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Msg# 7493

Reviews for 13 October Posted by Rhapsody October 13, 2006 - 12:59:24 Topic ID# 7493
Title: A Lasting Peace · Author: SueB · Genres: Drama · ID: 711
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-09-18 18:42:44
This was a very absorbing adventure. When a tentative peace overture
from Harad is threatened, all sorts of suspenseful things take place. I
was impressed very much with the characterizations--Aragorn, Legolas,
Gimli and Imrahil were are very much true to their canon characters. But
the real star was Faramir, who got a chance in this to truly display all
the noble qualities that he has in the books. Eowyn as well is
wonderfully done, and the love between the two is strong, but not sappy.
There are several finely drawn OCs as well, both good and bad guys. I
was very impressed with Henvain, who in many ways reminded me of Sam. A
little overly descriptive at times, but an excellent read!
Title: Bad Step · Author: Mariole · Races: Hobbits: Incomplete · ID: 786
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-09-19 01:09:55
This is a highly suspenseful and intricate classic hurt-comfort. And it
is that rarity: a SAM h/c! It's set pre-Quest--Sam manages to injure
himself and get himself trapped in a hole, where he remains for a few
days because Frodo's away, his family *think* he went with Frodo, and no
one knows he's missing. I love the angst and suspense in this, and Frodo
is marvelous as Sam's rescuer (I do so love seeing Frodo get to be the
hero/caretaker) and we get some wonderful characterizations of all the
various Gamgees, as well as many of the Hobbiton neighbors. I do so hope
that it will be continued very soon. It's a wonderful read!
Title: Elemental Spirits · Author: Marigold · Races: Hobbits:
Fixed-Length Ficlet series · ID: 693
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-09-19 01:13:44
In this four drabble set, the author compares each of the four hobbits
to one of the four elements: Frodo is air, Sam is earth, Merry is fire,
and Pippin is water. I must say that she absolutely nails each hobbit
with her reasons for the choices she made. Very insightful and
thought-provoking, an excellent look at our four special lads!
Title: A Bath-time Song · Author: SlightlyTookish · Races: Hobbits:
Children · ID: 133
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-09-19 01:23:02
An adorable little bit of Bilbo and Pippin, as Bilbo gives wee Pippin a
bath, and teaches him a rather famous bath song! Very cute!
Title: Sisters · Author: grey_wonderer · Races: Hobbits: Children · ID: 182
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-09-19 01:30:31
A young Pippin muses over the disadvantages of having three older
sisters. He feels himself very outnumbered and put upon most of the
time, and GW shows this in a very humorous fashion. But by the end of
the story, he also finds some advantages in having sisters to fuss over him.

And we are treated to a lovely character sketch of each sister, and a
touching snapshot of life in Pippin's childhood home.
Title: The Bond Between Us · Author: Lily · Races: Hobbits · ID: 963
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-09-19 01:35:49
This is a series of beautifully sketched vignettes examining the
relationship between Frodo and Pippin. In it we see just how much Pippin
adores and respects his beloved older cousin, and how that love has
impacted his own life. The author shows Pippin's own gradual maturing
and coming to terms with his life--and with Frodo's eventual leaving.
Very touching.
Title: The Hobbit and the Man: "All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter" ·
Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Races: Cross-Cultural · ID: 351
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-09-19 17:01:15
A very plausible first meeting between Bilbo and the Dunadan. I can
easily see Gandalf setting it up, so that Aragorn would have the chance
to question him about Gollum. And the Longbottom Leaf was an excellent
Title: Night Rain · Author: permilea · Races: Cross-Cultural · ID: 792
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-09-19 17:04:59
Oh yes! How the first touch of rain after the weeks of deprivation in
the deserts of Mordor must have appealed to Frodo. Just lovely--I love
Aragorn's concern, and his understanding.
Title: Fear and Loathing in Middle Earth · Author: vladazhael · Genres:
Humor: Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 407
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-09-19 17:10:12
I have a feeling that I would "get" this better if I were more familiar
with the other style and author involved. I did like the bit about third
breakfast, and the crebain described as bats, LOL!
Title: Gandalf's No Good, Rotten, Really Bad Day · Author: Gandalfs
apprentice · Genres: Humor: Parody · ID: 146
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-09-19 17:13:59
AU, and I suppose it could be called a dark one, if I weren't laughing
so much. Poor Gandalf--but really, he did show poor planning there!
Title: The Consequences of Curiosity · Author: A L Milton · Genres:
Humor: Gondor · ID: 153
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-09-19 17:15:24
Poor Aragorn! Talk about TMI! But he DID ask! LOL!
Title: Cacophony · Author: Gwynnyd · Genres: Humor: Parody · ID: 929
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-09-19 17:16:59
What Eru could have been in for, using music as his means of creation!
This is hilarious!
Title: Trivial Matters · Author: Thundera Tiger · Genres: Humor: Gondor
· ID: 839
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2006-09-19 17:19:02
Oh dear! Faramir has a wicked sense of humor, and Aragorn eggs him on.
Poor Legolas, driven to distraction by all those petty human irritating
habits! Very funny!
Title: Arwen's Heart · Author: Bodkin · Genres: Romance · ID: 139
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2006-09-19 20:12:10
"Arwen's Heart"is a nicely written story that moves at a graceful pace,
like the elves who populate it. Bodkin characterizes Arwen as a strong
willed elleth, who knows her own mind and makes her own decisions,
despite pressures from her rather powerful family. I was amused at the
sequences where her family and Glorfindel perceive Arwen as a delicate
flower who must be protected. They seemed oblivious to her strength.

