Yahoo Forum Archive

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Msg# 7894

Nominations for autors who don't respond Posted by Imhiriel June 07, 2007 - 0:08:30 Topic ID# 7894
What happens to the nominations if the author doesn't respond before 15
June (or 22 June?)? Do the nominators get them back to eventually have
the chance to nominate another story before the deadline, or are they
simply gone?


Msg# 7895

Re: Nominations for autors who don't respond Posted by Marta June 07, 2007 - 0:22:44 Topic ID# 7894
Hi Imhiriel,

I think you are thinking of 15 July (the last day stories can be nominated)
or 22 July (the last day authors have to get their stories ready to
compete). There's nothing special about 15 June/22 June.

If an author doesn't respond to emails from their liaison then they
obviously can't compete because we won't have their approval or all of the
information we need to place the story in a subcategory. We can't just
withdraw a story before that 22 July deadline once we've contacted the
author, because it's not fair to the author (they may read the email later
and want to compete). And by that 22 July deadline, nominations are closed
so you wouldn't be able to replace it. This means that if we never hear back
from an author you can't replace the nominations.

But we do everything we can to find authors. In about a week the other
volunteers and I will start compiling a "hard-to-reach" list of authors who
have not replied to any of the emails sent to them. And we'll paper the
fandom with that list. Usually there's *some*one out there who knows how to
reach the author. Liaisons also leave reviews at the story asking the author
to get in touch, try to find the author's blog, and generally do their best
to find the author. And the author usually is found. I think in 2006 there
were maybe six or seven nominations that were withdrawn because we never
heard from the author. That's out of more than 600 nominations, so we do
talk to almost every author nominated.

If an email actually bounces back to the liaison as undeliverable, or if the
author gets back and declines to compete, then the story will be withdrawn
and you'll be able to replace it with another nomination.

Hope that helps!


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Imhiriel
> Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 1:08 AM
> To: MEFAwards
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nominations for autors who don't respond
> What happens to the nominations if the author doesn't respond
> before 15 June (or 22 June?)? Do the nominators get them back
> to eventually have the chance to nominate another story
> before the deadline, or are they simply gone?
> Imhiriel

Msg# 7898

Re: Nominations for autors who don't respond Posted by Imhiriel June 07, 2007 - 10:47:44 Topic ID# 7894
--- In, "Marta" <melayton@...> wrote:

> I think you are thinking of 15 July (the last day stories can be
> or 22 July (the last day authors have to get their stories ready to
> compete).

Oops, yes, of course - I was totally off about the date...

We can't just
> withdraw a story before that 22 July deadline once we've contacted the
> author, because it's not fair to the author (they may read the email
> and want to compete). And by that 22 July deadline, nominations are
> so you wouldn't be able to replace it. This means that if we never
hear back
> from an author you can't replace the nominations.

Thank you. On further reflection, that should have been obvious to me <g>.

> But we do everything we can to find authors. In about a week the other
> volunteers and I will start compiling a "hard-to-reach" list of
authors who
> have not replied to any of the emails sent to them. And we'll paper the
> fandom with that list.


Excellent. Another point why I like the MEFAs so much: the commitment
of all of those belonging to the staff and the volunteers to really
make it work for everyone.
