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Msg# 7468

Reviews for 26 Sept - Part 2 Posted by Rhapsody September 26, 2006 - 15:10:13 Topic ID# 7468
Title: Thus Are Legends Born · Author: annmarwalk · Races: Men:
Fixed-Length Ficlets With Children · ID: 732
Reviewer: Marta · 2006-08-30 02:50:40
Oh, I can see this happening entirely too easily. Nice interaction
between the brothers 'mir.
Title: History Becomes Legend · Author: annmarwalk · Races: Men:
Steward's Sons Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 737
Reviewer: Marta · 2006-08-30 02:58:05
[The words themselves were understood by only a few]

And you know, I think that's enough. Ann, I am so glad that I read this
after some of your other stories that were nominated this year,
especially "Diplomatic Relations". You only hint here (because what more
can you do in a hundred words?) at the depth of their love here. That's
what struck me here for some reason. That in your stories, their love is
pure and committed and it's a big part of what carries them through the
years. It's extra-canonical, of course, but it definitely fits with how
I see their relationship, either as friends or lovers. It really touched
me that at least some would remember.
Title: Cloves and Kisses · Author: Bill The Pony · Races: Hobbits:
Pre-Quest · ID: 912
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-08-30 03:02:43
This is pretty slashy, though it's rather mild. What I found most
interesting though was the interactions between Sam and Marigold. A very
intriguing brother and sister dynamic.
Title: A New Kind of Courage · Author: Auntiemeesh · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Pippin or Merry · ID: 959
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-08-30 03:11:18
This is a Cormallen fic with a difference. In this one, Pippin's injury
is not very physically serious--yet he's had a bad knock on the head,
and is suffering from partial amnesia. He can't remember the Quest.
Imagine how terrified he is to wake among strangers! Merry has to help
his cousin to recover the memories, while battling his own bout with the
Shadow. Very well done, and features all the surviving Fellowship.
Title: Until the King Returns · Author: Marta · Races: Men: Vignette ·
ID: 540
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2006-08-30 06:19:29
Marta's story shows the folly of Earnur, last king of Gondor, as seen
through the eyes of his successor, Mardil the Good Steward. I've long
been fascinated by the backstory of much maligned Stewards, and eagerly
hope for stories that depict the role the House of Hurin played in
preserving Gondor. Imagine my delight in this gap filler, which
describes the critical transfer of power from king to steward.

Marta' short story works on both an emotional and a political level. She
treats us to a guilt-ridden Mardil, who knows that Earnur would have
listened to his counsel to not confront the Morgul Lord. Yet the Steward
remained silent, knowing fully well that the king rode to his death and
that the mantle of power would pass on to himself. And Mardil knew,
correctly, that he would be a far better ruler for Gondor than the
ineffective Earnur. Mardil's silence could be construed as an act of
treason, where a power-hungry steward betrayed his king, or an act of
patriotism, where a humble steward did the right thing for his country.
Check out this story, expecially if you enjoy angst, and decide for
Title: Come and Catch Me · Author: storyfish · Races: Hobbits: Merry &
Pippin · ID: 236
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-08-30 15:46:35
This is a series of escalating nightmares Merry endures while separated
from Pippin, dealing with Merry's fears for his cousin. The last one is
in Cormallen, and is just lovely. The end is sharp and perfect.
Title: Until the Stars Are All Alight · Author: Kenaz · Races: Men:
Featuring Aragorn · ID: 148
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2006-08-30 17:52:03
This is a brilliant, utterly HUMAN story. You have the language of a
poet, and summon up the feelings of the protagonists with a marvelous

I don't agree with your interpretation of the maturing process in
Numenoreans--I believe Tolkien says that they grow in the early years at
the same rate as other men, and Aragorn is described as "early come to
manhood" at age twenty--but you have made your take work well in this
story. The tale is a piece of the process of coming to age of the man
who would be king, and the man who follows him, Halbarad.

