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Msg# 7449

Reviews for 18 Sept - Part 1 Posted by Rhapsody September 18, 2006 - 14:49:17 Topic ID# 7449
Title: Making Merry · Author: Marigold · Races: Hobbits · ID: 663
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-16 18:45:11
I just love Merry and Pippin here in the middle of an elven feast - and
it is so very like practical Merry to stand back and doubt the reality -
just as it is very like the more impetuous Pippin to be right in the
middle of it all. And they, (unlike their Cousin Bilbo) were actually
invited and got to enjoy the feast.

While Magick with a 'k' is just so much more magical than everyday magic!

Title: Appearances Can Be Deceiving · Author: Dreamflower · Genres:
Adventure · ID: 760
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-16 18:49:48
I love the way that brave Bilbo runs to the rescue of Rivendell - only
to find he had instead been delivering timely help to a brave and
injured ranger. One he remembered from a brief meeting with a curious
child, too.

This really is a good beginning to their friendship - one you can see
leading to Poetry!

I'm impressed, too, that an ancient hobbit still manages to pack to much
resilience - and power in his legs. He may be old, but his spirit is
still young! I thoroughly enjoyed this story, Dreamflower.

Title: The Falcon's Watch · Author: pippinfan88 · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Pippin or Merry · ID: 227
Reviewer: Marta · 2006-08-16 19:12:34
I had never really thought of the heartbreak the children of the Four
Travellers would feel after their fathers left. In a way it's something
like a suicide. Kali here had a lot of practical wisdom to offere, and a
lot of what he said made good sense; I'm glad he was there for Faramir.
Not sure I completely buy there not being healing in the Shire but maybe
a society more used to dealing with PTSD and other post-war woes would
know better how to help them. That would have been interesting to see
expounded more. Regardless, this is a really touching tale and you
seemed to crawl into the headspace of the new thain and master very well.
Title: A Message and a Bottle · Author: Larner · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Pippin or Merry · ID: 89
Reviewer: Marta · 2006-08-16 23:22:56
I do feel like I'm missing a lot of backstory to this piece, so it
doesn't make as big an impact as perhaps it should. Still, it was a
fascinating story about Tobolard and an interesting way of connecting
Valinor and the Shire. I especially liked the Bree scene, and the
explanation of Shire customs.
Title: Never Let Go · Author: ann_arien · Genres: Drama: First Age Elves
· ID: 621
Reviewer: Marta · 2006-08-17 02:39:55
This piece does a really good job of not feminizing either of the
leading characters. They are certainly in love, but their love is the
quiet, strong sort that doesn't at all undercut the warriors and princes
that they were. It's a difficult balance to strike, and you handle it
Title: A Matter of Honor · Author: meckinock · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Incomplete · ID: 208
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2006-08-17 05:16:30
An excellent adventure story! Aragorn, recovering in Imladris, finds a
collection of letters to his father left in the attic, and is convinced
he must find out the truth of an old family mystery.

The writer weaves a fascinating tale, blending gripping action sequences
with humor, pathos, sharp dialogue, and wonderful portraits of LOTR
characters and OC's. I particularly love the characterisations of
Halbarad, a practical, down-to-earth sort of warrior who nevertheless
foresees his own doom in Gondor, and is determined to meet it valiantly,
for love of Aragorn and the prosperity that his friend's kingship will
bring to the beleaguered Dunedain.

The dialogue between Aragorn and Halbarad is well-written too. Kudos as
well for the portrayal of the contrasts of easy living in Rivendell and
the hardscrabble existence of the Dunedain; and how well Aragorn fits in
both environments, though not without cost. Elrond and Gandalf are also
written particularly credibly.

A great story that I hope will eventually be concluded.
Title: Counting the Days · Author: Lady Bluejay · Genres: Romance:
Lothíriel & Éomer · ID: 281
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-17 05:31:00
I loved Eomer's reluctance to move and his spying on the camp of the Dol
Amroth princes. And his assumption that their elegance would be shared
with their sister. His immediate horror on seeing an un-beautiful girl
is rather shallow - I would have expected more from him - but I hope he
would have learned on actually meeting the girl that there is more to
her than simple beauty. And, actually, since he is going into an
arranged marriage for political reasons, he has no reason to expect
beauty, charm and intelligence to come as part of the package!

