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Msg# 8326

MEFA Reviews for October 20, 2007 (Part 2) Posted by Ann October 20, 2007 - 5:42:41 Topic ID# 8326
Title: Graceful and Green · Author: Alawa · Genres: Drama: Ithilien ·
ID: 62
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2007-10-01 12:29:28
Intricate descriptions that bring the scenery and feast to life in
every detail. The wide range of emotions is handled exceptionally
well. There is a lovely, lyrical tone to the whole piece, and a
beautiful title that fits perfectly.

To have Henneth-Annûn as a backdrop for the story was a wonderful
idea, and it offers the opportunity for some interesting comparisons
between the current situation and the first time Frodo and Sam had
been there. It is also nice that the site is described in further or
different details than in canon - it makes it an even more memorable

I find Sam a difficult character to portray convincingly, but you have
managed it very well, including his patterns of speech and thought. I
appreciated it very much that he contemplates the scene in which
Sméagol gazed at Frodo with regret - I have often wondered if Sam
recognised what a pivotal moment that could, perhaps, have been.

There were some resonating subjects raised: death and survivor-guilt,
burial rites and mourning, Gollum and Boromir etc.

Title: The Far Corner of the Garden · Author: annmarwalk · Genres:
Drama: Ithilien · ID: 554
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2007-10-01 12:30:45
A beautiful, colourful and meaningful picture is painted here of the
planned garden. I thought the order in which Éowyn thought about it
was very in-character: practicality before more "romantic" notions *g*.

I especially liked the thought that simbelmynë ["need not only cover
the dead"]. The flowers and plants contemplated for this corner of the
garden can serve as a memorial to both Théodred and Boromir, and link
Rohan and Gondor - in grief over their losses, but also in hope for a
brighter future together.

Title: Circumstantial Heroes · Author: Gwynnyd · Genres: Drama: Minas
Tirith · ID: 684
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2007-10-01 12:32:07
A riveting story (which it has been my great pleasure to help beta)
with good pacing, which holds a very good balance between the
seriousness of the subjects raised and the more light-hearted ways in
which they are sometimes presented.

The characters are especially engaging and their actions and
interactions were thoroughly natural and came to live in every detail
of gesture and dialogue (Aragorn in particular). Pippin's growing
inebriation is painted very convincingly, and his insistence on being
treated the same way as Beregond was unexpected, but seemed very

I like the way you structure story and order of events, with Aragorn
being largely ignorant of the deeds of Denethor's servants for a long
time and with Beregond's plight, and Faramir's hesitation to bring up
the matter due to his personal involvement.

The encounter with Britnír was especially fascinating, and Aragorn had
some very thought-provoking words to address to him. The subsequent
encounter with Hithdol brought the opposing attitudes of both servants
(unctuous servility contrasted with a confident willingness to serve)
into even sharper relief.

Title: The River's Gavotte · Author: shirelinghpc · Genres: Drama:
Minas Tirith · ID: 532
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2007-10-01 12:32:48
A very lyrical, poetic story; the images are clear and piercing and
resonating, even more so for the dreamlike atmosphere the narrative

I especially love the beginning, the image of the two brothers in the
water in earlier, more carefree days; the way it is told as if it were
a legend like the others that are mentioned.

I find Faramir's mood not quite understandable in the extreme way it
is presented (that not even after their marriage Éowyn can reach him,
and he is so dazed he stays in the water far longer than is prudent),
but the picture of him longing to go into the Anduin as something that
would connect him with Boromir is moving nonetheless.

Title: The End of Dark Days · Author: annmarwalk/EdorasLass CoAuthors
· Genres: Drama: Minas Tirith · ID: 56
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2007-10-01 12:33:06
Entertaining gap-filler to show how common people might have fared in
the aftermath of the War of the Ring. Of course, the protagonists have
also a connection to people of higher rank, and thus can serve also as
a fresh PoV into events known from canon.

Title: Under the Eyes of the Evenstar · Author: Raksha the Demon ·
Genres: Drama: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 680
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2007-10-01 12:33:57
Well... Let's say I can't blame Arwen's ladies for wishing to ogle
stalwart Gondorians...

I think it's also a entertaining premise for a first encounter between
Arwen and Boromir. Boromir's dignity under the circumstances and
Arwen's initial hostility overcome by genuine courtesy and
consideration for a weary guest far from what he knows were well-done.
The small detail of Boromir's ("somewhat clipped Sindarin") was a nice

I find the ending a little abrupt, unfortunately.

