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Msg# 7429

Reviews for 9 Sept - Part 2 Posted by Rhapsody September 09, 2006 - 14:29:53 Topic ID# 7429
Title: Heirlooms · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Drama: Remembering · ID: 72
Reviewer: Branwyn · 2006-08-04 23:26:45
The heirlooms of the title are toy ponies which were made by Morwen
Steelsheen for baby Boromir and Theodred. As they are passed along to
new owners, the ponies become a symbol of the ties of love and kinship
between the ruling famlies of Gondor and Rohan. The unassuming heroines
of the piece are Boromir and Faramir's Nanny and Theodred's old nurse
Winfrith who have kept the old toys for all these years, though a thread
of devotion runs through the entire ficlet, starting with Morwen's
lovingly hand-made gifts. The description of the simple, soft toy made
from brown wool with a mane and tail of flax rope is wonderful--Morwen
knew exactly what a small child would love. The wonder and joy of the
two mothers, Eowyn and Lothiriel, as they gaze at their tiny sons is
described with great tenderness. The two sections of the piece are
written in close parallel, emphasizing the close ties between the two
families and also the similarities between the two new sets of parents.

A beautifully and lovingly written piece! This tale is part of the
Pony!verse stories, written by Annmarwalk and Edoraslass, which follow
the fortunes of the two stuffed ponies.
Title: Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit · Author: Altariel · Genres: Drama:
Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 91
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2006-08-04 23:40:07
This is a crossover that wouldn't immediately leap to mind, though when
you read it you know that it works. Poor Rosemary-at least Gollum sang
praises of her youth and freshness to Sam...And it serves as a good
illustration of how all of nature was being oppressed by Sauron's rise.
Title: Wizardry · Author: Dwimordene · Times: Late Third Age:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 179
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2006-08-04 23:42:33
I love Dwimordene's Aragorn, and here he is in my favorite incarnation,
in full Strider mode. Despite the brevity of the piece, you get a good
feel for the friendship and humor in Middle-earth's most important
Title: Sleep Easy · Author: shirelinghpc · Genres: Drama: Poetry · ID: 992
Reviewer: Branwyn · 2006-08-04 23:54:52
This elegy to Boromir flows along like the waters of the Anduin.
Shireling's language has a smooth, rocking cadence; and the reader is
drawn along by the forward movement of the narrative as Boromir's boat
is cast loose and he journeys down the river, past his brother, and into
legend. Very nicely done!
Title: The Last Thing He Said · Author: NeumeIndil · Genres: Drama · ID: 294
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2006-08-04 23:56:13
This is so sad! As a long-time dog owner, I can just see Boromir having
a four-legged friend who waits in vain for his return.
Title: Heart Calls to Heart · Author: Lindelea · Races: Hobbits: Poetry
· ID: 803
Reviewer: Branwyn · 2006-08-05 00:50:06
My MEFA readings have led me to yet another wonderful poet. Though I
couldn't figure out why Lindelea didn't just write a regular English or
Italian sonnet until I noticed the acrostic "Welcome Home" running down
the page!

The iambic pentameter, the rhyme scheme, and the "turn" in the eighth
line lend this piece the feel of a sonnet, even if it doesn't exactly
follow that form. The question or conflict of the poem is Samwise's
despair at the departure of his dearest friend. Samwise says that his
heart is failing within him, but the reader senses a change in tone at
the word "hope" in the eighth line --

["Hope beyond hope, you laboured to the end"].

The actual resolution of the problem comes in the last line, when
Samwise assures himself that

["E'en, so, one day we two shall meet again."]

The formal language and the iambic pentameter give the piece a somber
feel which suits its topic. I truly enjoyed this piece!