This tale was my first venture into long, elf-centered fiction. I
enjoyed hanging out with Elrond, Celeborn, and Glorfindel, but had
difficulty differentiating between Elladan and Elrohir. Bodwin's Aragorn
is well-drawn and thoroughly believable.

The ending of this tale requires tissues, though it is hardly maudlin or
overdone, which is proof of the power of Bodkin's story.
Title: Bored · Author: Make It Stop · Genres: Humor: Gondor · ID: 779
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2006-09-20 01:13:40
Do the MEFAs have a laugh-o-meter for judging comedy pieces? Then
"Bored" would be get my highest rating. What a bizarre, off-the-wall
sense of humor Make-it-Stop has, which she conveys wonderfully in this

In "Bored," Faramir and Denethor's dinner discussion becomes a situation
comedy that occurs only in the mind of the two participants. It's a
perfect father-son show down, with each person thinking about what he
would like to do to the other person...except that both participants
know what is being thought. For example:

"Faramir visualized chopping down the White Tree, turning it into an
ugly, uncomfortable futon, and selling it to Orcs at a yard sale."

And Denethor's response:

"Denethor visualized a Fell Beast getting tangled in his sons hair"

Add to the mix an ennui-ridden guardsman with possibly confused sexual
identity named Weblog (now where could Make-it-Stop have found such a
name?). The result: a great comic diversion from the more serious
business of reviewing stories for the MEFAs.

"Bored" was inspired by Movieverse and by a phrase from Tolkien in the
LOTR appendices. I found it fun to imagine David Wenham and John Noble
as their movie characters, sitting down to dinner and having this spat.
But those who prefer book verse need only imagine their favorite visions
of Faramir and Denethor to enjoy "Bored" immensely.
Title: A Golden Light in the Time of Darkness · Author: wenont · Genres:
Alternate Universe · ID: 911
Reviewer: kwannom · 2006-09-20 03:05:35
This story is very unique, because it combines mystery, adventure and
romance in a very interesting and unusual way. The author's knowledge on
war subjects, like the use of weaponry and battle strategies is
fantastic and it makes the story even more real. The reader is
introduced to war ranks, the complex military code that governs the
lives of the officers and soldiers around family, friends and society,
among other traits that anyone interested in war subjects would love.
The use of flashbacks is very well done and gives a feeling that you
have around three stories instead of only one. Another good point in
this fic is the new race the author created for her original character.
It is fascinating and is completely connected with the way Tolkien has
created the races presented in TLOTR. This fic deserves a nomination
especially now that the revisions made turned the story into something
even more complex and entertaining. Now it also deals with taboos, a
particular one that some may find immoral, yet, it adds to the
characters' background stories and make them more believable. In truth,
the most interesting thing about this story is exactly that: this taboo
that is broken and that makes the reader see that the world is not only
about black and white; there are many other beautiful colors in it.
Title: Untrodden Path · Author: Timmy2222 · Races: Men: Featuring
Aragorn · ID: 308
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2006-09-20 05:24:23
This tale begins with Aragorn (very much in disguise) being saved by a
small village of fisher folk from a nasty death by water in the Dead
Marshes. It's a very creative, not very AU tale of the hunt for Gollum,
where the gritty hunter and tracker side of Aragorn intersects with a
wonderful OC, a young man who grows and learns under the tutelage of the
legendary Thorongil.

Then the tale moves to Moria, where a troop of wonderfully grumpy
Dwarves complete the cast of characters.

I think my favorite single moment was the loss of Narsil down the abyss,
to be retrieved, of course, by the young man, who thereby earns his
place in history.