Title: A Long Road, There and Back · Author: Dana · Races: Hobbits:
Gapfiller · ID: 27
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 13:27:18
Danachan has created a rich tapestry for her Shire, and most
particularly for her Shire during the time of the Occupation. She also
has a knack for creating lovable and believable Minor Characters and
OCs. I love this story about Celandine Brandybuck and Moro Burrows,
and not only because the author wrote it in request to a prompt from
me--for I expected only a small vignette at most--and was treated to a
story of three exciting chapters!

Celandine is only a tween, the spoiled only daughter of Seredic and
Hilde Brandybuck according to the Family Tree, headstrong, impulsive
and naïve. When she hears of trouble near the home of a friend of
hers, she impulsively rushes out to see if she can find out what
happened. Moro Burrows, whom she thinks of as a rather boring lad,
decides to help look for her, and both of them find far more trouble
than they had looked for when they are found by some of Lotho's Ruffians.

Moro risks his life to help her escape--and the rest of the story
focuses on how she had to hide out until the Troubles were over.

Dana treats her characters like real people. They have such
well-rounded personalities--you will find no cardboard heroes or
two-dimensional villains in her universe. And it is good to learn what
happened to some of those who were left behind.

Title: Woven in Friendship · Author: SlightlyTookish · Races:
Cross-Cultural: With Pippin · ID: 290
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 15:48:52
This is a very touching and affective little vignette: Pippin and
Eowyn share a moment together, discussing Merry, before Theoden's
funeral. I really like the way Slightly Tookish shows an ease between
these two, and the implication that Pippin gave Eowyn an idea...

Title: When the King Comes Back · Author: shirebound · Genres:
Alternate Universe: The Shire or Buckland · ID: 361
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 15:49:48
This is a delightful bit of fluff taking place in Shirebound's
"Quarantined" universe--an AU in which Aragorn makes the acquaintance
of Bilbo and Frodo shortly after Frodo comes to live with Bilbo. She
has had several stories set in this AU which is gentle and fun, with
only mild angst for the plot's sake. In this one, Aragorn and Frodo
are slightly injured by an explosion in Hobbiton, and recuperate
together. There is a young Halbarad, a very young Sam--and puppies!

Title: Conjuror · Author: Branwyn · Races: Men: General Drabble · ID: 432
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 15:50:26
An interesting conversation between Gandalf and Denethor. It is so
like Gandalf to try and teach a lesson, and so like Denethor to draw
the wrong lesson from it.

Title: Beginnings · Author: Gwynnyd · Genres: Romance: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 503
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 15:54:06
A very nice possible moment for Eowyn. I quite like the way she
immediately thinks of Faramir. And I am very much in sympathy for her
distaste of the original medicine!

Title: An Apple for Your Thoughts? · Author: Demus · Races:
Cross-Cultural: The Fellowship · ID: 716
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 15:55:30
This was very nice. The author said it was inspired by Baylor's
wonderful "Care and Feeding", a story I too, greatly admire. She has
definitely captured the affectionate tone of those stories. While I
could wish that she had not used the stereotype of the irresponsible
Merry and Pippin, she didn't go overboard with it, and handled it
well. And I loved Boromir and Frodo's conversation.

Title: Hope Unquenched · Author: White Gull · Genres: Poetry: With
Hobbits · ID: 410
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 16:04:07
A very nice poem about Sam's decision to sail West. Skillful use of
rhyme and scansion, and lovely imagery. I especially liked this verse:

["One leaf released its hold grown weak,
And falling, kissed his tear-stained cheek;
One gently tugging gust of air
Eddied through his grizzled hair. "]

Title: Through the Eyes of Another · Author: grey_wonderer · Races:
Hobbits: Merry and Pippin · ID: 136
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 16:04:52
This is a very sweet story, in which we learn that no matter how old
they get, Merry and Pippin can still count on one another, and that
Pippin will always remember that Merry is his older cousin, who takes
care of him...

Title: The Tolkienian War on Science · Author: Doc Bushwell · Genres:
Non-Fiction · ID: 444
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 16:05:47
This was a very amusing piece, and in spite of the wry tone and
sarcastic humor, the author made some very valid points. But I'm not
sure about his advice to Feanor. The only lawyers we know about in
Middle-earth were hobbits, and they didn't exist in the First Age...

