Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 7046

Re: How do I find out how many stories are nominated in a cer... Posted by May 22, 2006 - 12:18:45 Topic ID# 7046
Thanks so much! That helps a lot. For the amount of time I spend on the
computer per week, one would think I would be a bit better at figuring out these
things! Reading several hundred stories is daunting--and I don't want to
limit myself to "favorite authors" either.


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Msg# 7047

Re: How do I find out how many stories are nominated in a cer... Posted by Marta Layton May 22, 2006 - 12:34:29 Topic ID# 7046
On 22/5/06 1:17 pm, "" <> wrote:

> Thanks so much! That helps a lot. For the amount of time I spend on the
> computer per week, one would think I would be a bit better at figuring out
> these
> things! Reading several hundred stories is daunting--and I don't want to
> limit myself to "favorite authors" either.
> Oshun

I use that find function a lot. Not so much for the MEFAs but for other
things - when dealing with scholarly articles and ebooks it can be very
useful for finding that specific quote you're looking for. So I'm glad I
thought to mention it here!

By the way, most word processors have a similar function if you think it
would ever help you there.


Msg# 7048

Re: How do I find out how many stories are nominated in a cer... Posted by May 22, 2006 - 12:39:51 Topic ID# 7046
Thanks again!


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Msg# 7050

Re: How do I find out how many stories are nominated in a cer... Posted by Rhapsody May 22, 2006 - 13:58:33 Topic ID# 7046 wrote:
> Thanks so much! That helps a lot. For the amount of time I spend on the
> computer per week, one would think I would be a bit better at figuring out these
> things! Reading several hundred stories is daunting--and I don't want to
> limit myself to "favorite authors" either.

What I have been doing since nomination season started is go through the
nominated list almost daily and mark those who catch my attention for my
wish-list (that can be anything: intriguing story title, category,
summary, sometimes I just click on a link and see where it takes me...).

I now only have to keep a eye on the story id's high in the 600. :c)
Just a suggestion. When I have a bit more time, I set the filter on Wish
and review a couple of stories.
