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Msg# 7471

Reviews for 27 Sept- part 2 Posted by Rhapsody September 27, 2006 - 17:02:39 Topic ID# 7471
Title: The Singer · Author: Pearl Took · Races: Hobbits · ID: 979
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 12:47:11
Beautifully told. You are very good at these rather eerie tales! The
singer is quite spine-chilling - and Cullassisul' s was aid very
welcome. I'm glad she brought Faramir to the rescue - and that his
hobbit-thrown knife was the weapon that released his father. It seems
particularly apt.

Bergil must have been in such a state of panic when Pippin disappeared -
but it was a good thing that he was there to go for help. And an even
better thing that the faerie blood runs in Faramir, too.

And they called the place Took's Glen, did they? Well - that's a name
that will cause some debate in future centuries, when everyone has
forgotten the world beyond the obvious.

Title: The White Tree · Author: Linda Hoyland · Races: Men: Featuring
Aragorn · ID: 94
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 13:14:59
Poor Aragorn - doubting if Arwen will ever come and haunted by what-ifs.
And he and Faramir are as shy as a pair of does in each other's company.
One day, perhaps, they'll get over it! Maybe.

Poor old Faramir. He has been conditioned to expect every bit of
self-assertion to come with punishment. And, come to that, every bit of
self-effacement to come with punishment. I hope Aragorn doesn't get fed
up with trying to coax him into behaving as if they are friends. And
that, one day, they will both trust each other enough not to worry about

The arrival of the new White Tree should be a promise to both of them -
that times have changed and there is renewal in the air and regrowth and
all those encouraging things. It might take the pair of them a bit of
time to trust in it all, though!

Title: Shadow of Himself · Author: EdorasLass · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Post-Grey Havens · ID: 853
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 13:25:21
Legolas and Gimli are probably right to bear this one themselves and
keep it from everyone else. Water cannot pass twice beneath the same
bridge and all that sort of thing. Everybody has grieved for Boromir and
moved on.

But it's still sad. Boromir has been granted a life - just not his own.
Not necessarily worse (except as far as wealth and status go), but still
... Pippin and Merry would have been ecstatic to know that they weren't
the cause of their friend's death.

A most intriguing tale. I wonder why the fates decided to step in and
ensure that Boromir survived - it seems a remarkable ending to his story.

Title: Not Fair · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Men: Fixed-Length Ficlets
With Children · ID: 902
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 13:32:00
Kids! Mind you, that's a very good idea of Eomer's ... and I'm sure he
could come up with Thorongil and the Corsairs and a few other games,
too. Of course, Elfwine could play king and put Erkenbrand's grandsons -
but that's no way to win friends and influence people!
Title: Truly Exposed · Author: Marta · Races: Elves: Other Fixed-Length
Ficlet · ID: 689
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 13:34:54
Very nice - I love the subtlety of a touch and a look. Very exposed to
each other, these two. And very responsive!
Title: The Household Accounts · Author: Branwyn · Genres: Drama: Gondor
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 50
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 13:42:38
I love seeing Eowyn in this role. One of those womanly tasks with which
she would be even more familar than sword-wielding. I love the different
pieces of fabric - the rich red, the black, the green suitable for a
child's gown. But I can see why the task would depress Eowyn - it's the
unearthing of a past, a range of hopes and desires that never came to
pass or ended in sorrow.

She could not help but see echoes of the possibilities of her own life
laid out there in the neatly folded array. A cage, perhaps? But one that
came to nothing, I think. She and Faramir were not Finduilas and
Denethor and they lived in different days.

Title: Recalled To Life - Alqualonde · Author: AWing · Races: Elves:
Feanorians · ID: 787
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 14:29:51
I find this a very moving story. The very nature of the Blessed Realm
must require that its inhabitants come to terms with and learn to live
with returned kinslayers - yet Maedhros, of all the sons of Feanor, must
have found it almost impossible to find acceptance, particularly in
Alqualonde, but also among those Noldor who chose not to follow him. And
yet - to return must mean that he had earned the right to do so. Riding
to Alqualonde must still have required enormous courage - I can
understand the reluctance of those who met him there - and yet they too
must have learned to release their bitterness.

I like this Maedhros - he is courageous and patient and accepting.
Cleansed of the passion and desperate need to please his father. I'm
glad the rising of the remaining Silmaril finally convinced the Teleri
that his return deserved no less acceptance than anyone else's.

Beautiful descriptions too. And a lovely tone.
Title: Okay, NOW Panic! · Author: Boz4PM · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Incomplete · ID: 907
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 14:37:47
This, too, is tremendous fun. I'm not surprised that Penny finds life
among the elves rather more civilised than, for example, among the
people of Rohan. Her experience there was not good - and Minas Tirith
doesn't seem much of an improvement.