Title: Tell This Mortal · Author: Chathol-linn · Races:
Cross-Cultural: The Fellowship · ID: 611
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 16:07:01
A very unusual take on Legolas--his life, his sea-longing and his
journey West. I really liked the OFC Aerlluin, who was full of
integrity and wisdom. And Gimli was amazing. I truly loved her
portrayal of fierce Gimli.

Title: Three Things About Pippin · Author: grey_wonderer · Genres:
Humor: Children · ID: 133
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 16:08:08
Grey Wonderer has featured Pippin's sisters in a number of stories,
most humorous, and some not so. It's clear that when he was small,
Pippin must have sometimes exasperated the life out of them.

It's one such day. Little Pip has managed to completely antagonized
all three of his sisters, to the point where their anger draws the ire
of their mother. Eglantine sentences them to sit in the drawing room
until they each can think of three things they like about their baby

Not an easy task when you are furious. Fortunately, Cousin Frodo comes
to call. I love how he is both wise and manipulative in showing the
lasses how they really feel about their brother.

Title: More than Meets the Eye · Author: Dadgad · Genres: Humor: The
Shire or Buckland · ID: 128
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 16:10:28
This was delightful! I do not believe I have ever read a fic
accounting the story of the Battle of the Greenfields before, and this
one was quite astonishingly plausible--even with the subtle and not so
subtle puns!

I really enjoyed the fact that it was from an "outside" POV--that of
Elladan and Elrohir, to be precise--who managed to arrive on the scene
just a little bit too late to be of any assistance to the embattled

The description of how the hobbits came to conduct the battle was both
funny and touching, as well as quite a realistic picture of how
hobbits could defeat an invading army of Orcs. Bandobras was properly
heroic, without ever ceasing to be hobbity.

There were, of course, a number of punning references to golf, but I
also enjoyed the tributes to Shire horses and Granny Smith apples, LOL!

Title: The Case of the Purloined Mushrooms · Author: Inkling · Genres:
Mystery · ID: 298
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 16:12:42

I was disappointed to find that someone else had beaten me to the
punch in nominating this wonderful tale! It was on my list to
nominate; but I am very glad that it *did* get nominated, after all.

This is a very fun story. A farmer near Hobbiton is missing some
mushrooms not long after Frodo comes to live with Bilbo, and his
unfortunate reputation which has preceded him leads to his being the
prime suspect.

There are several things which lift this particular story above the
common hobbit fluff. One of them is her OMC narrator, and the
detective of the story, Abelard Archer, Post-hobbit. He's a charming
and observant character, thoroughly endearing, and I rather hope that
he will appear in some future tales by this author.

Another thing is her deft use of sly humor, and literary tributes to
other genres and writers: Jane Austen, Ross MacDonald, Agatha Christie
and Arthur Conan Doyle to name a few.

Her characterization of Bilbo is deft, and Frodo is a rascal, as is
Merry, and Frodo's Aunt Dora, a favorite character of mine, and all
too often neglected makes a brilliant appearance. The list of suspects
besides Frodo includes his cousin Merry, and the Sackville-Bagginses.

The plot is intriguing, and a twist at the end defies any but the very
most astute of readers from guessing whodunnit! I guarantee you some
laughs and quite a lot of fun with this story!

Title: The Perfect Girl · Author: nikara · Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 232
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 16:14:35
A very thought provoking essay. The author has a very valid point. I
think what needs to be examined is what happens when a well-written
Mary Sue features in a story. I know of at least two stories currently
in progress (besides the one mentioned by the author) in which the
protagonists are clearly self-insertions, yet because the authors are
able to make them flawed and human, they do not come across as the
typical "Mary Sue".

Yet there seems to be a division between two definitions of "Mary
Sue": one definition calls all self-insertion characters "Mary Sues",
which means that would apply to the well-written ones as well. The
other definition says only when the self-insertion is also "perfect",
and makes everyone fall in love with her is she a "Mary Sue".

I think to really get beyond the taboos the author mentions, the
definitions will have to be reconciled.

Is a Sue only a Sue when she is badly written?

Title: Three Turnings of the Year · Author: Ruby Nye · Races: Hobbits
· ID: 37
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 16:15:39
Ruby Nye has a wonderful view of the Shire, and her hobbits are all so
very hobbity. Whether writing them in joy or in sorrow, she never
loses her grasp on who and what they are.