Title: A bit of garden · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Hobbits: General
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 901
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2006-08-05 05:01:00
Excellent depiction of two very different people united in the love of
tending growing things. I can definitely see Elrond as the type of Elf
who would enjoy personally tending his herb-garden, and it's a great
moment of shared interest between the humblest of the hobbits and the
gentlest of the high-Elves.
Title: The Healer and the Warrior · Author: Madeleine · Genres: Romance:
Lothíriel & Éomer · ID: 140
Reviewer: Katzilla · 2006-08-05 07:27:12
What Maddy achieved with her tales of Éomer and Lothiriel must not be
underestimated - from what has followed in her wake, one can conclude
nothing less than she has created the "perfect" Éomer and Lothiriel, and
even more, since those were virtually a blank sheet of paper, the
ultimate Dol Amroth family unit! The way she writes them changed
fanfiction, which is something to take immense pride in.

I was never much of a "romance-reader", but the way she writes those
two, with her quirky, sharp wit, always taking the turn the reader - and
Éomer! - does not expect and a sensuality that is so breathtaking I need
to fan myself while reading her stories - especially this incredible
introduction to her fanfic-world - makes me a convert.
Title: Counting the Days · Author: Lady Bluejay · Genres: Romance:
Lothíriel & Éomer · ID: 281
Reviewer: Katzilla · 2006-08-05 07:30:49
This one is hilarious! This is such typical behaviour of boys (okay,
woman do it, too) who think they are alone! I was in stitches when Éomer
was shocked by the "false" Lothiriel and desperately trying to think of
a way out. Just his luck that in the end, it all turns out well for him.
A wonderfully witty story.
Title: Hewing Naught But Wood · Author: Thundera Tiger · Genres: Humor:
Parody · ID: 825
Reviewer: Katzilla · 2006-08-05 07:34:41
She is one of my absolute favourite writers, and with this hilarious
little scene during the Helm's Deep Battle she has done it yet again:
marvellous characterisations throughout (one can easily imagine this
scene even ending up in the movie), and as someone with a special "soft
spot" for a certain Horselord, I could easily envision the consternated
expression on Éomer's face while he tried to keep an eye on the battle
and had to listen to the three friends' discussion. Priceless!
Title: Heirlooms · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Drama: Remembering · ID: 72
Reviewer: Acacea · 2006-08-05 15:10:17
I loved this for the way it weaves together so many little threads into
one compact yet exteemly touching piece.

There is the thought of Morwen making two little ponies for two little
boys to play with, and the thought of the roles that were enivisaged for
both boys and the way it in some manner acts as a prelude to their
potenetial friendship (and more in Ann's other fics:)). Then there's
Theodred understanding the loss his cousins would have felt and trying
in his own way to help them, Eowyn's jealousy for the sword, and yet her
care of the stuffed pony, of Boromir giving the pony to Faramir and how
Faramir feels safe with it.

It is such a beautiful thought that both Elfwine and Elboron have
something of their uncles, both of whom have helped shape their fathers
and mothers into what they are.

Title: It's the Thought · Author: annmarwalk · Races: Men: Fixed-Length
Ficlets With Children · ID: 71
Reviewer: Acacea · 2006-08-05 15:16:35
I really liked the sense of foreshadowing in this! And I love the way it
links with Heirlooms and the way in so few words, you capture so much.
It gives a fine glimpse into the future - of Eowyn's desires and her
frustrations, and of how much Eomer and deowyn love and respect
Theodred, and will miss him.

It is a beautiful piece.
Title: Benison · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Drama: Remembering · ID: 67
Reviewer: Acacea · 2006-08-05 15:19:25
This is a lovely little piece detailing out a look at Finduilas through
Eowyn's eyes. There's so much one gets to understand about Finduilas'
days as a mother, abd also as a wife. I particularly liked the bit about
the poetry!

And I loved too that Eowyn could find in this book a sketch of a small
Title: A New Year · Author: Bodkin · Times: Fourth Age and Beyond · ID: 704
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-08-05 16:38:10
I love this story. In it, Legolas, in company with Elladan, Elrohir,
Gandalf (and he is Gandalf once more in this tale) and others who have
returned to the Blessed Realm from Middle-earth, seeks to pay tribute to
his friends of the Fellowship, and to make the sheltered Elves of Aman
understand just what went on in the battle against the Shadow.