Aragorn's distress at his first killing of a man is what I would expect
from him, although I expect he will soon learn to endure it as Halbarad
does, and understand its necessity in the world he lives in. The
brutality of the ruffians is vividly evoked, and the reader feels
sympathy with Aragorn, not indignation.

I appreciated your side tale of the hanging. This is a side of
Middle-earth that Tolkien never admits to, but if you opt for a more
realistic tone in a tale, it has to have been there.

Personally, I agree with Halbarad on the chastity question. Any man who
waits for 68 years for the woman he loves wins first prize in the
fidelity department, no matter how many other women (or men) he may have
slept with. There is such a thing as sex for comfort or pleasure between
friends and companions, as well as being carried away by the moment.
It's too bad Tolkien didn't understand this; his prudish views sterilize
his mythology in that way. His gods are the only ones I've ever heard of
in any polytheistic religion or mythology that don't have sex themselves!
Title: The Standard-Bearer · Author: Thevina Finduilas · Races: Men:
Vignette · ID: 716
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2006-08-30 18:11:14
This is a reverie from Halbarad at a distinct moment in the story: as he
waits for Aragorn while he looks into the palantir. You evoke Halbarad's
loyalty beautifully, as well as the heritage of Numenor. It is an
appropriate mix of grimness and hope.

That Halbarad received Aragorn's summons in a dream is an interesting
idea. Is your thought that Galadriel sent the dream? I've always had
trouble with that part of the story, because it seems very odd to me
that Aragorn did not actively summon the Dunedain himself. Well, that's
Tolkien's legend and heroic romance side coming out, I guess. It makes a
better tale than giving a messenger a piece of paper!
Title: A thing unheard of · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Dwarves:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 905
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2006-08-30 18:18:12
Having recently experienced an awakening of interest in Gimli as a
character, I appreciated this musing on two moments in time during the
Quest. Friendship--that was one of the best rewards the Nine Walkers earned!
Title: Of Stone and Fire · Author: Werecat · Genres: Drama: General
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 124
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2006-08-30 18:21:03
This drabble is brilliant. How can you evoke three personalities in 100
words? Well, you've done it.

Personally, I find Galadriel both irritating and intimidating, and this
about captures why, too. Sympathies with Feanor on that one! But Gimli
doesn't deserve to be the scapegoat.
Title: Web of Friendship · Author: Gwynnyd · Races: Hobbits: General
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 932
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2006-08-30 18:25:15
What an original take on the eleven silly S------. I won't upset you by
mentioning the word. Indeed, very brave to write it at all! So sorry you
can't watch the Shelob scene. But perhaps this clever drabble will help
you to dissociate. I liked Arwen's kindness and insight toward Elanor.
Title: Gandalf returned · Author: Rabidsamfan · Genres: Drama: General
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 990
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2006-08-30 18:27:48
A good use of Narya in this drabble of Gandalf's awakening after the
slaying of the Balrog. I like the description of his growing awareness
of his physical being.
Title: How Grima Lost His Eyebrows · Author: NeumeIndil · Times: Late
Third Age: Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 800
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2006-08-30 18:29:44
I got a real chuckle out of this. So nice to laugh at the bad guys.
Title: Aglarond · Author: annmarwalk · Races: Dwarves: Fixed-Length
Ficlet · ID: 68
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2006-08-30 18:31:30
Lovely language, and a worthy accolade to the folk of Durin.
Title: My Eyes! My Eyes! · Author: Alassante · Genres: Humor:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 358
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2006-08-30 18:35:13
Very funny. As a pervy Dunedain fancier, I see it the other way around.
Each to her own!
Title: Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit · Author: Altariel · Genres: Drama:
Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 91
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2006-08-30 18:37:51
Unusual point of view, but so valid. The Black Rabbit--good one.
Title: Lobelia's List · Author: annmarwalk · Races: Hobbits: General
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 201
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2006-08-30 18:40:40
You've captured about all there is to say about Lobelia in 100 words.
Although I was always glad Tolkien allowed her a little glory with her
imprisonment in the Smials.
Title: Consequences of a Fall · Author: Dreamflower · Races: Hobbits:
Hurt/Comfort · ID: 221
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2006-08-30 20:31:47
A very good elaboration on the story of Lalia we know from Tolkien's

Well-handled relationships, particularly among the families Took and
Brandybuck; characterisations and dialogue are excellent (I especially
liked your Frodo and Merry). The descriptions of life in the Great
Smials are flowing and evocative, the great cast handled skilfully, the
developing of suspense well done. You have a good feeling for little
gestures, movements and expressions that make the scenes come alive.