Timmy2222 is leaving the fandom now, and it is our loss, but I wish her
the very best of luck in "real world" writing!
Title: In The Pits Of Utumno · Author: Jay of Lasgalen · Races: Elves ·
ID: 164
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2006-09-20 05:27:04
I adore this clever tale of--never mind, I won't spoil it for anyone
else. There is the most wonderful O. Henry type flip at the end that
transforms the tale. If you think you've seen it before--heroic Elven
warrior battles evil Morgoth minions--you haven't seen it this way. The
identity of the villain at the end is priceless.
Title: Tharbad Crossing · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Races: Men:
Steward's Sons Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 253
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2006-09-21 05:46:31
What a wonderful drabble, taking Boromir from the extremity of misery to
the height of hope, and covering action and contemplation in the
requisite hundred words.

Boromir's weeping for the loss, and the suffering, of his horse, is a
good touch.

But I really adore how Boromir is inspired to continue his quest by the
memory of Faramir's hope. Faramir seems to bring out the best in most
people, and its great to see his inspiration affect his brother despite
the distance that separates them.
Title: Maturity · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Men: Fixed-Length Ficlets
With Children · ID: 899
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2006-09-21 05:52:54
Very cute! I can just see young Faramir blowing a raspberry to embarrass
his big brother while Boromir is making out with a girl...and then the
tables are neatly turned later, after Faramir has discovered the
pleasures of making out with a girl...
Title: A Battle Of A Different Kind · Author: Katzilla · Genres: Drama:
Pre-Fellowship · ID: 279
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2006-09-21 06:09:24
An excellent vignette wherein Eomer has to teach Eowyn a very hard
lesson. It's also very refreshing to see a writer who understands the
practical reasons why Eowyn, despite her talent and spirit for battle,
would have been more hindrance than help if she had ridden to the
Morannon with the Rohirrim, especially if her fellow Riders knew her
true identity. The writer makes the excellent point, through Eomer, that
training does not alone qualify one as a warrior, especially since
sparring partners and trainers would have been more gentle with the
King's niece than they would have with her brother.

And yet, there is something inexpressibly sad at seeing Eowyn's pride
ground into the dust - sad for the reader as well as for Eomer. It's an
excellent setup to Eowyn's eventual breakout in ROTK, as well as a
vignette that stands well on its own.
Title: Curious Mind, Noble Heart · Author: Nilmandra · Genres: Adventure
· ID: 270
Reviewer: Perelleth · 2006-09-21 11:50:45
This is a very intelligent piece. I always assumed that the pop guns had
been invented by dwarves and were toys, but giving it a background in
Imladris makes for a frightening, and also elightening experience and a
wonderful family moment. Everyone is in character. Elrond as wise and
all-knowing father to all his children, Glorfindel commanding, the twins
light and easy..except that their lightness and easiness are blurred by
Elrohir's fit of moodiness, which serves as second, deeper layer for the
tale. I admire how you manage to weave so many things in this short
tale: obedience and a lesson learnt, guilt, and the heaviness for long
lived elves of seeing Men die, be it of age or of wounds generation
after generation. A nice glimpse into Estelīs life in Imladris and the
education he received, and also another link into the family chain of
love and loyalty, as the child gives away the star pin and Elrohir plans
to give it back when he reaches his majority. Your Imladris is a
pleasure, Nilmandra, truly a place of healing, learning and reflection.
It is wonderful to play along in there.
Title: Make It One For Paladin · Author: Marta · Races: Hobbits:
Post-Sauron's Fall · ID: 48
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2006-09-21 12:34:49
This is a very haunting story, which features a minor character in
Tolkiens world. But Marta lifted him out of this and gave this minor
character a strong voice about a topic to which the four should listen
and pay attention too. Yet, I cannot shake off the feeling that this
will not happen, because those will have their own nightmares to deal
with. The story relates with the aftermath of a war in Robins tormented
mind where he relates the not so heroic part of the occupation of the
Shire. From Martas great writing you feel for him, you get to see a
glimpse his tortured mind, those who died, and not the very least: the
loved ones who were left behind. It is easy only to wanting to celebrate
freedom and shove aside the pain and darkness of before, but just as
Frodo cannot find healing in his precious Shire, I think it will take a
long time before the sun will shine for Robin again. As a reader I can
only hope that Robin finds healing again (since there will be no hither
shores to sail to) and the quoted lines from Tolkiens world gives this
piece the extra depth (although the piece itself can stand quite on its

