writing.
Author: Arandil
9> · ID: 229
or_filter=229> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 02:10:26 Score: 2
Arandil's writings are often enjoyable, often touching, and always
effective. She does a great job opening up corners of Middle-earth that I
never thought I would find fascinating until after I discovered her writing.
Author: Arandil
9> · ID: 229
or_filter=229> · Genres: Humor [85]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 02:10:27 Score: 2
Arandil's writings are often enjoyable, often touching, and always
effective. She does a great job opening up corners of Middle-earth that I
never thought I would find fascinating until after I discovered her writing.
Author: Arandil
9> · ID: 229
or_filter=229> · Genres: Humor [85]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 02:10:47 Score: 2
Arandil's writings are often enjoyable, often touching, and always
effective. She does a great job opening up corners of Middle-earth that I
never thought I would find fascinating until after I discovered her writing.
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Books/Time: Gap-Filler [58]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:18 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:45 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Books/Time: The Hobbit [22]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:46 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings [111]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:47 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Genres: Crossovers [16]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:48 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:49 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural [80]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:50 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Races/Places: Rohan [37]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:51 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Batsojopo
5> · ID: 505
or_filter=505> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:25:18 Score: 3
As I said in my story review, Batsojopo's writing is always improving. I'm
always impressed with how well her ideas work when I think they wouldn't in
the hands of another writer and, as her skill weaving a scene improves, I
truly enjoy reading her chapters.
Author: Garnet
9> Took · ID: 389
or_filter=389> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings [111]: General
Reviewer: pippinfan88
1> · 2005-10-02 08:38:23 Score: 6
What an awesome, awesome tale. A tender story that portrays the first days
of Pippin's birth and a most special blessing not only by Gandalf, but by
the Valar. The author gives special insight to Pippin's amazing and
frightful beginnings, and then takes us to a place where we can see the
effect his special tasks have lead him. Frodo and Merry's tasks were just as
daunting; looking after and caring for a little hobbit cousin with a heart
of gold, a bundle of ceaseless energy, and a zest for life. I love how she
portrays Bilbo, Frodo, and especially Paladin. And she describes the
disposition of a dwarf extremely well--she has all her characters down pat.
A very well thought out tale, written with much love. Highly recommended for
anyone who absolutely LOVES Pippin! ;-)
Author: Dreamflower
5> · ID: 115
or_filter=115> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: General
Reviewer: pippinfan88
1> · 2005-10-02 09:08:21 Score: 10
There are only a handful of authors that I truly admire and try to emulate
in this fandom, and Dreamflower is one of them. I consider her one of the
most--if not THE most--prolific authors in the fandom. This is obvious of
her intellect, her creativeness, originality, and boundless imagination. Her
hobbits could be anywhere, be doing the most mundane of things, and yet
Dreamflower could make them all seem like the world's most exciting
adventure. Her stories are always well thought out--naturally, since she and
these other authors that I so admire have had twenty or thirty years to
think these things through! I'm just a green-eared whipper-snapper compared
to most of the fandom's authors.

I am usually drawn to an author's rendition of the Shire, or Middle-earth,
because they're so similar to my own universe. Not exactly alike, mind you,
but similar. Dreamflower's depiction of Pippin's family is so fun and
wonderful to read because I imagine them likewise, in my own way. She writes
all of her hobbits' characters equally with love, care, and consideration. I
love all of her hobbits--and even the Men she writes are so in character. I
would say that I love every single one of her stories, but I can't--her
library is rather extensive and I haven't gotten to every one of her tales
yet! But I aim to... Thank you, Dreamflower, for sharing your wonderful,
imaginative world of hobbits. :-)
Author: pearltook1
> · ID: 72
or_filter=72> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: pippinfan88
1> · 2005-10-02 09:42:12 Score: 10
This author, Pearl Took, and this story, is what drew me into LOTR
fanfiction. Her encouragement, and her own tales kept me spellbound for the
past (nearly) three years. This author dots her i's and crosses her t's when
she writes a tale, bringing the reader to laughter, joy, and tears all
within the same story because everything in the story is placed just so,
making the adventure a pleasurable one for the reader. Her Pippin and
Merry--and the charaters of both sets of parents are very plausible and well
thought-out. Her Merry and Pippin would make Professor Tolkien proud. I am
proud to call Pearl Took my mentor and dearest of friends, whose
encouragement has enabled me to broaden and improve my own writing skills.

