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Msg# 8087

Check Ballot for Genre: Romance, Version #2 Posted by denistonr August 05, 2007 - 19:16:46 Topic ID# 8087
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Romance

SubCategory Genres: Romance: General

Great Oaks (319): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Thranduil/OFC
Oropher settled in the region of Amon Lanc - but he moved his people
northwards to seek greater safety and isolation. His son was a natural
choice to lead the party seeking a place to dwell. Chapter 2 - not a
continuation of the story, but a related ... reaction to its events.

February Bride (678): Cuthalion
Mature, Reason for Rating: It's (among other things) the description
of a wedding night.
Romance Partners: Peregrin Took/ Diamond of Long Cleeve
This tale tells the story of the wedding of Peregrin Took with Diamond
of Long Cleeve. In the night after the feast the young bride learns a
few astonishing things about her brand-new husband.

Harvest Bonfire (667): Cuthalion
Mature, Reason for Rating: The tale is rather fluffy, but it deals
with the more exhausting details of motherhood (there is an explicit
"adult" bed scene at the end which would make it a R)
Romance Partners: Rosie Gamgee/Sam Gamgee
This is mainly a Rosie/Sam-tale (though my favorite OFC Lily Proudfoot
plays a certain role, and her star-crossed AU-relationship with Frodo
Baggins is mentioned). In most fanfics Rosie Gamgee is portrayed as
the perfect mother of thirteen children... but sometimes even the best
mother needs some help and has to be reminded that she's still a
lover, too.

Taters and Thyme (499): Cuthalion
Teen, Reason for Rating: No shocking scenes, but a few details about
giving birth are mentioned.
Romance Partners: Sam Gamgee/ Rosie Gamgee
When his fifth child is about to be born, the midwife (Lily Proudfoot
from my saga Before I go to sleep) sends Sam into the kitchen, to ease
his nervousness by cooking a good meal. And while chopping meat and
plucking herbs, Samwise Gamgee counts his many blessings...

Cophetua (242): Jael
Mature, Reason for Rating: Graphic heterosexual activity
Romance Partners: Thranduil/OFC
The long Ages of an immortal life sometimes bring the opportunity for
second chances. The trick is having the wisdom to make the most of
them. Thranduil; OFC. Romance/Drama "Mature"

Come Back to Me (67): Marta
Mature, Reason for Rating: romantic content; femslash
Romance Partners: Fimbrethil/Goldberry
Long before the War of the Ring, an entwife meets the River-daughter.

A Tale of Elrond And Celebrían (608): Nemis
Mature, Reason for Rating: The final chapter contains reunion-smut,
and several of the optional stories contain sexual situations that
deserve a mature rating.
Romance Partners: Elrond/Celebrían
The story of Elrond and Celebrían starting in about 1900 Second Age,
running right up to the end of the Third Age. It follows Elrond and
Celebrían from their first meeting onwards, years before their
marriage in 109 Third Age, and continues through their marriage, the
birth and childhood of their children, as well as Celebrían's
waylaying and departure from Middle-earth, right up to their reunion
on Valinor.

He Came To Meet Me (33): sophinisba solis
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild references to sexual relationships,
Romance Partners: Pippin/Diamond
Diamond's first meeting (and kiss) with Pippin following the quest.
Includes references to her life during the Troubles.

Torn from a Map (601): sophinisba solis
Mature, Reason for Rating: sexual content
Romance Partners: Frodo/Aragorn; secondary pairings Merry/Pippin,
Post-quest AU, Frodo says goodbye to the Shire and goes to begin a new
life with Aragorn

SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Drabble

Jewel (325): Aranel Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Gloin/OFC
A bit of Dwarven romance.

A Special Kind of Lore (748): Astara
Teen, Reason for Rating: The erotic content hinted at asks for a
"Teen" rating.
Romance Partners: Denethor II / Finduilas (3rd Age)
It is said that Denethor was a master of lore. But there might have
been exceptions to the rule...

A Life Between II (445): Elen Kortirion
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied slash
Romance Partners: Théodred and Boromir
Théodred and Boromir's - possible - relationship... a meeting of
hearts and minds and more...

Naming Places (447): Elen Kortirion
Teen, Reason for Rating: Impiled slash
Romance Partners: Théodred and Boromir
A language lesson, whereThéodred teaches Boromir some essential words
of Rohirric

And Thought How Blessed He Was (670): Imhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Non-explicit Erotica
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Aragorn has finally obtained his heart's desire.

Bliss and Beauty (20): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Tuor/Idril
What Tuor found in Gondolin, in Ondolindë.