I like the structure of his story and how the author worked the rhyme
into it. The line ['Make it one for the Paladin'] stuck around in my
mind for days, while the story left a deep impression on me: a
marvellous work.
Title: Boats To Build · Author: Nancy Brooke · Times: Late Third Age ·
ID: 300
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2006-09-21 12:48:11
Simply wow! Okay, this is not so very eloquent, but this is a very
impressive and emotional story. First, I love the narrative in this
story. When I read this, the author took me to the beach, made me feel
as I was walking in the sand, the gulls crying, and the waves gently
lapping. But besides this, secondly, I do admire the characterisations
in this piece. Boromir, used to his daily life in Minas Tirith comes
across a young arrogant and cocky boy who thinks he knows everything (in
that respect he is incredibly well written as a teen), but is basically
just mimicking everything he saw and witnessed in his life. Yet as a
reader, you feel for him, while his grandfather observes him and relates
to his grandson how his own father had to pick up the responsibilities
before his own time was there. Boromir clings on to the memory of his
grandfather the way he sees his own father, but yet he cannot comprehend
that a leader will never earn the respect of all, if he is willing to
lower themselves to that level too. The question of the sword is
incredibly well used as an example. This is how Adrahil breaks through
the thinking pattern of his grandson and makes him view the other sides
of life too.

And as a third, I love the sketch of the Dol Amroth seamen culture you
sketched for us here Nancy. This piece really felt free of the setting
of Minas Tirith and took us as a reader to the Dol Amroth way of life
and culture. This is such a treat to read, thanks so much for writing this!
Title: The Oathbreakers · Author: Branwyn · Races: Men: Aragorn
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 42
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2006-09-21 13:09:51
What a haunting drabble! Aragorn just in time realises not to speak of
another curse over the dead. This drabble says so much in well chosen
words. It simply gives me the chills!

Msg# 7494

A Question Re: [MEFAwards] Reviews for 13 October Posted by October 14, 2006 - 0:44:00 Topic ID# 7493

I have a question about these daily review updates - maybe it has been answered before and I have missed it.

The header says "Reviews for 13 October" and yet these are reviews from several days in mid-September. And I have seen most, if not all, of these reviews showing up on the daily review updates repeatedly, which, if someone isn't reading closely, but just scanning the review header, gives the false impression that the same stories are being reviewed over and over. It also gives the impression that only certain people are reviewing, which is also not the case.

I am just curious for the reason for this. I know that the Admins are doing a lot of work, and it seems to me that repeating the reviews that you have already notified us about is an extra task for you.


Lesley (Marigold)

Marigold's Red Book

Marigold's Recommendations Page

Marigold's Live Journal

Tales of The Red Book

There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty forever beyond its reach.

Sam, in Mordor, RoTK

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Msg# 7495

Re: A Question Re: [MEFAwards] Reviews for 13 October Posted by Rhapsody October 14, 2006 - 2:25:52 Topic ID# 7493 wrote:
> Hullo!
> I have a question about these daily review updates - maybe it has been answered before and I have missed it.
> The header says "Reviews for 13 October" and yet these are reviews from several days in mid-September.

What you see now is in fact the check ballot which we normally posted at
the end of the award season. Last year there were so many that it felt
like a flood and overwhelmed people. People on daily digest only saw the
half of it ect ect. So after this was adressed in Post Mortem, we
started to post the finalised reviews earlier (as requested). Marta
started in July with that and currently we are with posting check
ballots the reviews that were written on the 21st of September. I think
we will be soon caught up.

> And I have seen most, if not all, of these reviews showing up on the daily review updates repeatedly, which, if someone isn't reading closely, but just scanning the review header, gives the false impression that the same stories are being reviewed over and over. It also gives the impression that only certain people are reviewing, which is also not the case.

Unless a review has been modified by an Admin, for instance removing the
reviewers name at the bottom, reviews will *not* be reposted. A review
for a story will only be posted once, simply because when I have posted
the daily overview, I mark them as read and they will not pop up for me
again. If a story get a lot of votes, the check ballot should reflect
that because we have a neutral stance regarding this. The system sorts
the reviews for me on date. Not on category or which story gets the most
votes ect ect.

So I can assure you that:

a) reviews are posted once
b) the overviews that are daily posted reflects the people who were
reviewing at *that* moment (at this moment we are at 21st of September).
Later on you will see that on a certain date, there will be two days
with only reviews of you ;) This is the way how the system gives me the
c) Since this is the check ballot and it mirrors the votes, yes it is
logical that it should mirror stories which gets the most votes... we
post all reviews to the group and will not leave out any of them.

> I am just curious for the reason for this. I know that the Admins are doing a lot of work, and it seems to me that repeating the reviews that you have already notified us about is an extra task for you.

I can assure you I am not repeating reviews. Just posting the check
ballot, but only earlier than we did previous years. I hope this answers
your questions.