With all that said, I must add that Pearl has been what I call,
aTrailblazer, or the Queen of Plots and Twists. She makes the reader think
that she's writing the obvious...NOT. Her tales will take a sudden turn, the
plot taking on a life of its own and ending with something totally different
than what we initially envisioned. Pearl likes to take the reader into
unknown realms, such as the Occupation of ruffians while our four lovable
lads were away south destroying the RIng. Her best "unknown realm" as been
what she calls the Took Sight, involving her original character cullassisul,
who first appears in While We Dwealt in Fear, as one who watches over her
Tooklings...special Tooks who have this gift of foresight. Pearl took JRRT's
comment that it was said that a Took married a faery long ago...and
Cullassisul is that faery. Wonderful--a lot of authors have dabbled with
that special sight, but Pearl is the one to have used it inconjunction with
the Took's faery blood. Thank you, Pearl, for sharing your amazing world of
hobbits. :-)
Author: grey_wonderer
> · ID: 62
or_filter=62> · Genres: Humor [85]: General
Reviewer: pippinfan88
1> · 2005-10-02 10:15:39 Score: 10
I have decided to use this tale to put in my opinon of this wonderful, most
talented author. Grey Wonderer had a gift of humor that most of us authors
attempt, but don't even come close to hers. Our stories contain palatable,
funny humor, but Grey Wonderer has this talent that far surpasses any one of
us--most especially me! Like another author that I so admire, Grey Wonderer
has the talent of taking any ordinary, mundane moment in the lives of our
four fabulous hobbits, and turning into a funny, serious, and very
insightful tale. All of her plots are very plausible and extremely
pleasurable. She has this wonderful habit of nailing just about any
Middle-earth character that she writes. She excells at writing Bilbo, Frodo,
Sam, Merry, AND Pippin. She also has included in her tales the gruffy old
wizard, and a moody dwarf. She nails those characters, too. Her Original
Characters are very addictive--I've liked every single one of hers--except
that nasty Carpenter Tunnelly--yet even "he" is in harmony with JRRT's
depiction of his hobbits. One other author and I both agree: only Grey
Wonderer has the flair to get away with slap stick humor with her
hobbits--and she is good at it! Grey Wonderer could make the most purest
LOTR fan laugh thier guts out after reading one of her tales. But Grey
Wonderer tackles more than just humor--she has written tales on the more
serious side as in, Home Again, and Thinking of You (nominated last year),
and her most recent, In Service to the King (will be nominated next year!).
Grey Wonderer is a natural artist, writer, who has my utmost respect and
admiration. Thank you, Grey Wonderer, for sharing your lovely humor, and
wonderful imagination! :-)
Author: MysteriousWays
2> · ID: 382
or_filter=382> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 10:26:32 Score: 7
Mysterious Ways is a Faboo author with a clever wit and strong grasp of the
Character that is Frodo Baggins. While she would prefer to comfort his woes
in person, she must settle for writing lovely stores about this tragic,
sometimes buggy eyed hero.

And this she does with such wonderful insight that the reader is forced to
look upon Mister Frodo in a whole new light. Is he a whiney defeated hobbit?
or simply a misunderstood hero. Mysterious ways explores these questions in
her stories with fantastic humor, angst and depth. The details included show
that these stories and events are alive in the authors mind. And hopefully
the readers as well. I know they became so for me so that at times
Mysterious Ways reality for frodo becomes "canon" for me. Is it real? or is
it memorex? (old joke) Yes this review is rambleing, but I do hope others
will give this author, and her pet hobbit character a read. I don't think
you'll be sorry.
Author: Bejai
6> · ID: 236
or_filter=236> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 10:27:31 Score: 8
Where do I start on Bejai? Well, to begin with she deserves credit for
helping me get through my fear of Silmarillion-centric stories. Before her,
anything before the Quest for Erebor, certainly those part involving Elves,
was a mystery to me. Now I've become something of a Celeborn fangirl, and I
think she deserves at least as much credit for this as does Marnie -- and
Tolkien ;-).

What's really great about Bejai is the way she writes elves in a way that
makes them seem very elven. I love them, but I don't feel like they're as
accessible as I would imagine humans to be -- yet they're not also so
inaccessible I can't relate to them at all. It's a balancing act that comes
off very well.

Beyond that, her situations are always original and believable, her writing
superb, her characterisations fresh, her themes poignant and
well-developed... honestly, there's not much that's not to love about this
author. Whenever I see a new story by her, that's always a Good Thing.
Author: Bejai
6> · ID: 236
or_filter=236> · Books/Time: The Silmarillion [67]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 10:27:53 Score: 8
Where do I start on Bejai? Well, to begin with she deserves credit for
helping me get through my fear of Silmarillion-centric stories. Before her,
anything before the Quest for Erebor, certainly those part involving Elves,
was a mystery to me. Now I've become something of a Celeborn fangirl, and I
think she deserves at least as much credit for this as does Marnie -- and
Tolkien ;-).

What's really great about Bejai is the way she writes elves in a way that
makes them seem very elven. I love them, but I don't feel like they're as
accessible as I would imagine humans to be -- yet they're not also so
inaccessible I can't relate to them at all. It's a balancing act that comes
off very well.

Beyond that, her situations are always original and believable, her writing
superb, her characterisations fresh, her themes poignant and
well-developed... honestly, there's not much that's not to love about this
author. Whenever I see a new story by her, that's always a Good Thing.
Author: Bejai
6> · ID: 236
or_filter=236> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 10:27:54 Score: 8
Where do I start on Bejai? Well, to begin with she deserves credit for
helping me get through my fear of Silmarillion-centric stories. Before her,
anything before the Quest for Erebor, certainly those part involving Elves,
was a mystery to me. Now I've become something of a Celeborn fangirl, and I
think she deserves at least as much credit for this as does Marnie -- and
Tolkien ;-).

What's really great about Bejai is the way she writes elves in a way that
makes them seem very elven. I love them, but I don't feel like they're as
accessible as I would imagine humans to be -- yet they're not also so
inaccessible I can't relate to them at all. It's a balancing act that comes
off very well.

Beyond that, her situations are always original and believable, her writing
superb, her characterisations fresh, her themes poignant and
well-developed... honestly, there's not much that's not to love about this
author. Whenever I see a new story by her, that's always a Good Thing.
Author: Bejai
6> · ID: 236
or_filter=236> · Races/Places: Elves [66]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 10:27:55 Score: 8
Where do I start on Bejai? Well, to begin with she deserves credit for
helping me get through my fear of Silmarillion-centric stories. Before her,
anything before the Quest for Erebor, certainly those part involving Elves,
was a mystery to me. Now I've become something of a Celeborn fangirl, and I
think she deserves at least as much credit for this as does Marnie -- and
Tolkien ;-).

What's really great about Bejai is the way she writes elves in a way that
makes them seem very elven. I love them, but I don't feel like they're as
accessible as I would imagine humans to be -- yet they're not also so
inaccessible I can't relate to them at all. It's a balancing act that comes
off very well.

Beyond th<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

Msg# 5590

Final Author Reviews 10/2/2005 Posted by Ainaechoiriel October 03, 2005 - 0:46:49 Topic ID# 5587
253 Author Reviews today!