Death of Hope (618): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Aragorn and Arwen
Even the greatest of mortal kings cannot live forever. After Aragorn
has chosen the Gift of Men, what is left for Arwen?

Kissing Hope (574): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Aragorn and Arwen
When love must leave, only hope remains, hope and the memory of a
special touch.

Bounty (572): Marta
Teen, Reason for Rating: implied (mild) erotic content
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
Peace agrees with Ithilien, and with Eowyn. One mettare feast, Faramir
muses on his wife.

True Silver (612): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Celeborn/Galadriel
Celeborn, on when he first loved Galadriel. Love at first sight? Hardly.

SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Gondor

A Game of Chess (609): Altariel
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
Faramir and Eowyn, after the fairy tale wedding.

Night of Love (617): Linda hoyland
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild sexual content between a married couple.
Romance Partners: Aragorn and Arwen
Aragorn and Arwen have been waiting for this night for nearly forty
years; but will it turn out as they had hoped?

Waters of Life (423): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Aragorn and Arwen
Aragorn and Arwen celebrate their wedding anniversay in an especially
beautiful place and find joy and spiritual renewal.

Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady (604): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
Faramir discusses his growing attraction for a certain White Lady with
an old family friend.

Measures of Time (50): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
The passage of time is a dance in which all mortals must move, but the
Princess of Ithilien rages against the changing rhythm.

(600 words as counted by MS Works)

Dreams the Way We Planned Them (297): SlightlyTookish
Teen, Reason for Rating: Kissing
Romance Partners: Merry/Pippin
'Is it enough to dream about a garden, with Pippin lying here so pale
and still?' Merry waits for Pippin to wake at Cormallen.

The Spear of the Lily (11): The Bookbinder's Daughter
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
Faramir observes Éowyn during a moment in their marriage.

Seven Year Itch (603): Trianne
Mature, Reason for Rating: The story is mature due to adult situations
involving Frodo and Aragorn, though there is little actual graphic
Romance Partners: Frodo, Aragorn
Frodo and Aragorn are living in domestic bliss in Minas Tirith. Well,
they were...

SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Incomplete

Heart's Blood (709): ChristineX
Mature, Reason for Rating: This story focuses on a dark romance and is
fairly intense in places. Also, future chapters will contain content
of a sexual nature.
Romance Partners: Sauron/f
Lithiníel wanted to die. Therefore, Sauron desired that she should
live. What happened next defied all expectations.... Set approximately
40 years before the War of the Ring.

A Hidden Hope (465): dancingkatz
Mature, Reason for Rating: Rating due to depiction of malicious
actions on the part of a canon character, descriptions of serious
injuries that some readers may find disturbing, and eventually
consensual intimate relations between a married couple.
Romance Partners: Theodred/OFC
Prince Theodred, long denied his place as First Marshal and Heir of
the Riddermark, and at odds with his father, King Theoden, finds
happiness and love when he least expects it.

This AU story was inspired by a line in Evendim's wonderful fic
"Shield Brothers":

"…I have always known there are two things I never shall do. Scratch a
grey head… and hold my first born."

I've always hated it that Theodred (in both the book and movie-verses)
seemed doomed to a lonely and short life. My muse won't let do much
about the shortness of His highness' span but she (and I) wanted to
give him a time of love and happiness that wasn't just male-bonding.
This is my attempt to do that.

I promise you, Edlyn, my OFC is NOT a Mary Sue!

Written with the assistance of my twin sister Rhyselle, whose
commentary and ideas on characterisation and dialogue has made it a
much better story than it was initially.

Unexpected (559): Madeleine
Mature, Reason for Rating: Just to be on the safe side. There are a
few erotic scenes between a married couple, but nothing too explicit.
Romance Partners: Éomer/Lothíriel
The first days after their wedding; Lothíriel and Éomer both come to
realize that they still have a lot to learn about each other and that
many things in a marriage between two equally headstrong people aren't
as easy as they might have expected them to be. And this is just the
calm before the storm. As Gandalf announced so accurately at the
wedding: "For storms will come."

To This My Love Hath Come At Last (699): Roh_wyn
Teen, Reason for Rating: I have put this story in the "teen" rating,
but there may eventually be depictions of battle, and accompanying
violence, etc. The currently available chapters do not contain any
mature themes.
Romance Partners: Boromir/OFC
This story is primarily an exploration of fate vs. choice. Although
those themes can be presented in various ways, I have chosen to do it
in a romance, i.e. the effect love can have on fate and choice. I
believe this is a familiar/recurrent theme in Tolkienverse.

