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Msg# 7170

FLF Nominations Pt 4 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:02:04 Topic ID# 7170
Story ID: 108 · "Cierre, Min Heorte (Turn, My Heart)" by SilverMoonLady
· (Fixed-Length Ficlet: Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: We begin in 1060 T.A.; a shadow hangs over Greenwood the
Great, and some are beginning to call it Mirkwood. The events that
follow span 1060 TA  12 FA (1434 SR), and chronicle in drabble and
verse the migration of the Tooks (and other hobbits) from their
ancestral lands near the Anduin to settlement in the Shire and to
Pippins inheritance of that history.
Story ID: 630 · "Dust On My Saddle" by Rous · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Challenge #40: Tolkien Done Modern. This is probably more
correctly termed a crossover. The challenge was to show a scene written
with a modern take. Title comes from a song by Seals and Crofts- "Dust
On My Saddle".
Story ID: 631 · "300 Horses" by Rous · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A bit of whimsy, that demanded to be written.
Story ID: 611 · "Roots and Branches" by Raksha the Demon · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Four hobbits and one Steward: an encounter between a
shadowed past and a sunny future, between the White Tower and the White
Story ID: 63 · "Seeker of Shadow" by Raksha the Demon · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: PG  mild sexual innuendo, not necessarily suitable for young
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: One restless Elf approaches another in the shadows of Nan
Story ID: 563 · "Gaiety in Gondor" by Raksha the Demon · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: PG  Slight sexual innuendo
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: My answer to the "20 Gay Gondorians" prompt from the 2005
Yule Mathoms Challenge at HASA - Faramir's attempt to dutifully carry
out his new king's wishes results has unanticipated consequences. Not to
be taken seriously!
Story ID: 737 · "History Becomes Legend" by annmarwalk · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir is surprised and touched to discover that his
brother has been remembered in song as a hero of the Rohirrim.
Story ID: 732 · "Thus Are Legends Born" by annmarwalk · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Seven-year-old Faramir's imagination helps his brother
see the world in a new way.
Story ID: 788 · "Alas, for the dying of the trees" by Gandalfs
apprentice · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Gimli has a complaint about Legolas.
Story ID: 789 · "Work Detail" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: PG-13  You have to be a certain age to understand the point of
the story. Nothing in the least graphic.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The Queen of Gondor has a job for her husband.
Story ID: 790 · "Jewels" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: PG-13  You need to be a certain age to appreciate the point.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: While inspecting the troops, the King and the Steward see
their wives having fun.
Story ID: 791 · "Suspicion" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Sam does not like that Strider.
Story ID: 756 · "All The Moon Could See" by Dana · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In four drabbles, a progression from start to the end.
Story ID: 757 · "Always a First" by Dana · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The first time I saw you. (A set of drabbles.)
Story ID: 770 · "The Will" by LydiaB · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In a place far far away from Middle Earth...
Story ID: 796 · "The question of being fair" by Rhapsody · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Celegorm overhears a group of maidens on a square in
Tirion. Written for the OSA drabble challenge: Confusion
Story ID: 797 · "Swan Dance" by Rhapsody · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: PG  experience of a sword fight, first person point of view.
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The thoughts of one of Feänor's sons during the 1st
kinslaying in Alqualondë. Written for the OSA drabble challenge: Sin
Story ID: 865 · "The Burdens of Office" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A drabble series in which Faramir faces a dilemma and
Aragorn helps him resolve it.
Story ID: 866 · "Too Many Names" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: PG-13  Mild sexuality
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A dozen demi-drabbles exploring some of Aragorn's many names.
Story ID: 692 · "A Change In The Weather" by Marigold · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: What was once comforting and familiar is suddenly deadly...
Story ID: 693 · "Elemental Spirits" by Marigold · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The four Travellers described...
Story ID: 867 · "Ship and Shore" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: PG-13  Some violent imagery
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Four drabbles showing cross-cultural interactions, with a
linking theme of ships and the sea.
Story ID: 868 · "Midwinter Rites" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A double drabble in which Aragorn remembers how he
celebrated midwinter festivals throughout his life.
Story ID: 863 · "Home Again" by Súlriel · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: PG  sexual play strongly implied
First Choice Category  Races: Other
Story's URL:
Story Summary: One of Queen Beruthiel's cats, who always finds her way home.
Story ID: 858 · "Those Who Challenge the Dead" by Nancy Brooke ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: PG  Impending character death
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The convergent tales of Eärnur of Gondor, and Baldor of
Rohan. Response to OSA Drabble Challenge #5: Tragic/Stupid/Crazy Guy.