Author: Acacea
6> · ID: 196
or_filter=196> · Books/Time: Gap-Filler [58]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:05:30 Score: 7
Acacea's real gift, at least in the stories nominated this year seems to be
Faramir's character. He's amazingly complex, but she seems to capture each
of these aspects in a way that's astounding. For example, "Legacy" shows us
Faramir as a father and how he tied the past in with the future; that seemed
a fitting extrapolation from the fact that he's a scholar. On the other
hand, "Dawn" shows him embracing the future for its own right whereas
"Restoration" shows his hope for the future and how the more mythic
qualities of the Ring War plays into it. What's truly astounding about this
is that each of these slight variations is consistent with each other; they
interlock in a really interesting way. THis shows to me a conception of the
character that extends beyond the piece in question, something I really
Author: Acacea
6> · ID: 196
or_filter=196> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:23:49 Score: 7
Acacea's real gift, at least in the stories nominated this year seems to be
Faramir's character. He's amazingly complex, but she seems to capture each
of these aspects in a way that's astounding. For example, "Legacy" shows us
Faramir as a father and how he tied the past in with the future; that seemed
a fitting extrapolation from the fact that he's a scholar. On the other
hand, "Dawn" shows him embracing the future for its own right whereas
"Restoration" shows his hope for the future and how the more mythic
qualities of the Ring War plays into it. What's truly astounding about this
is that each of these slight variations is consistent with each other; they
interlock in a really interesting way. THis shows to me a conception of the
character that extends beyond the piece in question, something I really
Author: Acacea
6> · ID: 196
or_filter=196> · Books/Time: The Hobbit [22]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:27:22 Score: 7
Acacea's real gift, at least in the stories nominated this year seems to be
Faramir's character. He's amazingly complex, but she seems to capture each
of these aspects in a way that's astounding. For example, "Legacy" shows us
Faramir as a father and how he tied the past in with the future; that seemed
a fitting extrapolation from the fact that he's a scholar. On the other
hand, "Dawn" shows him embracing the future for its own right whereas
"Restoration" shows his hope for the future and how the more mythic
qualities of the Ring War plays into it. What's truly astounding about this
is that each of these slight variations is consistent with each other; they
interlock in a really interesting way. THis shows to me a conception of the
character that extends beyond the piece in question, something I really
Author: Acacea
6> · ID: 196
or_filter=196> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings [111]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:31:41 Score: 7
Acacea's real gift, at least in the stories nominated this year seems to be
Faramir's character. He's amazingly complex, but she seems to capture each
of these aspects in a way that's astounding. For example, "Legacy" shows us
Faramir as a father and how he tied the past in with the future; that seemed
a fitting extrapolation from the fact that he's a scholar. On the other
hand, "Dawn" shows him embracing the future for its own right whereas
"Restoration" shows his hope for the future and how the more mythic
qualities of the Ring War plays into it. What's truly astounding about this
is that each of these slight variations is consistent with each other; they
interlock in a really interesting way. THis shows to me a conception of the
character that extends beyond the piece in question, something I really
Author: Acacea
6> · ID: 196
or_filter=196> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:31:59 Score: 7
Acacea's real gift, at least in the stories nominated this year seems to be
Faramir's character. He's amazingly complex, but she seems to capture each
of these aspects in a way that's astounding. For example, "Legacy" shows us
Faramir as a father and how he tied the past in with the future; that seemed
a fitting extrapolation from the fact that he's a scholar. On the other
hand, "Dawn" shows him embracing the future for its own right whereas
"Restoration" shows his hope for the future and how the more mythic
qualities of the Ring War plays into it. What's truly astounding about this
is that each of these slight variations is consistent with each other; they
interlock in a really interesting way. THis shows to me a conception of the
character that extends beyond the piece in question, something I really
Author: Acacea
6> · ID: 196
or_filter=196> · Races/Places: Gondor [79]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:33:00 Score: 7
Acacea's real gift, at least in the stories nominated this year seems to be
Faramir's character. He's amazingly complex, but she seems to capture each
of these aspects in a way that's astounding. For example, "Legacy" shows us
Faramir as a father and how he tied the past in with the future; that seemed
a fitting extrapolation from the fact that he's a scholar. On the other
hand, "Dawn" shows him embracing the future for its own right whereas
"Restoration" shows his hope for the future and how the more mythic
qualities of the Ring War plays into it. What's truly astounding about this
is that each of these slight variations is consistent with each other; they
interlock in a really interesting way. THis shows to me a conception of the
character that extends beyond the piece in question, something I really
Author: Acacea
6> · ID: 196
or_filter=196> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings [111]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:33:30 Score: 7
Acacea's real gift, at least in the stories nominated this year seems to be
Faramir's character. He's amazingly complex, but she seems to capture each
of these aspects in a way that's astounding. For example, "Legacy" shows us
Faramir as a father and how he tied the past in with the future; that seemed
a fitting extrapolation from the fact that he's a scholar. On the other
hand, "Dawn" shows him embracing the future for its own right whereas
"Restoration" shows his hope for the future and how the more mythic
qualities of the Ring War plays into it. What's truly astounding about this
is that each of these slight variations is consistent with each other; they
interlock in a really interesting way. THis shows to me a conception of the
character that extends beyond the piece in question, something I really
Author: Aeneid
1> · ID: 201
or_filter=201> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings [111]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:53:42 Score: 5
Aeneid writes original characters like no one's nbusiness. Whether it's Gil
in "Sight" or the whole cast in "Adraefan" and "The Laughing Oliphaunt", the
characters are always well-realised, three-dimensional with real flaws, and
they always fit well into what we know of Gondorian culture. It always
amazes me the different genres that you can write: romance/erotica, drama,
and oh so definitely humour. I was laughing out loud at places, often
seconds after being near tears; that takes a lot of talent.
Author: Aeneid
1> · ID: 201
or_filter=201> · Genres: Alternate Universe [20]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:54:00 Score: 5
Aeneid writes original characters like no one's nbusiness. Whether it's Gil
in "Sight" or the whole cast in "Adraefan" and "The Laughing Oliphaunt", the
characters are always well-realised, three-dimensional with real flaws, and
they always fit well into what we know of Gondorian culture. It always
amazes me the different genres that you can write: romance/erotica, drama,
and oh so definitely humour. I was laughing out loud at places, often
seconds after being near tears; that takes a lot of talent.
Author: Aeneid
1> · ID: 201
or_filter=201> · Races/Places: Gondor [79]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-01 23:54:17 Score: 5
Aeneid writes original characters like no one's nbusiness. Whether it's Gil
in "Sight" or the whole cast in "Adraefan" and "The Laughing Oliphaunt", the
characters are always well-realised, three-dimensional with real flaws, and
they always fit well into what we know of Gondorian culture. It always
amazes me the different genres that you can write: romance/erotica, drama,
and oh so definitely humour. I was laughing out loud at places, often
seconds after being near tears; that takes a lot of talent.
Author: SilverMoonLady
3> · ID: 343
or_filter=343> · Books/Time: Gap-Filler [58]: Drabble
Reviewer: Ghettoelleth
7> · 2005-10-02 00:01:03 Score: 10
Oh dear. My darling Sil is one of those very wicked people who dragged me
kicking and screaming into a world where little munchkins with hairy feet
have sex and we're all foaming at the mouth to watch. Sil really is taking
courses from some of the lesser demons and is a sort of, 'cajole by
example.' evangelical machiavelli. In other words, no one is safe until all
the world has recognized that Hobbitcentric romance is every bit as steamy
and wonderful as is the elven and human variety. I was forced to lock myself
away for several days upon discovering that, whilst reading one of
SilverMoonLady's stories, my upper lip was actually sweating. (Shut up, Sil,
I did not have a flashlight and printed pages of Hobbit smut under the bed.)
Well, I probably would have been fine after that, just knowing I was safe
from the most evil and hated entities, the dark elves, the fallen Ainur, the
dwarves. Hahaha, I say, but then...that's for other reviews. I would just
like to thank you, SilverMoonLady, for giving that initial push off the
diving board and into the ole muddy river which began my descent and also, I
wanted to let you know that I'm now here amongst the really pissed off and
gaining on you. You know what they say, if everyone's cranky, this must be
In summation, if you want to secure your spot in the abyss, read
SilverMoonLady's yummy Hobbit fics, her Merry is one of the coolest guys and
he just exudes an aura of manly, self possessed gentleman that is strangely
attractive. Oh crap, there I go again.