In these three little vignettes, we see Pervinca Took through the
beginning of the Troubles, and through the other side. We see her
frustration, and her worry for those she loves. I loved her flirtation
with Sam in the first--he was very adorably Sammish; but the last one
just broke my heart, as she lends comfort to a young stranger who's
lost a lot to the Troubles.

It's a beautifully crafted bit of work, and filled with a depth of

Title: Lords of Gondor · Author: Linaewen · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Incomplete · ID: 154
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 16:16:30
I've read a goodly number of "Boromir lives" scenarios. Some of them
are quite good, some are rather implausible, and some are downright
dreadful. This author's is quite good indeed, and she has a very
plausible concept in his survival, and very realistic reactions from
the others of the Fellowship. I like AUs that try to stay as close to
canon as they can, while still retaining whatever change it is that
they made, and so far this story has followed through with its
promise. I do hope that it is updated soon, for it's one I'd like to
finish reading even after the MEFAs are over.

Title: The Anglo-Saxons and the Rohírrim · Author: willow_41z ·
Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 585
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 16:17:49
Very fascinating examination of the notion that the Rohirrim would
have been very like the Anglo-Saxons.

The author shows that though JRRT used some surface similarities,
especially in regards to language and poetry, there are many more
differences between the cultures than similarities.

Her conclusion that using what we do know of historical Anglo-Saxons
is not useful, is I think taking it a bit far. Using some traits of
Saxon culture make for useful fanon. But it is, after all, fanon and
not canon. This is a good reminder of that fact.

A very interesting article.

Title: Tolkien's Usage of "Thou" and "Thee" · Author: DrummerWench ·
Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 443
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-01 16:19:00
This is an excellent primer on the usage of archaic pronouns.

Like the author, I too was raised on the King James Bible; when I was
in fifth grade, my favorite book was Howard Pyle's Robin Hood, which
is written in beautifully archaic language. I enjoy language that is
"written forsoothly". However, I am aware that I'm an exception, and
many fic writers today have a dreadful misunderstanding of archaic
usage. It's painful to read dialogue in which the author sprinkles the
"thee"s and "thou"s indiscrimately, and randomly places "-eth" or
"-est" onto the end of every other word. I have even seen a travesty
where both endings were placed on the same verb. "Leavethest thee"?

They should each and every one be pointed in the direction of this essay.

Title: Not Fade Away · Author: Jael · Genres: Drama: Elves in Later
Ages · ID: 127
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2007-10-01 18:37:30
"Not Fade Away" is a lovely ride. Of course, we can see what's coming
way before the heroine does, and that's half the fun. I love what you
have done with the names--"Aaron Rivers" is masterful--and keeping in
character beautifully.

I've always thought the Elves properly belonged in Middle-Earth where
Eru put them, and not off in that boring "heaven" (Twain said it so
well) called Valinor. It's very satisfying to see them integrated into
a modern world, doing good deeds. The character of Radagast is
well-conceived, as well.

It's also quite satisfying to have Legolas return to ME. Never thought
it rang true for him to leave in the first place.

The result is the perfect modern fantasy! Elves being so very Elvish
in the twenty-first century, and making the link as well with the
Siddhe. You successfully close the gap, thereby, between Tolkien and
the true Irish mythology.

But I have to admit that my very favorite part of the tale is the
still-living line of Aragorn and Arwen (which should be no surprise,
coming from me!). I have the same idea, which I mean to write into a
quite different story some day. After all, the line of the Children of
Luthien shall never fail!

I'm looking forward to the sequel.

Msg# 8327

Unable to Finalize Reviews Posted by PGF October 20, 2007 - 23:10:01 Topic ID# 8326
I have just tried to review two stories, by different authors, and was
unable to make them Final. A few times, the system erased my reviews
when I hit the Preview button after designating them Final. Every time
I tried to make them Final, even after first designating them Hidden
and then changing the designation to Final, a notice appeared saying
that I cannot edit Final reviews after October 1.

I am wondering if anyone else has encountered this difficulty; since I
noticed there have been no new reviews in over 12 hours.

Anyway, I have many more Final reviews to write; so I need to have this
problem resolved. Is it just me/my computer, or have we got an Orc
infestation in the MEFA software or something?

Raksha the Frustrated Demon

Msg# 8328

Re: Unable to Finalize Reviews Posted by Marta Layton October 20, 2007 - 23:44:46 Topic ID# 8326
Hi Raksha,

I asked Tanaqui to change something about the site, and the site was
updated with the change earlier this afternoon. I think that this recent
update may be causing the problem you're experiencing. For the record I
just tried to save a final review and got an error similar to what
you're describing, so I don't think it's just you.

