Yahoo Forum Archive

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Msg# 7034

Nominations Reminders Posted by aure\_enteluva May 19, 2006 - 0:10:49 Topic ID# 7034
Hey guys,

We're about halfway through the nomination season, so it seemed a good
time to review the rules about what's eligible to compete in the
Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards and what's not.

The MEFAs accept all forms of fiction, both poetry and prose, as are
non-fiction. Don't forget the essays and poetry! Not many of those
have been nominated yet. If you have read a non-fiction piece you find
useful or a particularly excellent poem, you can nominate it for the
MEFAs as well.

Someone recently asked a question on this at . Poems are very eligible for the MEFAs,
but they don't all get placed in the same category. Instead, all of
the poems nominated in a certain category compete together in their
own subcategory. Meaning that if seven poems are nominated in "Elves",
then the one of those poems with the most points gets first place in
main category "Elves", sub-category "Poems". Obviously the more poems
nominated, the more we can leave in their first-choice category; if
there aren't enough nominated we may have to move some to their
second- or third-choice category.

Pieces are eligible once as an incomplete story and once as a
completed one. Please make sure your story was not previously
nominated. 2004 and 2005 nominations are available in the database
section of the MEFAwards Yahoo group, in the "Ineligible Incomplete
Works" and the "Ineligible Complete Works" databases. If you are not a
member of the Yahoo group you can also find lists of nominations at:


Also, please double-check the list of stories that have been nominated
this year. You can find those stories by logging in to and clicking on the "Browse
Nominated Stories" link. If the story was nominated more than
twenty-four hours before you try to nominate it, that nomination will
count toward the twenty stories you're allowed to nominate.

When you nominate a story, please make sure the URL you provide is
correct. If it isn't we will have to withdraw the nomination, and it
will count toward the twenty stories you're allowed to nominate. Also,
please make sure that the URL you provide doesn't require the reader
to log in to view the story, and that if the story has more than one
part, that there is an easy way to view subsequent chapters.

Also, if the story's author has not been nominated before or is not
already a member of the website you'll need to enter an email address
where we can reach him or her. Please make sure this is correct. If we
can't reach the author the story can't compete.

Dates: All stories do need to be posted at the time you nominate them,
but besides that, there's no date the story has to be published before
or after. If your story is a WIP, it has to have been updated in the
last year (the 365-day period before you nominate it).

And one last thing. The MEFAs only accepts G-R rated stories. A piece
isn't eligible if the author thinks it's NC17. For more information on
the difference between R and NC17 please see

And I think that's it for reminders! If you have any questions please
reply here or email me at
