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Msg# 8335

MEFA Reviews for October 22, 2007 (Part 1) Posted by Ann October 22, 2007 - 5:30:50 Topic ID# 8335
Title: The Handmaiden's Rainbow · Author: Isil Elensar · Races: Elves:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 238
Reviewer: Robinka · 2007-10-02 14:45:22
This is a well constructed series of drabbles with a great and very
interesting usage of the colors as the main theme and the titles. I
simply love the original character which is strong-willed and
intriguing, and also very nicely characterized. Very well done!

Title: Fell and Fair · Author: Elena Tiriel · Genres: Adventure:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 526
Reviewer: Tanaqui · 2007-10-02 15:21:15
I've watched the evolution of this remarkable series over many months,
and marvelled at both the range of viewpoints Elena Tiriel has
covered, and the sustained high quality in each of the individual
drabbles. From the starting point of a brief obscure quote about the
Battle of the Field of Celebrant found in one of the History of Middle
Earth volumes, Elena Tiriel has woven a rich tapestry that draws on a
wide range of canon and her own intelligent invention to give us a
picture of Elladan and Elrohir and those whose lives are touched by them.

As always, Elena Tiriel shows fine mastery of language, as well as a
deep appreciation of the drabble form and the uses it can be put to,
to do everything from illuminating a single moment to telling a
complete story. Individual drabbles are structured to provide a
satisfying conclusion, while pieces are effectively linked in chapters
to tell the broader tale.

It's hard to single out specific drabbles or chapters for especial
praise, but there are two themes in the series that I particularly
enjoy: Elena Tiriel's exploration of other cultures, such as the
chapters about the Balchoth before and after the battle, and her taste
for black humour in chapters about wargs, orcs and other Dark creatures.

It's hard to praise this enough. As a dedicated drabblist myself, I
can only stand open-mouthed in awe.

Title: Aftershocks · Author: Gwynnyd · Times: Second Age: Drabble ·
ID: 504
Reviewer: Tanaqui · 2007-10-02 15:27:33
Gwynnyd tackles the impact of the Downfall of Numenor from an unusual
perspective. With a few deft words, she shows how the source and
meaning of the waves that devastated the Numenorean settlements in
Middle-earth must have been a mystery until the Faithful arrived, and
paints a picture of the unhappy relationship between Numenor and its
Middle-earth colonies. Very well done!

Title: Divided · Author: Pen52 · Genres: Drama: The Fellowship · ID: 223
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2007-10-02 15:34:15
This is a masterful piece. Taking off from mealtime in Moria, Pen52
tells many different stories in one short vignette. Pippin, enjoying
his meal rapturously, asks questions of Boromir and Aragorn: what are
the Southrons like? In reply, we see the characters of both men and
the tension between them.

Boromir would never endure peace with Harad, who to him are only
killers and raiders of Gondor. Aragorn knows they fight as much in
fear as anything, that there is much good among them, and is
perennially haunted by the horror of killing his own kind--not Orcs,
but Men.

The portrait of Aragorn is of a man who knows the hard truth and does
not flinch from it. One looks ahead to the reign of Elessar and the
time of the White Tree growing in peace.

There is also a poignant irony in Pippin's thoughts--that a Hobbit
would never harm another Hobbit. We know that he will learn better by
the end of the story.

It's hard to believe that Pen's first language is not English. Her
writing is superb--full of color and telling much in a few words.

Title: Fruition · Author: EdorasLass · Genres: Alternate Universe:
Gondor or Rohan · ID: 7
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-10-02 15:46:52
An audacious AU that turns two of Tolkien's characters - brave,
honorable Imrahil and sweet gentle Finduilas - into sort of 'dark
mirror' (Star Trek term) versions of themselves.

Here, Thorongil and Denethor become entangled in a very wicked web;
and it's not spun by Shelob.

The characterisations of Thorongil and Denethor are spot-on; the poor
guys are noble and clueless as to what's rotten in Denmark-er-Minas

I wish there was a sequel.

Cleverly and convincingly written.

Title: Ten Thousand Years · Author: Marta · Times: Late Third Age:
3018-3022 TA · ID: 565
Reviewer: Tanaqui · 2007-10-02 15:51:35
In this story of Boromir-in-Rivendell, Marta has created a fascinating
dialogue between two protagonists who are each deeply invested in the
return of a king to Gondor. This is a rarely-written interaction, and
Marta does a fine job of presenting their different perspectives,
fears and hopes. Boromir, in particular, is well drawn – not as
lacking in diplomacy as often portrayed in fanfic, yet still clearly
uncomfortable and outspoken. The sensory details of the story add
depth to convincing dialogue. All in all, a very enjoyable read whose
content provokes lasting reflection.

