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Msg# 7431

Reviews for 10 Sept - Part 2 Posted by Rhapsody September 10, 2006 - 12:24:05 Topic ID# 7431
Title: For the love of the Lord of the White Tree · Author: Tanaqui ·
Times: The Great Years: General Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 870
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:19:04
Legolas as an elf is able to hear so many voices that others cannot: the
trees, the land, and most especially, the sea. But it's the one voice
others can hear--Aragorn's--that holds him in Middle-earth after the
Ring is destroyed. Nicely done!
Title: Evenstar · Author: Mar'isu · Times: The Great Years · ID: 856
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:19:27
I like Arwen's sense of defiance in this story--she is offered a gentle
life in the Undying Lands where the light of evening will never fade and
seem all the brighter, yet she rejects it for the morning. It's not only
because of Aragorn, but the promise of a future, and of the healing of
the rift between Elves and Men, seen most starkly in her own family as
the difference that divided brothers. It can be so difficult to inject
Arwen with some passion other than a romantic one for Aragorn, and so it
is good to have fics like these. Well done, Mari'su!
Title: Along the Morgai · Author: Rabidsamfan · Times: The Great Years:
General Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 849
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:19:39
Poignant and appropriate, that Frodo should find it hard to think that
no one will ever know (likely) the full tale of Sam's valor. Both the
early Sam, whom Frodo remembers slaying dragons with trowels and the
older Sam who faces down Shelob will be disconnected from each other,
permanently prevented from meeting in the minds of absent others. Only
he will be able to hold the whole of Sam's life in mind, and not for
very long probably. But it's still enough to get a smile from
Frodo--very hobbity indeed.
Title: Awake · Author: Rabidsamfan · Times: The Great Years:
Post-Sauron's Fall · ID: 837
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:19:57
Rabidsamfan remains one of my favorite hobbit authors. She really does
get at the heart of the character and the situation, unfolding both for
the reader. Here she finds a gap in the movieverse reunion and fills it

Sam's sense of unreality, then of cautious wondering whether he might
not be alive after all, to his waking and finally grasping that he is
among his friends, that he is alive, and that most importantly, Frodo
is, too, is very well done.

I've always loved the scene where Sam enters, last of all the
Fellowship, and the voices just fade away as the two of them look at
each other and smile a little--no need for more. Rabidsamfan gives a
wonderful set-up for that moment.

Well done once again, RSF!
Title: Lord of the Rings Limericks, Chapters One and Two · Author:
Llinos · Times: The Great Years: Poetry · ID: 759
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:20:17
Llinos can write some pretty mean poetry--in the best sense of that
word, too. Her poems can bite and be funny at the same time. Limericks
are of course open to all sorts of mischievous poetic impulses, and
Llinos takes full advantage. Her Gimli verse had me chuckling softly.
Title: What Goes Around Comes Around · Author: Cathleen · Times: The
Great Years: The Fellowship · ID: 726
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:20:30
As the title says, the tellers of tales and mischief-makers get what's
coming to them. Especially among uninvolved bystanders, there's always
someone willing to egg somebody else on to tell the story--with an eager
audience, there are no friends too dear not to betray embarrassing
childhood anecdotes, as the entertainment of one night and a morning
prove. And it doesn't look like the nights to come will be any less
filled with lovingly recounted tales of humiliation, either. Fun!
Title: Memorabilia and Other Useful Things · Author: Illwynd · Times:
The Great Years: The Fellowship · ID: 714
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:20:49
I've never seen a story that made something out of this particular
moment and item, and I'm glad I've read this. We get a glimpse into
Pippin's personality as he lays out the treasures that he keeps close
(in addition to the spare pipe) for his friends. Memories of Bilbo, of
an old love (and possibly one still waiting for him), of a lesson
learned about the falsity of the adage that there's never too much of a
good thing, a keepsake of Lorien, and even of Boromir, which brings a
somber note to what had been a more light-hearted story. But it ends
well, and with a laugh that seems perfectly timed and suited to the

Those who enjoy Pippin and Fellowship fics should definitely read this
one--it's delightful.
Title: The Worst of All Evils · Author: Marta · Times: The Great Years:
Vignette · ID: 697
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:21:09
We've talked about this fic before, and I still think the elements don't
quite hold together, however, I like the idea of playing with that line
from ROTK, that upon learning his sister is alive, Eomer feels the cares
that come with having hope once more, and so agony is drawn out. If she
had been dead, at least he could've mourned and moved on, but now he's
back to waiting, uncertain, and suffering from sustained hope.
Title: The Shield-maid's Dance of Death · Author: Marta · Times: The
Great Years: Poetry · ID: 694
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:21:33
Eowyn's despair comes through plainly in this filk. I'm not familiar
with the original song, but the rhythm seems pretty steady. The last
stanza shows us an Eowyn who, like the Witch-king, has nothing left to
lose, and so can in some sense face him on equal footing.
Title: Elements · Author: Pearl Took · Times: The Great Years · ID: 667
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:21:47
The device of the elements, and the repetition of the first few lines
gives this story the feel of an incantation or a mantra, as Gandalf
reaquaints himself with the most basic of worldly things. His glimpse of
Valinor, his sense of being a foreigner there, of not belonging, are
answered by the Valar, who do nothing without purpose.