I love seeing Olorin transform himself once more into Gandalf, and
indulge himself in fireworks, and I love the byplay and teasing between
the twins and Legolas, and the politics that are so much a part of
Bodkin's universe.

But most of all, I was touched by the moment when the High King toasts
Frodo and Samwise, and by Legolas' wistful addition to that toast. It's
so clear that he will forever miss the mortal friends from whom he is
sundered until the end of days--Merry and Pippin, and Aragorn and Gimli
and Boromir, as well as Frodo and Sam.

Very beautiful and moving moment.
Title: Little Stars · Author: Space Weavil · Races: Elves: Feanorians ·
ID: 107
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2006-08-05 17:44:37
This is one of my favorites, both in subject and style. I have always
enjoyed your writing, and especially enjoy stories about the Sons of
Feanor and the Peredhil twins, and this is no exception. I love the
depth of tragedy and the mix of compassion that Tolkien gives us and you
use both well in this. The strength of the Eldar come through clearly in
both the love of the nanny and the hate and the strength of the vow in
both Maedhros and Maglor, as well as the pain and confusion that
Maedhros feels for his actions.
Title: Wizardry · Author: Dwimordene · Times: Late Third Age:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 179
Reviewer: Linda Hoyland · 2006-08-05 19:40:03
I enjoyed this very much as I find the long friendship between Gandalf
and Aragorn interesting and wish Tolkien had told us more about it.I
just loved the image of these two laughing about their predicament in
being unable to find Gollum.It is amazing that the slippery creature
evaded the greatest in Middle- earth for so long !
Title: Avoidance · Author: stefaniab · Genres: Romance: Incomplete · ID: 674
Reviewer: Linda Hoyland · 2006-08-05 19:50:58
This is a touching and enjoyable story of Faramir and Eowyn's romance in
which the author has some original and unusual ideas.I especially liked
the idea of Galadriel communicating with Faramir in his dreams.

The erruption of Mount Doom is brilliantly done, the most vivid
depiction of the event that I have ever read.

I am not a great fan of the film version of Faramir but this story has
almost won me over and I love the way the writer depicts the gradually
growing bond between these two troubled people.

There is also some humour, such as Eowyn's attendands peeping at Faramir
taking a bath in the steam room and describing his assests, naughty but
very funny.
Title: I can only manage One · Author: Lady Bluejay · Genres: Romance:
Lothíriel & Éomer · ID: 766
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2006-08-05 20:30:38
A story that's as engaging as its young heroine. I like the concept that
Lothiriel is a sheltered innocent, and grows up as she faces the
challenges of war, peace and an arranged betrothal. It makes sense that
she has been insulated, as a Prince's only daughter and youngest child.
But the writer imbues Lothiriel with a sweet disposition, a lack of
arrogance, and a zest for life and new experience, that makes her ideal
for a warrior-King who wants a pretty little wife to care for but not a
scaredy-cat or a prude.
Title: Beneath the Hollow Hill · Author: Haleth · Races: Elves:
Feanorians · ID: 314
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2006-08-05 20:38:58
Interesting and encounter of Maglor and the Tuatha de Danaan. The writer
succeeds in evoking an atmosphere of beautiful, if fated, immortals; and
Maglor is written quite well.

Good use of color and description. I liked Nuada's final gift to Maglor,
that was an especially fine touch.
Title: The Tide · Author: Branwyn · Genres: Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length
Ficlet · ID: 77
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2006-08-06 01:16:48
Oh, how deftly you tear out our hearts, with a mere hundred words! Ive
never known anyone who could select words as deadly and precise as
arrows, to convey your tale with such stark clarity.