Yet Imladris can't be home for ever - and, if Gandalf is convinced that
she just needs to live her life as if she's a permanent resident - well,
what can she do?

Many of the new characters are just as delightful as Penny's friends
among the elves. Must admit I'm rather partial to the Northern Dunedain
- I suppose it's no surprise that Halbarad's sons are delightful - and
some of the inhabitants of the White City are great. Some aren't, of course!

I love it that you don't shy away from looking at difficult topics like
the effects of war on distressed warriors. And that Penny is still
haunted by what she still knows about the future.

Excellent follow-up story.
Title: Dance Lessons · Author: Tanaqui · Genres: Drama: Fixed-Length
Ficlet Series · ID: 888
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 14:48:26
Poor Aragorn! They must all have been after him - and striving for any
advantage they could get.

It would have been enough to send him off on endless questing as far as
he could get from the maidens of the Dunedain.

Oh... Wait a minute ...

Perhaps Gandalf's advice had nothing to do with furthering his
understanding of the people of the south after all!
Title: Such an Hour · Author: SlightlyTookish · Times: The Great Years:
General Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 237
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2006-08-31 14:56:28
This is certainly a captivating and fresh perspective, and in intriguing
story. I missed the sword's perspective, however - there was precious
little indication of what the sword 'felt' or 'saw'.
Title: Rejection · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Men: Aragorn Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 903
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2006-08-31 14:58:51
This is really nicely done, giving us Aragorn's experience, his
feelings, his purpose, action, dialog and thought. Possibly the briefest
ever tour de force.
Title: Blood Brothers · Author: Elana · Races: Villains: Fixed-Length
Ficlet · ID: 149
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2006-08-31 15:00:50
This is a really interesting perspective - I doubt the Rohirrim are even
so intimately attached to their beloved horses. I love these tales that
plausibly elaborate on Tolkien's world. This is a fine example of that,
and a drabble that tells a complete, full story.
Title: For the Dwarves · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Dwarves: Fixed-Length
Ficlet · ID: 894
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2006-08-31 15:02:45
Interesting conjunction, that celebrating this uniquely Dwarven holiday
would in part spur Gimli a desire to leave his kind and go forth alone
with others.
Title: Jewels · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Genres: Romance:
Fixed-length ficlet · ID: 790
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 15:35:43
Yes ... neither of these two is likely to take his good fortune for
granted. And both of them deserve it! (As do their wives, of course!)
Title: A Healer's Tale · Author: Lindelea · Races: Hobbits · ID: 861
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 15:45:44
Lucky Woodruff. She came a long way from the poor bedraggled put upon
apprentice at the beginning. A long journey. Much like Pippin's, in a
way. And they both sail into harbour in this tale.

I love it that Woodruff and Ted finally realised their love for each
other! And had a long and (mostly) happy relationship.

Plus it was a Very Good Thing that Sam arrived in the very nick of time
to save the Thain. And it was also a Good Thing that Woodruff had that
sip of Ent-draught, or she would have been totally bemused by its
remarkable effect. (I just love the way Pippin leapt out of bed - all
casual-like - as if nothing had ever been wrong with him. And I am sure
Woodruff appreciated the opportunity to - er - study the physique of the
hobbit she had brought into the world. And that she was, of course,
TOTALLY PROFESSIONAL about it and examine nothing but the state of his

Woodruff is just such a stalwart of your series of stories - I
thoroughly appreciated the opportunity to get to know her better. She is
a very valiant hobbit - and I'm glad Ted (and Pippin) appreciate her for
the jewel she is.

Title: Web of Friendship · Author: Gwynnyd · Races: Hobbits: General
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 932
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 15:49:26
Arwen is truly the daughter of her father - as kind as summer. She is so
skilled at making her little hobbit maid-in-waiting happy - and none of
the eleven silly spiders realise just how she has managed it.

Lovely little tale.
Title: Birthdays · Author: Rabidsamfan · Genres: Drama: Remembering ·
ID: 988
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 15:55:36
Goodness, that was wonderful. I love Elanor's thought processes - and
she said just the right thing, the perfect thing, just exactly what he
needed to hear.

Having to make another cake was just a blessing to let the thought soak
in and for Sam to spend some more time in the company of his precious
daughter. Lovely.
Title: At the Rising of the Moon · Author: Linda Hoyland · Genres:
Humor: Gondor · ID: 846
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 16:01:07
This is a happy tale - but I found it hard to believe that Aragorn and
Faramir were able to go out and return safely without some disaster
striking them on the way! It is almost against Nature.

