Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 8329

Announcement: New FAQs, Stories Moved, Site Update Posted by aure\_enteluva October 21, 2007 - 0:13:02 Topic ID# 8329
Hey guys,

Three (mini-)announcements for the price of one!

*** New FAQs ***

We've added a new FAQ to the site:
Can I include spoilers for the story in my review?

We've also updated the FAQ about quotes in reviews, giving an example
of how to block off a quote.

Both of these changes were suggested by your fellow members, btw. If
you see an FAQ that is wrong, could be clearer, or if you see a topic
you'd like to have an FAQ on, email

*** Site Update ***

Earlier this afternoon the site was updated to fix a problem.
Basically beginning October 1, members weren't allowed to edit reviews
- but the site let them type in the review before they were given an
error message saying it couldn't be saved. The fix seems to cause a
problem for some people *entering* final reviews. Until this problem
is fixed, please don't submit new final reviews; you can give them the
hidden status. I'll post here to let you know when the problem is fixed.

*** Works-in-Progress Stories Moved ***

A MEFA member pointed out two work-in-progress stories that were
competing with competed stories. As you may know, entries that are
works-in-progress, fixed-length ficlets or poetry are supposed to
compete in subcategories with other pieces of that type. Therefore,
I've moved these two stories to the best available work-in-progress
subcategory, based on the authors' first-, second-, and third-choice
main category selections.

- "Brotherhood" by Bodkin has been moved to Genres: Drama: Incomplete
(from Times: Mid-Third Age: General)

- "Miss Dora Baggins' Book of Manners" by Dreamflower has been moved
to Races: Hobbits: Incomplete (from Genres: Humor: The Shire or Buckland)

If you see any works-in-progress competing in the same subcategory
with completed fics, please let us know. There's a fairly technical
exception, so I may tell you that a WIP is indeed in the right place -
but better safe than sorry! If you think a work-in-progress may be in
the wrong place I'm happy to look at it to make sure.


I think that's it for goings-on at the site. Keep up the excellent
work reviewing.