Title: Just Deserts · Author: Gwynnyd · Races: Hobbits: Drabble · ID: 505
Reviewer: Tanaqui · 2007-10-02 15:59:13
A great exploration of a missing scene. Gwynnyd perfectly captures the
nature of the two hobbits – Pippin's impatience and irritation, and
Merry's more mature stoicism – in the exchange at the start of the
drabble. And the denouement is simply delightful and brought a smile
to my face.

Title: The Eagle's Gift · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Drama:
Minas Tirith · ID: 591
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-10-02 18:15:47
It's really rare that we see a fanfic story portraying a relatively
carefree Denethor, and while Denethor has cares here, they are of the
fairly normal kind that every new bridegroom would confront. It's an
endearing portrait and comes off really well in Raksha's capable hands.

Title: Dream A Bitter Style · Author: Claudio · Times: First Age and
Prior: House of Fingolfin · ID: 131
Reviewer: Jael · 2007-10-02 18:39:21
I regret that I lack the eloquence to do justice to this wonderful
story. So, forgive me while I devolve into incoherent adulation.

This story takes the alternate canon scenario begun in 'Never Speak
Nor Sing' into darker places, yet there remain beautiful moments of
simple joy: Oropher, drunk and naked on a freezing river bank with an
equally drunk and naked kitchen wench, while a clueless Glorfindel is
left to entertain her friend. Yet you use this incident to illustrate
the rather unattractively rigid Vanyarin caste system that makes us
sympathetic to your Fingon's revolutionary religious and philosophical

Sindarin children, squatting over heat vents like [clusters of
scruffy, earthen-robed moss, if moss had silvery pale hair] and
Oropher sharing the candy he has earned under trying circumstances
with them, foreshadowing the king he will someday become.

Oropher again, dressed as a deer and dancing among the uninhibited
Sindar [in rings around a girl wearing a garland of leaves. He spun
his torches while she chased after him.

"Balthor!" she cried. "Balthor!"]

The symbolism in that scene is very powerful, especially contrasted
with the formality of the Noldor and the rigid conservatism of the
Vanyar, which are about to collide for Glorfindel that very evening.

The 'obligatory' sex scene, in which Fingon finally gains his goal,
manages to be both disturbing and erotic, and it is done without any
cliche. I am in awe of your skillful handling of this difficult bit.

More beautiful symbolism -- a bird hitting a window has chilling
spiritual significance for Glorfindel. And, finally, I shivered as
Glorfindel accepts and clips on his 'gifts' from Fingon. Your Fingon
sees them as a loving gesture, which it no doubt is. But I saw it as
the capitulation to servitude. Oh, Glorfindel!

It would be easy to hate your Fingon at this point, but you manage to
keep him sympathetic. Bravo!

This is a superb story in a compelling saga. It leaves me eager for
you to write more, so I can see how it all plays out. Thank you!

Title: The Arachnid's Appeal · Author: TrekQueen · Genres: Humor · ID: 114
Reviewer: Robinka · 2007-10-02 18:51:52
A very in-character and lady-like giant spider with a personality --
Shelob (I could almost imagine her wearing an old-fashioned hat, go
figure!) writes a letter to the Dark Lord. The letter contains a wish
list, and Shelob kindly requests for Sauron's consideration on a few
very urgent matters, even referring to her mother's acquaintance with
Morgoth. Utterly hilarious!

Title: South · Author: Aliana · Times: Fourth Age and Beyond: Gondor
or Rohan · ID: 8
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-10-02 19:33:04
This is probably my favorite story about the relationship of Merry and
Eowyn - an understated vignette that reveals the closeness between
people of different races and cultures who have endured profound
danger and sorrow together. Merry and Eowyn have shared horror and the
joys of peace, and Merry comes to realize, on a Fourth Age trip to
Gondor, that part of him belongs to the lands of the south. I
particularly liked Eowyn's showing Merry the new map of their world -
we see what is new and what is remembered of the past.

The story flows beautifully and easily. Good handling of dreams, which
are not always connected with Merry.

Title: Who is this Gil-galad, of Whom You Speak? · Author: Erunyauve ·
Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 250
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-02 21:04:50
A fascinating look at a much neglected character--it does make one
wish JRRT had given us a bit more to go on about Gil-galad!