Of course, he ended up with more than he deserved - but at least
Lothiriel was able to take some consolation in that her father and
brothers hadn't done too bad a job in selecting a suitable husband.

Title: Inside Out · Author: grey_wonderer · Genres: Humor: The Shire ·
ID: 636
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-17 05:35:34
What a sneaky little hobbit that Pippin is! Well, at least they'll be
too busy to be bored now until it's time to eat. But it'll be Merry's
turn to get even. (I doubt he'll actually kill Pippin. But he won't take
kindly to having been fooled!)

This little bunch of gentlehobbits clearly don't have enough to do to
keep them out of mischief. Still - I suppose the skills they've learned
might prove useful when it comes to fooling Nazgul!
Title: Until Light Returns · Author: elliska · Races: Elves:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Featuring Legolas or Thranduil · ID: 707
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-17 05:39:50
Oh - very nice, elliska! One of those moments when perfect elven memory
would be a definite advantage. The beauty of that moment must have made
the effort of trying to preserve the forest worthwhile, despite the
trials that came with it.
Title: Sixteen Singing Eagles · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 678
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2006-08-17 05:42:07
A humorous vignette wherein the author's OFC, the indomitable
Ranger-warrior-Dunedain Hethlin, demonstrates one of the few things she
cannot do, when she learns that the Great Eagles also lack that
particular talent.

Both Hethlin and her author/creator are at their best here, thinking and
speaking with wry good humor, from a place where most mortals rarely
fare - or dare.
Title: The Spy · Author: daw the minstrel · Races: Elves · ID: 268
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-17 05:50:08
I do love Beliond. And feel sorry for him - although, don't tell him
that. He might not appreciate the sentiment. He spends so much time
alone - and far too much time among people he despises. I would love to
see him forced to spend enough time with a man to come to appreciate his
good qualities and have to admit that not all men were that bad. Really.
Despite their bad odour, poor singing voices, inclination to deceive and
inability to hear the trees.

But this story is a delight. Spying with bells. Actually, literally.
Abun doesn't know how lucky he is - and neither do the townsfolk. I love
seeing Beliond manipulate all the people in the town - picking pockets
is another of his talents, it would appear! And, of course, seeing
Beliond tugging down the back of a too-short tunic is rather delicious, too.

And this special mission Thranduil has planned for him - it couldn't
have anything to do with a princeling on the point of warriorhood, could
it? I'm not surprised Beliond was a little miffed at his change in role.
Although it will be good for him. It is time the elf returned to the
fold and opened up a bit.

A fun story. I like picturing the old curmudgeon disguised as a minstrel
singing for his supper. I want to join the Beliond fan club!

Title: A Creature Of Fire · Author: daw the minstrel · Races: Elves:
Featuring Mirkwood Elves · ID: 956
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-17 05:59:16
This is such an emotional roller-coaster of a story. Legolas is so happy
- and then plunged into such despair. And are there any people as well
qualified as Beliond and Thranduil to understand his pain and help him
to deal with it? Probably not. Is there any part of the story that is
less than excellent? Answer: no.

Legolas's grief - his inability to speak and eat, his reluctance to be
with people who are happy, his inertia, and so on are just so accurate.
The anxiety of his family - all hanging there and not quite sure what to
do except feed and talk to him, yet all unconsciously increasing his
feelings of loss and abandonment. And Thranduil is just brilliant. I
only wish he had had someone comparable to him to lean on when Lorellin
died. He coped by being needed - by realm and sons - and by being angry,
but a shoulder would have been a bonus.

Beliond - what a star. I loved the way he provided the ring for Legolas
to use - the way he took him home - the way stalked into the palace and
carried Legolas off to the forest. He has a real understanding of the
elf under his care.

And then, Annael's care is what he needs, too. Undemanding. Annael has
always been good at being the kind of friend who gives what Legolas
needs, rather than demanding. And it was good for Legolas to see Elowen
and Galelas and Naran's parents.