Author: Ithilwen
6> · ID: 286
or_filter=286> · Books/Time: The Silmarillion [67]: General
Reviewer: Ghettoelleth
7> · 2005-10-02 00:03:13 Score: 10
Wow, I have not been completely blown away be an author's talent within the
Tolkien fan fic world in a long time, but I am almost speechless. I have
spent the last couple of hours reading this author's fiction, both what is
nominated here as well as what she has available on her site, and I am damn
near fan girling this author. She makes me want to say things like, her
Caranthir is teh hawt, and make that weird squealing noise but then I'd have
to take my life But her writing is definately not to be missed.
Though usually I gag at the pretention of overly anal adherence to canon
because, lets face it, canon is the stuff Tolkien wrote and nothing else, I
did not get a sense of being patronized by this author in the least. What I
did feel was a sense of passion for Tolkien's characters and an overriding
desire to do justice to a greatly admired author. Well, she has achieved
uncategorical success in my humble opinion. Though I must confess, I did not
read the slash stories, nothing personal but, A) I have had more gay Maeglin
than I can stomach any longer and B) Tolkien was a tridentine catholic, ergo
Maedhros and Fingon would have been stage performers perhaps, but never gay.
Of the fics I did read, her Caranthir, good lord, simply jumps off the page
as do her Aredhel and Eol. It was also entirely refreshing to read through a
fic without pausing to beta in my head every few lines. I get enough of that
with my own crap. I believe Haleth recommend Ithilwen's fics a while back
and I'm truly sorry I didn't have time then to read some of them. These are
stories that deserve to be read more than once, wonderfully stylized and
brilliantly rendered. Bravo Ithilwen
Author: AfterEver
2> · ID: 202
or_filter=202> · Books/Time: The Silmarillion [67]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 00:25:10 Score: 2
AfterEver seems to write two time periods (the elves of the First Age and
Rivendell in the late Third), and both of them really well. The way she can
develop complete worlds is admirable.
Author: AfterEver
2> · ID: 202
or_filter=202> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 00:25:39 Score: 2
AfterEver seems to write two time periods (the elves of the First Age and
Rivendell in the late Third), and both of them really well. The way she can
develop complete worlds is admirable.
Author: AfterEver
2> · ID: 202
or_filter=202> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural [80]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 00:25:40 Score: 2
AfterEver seems to write two time periods (the elves of the First Age and
Rivendell in the late Third), and both of them really well. The way she can
develop complete worlds is admirable.
Author: Ainaechoiriel
· ID: 2
or_filter=2> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:34:15 Score: 2
Ainaechoiriel can make Legolas come alive for me. You infuse him with depth,
which is something that I have always struggled to see.
Author: Ainaechoiriel
· ID: 2
or_filter=2> · Books/Time: The Silmarillion [67]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:34:34 Score: 2
Ainaechoiriel can make Legolas come alive for me. You infuse him with depth,
which is something that I have always struggled to see.
Author: Ainaechoiriel
· ID: 2
or_filter=2> · Genres: Humor [85]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:34:35 Score: 2
Ainaechoiriel can make Legolas come alive for me. You infuse him with depth,
which is something that I have always struggled to see.
Author: Alawa
3> · ID: 103
or_filter=103> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:44:44 Score: 5
Alawa brings an amazing depth and reality to Eriador, which I know from
personal experience is very hard to do and make it still feel connected to
canon. She is perhaps best known for her poetry, and she shines on that note
here, but her vignettes are what really grab me. I think my favourite ones
are the ones where she deals with customs (as in "Of Herbs and Stewed
Rabbit"), and where she looks at the family relationships like she does in
"Love's Labours". And as always, her Aragorn and Bilbo are particularly
enjoyable. Thank you for all the lovely reads, Alawa.
Author: Alawa
3> · ID: 103
or_filter=103> · Books/Time: The Hobbit [22]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:45:02 Score: 5
Alawa brings an amazing depth and reality to Eriador, which I know from
personal experience is very hard to do and make it still feel connected to
canon. She is perhaps best known for her poetry, and she shines on that note
here, but her vignettes are what really grab me. I think my favourite ones
are the ones where she deals with customs (as in "Of Herbs and Stewed
Rabbit"), and where she looks at the family relationships like she does in
"Love's Labours". And as always, her Aragorn and Bilbo are particularly
enjoyable. Thank you for all the lovely reads, Alawa.
Author: Alawa
3> · ID: 103
or_filter=103> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings [111]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:45:03 Score: 5
Alawa brings an amazing depth and reality to Eriador, which I know from
personal experience is very hard to do and make it still feel connected to
canon. She is perhaps best known for her poetry, and she shines on that note
here, but her vignettes are what really grab me. I think my favourite ones
are the ones where she deals with customs (as in "Of Herbs and Stewed
Rabbit"), and where she looks at the family relationships like she does in
"Love's Labours". And as always, her Aragorn and Bilbo are particularly
enjoyable. Thank you for all the lovely reads, Alawa.
Author: Alawa
3> · ID: 103
or_filter=103> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:45:04 Score: 5
Alawa brings an amazing depth and reality to Eriador, which I know from
personal experience is very hard to do and make it still feel connected to
canon. She is perhaps best known for her poetry, and she shines on that note
here, but her vignettes are what really grab me. I think my favourite ones
are the ones where she deals with customs (as in "Of Herbs and Stewed
Rabbit"), and where she looks at the family relationships like she does in
"Love's Labours". And as always, her Aragorn and Bilbo are particularly
enjoyable. Thank you for all the lovely reads, Alawa.
Author: Alawa
3> · ID: 103
or_filter=103> · Genres: Romance [72]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:45:05 Score: 5
Alawa brings an amazing depth and reality to Eriador, which I know from
personal experience is very hard to do and make it still feel connected to
canon. She is perhaps best known for her poetry, and she shines on that note
here, but her vignettes are what really grab me. I think my favourite ones
are the ones where she deals with customs (as in "Of Herbs and Stewed
Rabbit"), and where she looks at the family relationships like she does in
"Love's Labours". And as always, her Aragorn and Bilbo are particularly
enjoyable. Thank you for all the lovely reads, Alawa.
Author: Alawa
3> · ID: 103
or_filter=103> · Races/Places: Gondor [79]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:45:22 Score: 5
Alawa brings an amazing depth and reality to Eriador, which I know from
personal experience is very hard to do and make it still feel connected to
canon. She is perhaps best known for her poetry, and she shines on that note
here, but her vignettes are what really grab me. I think my favourite ones
are the ones where she deals with customs (as in "Of Herbs and Stewed
Rabbit"), and where she looks at the family relationships like she does in
"Love's Labours". And as always, her Aragorn and Bilbo are particularly
enjoyable. Thank you for all the lovely reads, Alawa.
Author: Alawa
3> · ID: 103
or_filter=103> · Races/Places: Men [31]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:45:23 Score: 5
Alawa brings an amazing depth and reality to Eriador, which I know from
personal experience is very hard to do and make it still feel connected to
canon. She is perhaps best known for her poetry, and she shines on that note
here, but her vignettes are what really grab me. I think my favourite ones
are the ones where she deals with customs (as in "Of Herbs and Stewed
Rabbit"), and where she looks at the family relationships like she does in
"Love's Labours". And as always, her Aragorn and Bilbo are particularly
enjoyable. Thank you for all the lovely reads, Alawa.
Author: Aliana
8> · ID: 208
or_filter=208> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:55:12 Score: 8
There's just one day left of voting and I'm only on the A's of the author
list, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sacrifice points for time here.
It's not that Aliana doesn't deserve all ten.