Title: The Accidental King: Five Reasons Why Finarfin Deserves an
Appreciation Month · Author: Dawn Felagund · Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 5
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-02 21:17:08
A very interesting look at the father of Finrod and Galadriel. The
author's arguments certainly make a good case that Finarfin was a very
good leader of his people, and deserving of appreciation.

Title: Bilbo's Dark Psyche · Author: Curious · Genres: Non-Fiction ·
ID: 519
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-02 21:21:00
In this interesting analysis of the relationship of Bilbo and Gollum,
the author makes the case that Gollum is the "flip side" of Bilbo.
Surely the two of them have far more in common than we would normally
imagine. But she puts forth the notion that Gollum is more than that:
his fate could be Bilbo's fate--he is the "dark side" of Bilbo. A very
intriguing idea.

Title: Good Rest Ye Merry · Author: Llinos · Genres: Poetry · ID: 798
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-02 21:24:18
A bit of humourous advice to the Fellowship during the worst of the
Quest--I could hear it playing out to the tune indicated, LOL! It's a
shame they couldn't hear it, and be cheered up!

Title: A Collection of Sindarin Tanka · Author: juno_magic · Genres:
Poetry · ID: 224
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-02 21:30:38
These were quite lovely! I especially could appreciate the "package"
the author created, with the combination of the Sindarin, the English
translation, and the illustrations. Each one was beautiful in itself,
but I think my favorite one was "Mithlond".

Title: A Hobbit's Tale · Author: Pearl Took · Genres: Poetry: With
Hobbits · ID: 253
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-02 21:35:07
A tribute to Bilbo's Adventure, the last line is chilling! It made me
think of the relative innocence of his adventure compared to the
darker and more dangerous one embarked upon by his younger
friends--all because of him.

Title: The Yuletide Festival Feast Song · Author: Llinos · Genres:
Poetry: With Hobbits · ID: 802
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-02 21:37:28
There is nothing quite so hobbity as singing about food! But I think
this particular feast might have been a lot, even for hobbits! What a

Title: Gold Rings and Sam · Author: Branwyn · Genres: Poetry · ID: 501
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-02 21:40:58
How wonderful! A tribute to the good Dr. Seuss, and to book-Faramir
and book-Sam! How lovely to see, even in a parody, a Faramir who does
*not* want to take the Ring--a fitting come-back to movie-verse! (And
Sam *was* rather annoying, wasn't he?)

Title: Between Friends · Author: agape4gondor · Genres: Poetry · ID: 396
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-02 21:43:20
Not much attention is paid to poor Deagol, Gollum's first victim,
undone by the Ring. This is a very nicely done reminder of that
crime--friend against friend--all over a little Ring.

Title: Watching and Waiting · Author: Llinos · Genres: Poetry: With
Hobbits · ID: 796
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-02 21:45:03
A touching tribute to the enduring friendship between Merry and
Pippin, as each one awaits the fate of the other.

Title: Burning Your Bridges · Author: Branwyn · Genres: Poetry · ID: 125
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-02 21:47:26
Very sharp imagery, as we follow Faramir and Boromir in their flight
from Osgiliath when the Enemy took it. This is an incident only
briefly mentioned in canon, but the poet easily brings it to life.

Title: Romancing the Smut · Author: Llinos · Genres: Poetry: With
Hobbits · ID: 797
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2007-10-02 21:49:49
Poor Merry! Pippin just keeps on interrupting his attempt to write a
lyrical poem for Eowyn with lewd suggestions! This is even funnier, as
I do imagine Merry as a bit of a romantic!

Title: A Noble Thing · Author: Lily Baggins · Genres: Drama: Ithilien
· ID: 596
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-10-03 00:47:55
A sweet story that takes a slightly AU turn from the Movie-verse; in
that Frodo's post-Mount Doom awakening takes place in the Houses of
Healing rather than in Ithilien, and that Faramir helps tend him
there. I liked the flashback to Sam and Frodo's capture by the
Rangers, and Faramir's kindness of heart as well as his practical

Title: A Collection of Sindarin Tanka · Author: juno_magic · Genres:
Poetry · ID: 224
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-10-03 01:17:28
A beautiful collection of Sindarin poetry, along with English
translations, on Elvish themes ranging from subtle erotica to tragedy.
The Elves' sense of melancholy is captured here; and I stand in awe of
the linguistic skill.