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Msg# 6726

A peek at how the ASC Awards are working this year Posted by Ainaechoiriel January 13, 2006 - 1:55:11 Topic ID# 6726
Incidentally, the ASC Awards are nearly ready to start for 2005. My secret
alter ego may post the first three chapters of an incomplete story before
Feb. 1st to participate. Here are some updates from their faq (which is
presently up for some comment and tweakability):

The point spread:

1-20 = 1
21-80 = 2
81-250 = 3
251-500 = 5
501-750 = 7
751-1100 = 9
1100+ = 110

(Do you think I should tell them that the 10 should be 1101+?)

And here's categorizing:

1. Categorization shall be based on the headers that the
Author provides. The Awards Coordinator may also choose
to categorize works by other criteria.
2. The lower bound on the categories this year shall require
that all categories contain at least 8 works by at least
2 different authors.
A. The Coordinator will combine categories that are too
small to qualify under the "8x2" rule, with the goal
of fostering meaningful competition between similar
types of works.
B. Any category with 25 or more stories in it will prompt
the coordinator or their designates to look for a division
C. Each work shall be in just one category.
D. A person may challenge the placement of a story once.
The Coordinator's decision is final.
E. All Categories are locked 48 hours before commenting begins

11. Counting shall be done by a group of volunteers using a
counting program.

Sounds like we trump them with Anthony on this one.

Perhaps the most amazing thing about the ASC Awards is that one person is
terribly insufficiently reluctant enough to oversee the whole thing. I
couldn't imagine trying to do the whole thing by myself. Thanks to everyone
here who helped out in 2004 and who helped out and then took the biggest
hold on the reins in 2005.

MEFA Admin and Founder

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it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.

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