The story shows how much problems even generally peaceful Hobbits can
cause with gossip, greed, envy and resentment.

Hyacinth is a truly terrible woman: at first I just thought her (as do
most of the characters) merely jealous and shallow, but this passage:
["Hyacinth's hopes fell. A mere sunburn would not be fatal."] shows her
maliciousness even against an innocent child. How her evil plan at
Pippin's bedside develop in her thoughts is very revealing: it seems she
has no scruples about cold-blooded murder, only about whether she will
be found out!
Title: Healing the Healer · Author: SlightlyTookish · Times: The Great
Years: The Fellowship · ID: 935
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2006-08-30 20:33:07
Funny! Aragorn must really be feeling not too good to be so grumpy *g*!
A nice touch is that all members of the Fellowship are involved,
combining amusement about Aragorn's predicament and genuine concern
about the wellfare of their comrade.
Title: Four Conversations and A Dream · Author: Forodwaith · Times: The
Great Years: Post-Sauron's Fall · ID: 90
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2006-08-30 20:33:58
The setting is sketched only briefly, but sufficiently. It gives a
suitably quiet backdrop and and helps focus the readers' concentration
on the important conversations Arwen has. To compare Frodo's and Arwen's
fate works well with the questions you have chosen, and I quite like it
that there are few answers and that the end is so open and ambiguous.
Title: A Merry Old Inn · Author: Dreamflower · Times: Late Third Age ·
ID: 881
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2006-08-30 20:35:12
Bilbo stopping at The Prancing Pony at the start of his adventure - nice
twist! The language in engaging, reminiscent of that used in The Hobbit.
The characters are drawn very well, especially Bilbo: still rather naive
about the wider world, but here he gets a first glimps of it. And now we
know the origin of Frodo's song in FotR!
Title: Pearl of Great Price · Author: Lindelea · Races: Hobbits:
Pre-Quest · ID: 804
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-08-30 20:35:40
This author's take on the famous "Lalia" incident mentioned by JRRT in
his Letter 214 is inextricably bound up in her very rich and detailed
universe. The Great Smials of the Tooks is a hotbed of Talk and
intrigue, and the story lives up to it. It is also full of details about
some of her more beloved OCs, such as Ferdi Took. An excellent read.
Title: Starlight at Eventide · Author: Ariel · Races: Hobbits: Post-Grey
Havens · ID: 821
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2006-08-30 20:35:44
A fine example of what the old promise "In sickness and in health..."
truly means. Estella's uncertainty about her own body and Merry's fear
after her long illness is depicted very realistically and with great
Their discussion of their feelings is very moving in its honesty, as is
Estella's great courage. The comparison to Arwen gives it added poignancy.
This thought resonated very strongly with me: ["But I don't want that
easy quiet to become an empty silence."]
Title: To See Justice Done · Author: Lindelea · Times: The Great Years:
Post-Sauron's Fall · ID: 306
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2006-08-30 20:36:12
The characters are clearly drawn, especially Sam. The emotions and
relationships are handled excellently.
Although I doubt Aragorn needed outside help to come to his merciful
decision, the issue is handled convincingly.
The descriptions of Minas Tirith ring true and give a detailed, vivid
picture of the city.
Title: Whispers in the Dark · Author: Marigold/SlightlyTookish CoAuthors
· Races: Hobbits: Merry & Pippin · ID: 919
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-08-30 20:41:17
This is slash, but it's very sweet and sentimental, and nothing actually
takes place except a bit of frank talk, and some kissing and cuddling. I
liked the way these two are looking out for one another.