In the future when I run into someone who claims that a Mary Sue is
equivalent with being an OFC I think I'm going to point to "Fallen". Here is
a protagonist who is an original character in a story populated almost
entirely by other original characters, yet there is nothing Sueish about her
in my mind. She has real faults, real temptations, faces real problems. I
don't normally read WIPs, but "Fallen" is one I'm willing to make an
exception for.

And I know Aliana can handle almost anything -- from the pathos we see in
"Object Lessons" to the sidesplitting humour of "A Proper Course of Action".
And she showed us in "To Labor and to Wait" how she really can write short
pieces with a lot of punch, too. I'm looking forward to seeing how they all
fit together in "Fallen" -- and whatever else she decides to try.
Author: Aliana
8> · ID: 208
or_filter=208> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings [111]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:55:42 Score: 8
There's just one day left of voting and I'm only on the A's of the author
list, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sacrifice points for time here.
It's not that Aliana doesn't deserve all ten.

In the future when I run into someone who claims that a Mary Sue is
equivalent with being an OFC I think I'm going to point to "Fallen". Here is
a protagonist who is an original character in a story populated almost
entirely by other original characters, yet there is nothing Sueish about her
in my mind. She has real faults, real temptations, faces real problems. I
don't normally read WIPs, but "Fallen" is one I'm willing to make an
exception for.

