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Msg# 8344

MEFA Reviews for October 25, 2007 (Part 1) Posted by Ann October 25, 2007 - 4:39:37 Topic ID# 8344
Title: Romance · Author: Greywing · Genres: Humor: Other Fixed-Length
Ficlet · ID: 375
Reviewer: Robinka · 2007-10-05 19:20:03
Okay, I admit: Greywing's stories often leave me in mad giggles. It
isn't different this time :-)

This is an utterly hilarious drabble that depicts the meeting of Eomer
and Lothiriel. A stroke of comic genius, ladies and gentlemen!

Title: Adolescence · Author: Larner · Races: Cross-Cultural: Gondor ·
ID: 143
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-10-05 19:38:53
Rosie Cotton and Queen Arwen are found to have something in common
besides their marriages to Fellowship heroes - they both are
experiencing the trials of raising firstborn daughters who are now
teenagers. As the ladies discuss their offspring, the girls themselves
foment a mild bit of adolescent rebellion, which lands them at risk of
being in trouble with local authorities.

Intriguing story of young people impatient to leave the bounds of
childhood but not quite old enough to flee the nest, at least not

Title: A Texas Gay Boy in King Thranduil's Court · Author: Ignoble
Bard · Genres: Humor: Parody · ID: 182
Reviewer: Jael · 2007-10-05 23:21:15
What's not to like about a story that mixes Mark Twain with Tolkien
and manages to spork the entire Mary-Sue genre at one time?

This story is drop-dead hilarious from start to finish. As I read it
again for what is probably the umpteenth time to refresh my memory
before writing this review, I found myself laughing out loud. Both
Thranduil and Legolas giving 'Mike' the laschivious once-over. Legolas
eating his first candy bar, with a delightful nod to the movie
dialogue, even though this is Book!Verse Legolas for a refreshing
change. Thranduil and Legolas having a hilariously matter-of-fact
argument over where to shoot 'Mike' full of arrows for being a spy
while making the least mess. Thranduil dropping a large paperback
version of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy on his toe. I always knew
canon could be used as a weapon!

You even make sly fun of yourself: [He turned forward to see a large
hall, bedecked with forest greenery and flowers, and the Elven-King
himself seated on a stone chair at the back of the room, a garland of
oak leaves upon his head. Not having read The Hobbit in a long while,
and being too lazy to look it up, Mike wondered how accurate was his
description of his surroundings.]

The inevitable sex scene is wonderfully unrealistc, as befits the
classic Suefic, as are 'Mike's' preternatural skills with weaponry.

None of this would have worked so well without your excellent command
of the English language and your skilled sense of comedic timing. You
are quite an excellent, if underrated, writer.

The story ends with a slapstick version of the White Council attacking
Dol Guldur, with sly digs at Gandalf, Legolas and 'Mike' behaving like
horny teenagers in between slaying orcs, and a suitably angsty pop
song, song by a distrought 'Mike' over his stricken lover, whose
malady proves the last joke of this wonderful story.

Thank you for sharing!

Title: New Life · Author: Tanaqui · Times: Late Third Age: 3018-3022
TA: General Drabble · ID: 686
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-10-06 00:09:57
Exquisite drabble on a heartbreaking subject; Elrond's farewell to
Arwen. Tanaqui ties the past, present and future together in a way
that seems very typical for the reflective, intelligent Elrond at this
melancholy yet hopeful time.

Title: Halls Beyond · Author: Elen Kortirion · Times: Late Third Age:
3018-3022 TA: General Drabble · ID: 454
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-10-06 00:10:34
Poor confused Haldir - landing in the wrong hall of heroes after a
very heroic death. Still, I think he would have enjoyed a quick round
of drinks. And I liked the Eorling's welcome to the Elf.

Intriguing and original (that is, as original as any fanfic can be) -
nicely done and rather refreshing for an LOTR afterlife piece.

Title: A Suitable Tribute · Author: EdorasLass · Genres: Drama · ID: 474
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-10-06 01:35:31
Very poignant vignette about a young woman who finds something to give
in tribute to the new King, despite her own poverty. One has the
feeling that the gift will definitely make a strong impression on

Title: Rekindling · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Men: General Drabble ·
ID: 688
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-10-06 03:20:09
Tanaqui presents Theoden before Grima's influence began to corrupt him
- a strong and loving father to his son and his sister's orphaned
youngsters, and a good king. I absolutely love the last line; which in
one sense sends a shiver of premonition down my spine, and in another
sense is the act of a kind and generous paterfamilias.

Title: Celebration · Author: Tanaqui · Times: Fourth Age and Beyond:
Drabble · ID: 139
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-10-06 03:22:00
A lovely, evocative snapshot of a midsummer festival in Ithilien.
Great depiction of the folk of the Garden of Gondor celebrating the
season in the fruitful Fourth Age. I like the way that the esteem felt
by their people for the Prince and Princess is brought out here and
woven into the drabble. And of course I loved the last line, which
pays good attention to Faramir's storytelling skills.

