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Msg# 7165

FLF Nominations Pt 1 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 13:54:30 Topic ID# 7165
Story ID: 105 · "Stigmas" by Robinka · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: R  Angst; characters' death; adult themes.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A stabber in the dark, treacherous to foes, faithless to
friends, and a curse unto his kin. Túrin Turambar: master of doom; by
doom mastered. A series of drabbles written for the Seven Deadly Sins
Challenge. Túrin's POV.
Story ID: 91 · "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit" by Altariel · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A drabble written for the LotR drabbling at HASA, on 'Of
Herbs and Stewed Rabbit".
Story ID: 149 · "Blood Brothers" by Elana · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: PG  Violence
First Choice Category  Races: Villains
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A mumak rider and his beast are bound by ties of blood
and fate.
Story ID: 150 · "The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship" by Elana ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Gandalf encounters Hobbits for the first time.
Story ID: 151 · "Heirs of the Oath" by Elana · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The Oath of Cirion and Eorl, and those who are bound by it.
Story ID: 152 · "Pity" by Elana · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The Ring's final temptation of Frodo.
Story ID: 196 · "Spirit of Fire" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: PG-13  erotic content
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Nerdanel muses on different types of fire.
Story ID: 222 · "In This Silence I Am Sinking" by Ghettoelleth ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Valar/Ainur
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Astaldo the Valiant confronts Namo regarding Manwe's
decision to free Melkor.
Story ID: 54 · "Following Orders" by EdorasLass · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG-13  Possibly disturbing imagery
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir thinks on the guards' role in his
near-immolation. A rarely-seen side of Faramir.
Story ID: 204 · "Was It For This?" by aervir · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG  Violent character death.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Musings on the death of a marshal and a captain-general.
Story ID: 68 · "Aglarond" by annmarwalk · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Dwarves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The dwarves also are poets, in their own way.
Story ID: 70 · "Elfwine" by annmarwalk · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The exuberant young king of Rohan celebrates the birth of
his son.
Story ID: 71 · "It's the Thought" by annmarwalk · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: After their parents' deaths, Prince Theodred seeks to
comfort his young cousins with items from his own childhood.
Story ID: 195 · "You Watch To Dissociate" by Ghettoelleth ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: R  Sexual content
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Beren strikes at the heart of Daeron.
Story ID: 203 · "Drift" by Ribby · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A different perspective on Boromir's funeral boat.
Story ID: 219 · "The Fading of a Star" by Minuialeth · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Erestor's words to Arwen before her departure to Minas
Story ID: 193 · "Son of Finwë" by Minuialeth · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG-13  violence
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: My take on Fingolfin's thoughts before meeting Morgoth.
Please consider that Fingolfin is a warrior and as such his thoughts
before meeting a foe like Morgoth should not be expected to be perfectly
coherent under normal circumstances.
Story ID: 207 · "Gondor Needs No King" by Ribby · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG  Dark themes, but no explicit violence
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: What *would* have happened if Boromir had succeded in
taking the Ring?
Story ID: 252 · "Elfstone" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Celebrimbor creates the Elfstone.
Story ID: 253 · "Tharbad Crossing" by Gandalfs apprentice ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In "The Fellowship of the Ring," not enough was made of
the story of Boromir's journey North to find the answer to the riddle of
the dream, Tolkien says. This drabble shows Boromir at his most heroic.
Story ID: 76 · "Distant Lands" by Acacea · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir seeks tales of other lands
Story ID: 75 · "A Little Thing" by Acacea · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Other
Story's URL:
Story Summary: It lies on the bed of the Great River, a little thing
Story ID: 299 · "Legacy" by Nancy Brooke · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: On a great occasion, Merry and Pippin take a moment to
reflect on all that brought them there.
Story ID: 301 · "Forlorn Hope" by Nancy Brooke · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The thoughts of Faramir riding to the last defense of
Story ID: 265 · "That Immortal Sea" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG  violent imagery
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir dreams of Númenor.