But the best moment of all, I think, was Legolas's recovered memory of
his naneth. I hope that, now he has found a trail into the big black
hole, he will be able to find a little more of her in there.

I love these characters. And this is such a good story. So well written.
So skilled. It must have been hard to do - but it was worth it!

Title: Better Than Frodo Baggins · Author: Inkling · Genres: Drama:
Pre-Fellowship · ID: 809
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2006-08-17 10:55:36
Pathetic, sad, and a little scary, given hindsight. Lotho was one nasty
young hobbit, striking out at even someone who had befriended him. The
end, with its foreshadowing, in Lotho's attack on innocent creatures,
the damage he will do to the Shire, is excellent.
Title: Call yourself Thorongil · Author: Nilmandra · Times: Late Third
Age · ID: 731
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-17 11:13:07
Trust Mithrandir to turn up at a moment like this! I can just picture
Aragorn prancing around in his smalls! (It reminds me of the Monty
Python bit about nobody expecting the Spanish Inquisition.) And the poor
young Dunadan. No sooner has he got used to being Aragorn than it's time
for him to adopt his next alias. Still, he might as well get used to it
- it's going to become a bit of a habit.

I love the cook who sent Mithrandir off with a selection of Estel's
favourites. It really reinforces the fact that Aragorn was not a duty,
but a much-loved child of Imladris. And, at the moment, a very lonely
one. And the wine his adar long-sufferingly offered. Elrond is
pretending reluctance here, I sense. And also sending something to warm
the son of his heart.

So now Mithrandir has taken on the role of directing the whereabouts of
Isildur's heir. Aragorn'll not be free of his manoeuvrings again until
the king returns.

Thorongil. Named by Mithrandir for symbolic reasons. Makes sense. The
Elessar and the Star of the North - and let's give Denethor plenty of
clues to make him suspicious about this unknown northerner!

But at least Aragorn has a reason to visit Halbarad - and his mother and
Imladris before he heads south.

The image of of half-dressed ranger will linger with me, I fear. Not
necessarily a bad thing.

Love the notes. Excellent supply of information. (I forgot to mention
how impressive your history of the White Jewel was, too. Very

Great tale. Loved it.
Title: Of Squirrels and Stolen Pies · Author: grey_wonderer · Genres:
Humor: Children · ID: 305
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-17 11:15:47
This story is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

Pippin is just so very Pippin - only he could have the victims of the
crime apologising to him and offering him its fruits!

Merry is sneaky enough to remind everyone of his status when it suits
him, too. (It actually makes me feel rather sorry for the local farmers
and housewives that this bunch of rather privileged little gentlehobbits
can run round pinching their crops and stealing their pies. 'Young
gentleman's pranks' are often actions that would be considered crimes
among the ordinary working hobbits.) I do have rather a desire to see
the pie thieves get their comeuppance! This lot deserve to have children
just like themselves, so that their own mischief can come back to haunt

But the story is absolutely hilarious. Made me laugh out loud - and not
much does that!

Title: Strike While the Iron is Hot · Author: grey_wonderer · Genres:
Humor: The Shire · ID: 234
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-17 11:19:04
This is another terrific episode in your Brandybuck and Took series. I
am rather surprised that the tweens-and-a-teen managed to survive quite
so long before Saradoc jumped on them with both feet. And indoor goats!
I would have thought Esmeralda would have been rabid at the smell of
goats inside her nice clean smial.

On the other hand - what clever and evil cousins poor Freddy has. I
thought he took it rather well actually, once he discovered that he had
been set up. I liked Pippin trying to wangle out of the 'legal'
agreement. Sharp as a tack.

I wonder if Saradoc, somewhere under his frustration, was shaking his
head in anticipation of what kind of adults these will make. Such
schemers. Very impressive devious thinkers - it might be useful to them
in the future!