Sons of the Stars (267): TrekQueen
Mature, Reason for Rating: Sexual themes are included in this fic
including slash relationships and full sexual detail scenes.
Romance Partners: Elrond/Picard, Glorfindel/Erestor
This story is a Star Trek: The Next Generation and Lord of the Rings
crossover. Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Lord Elrond meet under
unexpected circumstances but the development between them is even more
unpredictable. Slash romance.

The Allure of the Dark Angel (698): white raven
Mature, Reason for Rating: Some graphic sexual content.
Romance Partners: Grima Wormtongue/OFC
A healer comes to Edoras and is seduced by the soul behind the
malevolent face of Grima Wormtongue.

SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet

Four Voices - Autumn, 3018 (756): annmarwalk
Teen, Reason for Rating: Slash relationship implied
Romance Partners: Boromir/Theodred (implied)
On the last day the four of them are together, Boromir, Theodred,
Eomer, and Eowyn consider the nature of the long relationship between
Heir and Prince

The Odd Couple (270): Gandalfs apprentice
Mature, Reason for Rating: Slash, some erotic scenes.
Romance Partners: Legolas/Gimli
Dwarf likes Elf, Elf likes Dwarf: a tale of unexpected love in
drabbles. Snapshots of Legolas and Gimli, with appearances by other
members of the Fellowship. Slash.

Beginnings (503): Gwynnyd
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Eowyn/Faramir
Eowyn is cold and in pain. Gondorian medicine provides no comfort, but
other things might.

Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush (512): Isabeau of Greenlea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Pippin/Diamond of Long Cleve
Upon his return from the Ring War, Pippin discovers to his surprise
that he has in fact been waited for...

Mettare Duties (647): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: nothing objectionable
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
Faramir celebrates a mettarë at Emyn Arnen with his family. A double
drabble and true drabble.

The Smile That Wins (258): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
"But Faramir for a long while walked alone in the garden, and his
glance now strayed rather to the house than to the eastward walls." A
tale of Faramir, Eowyn, courage found, and the start of something in
the Houses of Healing.

SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Pre-Ring War

At Long Last (746): Astara
Teen, Reason for Rating: This a probably a VERY conservative rating
regarding non-platonic relationships, but it's in accordance with the
description given in the rating guidelines. :-)
Romance Partners: Denethor II / Finduilas (3rd Age)
Why did Denethor II and Finduilas of Dol Amroth marry? This is a
hopeless romantic's take of their tale.

Duty Bound (212): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Boromir/OFC
Denethor was not a man to leave much to chance. Not when it came to
important matters like perpetuating the line of the Ruling Stewards.
In a time of war, he would be sure to think ahead. Whilst the
Fellowship travels south, Pippin asks a question that reveals
something of Boromir's past. (The members of the Fellowship appear

Hay and Clover (679): Cuthalion
Mature, Reason for Rating: It's a "first time" of a young-ish Frodo
Baggins - which should explain the rating clearly enough.
Romance Partners: Frodo Baggins/ A Took cousin
This is the story of a young Frodo Baggins, barely of age and sharing
one bottle of wine too many with Fatty Bolger... only to be rescued by
a pretty young cousin, and to be gifted with an unexpected and very
delightful experience...

Relaxation Techniques (283): EdorasLass
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild innuedno.
Romance Partners: Theodred/Boromir
Théodred is angry and overwrought from a difficult encounter with
Grima and the King's Council; Boromir braves Théodred's temper to help
him to unwind.

Seeking to Please (193): Gwynnyd
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Aragorn probably returned home to Rivendell at least once between
leaving at age twenty and heading home from Gondor when he was
forty-nine. What did Arwen see when she looked at him then? I think he
was a sweet-talking devil she could never quite pigeonhole.

Lift the Wings (376): Imbecamiel
Teen, Reason for Rating: reference to torture/violence; romance
between married couple (not graphic); reference to canonical death
Romance Partners: Elrond/Celebrian
As she left for Valinor, Celebrian predicted that Rivendell would not
always be a place of mourning. Now a new member has joined the
Peredhil family, and Estel seems to be doing an excellent job of
living up to his name. Originally written for the SNWCG Romance
Challenge - but it's not all about romance ;-)

Summer Daze (471): Marta
Mature, Reason for Rating: erotic content, themes of sexuality
(prostitution, masturbation)
Romance Partners: Faramir/f
While visiting family in Dol Amroth, Faramir's encounter with a
prostitute leads him to question some of the values he grew up with.

SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Second Age or Earlier

Belonging (422): Bodkin
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some suggestion of intimacy between a married
couple. Nothing graphic.
Romance Partners: Elrond/Celebrian
A newly-wed Celebrian and Elrond spend some time together away from
their daily responsibilities.

Youngest Son (406): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Finarfin/Earwen
A brief tale of a golden prince, living in a time of (relative)
innocence under the light of the Two Trees.

Starlit Memories (510): Ellie
Teen, Reason for Rating: Romantic situation
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/OFC
On a peaceful night, Glorfindel indulges in a sweet memory of a
blissful time in Valinor.

Even Quicker Than Doubt (365): Keiliss
Mature, Reason for Rating: Mature themes, canon death, reference to
canon death, slash, some sexual content specific to character and
relationship growth.
Romance Partners: Gil-galad/Glorfindel, Elrond/Erestor
Set in the weeks before Elros departs for Númenor, Doubt explores the
reason the twins chose different paths, Elrond's emotional coming of
age, the evolving relationship between Gil-galad and Glorfindel, and
the reborn Elf's adjustment to his new life in Second Age Lindon.

Maitimo and Findekáno (57): Oshun
Mature, Reason for Rating: Adult themes; slash.
Romance Partners: Fingon/Maedhros
Story of young Fingon's love for Maedhros and its reciprocation. Set
in Tirion before the creation of the Simarils. (Slash.)

The Beginning (339): Oshun
Teen, Reason for Rating: Non-graphic slash. Just a kiss.
Romance Partners: Elrond/Gil-galad
Extended drabble on the theme of Elrond and Gil-galad
as requested by Claudio for his 2007 birthday.
(Non-graphic slash. Just a kiss.)

Capturing the Moonlight (279): Rhapsody
Mature, Reason for Rating: Het-sex on a mature level (as rated by the
MEFA rating panel)
Romance Partners: Beleg/Melian
For years Beleg asked himself how one can capture the moonlight.

The Last Leaf to Fall (546): Robinka
Mature, Reason for Rating: Sexual content; character death; angst
Romance Partners: Beleg/OFC
A one-chapter, bitter-sweet story of an elf and a mortal woman, who
incidentally met, fell in love, but weren't meant to see each other
again. Told from the point of view of the OFC.

And Happily Ever After (A Romantic Interlude) (643): Unsung Heroine
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implicit sexual situations, nakedness.
Romance Partners: Caranthir/Haleth
On a night in Thargelion… More or less romance-y one shot. Not without
some bittersweet tones, though.

SubCategory: Genres: Romance: With Rohirrim

Postponing the Inevitable (755): EdorasLass
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Theodred/Boromir
Theoden reflects on the relationship between Theodred and Boromir, and
the inevitable future.

Wings (9): ErinRua
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Lothiriel
The Rohirrim and the Sea, or, how Eomer is just a bit foolish over
love whilst his father-in-law-to-be looks on.

Bound by Duty (175): Lady Bluejay
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some sexual thoughts - non explicit sex scenes
Romance Partners: Eomer/Lothiriel
Lothiriel cannot refuse a request from her King. But marrying a
stranger tests her sense of duty to the limit. She then has to deal
with those who did not want a Gondorian for a queen.

Winds of Change (228): Lady Bluejay
Teen, Reason for Rating: Sexual thoughts.
Romance Partners: Eomer/Lothiriel
In the eight days between Aragorn being crowned King and the Rohirrim
departing from Minas Tirith, Éomer has to come to terms with, not only
his new status, but also the realisation that his sister will be
relocating to Gondor. If that wasn't enough, he has to deal with the
discovery that he is becoming more and more attracted to a woman who
is promised to another

Black Eyes (177): Lialathuveril
Teen, Reason for Rating: some kissing
Romance Partners: Éomer/Lothíriel
King Éomer of Rohan and Princess Lothiriel of Dol Amroth – surely the
perfect political alliance, but what if the lady is not willing and
decides to use unconventional means to get out of this arrangement?

Yours to command (129): Lialathuveril
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some violence, but nothing graphic and it is
a romance ending with a wedding night.
Romance Partners: Éomer/Lothíriel
King Éomer of Rohan has come to Gondor to find a suitable queen:
beautiful, elegant, regal and always courteous and polite... Instead
he encounters an unusual young princess and a danger that threatens
his very life.

Concealment (649): Marta
Mature, Reason for Rating: explicit (but tasteful) erotic content and
discussion of Gondorian sexual ethics
Romance Partners: Boromir/Theodred
When news reached Rohan of the death of Dol Amroth's ruling prince,
Théodred rode for Gondor as quickly as his horse would carry him. Of
course he would come; Boromir needed him.