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Msg# 8473

MEFA Reviews for December 10, 2007 (Part 2) Posted by Ann December 10, 2007 - 4:23:56 Topic ID# 8473
Title: Moira · Author: illyria-pffyffin · Races: Hobbits · ID: 676
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-09 20:44:00
I don't usually frequent LiveJournal or MySpace or other such sites,
so I've read little enough of Illyria's work. This, however, is
superb--one of the best stories I've read this year--lyrical, hopeful,
one of delight and promise, even as Eru tells Manwe as they look on
the industrious nature of the first Hobbits.

Yes, hopeful, steadfast, strong in their very weakness.

A wonderful, wonderful story.

Thank you for this one. Now we know how it was done!

Title: A Game of Chess · Author: Marta · Genres: Drama: Gondor Drabble
· ID: 605
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-09 20:46:11
Alas, it appears that Denethor son of Ecthelion is already
underestimating his father's new favorite. Well, Aragorn has no
intention of disabusing him--not, perhaps, until the game is actually
set in motion?


Title: Feasting on Poison · Author: Gryffinjack · Races: Hobbits:
Post-Ring War · ID: 534
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-09 21:02:05
Tolkien did have some anacrhonisms introduced within Middle Earth,
including the potato; but what about the tomato, so central to so many
British meals? Here we learn of the introduction of this plant, and
the common folks' distrust of the fruit as it's a member of the
nightshade family and contained acid. Interesting tale well told, with
a song by Pippin and laughter by all.

Title: Where There's Life, There's Hope (and in need of vittles) ·
Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Drama: Gondor Drabble · ID: 463
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-09 21:04:10
Aragorn finds healing in the scent of new bread baked by Mags the
cook. How very wonderful! A most appropriate welcome back to Minas
Tirith for the one once known as Thorongil, who undoubtedly spent some
hours in her kitchen, enjoying her simple and heartening company.

Title: In the Waiting · Author: Altariel · Races: Men: Gondor · ID: 392
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-09 21:09:15
No allure could the Ring waken in Faramir; but he senses that the
Enemy shall still use his dismissal of It and release of Its bearer as
a means of trying him.

Wonderful thoughts of Faramir's on the Ring's effects on his family
and people, and particularly on the continuing degredation of
relationship with his father.

Excellent presentation of mood.

Title: Promises to Keep · Author: Jay of Lasgalen · Times: Early Third
Age: 1-2850 TA · ID: 321
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-09 21:15:06
Sometimes those within the Halls of Mandos are allowed moments of
communion with those they loved; and such a moment does Oropher know
with his son, foretelling the birth of a son who would be greater yet.

I had some difficulties at first sorting out the time when this was
set, but appreciated it the more when that understanding came.

Title: The Land of Gift · Author: Maeve Riannon · Times: First Age and
Prior: House of Fingolfin · ID: 108
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-09 23:03:58
That Atalante rose at the offering made to the Sea by Idril and Tuor
is such a wonderful thought, as is the ghostly dancing of those two
upon its shores, seen at times by those who came to dwell there.


Title: Of the Silmarils · Author: Isil Elensar · Races: Elves:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 111
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-09 23:06:48
Feanor met his vision, then, unfortunately, fell from it.

Ah, for the forging of the Silmarils!

Title: Gentlemen's Night Out · Author: Oshun · Genres: Humor: Gondor
or Rohan · ID: 181
Reviewer: crowdaughter · 2007-12-09 23:22:54
What a fine, funny tale this is, and what a lovely nip in the bud of
the value of that dreadful essay, the Laws and Customs Of The Eldar! I
loved the part about the 'initiation ritual' among the elves for their
poor freshly come-of-age peers, here. I also loved your description of
a wanton Legolas. And his mention of the comforts he found on the
Quest were just too funny - and very revealing... ;)

This is a sweet little tale that I really, really liked! Thank you for
writing and sharing!

Title: A Texas Gay Boy in King Thranduil's Court · Author: Ignoble
Bard · Genres: Humor: Parody · ID: 182
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-09 23:29:34
Hokay! So, that's how it happened, then?

Gay Elves and mpreg! And a baseball-wielding Hobbit in a Texas park.

Good for giggles.

Title: A Hobbit's Tale · Author: Pearl Took · Genres: Poetry: With
Hobbits · ID: 253
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-09 23:33:15
This poem is not overly sentimental, but charming as we see Bilbo
telling his tale to the younger fry, and four of them sparked by it,
all remaining ignorant of the nature of what he'd brought home--for
now, at least.