Indeed, as in the movie, Gandalf and Pippin sit waiting for the final
break through of the Enemy's soldiers, he will find a reason for his
straying where immortal Maiar do not belong.

Interesting story, and quite enjoyable.
Title: Holding the Line · Author: Marta · Times: The Great Years: Gondor
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 581
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:21:59
Thank you for giving some substance to what has always been a gratuitous
special effect for me. I know, I know, it got the immortal line ["That
still only counts as *one*!"] and I'd hate to do without it, BUT

This drabble can't quite remove the elven gymnastics, but at least it
gives the moment some gravity, as Legolas remembers the horror he felt
at learning some of the cruelties corrupted men are capable of,
remembers the corruption of elves into orcs, and turns to face the
oliphaunt if it's the last climb he ever makes.
Title: The Summons · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Times: The Great
Years: The Fellowship · ID: 254
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:22:18
Good to see Gandalf with a sense of humor, and the progression of the
relationship of Aragorn and Boromir is interesting. Boromir's fixation
on Thorongil and the summons of Elendil's heir to Minas Tirith collides
violently with Aragorn's sense of duty towards Frodo after Gandalf's
fall. Doesn't quite hang together for me, but some good character
moments nonetheless.
Title: Such an Hour · Author: SlightlyTookish · Times: The Great Years:
General Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 237
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:23:11
An unusual perspective on the battle before the Black Gate. The
barrow-blade, once a dagger, now a sword, remembers its forging and the
long wait until it came into its present owner's small hands.

Later, when Pippin stabs the troll, the sword finds its ultimate purpose
once more in the slaughter of the Enemy's troll.
Title: Following Orders · Author: EdorasLass · Times: The Great Years:
Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 54
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:25:25
One always wonders about the relationship between the guards who had
assisted Denethor on his final descent and Faramir, who was nearly the
innocent victim of their inability or unwillingness to refuse the
steward's orders. Excuses from the perpetrators and explanations of them
from others who had resisted (Pippin) cannot undo the betrayal Faramir
feels that people he had known and trusted all his life were prepared to
allow his father to kill him.

Rage, indeed--one wonders what would come of so dramatic and awful a
breach of all trust.
Title: The Falcon and the Star · Author: Raksha the Demon · Times: The
Great Years: Gondor · ID: 57
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:25:39
It's difficult to write what might happen when Aragorn heals Faramir,
while Faramir lies trapped in his dreams under the Black Breath. In
dreams, anything can happen, so how to employ that strange psychic space

Raksha opens with Faramir wandering in the wasteland of his dreams--the
valley of the shadow of death, as she uses the Psalm later, where
Aragorn must go to find him. We then move back to Aragorn's exhaustion
after the battle, to the news from Mithrandir, and the resolution to go
and attempt to heal the three heroes and heroine of Pelennor Field.

Faramir's seeking after his father, his need to find Denethor, and the
dangerous phantoms that are the legacy of a the Nazgūl's spell are well
drawn. And the journey back with Aragorn ends up giving Aragorn
something unexpected as well.

Nice job, Raksha.
Title: A Length of Haradric Silk · Author: annmarwalk · Times: The Great
Years: Gondor · ID: 69
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:25:52
Sam's fascination with a beautiful bolt of cloth, though he himself has
only the crudest and most class-conscious appreciation of fabrics and
clothing, ends with a sales pitch that is all too prophetic. No doubt,
Sam and Frodo will laugh over it once he returns to meet his bride-to-be.
Title: Black Hour · Author: Nesta · Times: The Great Years: Gondor · ID: 92
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:26:07
The time of waiting, between Faramir's healing and the coronation,
attracts ficwriters. What must he have been thinking? Feeling?

Nesta shows us a Faramir who is not entirely clear immediately that
Aragorn has made his case for claiming the throne, or that he should
acknowledge him. Imrahil and he exchange letters that could have
multiple meanings, and Faramir ponders--is his uncle subtley suggesting
Faramir must decide whether Aragorn is king, or is he aligning himself
with Aragorn as a partisan? Why doesn't Aragorn write himself?