Title: The Sword of Elendil · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Genres:
Drama: Incomplete · ID: 69
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-10-06 03:56:12
This is a fascinating tapestry of a story, telling the tale of young
Aragorn's return to the Dunedain at the age of twenty.

To the Dunedain, Aragorn has been a legend, a child of whom no word
has been heard since he and his mother vanished after Arathorn's
death. His return makes for a great tale that is a political thriller,
an adventure story with well-written battles, and of course the story
of the coming of age of the man who will be King.

There's a great cast of canon and original characters; including
Aragorn's great-grandmother and several cousins. The Dunedain are
written quite well, tough, wise, passionate as well as
self-controlled, and not all perfect.

The Legend of Narsil, which begins the story, is an outstanding piece
on its own, and only adds to the rich ambiance.

I am looking forward to more of the story with great interest.

Title: Fading Embers · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races: Elves:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 760
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2007-10-06 04:27:20
This is a moving story concerning the character who is often forgotten
in the saga of Feanor and his sons, Feanor's wife,Nerdanel.
This lady must have been strong to bear her husband seven son,as i
seem to recall childbearing is especially draining for Elves.

When Feanor made his sons swear their terrible and ill advised
oath,Nerdanel could only hope that she would see her babies again, but
it was not to be .

What a terrible grief, mercifully beyond the comprehension of most of
us, for a mother to lose all her children.

The writer brilliantly conveys here all the grief,bleakness and
heartache of poor Nerdanel's plight. The idea of her wearing a
necklace wrought by Feanor and casting its jewels into the ocean in
mourning for her sons is a stroke of pure genius.

Wiser than her husband,Nerdanel knows her sons were of far higher
value than any jewels.

A very well written ficlet about an often neglected character ,which
brings nErdanel vividly to life and makes the reader care about her.

Title: Great and Terrible · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Men: General
Drabble · ID: 721
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2007-10-06 04:31:58
This is chilling drabble concerning one of the many "what ifs?" of
Tolkien's work.Should Aragorn have taken the Ring,his motives would
have been good, but the cost would have been dreadful,both to Aragorn
and to M-e, as indeed Legolas points out.A very well written piece.

Title: Seeing Red · Author: Linda hoyland · Genres: Humor: Drabble ·
ID: 121
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-10-06 05:17:13
This is a funny drabble that satirizes the occasional maudlin
movieverse fanfic wherein Faramir is treated cruelly by his nasty evil
(or at least abusive!) father. Here, Faramir is moved easily to tears,
one can almost see David Wenham's pretty blue eyes filling with them,
but not too upset to try to figure out why his father doesn't love
him. His theories enrage Denethor, but should amuse the reader.

Faramir is at least shown to be clever underneath the pathetic facade!

Skillfully, slyly written; sure to engage and delight its readers.

Title: An Unexpected Party · Author: Branwyn · Genres: Humor: Drabble
· ID: 16
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-10-06 05:18:02
I get such a kick out of this drabble! Branwyn presents a horrifying,
serio-comic look at an AU Quest of Erebor, with a rather different
group of dwarves coming to join Thorin. If someone has done this
before, I haven't seen it, and it would be hard to write this with as
much subtle humor as is seen here. I don't know how Branwyn fits all
the characters into a hundred words with such concise but evocative
descriptions; and I wish I had her skill with words.

The drabble is a fitting and excellent response to the "Grumpily"

Funny and clever. No wonder poor Thorin was so very annoyed at Gandalf!

[Doc son of Dorc] indeed!

Title: Irreverence · Author: Aratlithiel · Genres: Humor · ID: 619
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-10-06 05:20:20
An oddball but quite amusing story, with Frodo and Pippin behaving in
a less than saintly or even heroic but very normal fashion. Not for
fans of hobbity hurt/comfort; but it makes sense.

Title: A Time to Reap · Author: Linda hoyland · Genres: Adventure:
Incomplete · ID: 415
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-10-06 05:45:28
Lindahoyland has a long series of stories and ficlets, many of them
centering on the post-Ring War friendship between Aragorn and Faramir.
This story is a direct sequel to "Web of Treason", where the bond
between the two men was tested to its utmost. When [A Time to Reap]
begins, that bond is frayed indeed. Aragorn has not recovered either
(completely) physically or emotionally from his ordeal in "Web of
Treason"; he cannot or will not heal and he is beset by terrible
nightmares - not unusual in a victim of torture; and he finds Faramir
partly to blame for his sufferings. Faramir is feeling lonely and
guilty and abandoned by the King he views as a father-figure. In an
effort to inspire a reconciliation between King and Steward, Arwen
sends them on a journey to the hallow where the White Tree was found.
So begins a tale of spiritual pilgrimage and redemption, seasoned by
an unanticipated danger and a new adventure.