Prince Imrahils controlled grief is perfectly depicted as his words,
Tolkiens words, belie his rage. Yet you have moved us far beyond what
we were given, to Imrahils frustration with his brother-in-law, his
long- simmering fury over the treatment of the less-favored son. Imrahil
is clearly near his own breaking point, but you have marvelously
conveyed how Denethors cold ivory mask reminds him of the utter need,
at this moment, for self-control, for Faramirs sake, and for Gondors.
Title: Make It One For Paladin · Author: Marta · Races: Hobbits:
Post-Sauron's Fall · ID: 48
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2006-08-06 01:19:23
First, a confession: even after Peter Jacksons films, I had a very
difficult time envisioning hobbits as quite real, having the same
hopes and fears or feelings of passion or anger or despair, as, say, the
Men of Gondor or Rohan. I kept thinking of them as cute and cuddly,
always happy, like Disney characters.

Your unique, powerful story made me look at hobbits in a whole new way.
What a startling twist, to take a very minor character from the scouring
of the shire, and use him to symbolize all the collaborators, or even
those who stood silent and did nothing, hoping the shadow would not fall
on their houses? Youve drawn Robins guilt and shame so well,
particularly in the vivid and somewhat shocking scene where he wraps the
rope around his neck to imagine what his kinsman felt, as he was about
to be hanged.

Id never really though about the bitterness and despair that must have
run rampant during those dark days; the last remnants of Saurons work
Thank you for reminding me that the hobbits are much more complex than
Id ever considered.
Title: A Little Thing · Author: Acacea · Times: Early Third Age:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 75
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2006-08-06 01:20:37
Ooh, well done! I love the idea that the danger of the ring is tangible
even to the wild creatures. They are familiar with other deadly things
in the water, and know, in their simple ways, how to avoid them, but the
insidious poison of the ring fills them with such terror that they avoid
that tiny cove no matter what.

(Oh, and the part about the river fern that does not age  oh, wow,
creepy. Cool.)
Title: Consolation · Author: EdorasLass · Races: Men: Gondor · ID: 47
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2006-08-06 01:21:43
Im always awed by your Bitty 'Mir stories  you write those children
with such understanding and imagination, tenderness and skill, but above
all, with perfect honesty and reality; and no where else do you
demonstrate all these aspects as in Consolation. Boromirs devotion to
his younger brother, his determination to be a source of comfort to him
in spite of his own grief, is heartbreaking and wondrous to see. His
offering his own most precious possession displays a wealth of
compassion that gives us a glimpse into the man he will become: devoted
and protective of the weak and fragile, despite whatever fear and grief
he may be suffering himself.

But the tale is not at all maudlin: there is lovely humor here, as in
Faramir (at five years old) not-quite understanding the significance of
regional politics and diplomacy, and his own generous offer of his
Precious in exchange for Boromirs. Just a lovely, lovely sweet-and-sad
Title: Such a Little Thing · Author: Ribby · Genres: Alternate Universe
· ID: 206
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2006-08-06 01:22:36
Im so pleased that you shared this powerful backstory to Gondor Has No
King. The vision of Boromir killing Aragorn is so reminiscent of the
story of Cain and Abel, two brothers separated by greed and the cunning
spirit of evil. And the poor hobbits, terrified and trying to escape
back to the Shire! But Faramir, screaming his brothers name as the
flames consume him, is just harrowing, the stuff of nightmares. You are
an evil, evil woman. Keep it up!
Title: Birthday Kisses · Author: Raksha the Demon · Times: Late Third
Age · ID: 59
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2006-08-06 01:23:40
(Ann is crying)

What a heartbreaking story! And Im not even a dog person. All the
standard angst-inducing elements are here, but the addition of a puppy
(and a particularly elegant one, at that) give this such an engaging,
original twist. How I love the name Mousie, and Faramir and Boromirs
delight when they discover the pups heritage, linking them once again
to their mother. Poor Denethor, unable to express his love for Faramir;
unable to open himself to the boys warmth and affection which is his by
right. So, so sad.