And I know Aliana can handle almost anything -- from the pathos we see in
"Object Lessons" to the sidesplitting humour of "A Proper Course of Action".
And she showed us in "To Labor and to Wait" how she really can write short
pieces with a lot of punch, too. I'm looking forward to seeing how they all
fit together in "Fallen" -- and whatever else she decides to try.
Author: Aliana
8> · ID: 208
or_filter=208> · Genres: Humor [85]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:55:44 Score: 8
There's just one day left of voting and I'm only on the A's of the author
list, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sacrifice points for time here.
It's not that Aliana doesn't deserve all ten.

In the future when I run into someone who claims that a Mary Sue is
equivalent with being an OFC I think I'm going to point to "Fallen". Here is
a protagonist who is an original character in a story populated almost
entirely by other original characters, yet there is nothing Sueish about her
in my mind. She has real faults, real temptations, faces real problems. I
don't normally read WIPs, but "Fallen" is one I'm willing to make an
exception for.

And I know Aliana can handle almost anything -- from the pathos we see in
"Object Lessons" to the sidesplitting humour of "A Proper Course of Action".
And she showed us in "To Labor and to Wait" how she really can write short
pieces with a lot of punch, too. I'm looking forward to seeing how they all
fit together in "Fallen" -- and whatever else she decides to try.
Author: Aliana
8> · ID: 208
or_filter=208> · Races/Places: Gondor [79]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:55:44 Score: 8
There's just one day left of voting and I'm only on the A's of the author
list, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sacrifice points for time here.
It's not that Aliana doesn't deserve all ten.

In the future when I run into someone who claims that a Mary Sue is
equivalent with being an OFC I think I'm going to point to "Fallen". Here is
a protagonist who is an original character in a story populated almost
entirely by other original characters, yet there is nothing Sueish about her
in my mind. She has real faults, real temptations, faces real problems. I
don't normally read WIPs, but "Fallen" is one I'm willing to make an
exception for.

And I know Aliana can handle almost anything -- from the pathos we see in
"Object Lessons" to the sidesplitting humour of "A Proper Course of Action".
And she showed us in "To Labor and to Wait" how she really can write short
pieces with a lot of punch, too. I'm looking forward to seeing how they all
fit together in "Fallen" -- and whatever else she decides to try.
Author: AmandaK
9> · ID: 209
or_filter=209> · Books/Time: Gap-Filler [58]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:58:25 Score: 5
AmandaK is greater at writing the softer side of Middle-earth. Not that
that's all she can do, as she shows she can handle despair and villainy
quite well in "Enmities". But she also possesses a talent that I admire
greatly just because it's something I try to put in my own writing and so
know how hard it is: writing young kids as distinctly the character they
will become, and at the same time not saccharine-y. I always look forward to
reading her stuff, because almost without fail it's always an enjoyable
Author: AmandaK
9> · ID: 209
or_filter=209> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:58:45 Score: 5
AmandaK is greater at writing the softer side of Middle-earth. Not that
that's all she can do, as she shows she can handle despair and villainy
quite well in "Enmities". But she also possesses a talent that I admire
greatly just because it's something I try to put in my own writing and so
know how hard it is: writing young kids as distinctly the character they
will become, and at the same time not saccharine-y. I always look forward to
reading her stuff, because almost without fail it's always an enjoyable
Author: AmandaK
9> · ID: 209
or_filter=209> · Races/Places: Gondor [79]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:58:46 Score: 5
AmandaK is greater at writing the softer side of Middle-earth. Not that
that's all she can do, as she shows she can handle despair and villainy
quite well in "Enmities". But she also possesses a talent that I admire
greatly just because it's something I try to put in my own writing and so
know how hard it is: writing young kids as distinctly the character they
will become, and at the same time not saccharine-y. I always look forward to
reading her stuff, because almost without fail it's always an enjoyable
Author: AmandaK
9> · ID: 209
or_filter=209> · Races/Places: Villains [31]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 01:58:47 Score: 5
AmandaK is greater at writing the softer side of Middle-earth. Not that
that's all she can do, as she shows she can handle despair and villainy
quite well in "Enmities". But she also possesses a talent that I admire
greatly just because it's something I try to put in my own writing and so
know how hard it is: writing young kids as distinctly the character they
will become, and at the same time not saccharine-y. I always look forward to
reading her stuff, because almost without fail it's always an enjoyable
Author: Arandil
9> · ID: 229
or_filter=229> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 02:06:11 Score: 2
Arandil's writings are often enjoyable, often touching, and always
effective. She does a great job opening up corners of Middle-earth that I
never thought I would find fascinating until after I discovered her writing.
Author: Arquen
3> · ID: 233
or_filter=233> · Books/Time: Gap-Filler [58]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 02:09:25 Score: 3
Arquen astounds me with the depth of The Silmarillion and other pre-Third
Age material that she infuses into this short piece. She makes it accessible
to those like myself, with limited Silmarillion exposure. The first age is
always illuminating, never overbearing.
Author: Arandil
9> · ID: 229
or_filter=229> · Genres: Crossovers [16]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 02:10:00 Score: 2
Arandil's writings are often enjoyable, often touching, and always
effective. She does a great job opening up corners of Middle-earth that I
never thought I would find fascinating until after I discovered her writing.
Author: Arandil
9> · ID: 229
or_filter=229> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 02:10:26 Score: 2
Arandil's writings are often enjoyable, often touching, and always
effective. She does a great job opening up corners of Middle-earth that I
never thought I would find fascinating until after I discovered her writing.
Author: Arandil
9> · ID: 229
or_filter=229> · Genres: Humor [85]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 02:10:27 Score: 2
Arandil's writings are often enjoyable, often touching, and always
effective. She does a great job opening up corners of Middle-earth that I
never thought I would find fascinating until after I discovered her writing.
Author: Arandil
9> · ID: 229
or_filter=229> · Genres: Humor [85]: Poem
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 02:10:47 Score: 2
Arandil's writings are often enjoyable, often touching, and always
effective. She does a great job opening up corners of Middle-earth that I
never thought I would find fascinating until after I discovered her writing.
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Books/Time: Gap-Filler [58]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:18 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:45 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Books/Time: The Hobbit [22]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:46 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings [111]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:47 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Genres: Crossovers [16]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:48 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:49 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural [80]: Drabble
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:50 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Azalais
7> · ID: 187
or_filter=187> · Races/Places: Rohan [37]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:22:51 Score: 5
Looking at the list of stories on Azalais' list, I see so widely varying
things. There are several stories about Legolas and Dwarves, and a few about
Gandalf, but none seem to fit a pattern. And then "An Unexpected Party is in
a class all its own! What they do have in common is good writing and
unexpected perspectives, the ability to make me look at Middle-earth with
new eyes. For me that's the single most important aspect of a good fic, and
I'm always pleased with what Az comes up with. Keep it up!
Author: Batsojopo
5> · ID: 505
or_filter=505> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 08:25:18 Score: 3
As I said in my story review, Batsojopo's writing is always improving. I'm
always impressed with how well her ideas work when I think they wouldn't in
the hands of another writer and, as her skill weaving a scene improves, I
truly enjoy reading her chapters.
Author: Garnet
9> Took · ID: 389
or_filter=389> · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings [111]: General
Reviewer: pippinfan88
1> · 2005-10-02 08:38:23 Score: 6
What an awesome, awesome tale. A tender story that portrays the first days
of Pippin's birth and a most special blessing not only by Gandalf, but by
the Valar. The author gives special insight to Pippin's amazing and
frightful beginnings, and then takes us to a place where we can see the
effect his special tasks have lead him. Frodo and Merry's tasks were just as
daunting; looking after and caring for a little hobbit cousin with a heart
of gold, a bundle of ceaseless energy, and a zest for life. I love how she
portrays Bilbo, Frodo, and especially Paladin. And she describes the
disposition of a dwarf extremely well--she has all her characters down pat.
A very well thought out tale, written with much love. Highly recommended for
anyone who absolutely LOVES Pippin! ;-)
Author: Dreamflower
5> · ID: 115
or_filter=115> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: General
Reviewer: pippinfan88
1> · 2005-10-02 09:08:21 Score: 10
There are only a handful of authors that I truly admire and try to emulate
in this fandom, and Dreamflower is one of them. I consider her one of the
most--if not THE most--prolific authors in the fandom. This is obvious of
her intellect, her creativeness, originality, and boundless imagination. Her
hobbits could be anywhere, be doing the most mundane of things, and yet
Dreamflower could make them all seem like the world's most exciting
adventure. Her stories are always well thought out--naturally, since she and
these other authors that I so admire have had twenty or thirty years to
think these things through! I'm just a green-eared whipper-snapper compared
to most of the fandom's authors.

