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Msg# 6511

First Age and Before awards Posted by Marta Layton December 18, 2005 - 23:42:58 Topic ID# 6511
Hey guys,

It seems that (again!) I'm behind on post-mortem posts. I'll try to get
caught up on at least some of them, but it will probably be tomorrow
night before I can do email again. And of course standard disclaimers
apply: if I don't reply, that doesn't mean I didn't read your email;
I'm just trying to get to as many as I can.

But for now, I'll just give some general comments.

I'm not particularly devoted to any of the suggestions made so far. Of
those presented, I think I like Dwim's best because it works around a
set of three. This is probably my personal inclination and may not be
strictly necessary, but I think it's a good thing because it gives some
rhyme or reason to what the choices are. It also means that nothing
important gets left out. If we try to pick the three most important
First Age elves, there will always be a fourth elf that people like but
that there just isn't room for.

If we don't like the three types of lights, what other sets of three
are there? The silmarils, obviously; is there some award we could have
around that?

What about the three major races that we see coming into existence in
this age: Elves, Men, Dwarves. Is there a name for the first dwarf to
awake at Cuivienen? If so, maybe we could have an award for him, an
award for the leader of the first men to come into Beleriand, and an
award for Durin as the most important of the fathers of the Dwarves
(IIRC)? Or perhaps just "The Quendi Award", "The Edain Award", and "The
Sons of Aule" Award? Something like that might work well.

I think - and here I show that I *really* need to re-read my Silm -
that there were about three kingdoms that were attacked in an effort by
the Feanorians to regain the silmarils. Might there be something in

Anyway, you get the idea. That's where my thoughts are going. Does
anyone have awards around sets of three?


Msg# 6514

Re: First Age and Before awards Posted by Laura December 19, 2005 - 2:13:03 Topic ID# 6511
*crawling forth from a mountain of work and rising out of obscurity*

Hey guys!

>> I'm not particularly devoted to any of the suggestions made so
>> far. Of those presented, I think I like Dwim's best because it
>> works around a set of three. This is probably my personal
>> inclination and may not be strictly necessary, but I think it's a
>> good thing because it gives some rhyme or reason to what the
>> choices are. It also means that nothing important gets left out. If
>> we try to pick the three most important First Age elves, there will
>> always be a fourth elf that people like but that there just isn't
>> room for.

For what it's worth, I like Dwim's suggestion, too. But I also like Rhapsody's suggestion of replacing Sun and Moon with Silmarils. Unfortunately, I can't choose between the two. I think I see where both sides are coming from, but I can't think of an easy way to solve it short of abandoning the light idea altogether and thinking of something else. And I can't come up with any better "something elses," either.

>> If we don't like the three types of lights, what other sets of
>> three are there? The silmarils, obviously; is there some award we
>> could have around that?

Well, there were three Silmarils, but I don't see a way to differentiate between them in a way that's easy to fit on a banner.

>> What about the three major races that we see coming into existence
>> in this age: Elves, Men, Dwarves. Is there a name for the first
>> dwarf to awake at Cuivienen? If so, maybe we could have an award
>> for him, an award for the leader of the first men to come into
>> Beleriand, and an award for Durin as the most important of the
>> fathers of the Dwarves (IIRC)? Or perhaps just "The Quendi
>> Award", "The Edain Award", and "The Sons of Aule" Award? Something
>> like that might work well.

You mean the first *elf* to awake? ;) Anyway, I guess I see this as a possibility, but I have a few reservations. For one thing, those three races weren't the only three wandering around. You've got a myriad of creatures paired up with the forces of evil, plus ents had to wander in at some point as well as Valar and Maiar at the very beginning. The other problem I see is the same thing that's bothering Rhapsody with Sun and Moon. Elves, Men, and Dwarves are very multi-age races. I'm not sure I want to restict them to a First Age category.

Actually, I'm now wondering why can't we use what we used for the Silmarillion category (Ainulindale, Valaquenta, and Akallabeth) but change Akallabeth to Quenta Silmarillion. If we end up using the separate LotR books to cover the Great Years category, using the divisions of the Silmarillion might be a nice parallel to that. And even though HOME goes through a lot of First Age events not included in the Silmarillion, at least you've got the major time periods covered.

>> I think - and here I show that I *really* need to re-read my Silm -
>> that there were about three kingdoms that were attacked in an
>> effort by the Feanorians to regain the silmarils. Might there be
>> something in that?

Alqualonde, Doriath, and Sirion? It's an interesting idea. I'm a little uneasy about naming awards after the locations of kinslayings, but it's a possibility.


--Okay, I'll make a deal with you: If we go
out on patrol and Gotham is quiet with no
sign of the Joker, we come back here, have
Christmas dinner, and watch ıItıs a
Wonderful Life.ı
--You know, Iıve never seen that. I could
never get past the title.

Robin and Batman - Batman: The Animated Series