Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 5612

Belated thanks Posted by dwimmer\_laik October 08, 2005 - 11:07:36 Topic ID# 5612
I've downloaded all the reviews I've received, and have excellent
intentions of making an e-mail list, and sending personalized thanks
to those who reviewed my work.

However, intentions only go so far, and my list is only a quarter
formed. Therefore, on the theory that it is better to thank
inadequately than not at all...

Thank you, everyone who left a review for any of my stories or for
me as an author. Whether it was a line or a paragraph or several
paragraphs, I appreciate your feedback. But particularly to those
who did leave longer reviews, thank you for taking the time to give
me a more in depth perspective on what you're seeing in what I've
written, which lets me gauge better whether I'd succeeded in my
intentions to portray X or Y scenario.

Please excuse the low and vulgar medium of a depersonalized e-mail
posting in reply to your very individual responses. I will try to do
better this year to actually complete my list and respond to your
review(s) on the level they deserve.



Msg# 5642

Re: Belated thanks Posted by Azalais October 15, 2005 - 15:03:28 Topic ID# 5612
--- In, "dwimmer_laik" <dwimmer_laik@y...>
> I've downloaded all the reviews I've received, and have excellent
> intentions of making an e-mail list, and sending personalized thanks
> to those who reviewed my work.
> However, intentions only go so far, and my list is only a quarter
> formed. Therefore, on the theory that it is better to thank
> inadequately than not at all...

Would just like to second Dwim's sentiments above:

I too have excellent intentions, but I too have always found my good
intentions only go so far, and seem to have a rather unpredictably
fluctuating level of RL at the moment.

I really hope I will manage to reply to everyone who was good enough
to review my stuff for the MEFAs. But if I fail, or if it takes me so
long to get through everyone that you start suspecting I'm ignoring
you on purpose, please bear with me - and believe me that if you left
a review I appreciated it enormously (length isn't everything, either
- some of the short'n'sweeties I had were really insightful!)

As I said to Dwim the other day: this MEFAs thing is going to get like
Christmas - so many presents, and oh so many thank-yous to write!

Cheers all,