Yahoo Forum Archive

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Msg# 7296

A Bit Confused Posted by July 13, 2006 - 15:25:33 Topic ID# 7296
Hi Marta,

I confess to being a bit confused as to how the check ballot system works. I
do understand that we are supposed to check the categories that our stories
have been placed in to make sure that they are correct.

But I am having difficulty in actually locating all of my nominated work. I
tried checking what I thought would be the appropriate check ballot e-mails,
but still can't find some things, and really don't want to have to scroll
through every check ballot e-mail; that is a bit overwhelming.

I tried over on the MEFA site, but the check ballot information lists seem
to be set up the same way there. And too, I was hoping that I could check my
own list of nominations on my author page to see the assignments but it isn't
set up that way.

So basically what I am asking, is there a simple way to check how my own
nominated stories have been categorized, or do I have to read each check ballot

For example, I can't find my poem Ddraigspelt anywhere. Any suggestions on
how to easily find where a particular work has been placed?

Sorry to be a pain, as I know that you and the other categorisers are
working very hard on this!



_ (http://w

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7297

Re: A Bit Confused Posted by Marta Layton July 13, 2006 - 18:20:14 Topic ID# 7296
Hi guys,

This was one of the messages caught in the group spam filter (see my
earlier post) and Llinos emailed me privately aabout it. I've responded
to her but want to comment generally here.

If you just want to check your own stories and haven't had time to read
all the ballots, there are several relatively easy ways to do this.

Perhaps the best way to do this is to look at the overview I posted at . This lists all
the categories and subcategories *as they appeared on the first check
ballot*, along witht the stories that are nominated. The advantage is
that it just lists the categories all on the same page, and because it
shows just the titles and authors (and so takes up less space).

You can also log in to and click on
"Check Ballots". On the right side of the page change the "Per Page:"
selection from 25 to All. This will display all of the check ballots on
one page, by category, and you can find your stories by doing a search
of the webpage. Hit <control>-<f> on a Windows machine or <apple>-<f> on
a Mac, and type your name and hit "type", "search", or whatever the
button says. This should find all the stories you wrote. You'll need to
scroll up until you see something like

Check Ballots for Main Category Genres: Adventure: General


SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Incomplete

You can then look at just those specific check ballots. If you need help
narrowing down which categories to look at, please let me know by
emailing me at mefasupport(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll look up what
category your stories are in for you.