I am usually drawn to an author's rendition of the Shire, or Middle-earth,
because they're so similar to my own universe. Not exactly alike, mind you,
but similar. Dreamflower's depiction of Pippin's family is so fun and
wonderful to read because I imagine them likewise, in my own way. She writes
all of her hobbits' characters equally with love, care, and consideration. I
love all of her hobbits--and even the Men she writes are so in character. I
would say that I love every single one of her stories, but I can't--her
library is rather extensive and I haven't gotten to every one of her tales
yet! But I aim to... Thank you, Dreamflower, for sharing your wonderful,
imaginative world of hobbits. :-)
Author: pearltook1
> · ID: 72
or_filter=72> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: pippinfan88
1> · 2005-10-02 09:42:12 Score: 10
This author, Pearl Took, and this story, is what drew me into LOTR
fanfiction. Her encouragement, and her own tales kept me spellbound for the
past (nearly) three years. This author dots her i's and crosses her t's when
she writes a tale, bringing the reader to laughter, joy, and tears all
within the same story because everything in the story is placed just so,
making the adventure a pleasurable one for the reader. Her Pippin and
Merry--and the charaters of both sets of parents are very plausible and well
thought-out. Her Merry and Pippin would make Professor Tolkien proud. I am
proud to call Pearl Took my mentor and dearest of friends, whose
encouragement has enabled me to broaden and improve my own writing skills.

