Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 6843

Important Changes to How This Group Is Used Posted by Marta February 12, 2006 - 12:59:45 Topic ID# 6843
Hey guys,

In the past this Yahoo group has been used for many purposes. All of
these need to be handled somewhere, but having them all take place
in one group has resulted in more emails than many people can keep up

To address this problem, I have decided to split the functions
this single group has served up until now among two groups. This
group, MEFAwards will be used for official announcements about the
Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards, as well as provide a place for voters,
nominators, and authors to ask questions about how to do things at the
group website. The awards administrators will also post nominations
and votes to this list when they become available. Policy discussion
will be moved to a separate group, mefa-discussion. Anyone who wants
to help us consider possible changes to how the awards are run is very
welcome to join that group.

Part of the reason for this split is to make it easier for the awards
administrators to communicate with everyone involved. If we can be
sure all MEFA story nominators and voters are reading this list, we
can communicate any official announcement by making a post as a
special announcement here. Members are still welcome to read posts at
this group's website ( , but
all members must have their email options set to at least "special
notices". This way we will know that every member of this group will
receive any announcements the awards moderators need to make.

To this end, I have changed all of those members who were previously
not receiving any email from this group ("no mail") to "special
notice" status. If this affects you, you may now do one of several things:

1. Change your status to "individual mail". Under this setting, Yahoo
will send you each post made to the group in a separate email.
2. Change your status to "digest". Under this setting, Yahoo will
collect multiple posts into one email, usually once a day.
3. Keep your status at "special notice". You will receive special
notices - which can only be sent by the MEFA administrators - in your
inbox but will need to visit the website to read all other posts.
4. Unsubscribe from the group. Doing so will mean that you will not be
able to vote or nominate in 2006. You will be welcome to rejoin the
group at any time.

I will try to limit the number of special notices I send out to no
more than one a week, and expect I won't even be sending out that
much. I hope this change will help keep all of our members better
informed, and provide an easy place to seek help should anything about
these awards confuse you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to respond to this message
or email the administrators at mefasupport at gmail dot com

Cheers, Marta
(MEFAwards moderator)