(Tanaqui: If you want to know, the review is for story nr. 692. I went
back and entered the review as a Hidden review instead.)

What was happening was this: reviewers cannot change their final reviews
after we get into voting season (that is, after October 1 for this
year's awards). In previous years if you tried to edit a final review
you were given an error message (essentially what you saw when you tried
to enter your review) and your review was displayed without a way to
edit it. This year prior to today, if you tried to edit a final review
you were allowed to edit but the website didn't let you save it. Which
was frustrating. To fix the problem, the other admins and I decided that
if you clicked on the "Edit Final Review" link from the list of
nominated stories, you'd see your review and a message saying you
couldn't edit the review because we're in voting season.

I think - though I can't be 100% sure - that this change affected the
new final reviews people try to enter. And I apologize for your
frustration. I should have tested the new site feature more thoroughly;
I tried to edit a review but didn't think to enter a new final review.

So try not to get frustrated. I'm sure tech support will look into the
problem ASAP. In the mean time: if you need to enter new reviews please
enter them as hidden.



PGF wrote:
> I have just tried to review two stories, by different authors, and was
> unable to make them Final. A few times, the system erased my reviews
> when I hit the Preview button after designating them Final. Every time
> I tried to make them Final, even after first designating them Hidden
> and then changing the designation to Final, a notice appeared saying
> that I cannot edit Final reviews after October 1.
> I am wondering if anyone else has encountered this difficulty; since I
> noticed there have been no new reviews in over 12 hours.
> Anyway, I have many more Final reviews to write; so I need to have this
> problem resolved. Is it just me/my computer, or have we got an Orc
> infestation in the MEFA software or something?
> Raksha the Frustrated Demon

Msg# 8330

Re: Unable to Finalize Reviews Posted by PGF October 21, 2007 - 1:23:35 Topic ID# 8326
Thanx, Marta - good to know it wasn't just me. I have faith in MEFA
Tech Support!

RAKSHA THE no-longer-frustrated-Demon

<<<<<--- In, Marta Layton <melayton@...>
> Hi Raksha,
> I asked Tanaqui to change something about the site, and the site
> updated with the change earlier this afternoon. I think that this
> update may be causing the problem you're experiencing. For the
record I
> just tried to save a final review and got an error similar to what
> you're describing, so I don't think it's just you.
> (Tanaqui: If you want to know, the review is for story nr. 692. I
> back and entered the review as a Hidden review instead.)
> What was happening was this: reviewers cannot change their final
> after we get into voting season (that is, after October 1 for this
> year's awards). In previous years if you tried to edit a final
> you were given an error message (essentially what you saw when you
> to enter your review) and your review was displayed without a way
> edit it. This year prior to today, if you tried to edit a final
> you were allowed to edit but the website didn't let you save it.
> was frustrating. To fix the problem, the other admins and I decided
> if you clicked on the "Edit Final Review" link from the list of
> nominated stories, you'd see your review and a message saying you
> couldn't edit the review because we're in voting season.
> I think - though I can't be 100% sure - that this change affected
> new final reviews people try to enter. And I apologize for your
> frustration. I should have tested the new site feature more
> I tried to edit a review but didn't think to enter a new final
> So try not to get frustrated. I'm sure tech support will look into
> problem ASAP. In the mean time: if you need to enter new reviews
> enter them as hidden.
> Thanks,
> Marta
> PGF wrote:
> >
> >
> > I have just tried to review two stories, by different authors,
and was
> > unable to make them Final. A few times, the system erased my
> > when I hit the Preview button after designating them Final. Every
> > I tried to make them Final, even after first designating them
> > and then changing the designation to Final, a notice appeared
> > that I cannot edit Final reviews after October 1.
> >
> > I am wondering if anyone else has encountered this difficulty;
since I
> > noticed there have been no new reviews in over 12 hours.
> >
> > Anyway, I have many more Final reviews to write; so I need to
have this
> > problem resolved. Is it just me/my computer, or have we got an Orc
> > infestation in the MEFA software or something?
> >
> > Raksha the Frustrated Demon>>>>>>>
> >

Msg# 8331

Re: Unable to Finalize Reviews Posted by Liz Warren October 21, 2007 - 1:57:46 Topic ID# 8326
Hi Raksha

Oh darn! We have an orc infestation in my brain, I think. :-(

My apologies to you (and everyone else) that I didn't test the change to
the reviews page enough before uploading it to the live site. :-(

I've put the site back to a previous version of the code while I sort
this one out, since I'm not sure if it will take me five minutes or five
hours, and I'd like to make sure it's thoroughly tested this time....

