Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 809

Vote of Confidence Posted by lindorien2000 May 13, 2004 - 0:33:04 Topic ID# 809
Hi Ainae,

Just wanted to drop a line to tell you that I think you are doing a
bangup job here. I am flabbergasted at what you and those that are
aiding you have managed to accomplish in only a few short weeks. You
had an idea, you took the bull by the horn and you went for it. I
think I was the second person to join your list and this thing has
mushroomed into a behemoth, yet you've managed to keep your head and
your sense of humor throughout.

I have no real imput on the 'how to label slash' discussion. I've
followed enough of it to see that it is causing some issues.

You know - sometimes I want to read slash, although its not my typical
thing - I've read some really well done pieces.

Dwim had a really good idea that slash can be rated just like het and
violence and any other numbers of categories.

Can I just step up and say that as authors, we probably should err on
the side of caution with our labels.

I once got hammered for listing 'Wilt Thou Not Love Me' which is
laughably NOT NC-17 as 'adult'. mostly because it involved a wedding
night and some allusions at the end and one of my reviewer was annoyed
I'd done that and I was thinking, 'Gosh, I was just being careful
because I don't know I'd want my 7 year old asking me about the very

I've loosened up somewhat now, but I do tend to the conservative and I
list as adult others would probably think pretty tame.

So - this is my long-winded way of suggesting that people use their
good sense when labeling their stories. I think pretty much all if not
everybody here has good sense and can work it out on their own. If
they have questions, perhaps Ainae could be contacted privately, the
situation explained and let Ainae make an 'Executive Decision'?

My two cents for what I think will be a fine set of awards. Everybody
been quite polite and nice and pleasant and it's really great what
you've managed, Ainae.

And what all the listmembers have managed. Seriously, everybody, pat
yourselves on the back.


Msg# 818

ratings outside of this contest Posted by Viv May 13, 2004 - 13:31:45 Topic ID# 809
For the purposes of this contest, labels can be
whatever Ainae defines them as.

But I'd caution authors against overlabelling or
revising their labels outside of the contest. For
instance, if your story includes the oft-mentioned gay
neighbors, please don't label your story as slash or
provide a slash warning in the summary. If your
characters share a particularly passionate kiss in
chapter 28, please don't label the story as NC-17.

A lot of readers *look* for those labels when they're
hunting for fics to read, and it's awfully
disappointing when you want to read a nice slash story
and instead you get a het romance with gay neighbors.


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Msg# 819

Re: Vote of Confidence Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 13, 2004 - 14:43:00 Topic ID# 809
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lindorien2000 []
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 12:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Vote of Confidence
> Hi Ainae,
> Just wanted to drop a line to tell you that I think you are
> doing a bangup job here. I am flabbergasted at what you and
> those that are aiding you have managed to accomplish in only
> a few short weeks. You had an idea, you took the bull by the
> horn and you went for it. I think I was the second person to
> join your list and this thing has mushroomed into a behemoth,
> yet you've managed to keep your head and your sense of humor
> throughout.

Thanks! Maybe it's the GigaStress. It's hard for anything to be as bad as
that! So anything that happens here is easier by comparison. ;-)

> I have no real imput on the 'how to label slash' discussion.
> I've followed enough of it to see that it is causing some issues.
> You know - sometimes I want to read slash, although its not
> my typical thing - I've read some really well done pieces.

Which is one rason why I don't want to edxclude it from the contest even
though I don't read it myself.

> Dwim had a really good idea that slash can be rated just like
> het and violence and any other numbers of categories.
> Can I just step up and say that as authors, we probably
> should err on the side of caution with our labels.

I think most authors do.

> I once got hammered for listing 'Wilt Thou Not Love Me' which
> is laughably NOT NC-17 as 'adult'. mostly because it involved
> a wedding night and some allusions at the end and one of my
> reviewer was annoyed I'd done that and I was thinking, 'Gosh,
> I was just being careful because I don't know I'd want my 7
> year old asking me about the very ending.'

Well, to me adult doesn't have to equal NC17. It could equal PG-13 or R.

> I've loosened up somewhat now, but I do tend to the
> conservative and I list as adult others would probably think
> pretty tame.

Some people might think that about my spider story. I felt, however, that
was adult.

> So - this is my long-winded way of suggesting that people use
> their good sense when labeling their stories. I think pretty
> much all if not everybody here has good sense and can work it
> out on their own. If they have questions, perhaps Ainae could
> be contacted privately, the situation explained and let Ainae
> make an 'Executive Decision'?

Because I do want to be somewhat democratic. What I'm going to do now is
call a "Speak now or forever hold your peace" on the definition of slash, or
rather, when it will be necessary to include romance pairings. And I'm
making the Executive Decision that Romance Pairings will be how we identify
slash or het.

> My two cents for what I think will be a fine set of awards.
> Everybody been quite polite and nice and pleasant and it's
> really great what you've managed, Ainae.


> And what all the listmembers have managed. Seriously,
> everybody, pat yourselves on the back.

Do so, the *vast* majority of this list has been civil and polite, even when
disagreeing, and I greatly appreciate it!

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