With all that said, I must add that Pearl has been what I call,
aTrailblazer, or the Queen of Plots and Twists. She makes the reader think
that she's writing the obvious...NOT. Her tales will take a sudden turn, the
plot taking on a life of its own and ending with something totally different
than what we initially envisioned. Pearl likes to take the reader into
unknown realms, such as the Occupation of ruffians while our four lovable
lads were away south destroying the RIng. Her best "unknown realm" as been
what she calls the Took Sight, involving her original character cullassisul,
who first appears in While We Dwealt in Fear, as one who watches over her
Tooklings...special Tooks who have this gift of foresight. Pearl took JRRT's
comment that it was said that a Took married a faery long ago...and
Cullassisul is that faery. Wonderful--a lot of authors have dabbled with
that special sight, but Pearl is the one to have used it inconjunction with
the Took's faery blood. Thank you, Pearl, for sharing your amazing world of
hobbits. :-)
Author: grey_wonderer
> · ID: 62
or_filter=62> · Genres: Humor [85]: General
Reviewer: pippinfan88
1> · 2005-10-02 10:15:39 Score: 10
I have decided to use this tale to put in my opinon of this wonderful, most
talented author. Grey Wonderer had a gift of humor that most of us authors
attempt, but don't even come close to hers. Our stories contain palatable,
funny humor, but Grey Wonderer has this talent that far surpasses any one of
us--most especially me! Like another author that I so admire, Grey Wonderer
has the talent of taking any ordinary, mundane moment in the lives of our
four fabulous hobbits, and turning into a funny, serious, and very
insightful tale. All of her plots are very plausible and extremely
pleasurable. She has this wonderful habit of nailing just about any
Middle-earth character that she writes. She excells at writing Bilbo, Frodo,
Sam, Merry, AND Pippin. She also has included in her tales the gruffy old
wizard, and a moody dwarf. She nails those characters, too. Her Original
Characters are very addictive--I've liked every single one of hers--except
that nasty Carpenter Tunnelly--yet even "he" is in harmony with JRRT's
depiction of his hobbits. One other author and I both agree: only Grey
Wonderer has the flair to get away with slap stick humor with her
hobbits--and she is good at it! Grey Wonderer could make the most purest
LOTR fan laugh thier guts out after reading one of her tales. But Grey
Wonderer tackles more than just humor--she has written tales on the more
serious side as in, Home Again, and Thinking of You (nominated last year),
and her most recent, In Service to the King (will be nominated next year!).
Grey Wonderer is a natural artist, writer, who has my utmost respect and
admiration. Thank you, Grey Wonderer, for sharing your lovely humor, and
wonderful imagination! :-)
Author: MysteriousWays
2> · ID: 382
or_filter=382> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Beethoven's
9> 7th · 2005-10-02 10:26:32 Score: 7
Mysterious Ways is a Faboo author with a clever wit and strong grasp of the
Character that is Frodo Baggins. While she would prefer to comfort his woes
in person, she must settle for writing lovely stores about this tragic,
sometimes buggy eyed hero.

And this she does with such wonderful insight that the reader is forced to
look upon Mister Frodo in a whole new light. Is he a whiney defeated hobbit?
or simply a misunderstood hero. Mysterious ways explores these questions in
her stories with fantastic humor, angst and depth. The details included show
that these stories and events are alive in the authors mind. And hopefully
the readers as well. I know they became so for me so that at times
Mysterious Ways reality for frodo becomes "canon" for me. Is it real? or is
it memorex? (old joke) Yes this review is rambleing, but I do hope others
will give this author, and her pet hobbit character a read. I don't think
you'll be sorry.
Author: Bejai
6> · ID: 236
or_filter=236> · Books/Time: Post-Ring War [142]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 10:27:31 Score: 8
Where do I start on Bejai? Well, to begin with she deserves credit for
helping me get through my fear of Silmarillion-centric stories. Before her,
anything before the Quest for Erebor, certainly those part involving Elves,
was a mystery to me. Now I've become something of a Celeborn fangirl, and I
think she deserves at least as much credit for this as does Marnie -- and
Tolkien ;-).

What's really great about Bejai is the way she writes elves in a way that
makes them seem very elven. I love them, but I don't feel like they're as
accessible as I would imagine humans to be -- yet they're not also so
inaccessible I can't relate to them at all. It's a balancing act that comes
off very well.

Beyond that, her situations are always original and believable, her writing
superb, her characterisations fresh, her themes poignant and
well-developed... honestly, there's not much that's not to love about this
author. Whenever I see a new story by her, that's always a Good Thing.
Author: Bejai
6> · ID: 236
or_filter=236> · Books/Time: The Silmarillion [67]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 10:27:53 Score: 8
Where do I start on Bejai? Well, to begin with she deserves credit for
helping me get through my fear of Silmarillion-centric stories. Before her,
anything before the Quest for Erebor, certainly those part involving Elves,
was a mystery to me. Now I've become something of a Celeborn fangirl, and I
think she deserves at least as much credit for this as does Marnie -- and
Tolkien ;-).

What's really great about Bejai is the way she writes elves in a way that
makes them seem very elven. I love them, but I don't feel like they're as
accessible as I would imagine humans to be -- yet they're not also so
inaccessible I can't relate to them at all. It's a balancing act that comes
off very well.

Beyond that, her situations are always original and believable, her writing
superb, her characterisations fresh, her themes poignant and
well-developed... honestly, there's not much that's not to love about this
author. Whenever I see a new story by her, that's always a Good Thing.
Author: Bejai
6> · ID: 236
or_filter=236> · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) [135]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 10:27:54 Score: 8
Where do I start on Bejai? Well, to begin with she deserves credit for
helping me get through my fear of Silmarillion-centric stories. Before her,
anything before the Quest for Erebor, certainly those part involving Elves,
was a mystery to me. Now I've become something of a Celeborn fangirl, and I
think she deserves at least as much credit for this as does Marnie -- and
Tolkien ;-).

What's really great about Bejai is the way she writes elves in a way that
makes them seem very elven. I love them, but I don't feel like they're as
accessible as I would imagine humans to be -- yet they're not also so
inaccessible I can't relate to them at all. It's a balancing act that comes
off very well.

Beyond that, her situations are always original and believable, her writing
superb, her characterisations fresh, her themes poignant and
well-developed... honestly, there's not much that's not to love about this
author. Whenever I see a new story by her, that's always a Good Thing.
Author: Bejai
6> · ID: 236
or_filter=236> · Races/Places: Elves [66]: General
Reviewer: Marta
> · 2005-10-02 10:27:55 Score: 8
Where do I start on Bejai? Well, to begin with she deserves credit for
helping me get through my fear of Silmarillion-centric stories. Before her,
anything before the Quest for Erebor, certainly those part involving Elves,
was a mystery to me. Now I've become something of a Celeborn fangirl, and I
think she deserves at least as much credit for this as does Marnie -- and
Tolkien ;-).

What's really great about Bejai is the way she writes elves in a way that
makes them seem very elven. I love them, but I don't feel like they're as
accessible as I would imagine humans to be -- yet they're not also so
inaccessible I can't relate to them at all. It's a balancing act that comes
off very well.

Beyond th<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)