Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 785

Umm... Hi Posted by Tinni May 12, 2004 - 19:41:26 Topic ID# 785
Hi folks,
I am Tinni. I am Tinni in OL and RL. I run the "Canon? NO! It's
Fanon!" site, if you havn't heard of it, well now you have. Um.......
I write fanfiction, fanfictions about elves, Silmarillion elves.
Um.... any questions? -Tinni

Msg# 791

Re: Umm... Hi Posted by gwathyg May 12, 2004 - 22:08:52 Topic ID# 785
--- In, "Tinni" <tinni@f...> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am Tinni. I am Tinni in OL and RL. I run the "Canon? NO! It's
> Fanon!" site, if you havn't heard of it, well now you have.
> I write fanfiction, fanfictions about elves, Silmarillion elves.
> Um.... any questions? -Tinni

Hi, Tinni! Nice to see a new face around! You have entered a slightly
frazzled MEFA at this time because of some argument about slash that
I haven't followed because for me, it doesn't apply (seeing as how I
don't write slash). Would you mind providing a link to your site? I'd
like to check it out. My name is Gwathy (OL only) and I too write
Silm fanfic. You want a question? How about this one to get a
conversation going: what do you find easiest/most difficult when
writing Elves?


Msg# 792

Re: Umm... Hi Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 22:15:08 Topic ID# 785
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gwathyg []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Umm... Hi

> Hi, Tinni! Nice to see a new face around! You have entered a
> slightly frazzled MEFA at this time because of some argument
> about slash that I haven't followed because for me, it
> doesn't apply (seeing as how I don't write slash). Would you
> mind providing a link to your site? I'd like to check it out.
> My name is Gwathy (OL only) and I too write Silm fanfic. You
> want a question? How about this one to get a conversation
> going: what do you find easiest/most difficult when writing Elves?

Taking a break from the slash discussion because that is just too tempting a

Easiest? Legolas, Legolas, Legolas. Do I seem obsessed to you? (Do not
look in my office. Or on my car's license plate. Or my keychains. Or my
cubicle at work. Or my computer screens....)

Most difficult? Writing Tolkienesque. Thought I suppose that's for any
LOTRish stuff and not just Elves. But really that was the most intimidating
part to me about writing LOTR fanfic.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 800

Re: Umm... Hi Posted by Tinni May 12, 2004 - 23:15:35 Topic ID# 785
--- In, "gwathyg" <me_elf6226@c...> wrote:
> --- In, "Tinni" <tinni@f...> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > I am Tinni. I am Tinni in OL and RL. I run the "Canon? NO! It's
> > Fanon!" site, if you havn't heard of it, well now you have.
> Um.......
> > I write fanfiction, fanfictions about elves, Silmarillion elves.
> > Um.... any questions? -Tinni
> Hi, Tinni! Nice to see a new face around! You have entered a
> frazzled MEFA at this time because of some argument about slash
> I haven't followed because for me, it doesn't apply (seeing as how
> don't write slash). Would you mind providing a link to your site?
> like to check it out. My name is Gwathy (OL only) and I too write
> Silm fanfic. You want a question? How about this one to get a
> conversation going: what do you find easiest/most difficult when
> writing Elves?
> ~Gwathy

Hey Gwathy,
Nice to meet you. My site is at: Hope you like

And the answer to your question,

Easiest: Maglor... well basically all the sons of Feanor except
Maedhros. Maedhros says I don't have enough angst in my life to truly
understand him. But still I have managed to write him into a fic or
two. It's amazing what Maedhros will let you do with him if you
threaten to hurt his darling little brothers. :D

Hardest: Sindar elves in general. They refuse to enter my brain since
its filled with the sons of Feanor. *sigh* Life is so not fair.
