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Msg# 7185

Other Nominations Pt 11 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:22:18 Topic ID# 7185
Story ID: 804 · "Pearl of Great Price" by Lindelea · (Other Fiction: Novel)
Rating: PG  PG for violence involving fire, wild swine; malice and
manipulation; mental illness
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: which the author attempts to put to rest all those
<i>rumours</i> about Pearl Took, and her part in the sudden demise of
Lalia the Fat... er, the Great.
Story ID: 57 · "The Falcon and the Star" by Raksha the Demon · (Other
Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: It is March 15, 3019. Aragorn craves rest after the
longest week in his life; but is called by Gandalf into Minas Tirith on
an errand of mercy. One weary warrior meets another in the Houses of
Healing and other, farther places; and their lives will never be the
same. Most of the story (but not all) from Aragorn's POV. Some dialogue
unavoidably quoted and paraphrased from Return of the King.
Story ID: 690 · "Boromir's Journey Home Amon Hen to Minas Tirith" by
majorbee · (Other Fiction: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Battle sequences.
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Boromir survives his wounding at Amon Hen, and
accompanied by Gimli, travels by to Osgiliath. Here he meets Sam, then
is reunited with Faramir and returns with he and Gimli to Minas Tirith.
Sauron's agents however, want Boromir dead, not least to drive Denethor
to despair. Much intrigue, action and suspense ensues, and a plot is
uncovered in which Sauron is using the souls of dead and wounded
soldiers of Rohan and Gondor to fuel his own bid to return in physical
form. Boromir also becomes trapped in the other world of Sauron's
creation. His friends may be able to rescue him, but he will not abandon
the other men trapped with him.
Story ID: 811 · "Of Flustering and Blustering" by Rhapsody · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Some years after the quest of Erebor, Bilbo meets a new
friend and catches up with some old, but not all goes as planned.
Story ID: 776 · "Where The Shadows Are" by Kenaz · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: R  Adult themes (battle, death) and some non-explicit
descriptions of male-male sexuality.
First Choice Category  Times: Second Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: "I am the scion of kings..that bodes ill for me." One
eyebrow arches in a remarkable impression of Elronds own. "We Noldor
Kings do not, as a rule, end well.
Story ID: 799 · "Lightly Sings the Wind" by Ellie · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Character death, intimate moments between husband and wife
First Choice Category  Times: Second Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Upon Finarfins return to Valinor after the War of Wrath
at the end of the First Age, Eärwen must try to come to terms with her loss.
Story ID: 812 · "The Gift of Time" by Rhapsody · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: PG-13  angsty themes, mentioning of death
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Arathorn has to deliver bad news to the family of a
fallen Dúnedain ranger, a conversation between him and the eldest son.
Story ID: 777 · "A Bride for a King" by Madeleine · (Other Fiction: Novella)
Rating: PG-13  Some sensual moments but nothing graphic
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Fourth Instalment of the Series: Lothíriel finds herself
betrothed to a man who confuses her profoundly. Her family tries to be
supportive and that doesn't help at all.
Story ID: 807 · "The gift" by Jael · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  It speaks about death and some implied sexuality.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Legolas is summoned to Rivendell for the end to an
unusual romance.
Story ID: 700 · "Rest and Recreation" by Raksha the Demon · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Imladris is a place of refuge; of quiet contemplation for
weary travelers. But alas, it doesn't suit the Captain-General of Gondor
very well. What's a bored Boromir to do in the tranquil Elvish haven?
Story ID: 837 · "Awake" by Rabidsamfan · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Sam awakens after Mount Doom in the movieverse.
Story ID: 826 · "If Only" by Holdur · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin deals with one of his shadows from the quest.
Story ID: 818 · "Good Neighbors" by daw the minstrel · (Other Fiction:
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Action/Adventure
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Legolas and Thranduil deal with their Mannish neighbors
from Esgaroth and visitors from elsewhere in Middle-earth.
Story ID: 819 · "The Secret of Dog Lake" by Karenator · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG  Mild paranormal
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: On a lovely, warm night in Lorien, the twins persuade the
marchwarden to tell them a scary story.
Story ID: 781 · "After the End" by Ottis413 · (Other Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: R  Adult situations, rape, death.
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The life of a young boy in Bree after the failure of the
quest to destroy the One Ring.
Story ID: 663 · "Making Merry" by Marigold · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: On a visit to the Greenwood with Pippin, Merry is caught
up in the wild and joyous revelry of the Wood Elves. For this night, he
is Magick.
Story ID: 746 · "A Spring Day At Cormallen" by Marigold · (Other
Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Aragorn watches the hobbits at Cormallen and marvels at
the survival of the youngest...
Story ID: 847 · "The Way of a King" by Katzilla · (Other Fiction:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: PG  PG - One of the stories "Know thy Name" features a few
battle-scenes which might be frightening for smaller children, but
nothing overly violent.
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A loose series of events from Éomer's youth, showing how
the 18th King of Rohan came to be the mighty warrior we know in "Lord of
the Rings"...
Story ID: 877 · "In the Houses of Healing" by Elen Kortirion · (Other
Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: PG-13  Occasional strong language. Non-explicit references to
adult themes
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The badly injured Faramir has been brought to the Houses
of Healing and his wounds tended by an old retainer and a beloved
companion. Conversations by his sick-bed reveal part of a shared past,
of destiny bringing together those fated to act upon each other's lives.
Note: A somewhat AU vision of Tolkien's Middle-earth and use of
non-canon events and OCs... there is no Eowyn here.
Story ID: 675 · "Not In Vain" by Pipwise Brandygin · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Gandalf offers Pippin some words of comfort on the road
to Minas Tirith.
Story ID: 838 · "To Labour and to Wait" by Gwynnyd · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: " ... it seemed to the eyes of Legolas that a white
flame flickered on the brows of Aragorn like a shining crown." The Two
Towers Aragorn had hidden in the shadows and used other names all his
life, and yet he claimed his heritage openly before Éomer that morning
on the plains of Rohan. Had something happened during the long watches
of the night before?
Story ID: 842 · "Spring Rites" by Gwynnyd · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Lothiriel attends a Rohirric celebration.
Story ID: 821 · "Starlight at Eventide" by Ariel · (Other Fiction:
Medium Length)
Rating: R  Consentual sex
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In his fight to save Estella's life, Merry Brandybuck
sacrificed more of his marriage than he realized.
Story ID: 846 · "At the Rising of the Moon" by Linda Hoyland · (Other
Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: PG  non-explicit nudity, mild innuendo
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Aragorn and Faramir have been through many adventures and
trials in their storied lives. But when Eowyn sends them on a quest to
find the missing ingredient for a Yule celebration, they face a new
challenge which tests their resourcefulness and their dignity. A holiday
Story ID: 880 · "Fellowship of the Conkers" by Llinos · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Whilst in Hollin, Pippin finds some conkers! A game
between the Fellowship turns into a contest and the honour of The Shire
is at stake! Although Boromir feels his manhood might be in serious
danger too!