Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 6235

RL troubles Posted by Marta Layton November 10, 2005 - 23:04:39 Topic ID# 6235
You guys are going to get sick of hearing from me that I need a break from
the post mortem. I'm supposed to be minding it! But RL has a way of being
pesky. Something's come up that's requiring most of my energy, at least for
the next bit. I hope to get it under control so I can come back and give my
opinions on things, but that may not happen. Which means that I may be
depending on you guys to hold each other accountable to remaining civil (not
that that's been a problem yet), and if you think we're going around in
circles or need to move on, you may need to take the initiative in nudging
the group that direction. I will still be around but probably will not be as
involved as I'd like.
How does this affect the post-mortem? I want you guys to go ahead witht he
conversation. I've pretty much said my piece on most of the things being
discussed so far, and I agree with most everything that's been said. If it
looks like there's an idea that's popular that I disagree with strongly and
wouldn't be comfortable with for the awards I'll try to speak up.
I've set up some polls here and at the LJ to get peoples' opinions on the
main issues we're discussing now. Feel free to go on and discuss these
things. Hopefully by the time we wrap this topic up I'll be up to guiding
this post mortem again, at least in some form.

"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our greatest fear is that
we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most
frightens us. [...] As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give
other people permission to do the same."

(Nelson Mandela)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 6236

Re: RL troubles Posted by Kathy November 10, 2005 - 23:39:19 Topic ID# 6235
Hi Marta, don't worry about things here...we'll try to behave! Hope
your RL troubles work out.

Kathy (Inkling)

--- In, Marta Layton <melayton@g...> wrote:
> You guys are going to get sick of hearing from me that I need a
> break from the post mortem. I'm supposed to be minding it! But RL
> has a way of being pesky. Something's come up that's requiring most
> of my energy, at least for the next bit. I hope to get it under
> control so I can come back and give my opinions on things, but that
> may not happen. Which means that I may be depending on you guys to
> hold each other accountable to remaining civil (not that that's
> been a problem yet), and if you think we're going around in circles
> or need to move on, you may need to take the initiative in nudging
> the group that direction. I will still be around but probably will
> not be as involved as I'd like. How does this affect the post-
> mortem? I want you guys to go ahead witht he conversation. I've
> pretty much said my piece on most of the things being discussed so
> far, and I agree with most everything that's been said. If it looks
> like there's an idea that's popular that I disagree with strongly
> and wouldn't be comfortable with for the awards I'll try to speak
> up. I've set up some polls here and at the LJ to get peoples'
> opinions on the main issues we're discussing now. Feel free to go
> on and discuss these things. Hopefully by the time we wrap this
> topic up I'll be up to guiding this post mortem again, at least in
> some form.
> Cheers,
> Marta

Msg# 6237

Re: RL troubles Posted by Laura November 11, 2005 - 0:39:41 Topic ID# 6235
Well, personally, I was going to stage a coup and somehow take over the world in the process. But if Inkling says we'll behave, I guess I'll have to go along. ;) Besides, world domination might be something you'd be interested in, Marta, so I'll hold off on the nefarious schemes.

Also madly trying to catch RL only to find out that it's lapped her,

P.S. Sheesh, I'm gone for a grand total of two days and the lot of you go and post a novel! *shakes head* I guess I'll try to catch up this weekend. Still, it looks to have been very productive and entertaining. I'm sorry to have missed it.

As a way of life, reality is highly overrated.
DahakýHercules: The Legendary Journeys

-- "Kathy" <> wrote:
Hi Marta, don't worry about things here...we'll try to behave! Hope
your RL troubles work out.

Kathy (Inkling)

--- In, Marta Layton <melayton@g...> wrote:
> You guys are going to get sick of hearing from me that I need a
> break from the post mortem. I'm supposed to be minding it! But RL
> has a way of being pesky. Something's come up that's requiring most
> of my energy, at least for the next bit. I hope to get it under
> control so I can come back and give my opinions on things, but that
> may not happen. Which means that I may be depending on you guys to
> hold each other accountable to remaining civil (not that that's
> been a problem yet), and if you think we're going around in circles
> or need to move on, you may need to take the initiative in nudging
> the group that direction. I will still be around but probably will
> not be as involved as I'd like. How does this affect the post-
> mortem? I want you guys to go ahead witht he conversation. I've
> pretty much said my piece on most of the things being discussed so
> far, and I agree with most everything that's been said. If it looks
> like there's an idea that's popular that I disagree with strongly
> and wouldn't be comfortable with for the awards I'll try to speak
> up. I've set up some polls here and at the LJ to get peoples'
> opinions on the main issues we're discussing now. Feel free to go
> on and discuss these things. Hopefully by the time we wrap this
> topic up I'll be up to guiding this post mortem again, at least in
> some form.
> Cheers,
> Marta