The heavy angst gives way to soul-searching, renewal and joy; followed
by peril, then by one of the more novel adventures of Aragorn and
Faramir as they become involved in the troubles of a rather surly lot
of farmers in a village below the White Mountains. There is angst
aplenty, along with medical emergencies, near-death experiences,
misunderstandings and a touch of understated comedy now and again.

Linda makes good use of the theme of the Fisher-King, the sickened
King who must be healed to restore the balance of the land. The
quotations that begin the chapters are particularly apt, and add to
the flavor of the story.

Title: Brothers at Heart · Author: Radbooks · Times: Mid Third Age:
2851 - 3017 TA · ID: 330
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-10-06 05:48:05
Of the several tales of how Aragorn might have returned to the
Dunedain as their chieftain and lord and, it is to be hoped, in the
fullness of time as King returned, this is one of the most realistic.
We see him meet his uncle and aunt, cousins, and grandmother, children
and adults, and make his place amongst them. And we see the growing
love between himself and Halbarad, the kinsman it is said whom he
loved as a brother.

A well-written depiction of how it may well have been, there in the
northlands, that first year back among Men, learning their ways and
forging his place.

Radbooks has done very well here, and this story deserves the
appreciation it has earned.

Title: A Useful Skill · Author: EdorasLass · Genres: Humor: Children ·
ID: 46
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-10-06 05:53:41
Ah, yes--darning socks and repairing holes in clothing would indeed be
a useful skill for a future soldier and Ranger. So Faramir learns, and
so, unwilling, perhaps, Denethor approves.

Title: Triumphal Entry · Author: Garnet Took · Times: Late Third Age:
3018-3022 TA: Gondor · ID: 244
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-10-06 06:20:52
A wonderful look at Pippin's reactions to returning to Minas Tirith,
now filled with people watching the new King and those with him
climbing through the city. And a good use of the quote given from
another source to show the mood and condition the city now knows.

And Pippin's toast at the end is wonderful!

Title: A Special Kind of Lore · Author: Astara · Genres: Romance:
Drabble · ID: 748
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2007-10-06 06:26:11
This drabble made me chuckle slyly. Human nature never changes, does
it? The story could be about any couple viewing erotic art, which is
not a bad thing. The brief mention of the couple's Numenorean
ancestors bring the reader back to Tolkien's world.

Title: Perchance To Dream · Author: Cathleen · Genres: Drama: The
Fellowship · ID: 386
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-10-06 06:30:15
If tortoiseshell cats can see the future and confer that ability on
others, then Pippin has been so blessed by the cat from Boromir's tale
a few days previous. And there on Caradhras he finds reassurance he is
needed by the rest if the quest is to be successful.

Wonderfully strange and comforting.

Title: Pippin's Sorrowful Day · Author: camilliatook · Races: Hobbits:
Children · ID: 812
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-10-06 06:43:36
Mix small Tooks, streams, and crayfish, and sometimes picnics have a
way of getting lost. A pleasant bit of young Hobbit fluff!

Title: The Lady's Offer · Author: pippinfan88 · Genres: Drama: The
Fellowship · ID: 805
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-10-06 06:51:02
Each one of the Fellowship felt tested by the Lady Galadriel at their
meeting; now it's Pippin's turn, and he finds he blames himself for
Gandalf's death. But given the choice, he will not desert Frodo, who
does need his company, after all.

Excellently done, and mood is well defined.

Title: The Lining of the World · Author: Ruby Nye · Races: Hobbits:
Drabble · ID: 734
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-10-06 06:54:17
There were Hobbits who died fighting ruffians, and one is Tobold
Banks. But at least it's not for naught!

Sweet and sad, and well written.

Title: Another Doom · Author: mrkinch · Races: Men: Gondor Drabble ·
ID: 663
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-10-06 06:58:08
Perhaps there is hope after all, Boromir finds as he reaches Imladris.
He'd thought to perhaps become Gondor's last Steward; but maybe the
darkness won't last.

A thoughtful drabble.

Title: Lords of Gondor, Sons of the Shire · Author: Gandalfs
apprentice · Races: Men: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 379
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-10-06 07:13:45
First Boromir is advised by Sam Gamgee that there is much more to
Aragorn son of Arathorn than one might realize at first sight; and
then Faramir finds that Pippin is less knowledgable about Arnor's
history than himself. But both learn a good deal about Hobbits in a
very short time, and it appears that Hobbits DO receive mention in a
book on the history of Argeleb the Second--Hobbits and the Springlering!

It's always a joy to read a story by Gandalf's Apprentice, and this is
definitely true to form.