The council is even less certain of Aragorn's claim, insisting that
Gondor under the Stewards is well enough, and that they will fight for
Faramir. The choice of Pelendur gains a new force and life in this fic,
as Faramir ponders his duty, his words of welcome when he had been so
sick that he cannot now remember how he first greeted Aragorn. It's a
convincing and plausible debate that slots neatly into the bookverse
while showing how things might have been much more dicey than one
imagines from the books.

Very nicely done, Nesta!
Title: Last Defence of the City · Author: Branwyn · Times: The Great
Years: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 96
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:26:23
Another short AU--this one of the Denethor Lives! Variety. And it might
have gone so--one wishes sometimes that it had.
Title: Wishing On The Stars · Author: Marigold · Times: The Great Years:
General Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 116
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:26:48
Eglantine has only intuition and a pair of stars, but she faithfully
watches and listens to both as she waits for word of her son over the
long year of the Ring war.
Title: Iridescence · Author: Larner · Times: The Great Years: Vignette ·
ID: 121
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:27:05
Larner gives us peacocks in Middle-earth, and in Minas Tirith no less.
Lovely hobbity banter in the beginning, and tea with a noblewoman and
her children. Bergil gets a humorous mention. Very nice!
Title: Pity · Author: Elana · Times: The Great Years: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 152
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:27:21
Excellent insight into how the Ring might have made its final
appeal--Gollum and Smeagol loom large, as does Bilbo, and even Gandalf,
who together circumscribe the importance of pity and the desire for good
that is the last and greatest temptation to the truly great. I can well
believe this might be what undid Frodo in the end, as worn out and
exhausted as he was. Very well done!
Title: Necessity and Desire · Author: Gwynnyd · Times: The Great Years ·
ID: 173
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:27:39
Sorry, Gwynnyd, but prepare to see what you've seen before in another
venue. [Necessity and Desire] makes a nice gapfiller, fleshing out
Aragorn's absence and also making something of the line that Elrohir and
Elladan had returned unlooked for with news he wished to hear. Drawing
into their journey the hunt for Frodo, the discovery of the passage of
wraiths downriver, and the discovery of Boromir on the final leg of his
journey, integrates a number of isolated events into a nicely coherent
whole. The humor, too, was well incorporated and appropriate throughout,
and I liked seeing Arwen in her role as canny hostess.

In terms of the theme, necessity and desire, I found it very appropriate
that the story makes that conjunction dangerous: it is, indeed, the
gateway of temptation, to present an action as necessary in such a way
that it seems to coincide with desire, and so get a readier hearing.
Aragorn's worry on that account is nicely handled, and a much more
sophisticated concern than I usually see in fanfic. Very well done on
that score.

A very enjoyable fic, those who like Fellowship stories or Aragorn, or
the twins definitely won't want to miss this one.
Title: An Exaltation of Larks · Author: Ibilover · Times: The Great
Years · ID: 178
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:27:57
Cute--really, this one comes down to the exchange between the hobbits
and the rest of the Fellowship at the end. Good comic timing.
Title: Ring Thoughts · Author: Nesta · Times: The Great Years · ID: 190
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:28:12
Oh brilliant! Giving the Ring a voice, a snarky, evil, running
commentary as it courts and woos its victims--perfect! Not a wobble in
style, and beautifully timed the whole way through.

I loved the fact that the Ring thinks of people in terms of 'flavors' or
texture--in terms of its ability to devour them, and so unique
resistances get boiled down (no pun intended) to the [aftertaste] of
Aragorn or [sour, wizardly overtones] or the gristly quality of a
Dwarf's mind. Supremely self-confident, appropriately beholden to an
underlying fear of the Fire and of [Them], the Ring spares nothing. It's
a little like Wormwood's letters to Screwtape.

Funny and yet too perfect in its insights into the minds of Boromir and
Faramir in terms of turning weaknesses on strengths, and then converting
strengths to weaknesses, [Ring Thoughts] is a wonderfully wicked tale.
Recommended reading for all fans.
Title: King's Man · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Times: The Great
Years: Vignette · ID: 197
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2006-08-07 16:28:29
The relationship of Halbarad and Aragorn has always been of interest to
me, and this fic speaks to that interest very well. Though short,
there's not a wasted word in it--Halbarad's loyalty is unswerving, and
the trust between the two men is clearly built on decades of friendship.
The little bit of banter, as Aragorn acknowledges (probably not for the
first time) his debt to Halbarad, for helping to transform an [elvish
princeling] into the Chieftain of the Dśnedain, is beautifully drawn.

It makes the foreseen end all the more heartbreaking.