Elbeth is a seriously cute addition to the cast. Long may she retain the
belief that kissing is icky and that Strider is hers to command! (She'll
even tolerate a kiss from him!)

It sounded a good party - and I was glad to see that Uncle Imrahil
showed his affection for Faramir. The boy needs it. And they had better
make the most of this peaceful interlude, because it can't last!

Title: The Acceptable Sacrifice · Author: Larner · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Frodo or Sam · ID: 775
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 16:08:08
Poor Frodo strove so hard - but he was too damaged to endure life in the
Shire and had to leave.

I love the complicated network of characters you have built up - like
Narcissa and the twins and Cyclamen and Mina. Lots of interesting female
characters (males, too, but it's mostly females that are lacking in
Tolkien's own writing) who add a depth to all the interactions.

The support - and understanding - these female characters give Frodo is
very important, I think. Especially the children. Their innocence shines
up something inside him and offers some healing, even if it's only

Good stuff.
Title: Hidden Wonders · Author: Marta · Genres: Romance: Fixed-length
ficlet · ID: 420
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 16:11:15
Eowyn admires his stealth as much as his library, I think. And possibly
a few other talents! But it must be amazing to see the riches of an
extensive library when you come from a tradition where much is oral. And
I'm sure they can find time to explore the works on the shelves.
Title: In Darkness Burried Deep · Author: GamgeeFest · Genres: Drama:
Pre-Fellowship · ID: 954
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 16:16:50
Frodo had a tough start in life really - once his parents died, that is.
Lonely. I can understand why he wanted to take on the challenge - and
maybe he didn't really care all that much what happened to him.

But by the end Frodo seemed better - and more at ease. I'm glad Gil made
his peace with him - and what he says is sensible. Gil's suggestion for
laying the ghosts, and his comments on what Frodo's parents would want
are probably heard by the youngster all the better for coming from
someone little older than he is.

Title: The Grey at the End of the World · Author: jodancingtree · Times:
Fourth Age and Beyond: The Shire · ID: 288
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2006-08-31 16:28:53
This is such a sad story - dark and shadowy, with few moments of glory,
but a lot of striving and sorrow along the way - and no promise of a
happy ending.

Canohando got to see baby Haldar - and hear that Logi had sworn himself
to the protection of the hobbits - that was one good thing. Although I
wish Malawen had looked at him. And Haldar as the boatman was a joy that
must have made it easier for Logi to endure the end of the world as he
knew it.

I was glad of a sort of happy ending for Logi. But it wouldn't last -
any more than Freiga or Haldar the younger. What a lonely life for
Radagast and Logi (- and possibly a few other scattered remnants of the
past). In the end they have to have felt closer to each other than the
people they protected, for only the others would endure as long.

I hope they did make it to the Undying Lands at some point to rest from
their labours. And Logi deserved reunion with Haldar - and
reconciliation with Canohando and Malawen.
Title: Okay, NOW Panic! · Author: Boz4PM · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Incomplete · ID: 907
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2006-08-31 17:50:14
This is a fun ride. Actually, it is more than fun--it's got some quite
serious moments, like the beginning--a wrenching description of
Halbarad's death. This sequel to "Don't Panic" continues Penny's story
as she journeys to Minas Tirith for the King's wedding.

I like your renditions of the canon characters, and your OCs are also
terrific. Sometimes I think the blah-blah with the OC Elves goes on too
long, but no doubt the Elf chicks would not agree with me.

I really hope that Penny ends up marrying Halladan.

You've set yourself quite a task, to describe an actual modern person
"dropping into" Middle-earth, and you've done remarkably well following
through realistically on that scenario. There's one thing you haven't
put in yet: what about their teeth? What happens when Penny gets a
toothache? (this is my worst nightmare, no wonder I wonder).
Title: Paper · Author: Dawn Felagund · Races: Elves: Feanorians · ID: 492
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-08-31 17:54:40
The youngest son of Feanor indulges himself in writing fantasy revenge
over his older brothers, who resent him. I love the way the story keeps
one guessing as to what is fantasy and what is reality.
Title: The King's Surgeon · Author: SurgicalSteel · Races: Men:
Incomplete · ID: 845
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2006-08-31 18:04:51
This tale is written from an unusual perspective: that of modern
medicine. I enjoy the whip-smart main character, who likes to put people
in their place (including the most high and mighty).

There are also moving and sad moments, giving the tale a richness that
is quite enjoyable. It's also got most of my favorite characters in it,
and takes place in my favorite places.

I'm curious to see how this will all turn out.