Title: The Shield-maid's Dance of Death · Author: Marta · Times: The
Great Years: Poetry · ID: 694
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2006-08-17 14:53:14
I was impressed on this, my second reading, with the third stanza - that
it is fear that begins Eowyn's turn-around, from feeling dead to
contemplating her opponent's physicalility/mortality to being afraid to
lose her life. It's an extraordinary journey in such a short time.
Title: Ships Passing · Author: Marta · Races: Men: Vignette · ID: 302
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2006-08-17 15:01:19
This is an interesting character study. To whom else could Faramir
confess his doubts? To what other might he confess his fears? Wonderful
how you teased out their similarities and differences here.
Title: The Tracks of Time · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races: Elves:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Featuring Legolas or Thranduil · ID: 60
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2006-08-17 15:11:33
This is excellent. The formal tone is perfect to convey this venerable
elf's well-considered and complex feelings, his advice to Arwen so
appropriately brief, ironic, hopeful and chastizing.
Title: Prison · Author: Radbooks · Races: Men: Vignette · ID: 794
Reviewer: Madeleine · 2006-08-17 15:12:38
A short piece about the moment Éomer is thrown into the dungeon by
Grimas henchmen. Trying to calm himself down he remembers his encounter
with that mysterious stranger on the plains of Rohan, and although he
couldnt give a rational reason for it, he begins to believe that that
man, who claims to be Isildurs heir, will keep his word and come to
Edoras and help the Rohirrim to turn the tide.

With relatively few words Radbooks perfectly depicts Éomers feelings:
his helpless fury, his fear for his sister and for the king and probably
for his entire people, his feeling of utter powerlessness. Because of
the films people more often than not ignore that Éomer has not been
banished but incarcerated, an even worse fate for someone who is
supposed to be a man of vigour. In the dungeon he is totally helpless
and dependent on the actions of others to save him and his land. That is
something he is certainly not used to.

Title: Teatime in Rivendell · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 373
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2006-08-17 15:14:08
This is a great portrayal of a wonderfully cranky, aging Bilbo. It would
be fun to see this from the Elves point of view - the sudden
disappearing act revealed.
Title: But the Scent Still Lingers · Author: Imhiriel · Times: The Great
Years: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 947
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2006-08-17 15:15:59
Very provocative idea - that there were those in Gondor remembering
Thorongil in Aragorn - brought to a lovely personal level.
Title: Horse Thief · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Races: Cross-Cultural
· ID: 365
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-17 15:36:18
This is such a delightful story. Obstinate Estel - Elladan (at about
3000 years old) in similar trouble. Glorfindel tapping his toe. The
penalty of having to explain to Gilraen.

And, perhaps most of all, the ancient story of youthful moodiness that
will live with poor Elladan until Arda ends. (Who would be an elf!
Blessed - or cursed - with friends and relations with perfect recall.)

Such a beautifully constructed story with such delicious
characterisations. Lovely.

Title: On the Way Home · Author: Citrine · Races: Hobbits: Post-Grey
Havens · ID: 649
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-17 15:40:34
Imagine Pippin being tactful and keeping out of the conversation for so
long! His maturity levels have gone up hugely since he set off on the
quest in Frodo's wake. (Unsurprisingly, really, considering what he has
seen and done in the meanwhile.)

It is good to see Sam and Merry really accepting their friendship and
overcoming the son-of-the-Master/son-of-the-gardener divide. In some
ways Merry really needs Sam's friendship. Sam's qualities of loyalty and
solid reliability and staunchness will do him good.

Title: Starlight on Leaves · Author: Jay of Lasgalen · Races: Elves:
Featuring Mirkwood Elves · ID: 813
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-17 15:43:17
A return combining joy and grief. Thranduil is wise to put off
celebrations - even if he does combine it with selfishly uxorial motives!

Beraid seems a complete pain in the ... neck. Insensitive and demanding
- he wants to talk over politics and administrative matters? Within ten
minutes of the king's arrival? And is dumb enough to knock on the king's
door during his reunion with his wife? He could do with a posting to
some far-flung part of Arda perhaps. Being diplomatic with dwarves.

Love the outdoor excursion - and the enhanced harmony with the forest
that comes with being its king. And the enhanced harmony with his wife
that comes with having endured so long a separation. A festival of love
- combined with niphredil for the queen. What more could you want?