Let me know if you're still having problems saving new reviews as final
or converting hidden reviews to final, but I think it should work OK now.

Once again, sorry for the inconvenience.


Marta Layton wrote:
> Hi Raksha,
> I asked Tanaqui to change something about the site, and the site was
> updated with the change earlier this afternoon. I think that this recent
> update may be causing the problem you're experiencing. For the record I
> just tried to save a final review and got an error similar to what
> you're describing, so I don't think it's just you.
> (Tanaqui: If you want to know, the review is for story nr. 692. I went
> back and entered the review as a Hidden review instead.)
> What was happening was this: reviewers cannot change their final reviews
> after we get into voting season (that is, after October 1 for this
> year's awards). In previous years if you tried to edit a final review
> you were given an error message (essentially what you saw when you tried
> to enter your review) and your review was displayed without a way to
> edit it. This year prior to today, if you tried to edit a final review
> you were allowed to edit but the website didn't let you save it. Which
> was frustrating. To fix the problem, the other admins and I decided that
> if you clicked on the "Edit Final Review" link from the list of
> nominated stories, you'd see your review and a message saying you
> couldn't edit the review because we're in voting season.
> I think - though I can't be 100% sure - that this change affected the
> new final reviews people try to enter. And I apologize for your
> frustration. I should have tested the new site feature more thoroughly;
> I tried to edit a review but didn't think to enter a new final review.
> So try not to get frustrated. I'm sure tech support will look into the
> problem ASAP. In the mean time: if you need to enter new reviews please
> enter them as hidden.
> Thanks,
> Marta
> PGF wrote:
> >
> >
> > I have just tried to review two stories, by different authors, and was
> > unable to make them Final. A few times, the system erased my reviews
> > when I hit the Preview button after designating them Final. Every time
> > I tried to make them Final, even after first designating them Hidden
> > and then changing the designation to Final, a notice appeared saying
> > that I cannot edit Final reviews after October 1.
> >
> > I am wondering if anyone else has encountered this difficulty; since I
> > noticed there have been no new reviews in over 12 hours.
> >
> > Anyway, I have many more Final reviews to write; so I need to have this
> > problem resolved. Is it just me/my computer, or have we got an Orc
> > infestation in the MEFA software or something?
> >
> > Raksha the Frustrated Demon

Msg# 8334

Re: Unable to Finalize Reviews Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell October 21, 2007 - 12:38:57 Topic ID# 8326
I had the same thing happen yesterday on one story I wrote, and I sent
the intended review to support, asking if they'd insert it for me. It
was the second time I'd had such a thing happen. Last time it was
after a LONG session online doing a number of reviews, and Hughes was
beginning to act up again. Yesterday it was the first story I read and
reviewed, and no matter what I did it wouldn't allow me to save it.

So, Raksha, don't feel like the lone stranger.
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 8339

Site Update Posted by Liz Warren October 23, 2007 - 8:02:53 Topic ID# 8326
As some of you may have already noticed, we've made some minor changes
to how the voting site handles entering and editing reviews.

1) When you try to edit a final review after the start of voting season
(1 October this year), you're immediately taken to an error message
telling you the review can't be edited. Previously, you were shown a
form that allowed you to make changes and only told those changes
couldn't be made once you tried to save them. We hope the new approach
is less frustrating for reviewers!

This was the change I tried to make at the weekend and then removed as
the way I had coded it had the unintended consequence that reviews
couldn't be finalised. My apologies again for any frustration and wasted
time this may have caused. Marta and I have tried to test things as
thoroughly as possible, but please let us know if you experience any

To get this change working correctly, we've had to make two other changes:

2) When you enter a new review, you no longer set the status of the
review (draft, hidden or final) on the first screen, but only after
you've previewed the review. The default status is still draft.

3) When you edit a draft or hidden review, you can only set the status
in the first ("save review") form on the page. The ability to set the
status of the review has been removed from the second form where you can
edit the review and preview it.

We hope all this makes the site easier to use. Please do post here or
email if you have any questions or problems.