Well crafted rhymes and excellent choice of theme.

Title: No Escape · Author: Aranel Took · Times: Mid Third Age: 2851 -
3017 TA: Drabble · ID: 324
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-09 23:35:37
If not all those who went to Khazad-dum with Balin were not males,
what became of the women and children? A fascinating and
all-too-plausible look at what fate might have come upon them.

Title: Waiting By the Water · Author: Linaewen · Genres: Drama: With
Aragorn · ID: 395
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-09 23:40:14
Aragorn wasn't certain why he waited to go aboard the ship at
Pelargir, until one more passed by and he knew at last the reason.


Title: Alone and Forsaken · Author: Linaewen · Genres: Drama: Vignette
· ID: 466
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-09 23:44:54
Ah--how too easily Boromir could come to this despair, a despair that
perhaps might have led to the betrayal of Frodo he perpetrated.

Well communicated.

Title: The Exile · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races: Men: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 537
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-09 23:49:16
Beregond doesn't regret the choice he made when he left his post to
protect Lord Faramir from his father's madness--and yet he does,
remembering the city of his birth and life with all the intensity of
one in the throes of homesickness.

We see the pride and regrets and memories of the Captain of the White
Company as he peers through the Gates for the small glimpse he is now
allowed of the City he so loved. Well done.

Title: Hay and Clover · Author: Cuthalion · Genres: Romance: Pre-Ring
War · ID: 679
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-10 00:02:56
Cuthalion and White Gull have been the best I've seen for giving our
Frodo the loving completeness we would wish for them. The generosity
of Clover is to be commended.

Title: Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush · Author: Isabeau of
Greenlea · Genres: Romance: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 512
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-10 00:06:07
Ah--but our Pippin has now been claimed--and behind the mulberry bush
at that! A fun read and response to the Pink Pippin challenge.

Title: Maiden Voyage · Author: Fawsley · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Drabble · ID: 654
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-10 00:07:35
How wonderful, this brief description of the departure of our beloved
Legolas and Gimli!

Title: Darkness Visible · Author: Tanaqui · Times: Late Third Age:
3018-3022 TA: Gondor Drabble · ID: 725
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-10 00:09:54
Beregond's thoughts as he watches the ash-clouds from Mordor steal
away the day are well described. No, no welcome summer storm this

Communicates the mood excellently.

Title: Watching and Waiting · Author: Llinos · Genres: Poetry: With
Hobbits · ID: 796
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-10 00:12:12
Ah, the closest of cousins--Meriadoc and Peregrin, as each waits for
the other to waken from injuries close to death. Poignant.

Title: The Tenant from Staddle · Author: Larner · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Incomplete · ID: 408
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2007-12-10 01:15:10
I first met Larner back in my HASA days through her very first story,
"For Eyes to See As Can". What I loved about that story, and continue
to enjoy about Larner's writing, is the depth of her world-building:
trade and economics; social structures; art and craft; rich details of
everyday life in the post-war Shire with vivid, realistic characters
and events.

The story consists almost entirely of original characters, each of
them unique and engagingly written. Hobbits and hobbitesses, lads and
lasses; elves, rangers, and a charmingly nerdy young lawyer from the
White City. The story proceeds at a relaxed pace, but cunningly hidden
within each chapter is some surprising gem of wit or humor, or an
"Ahh!" moment. Two memorable examples are the sly explanation for
Movieverse!Strider's unchanging scruffy beard through six months of
travel in the wilds, and a fleeting mention of the anguish of young
male 'Tweens during the Troubles, both terrified and enraged at what
they saw happening around them, but as yet too young to take action.

A major theme of the tale is the isolation in which the folk of the
Shire lived, considering themselves important only to themselves, and
not worthy of the interest and concern of Men. The Troubles changed
all that, of course, but they are still quite surprised to discover
the significant involvement Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin had in
Outside events. In a way it's a coming-of-age tale for the Shire and
its inhabitants as they learn how the will be expected to take their
place in the new world order. Very thoughtfully and enjoyably written!

Title: The Tenant from Staddle · Author: Larner · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Incomplete · ID: 408
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-12-10 04:19:42
A complex and multi-faceted story that examines the legal and cultural
consequences of the title and properties gifted to Frodo by Aragorn in
Eriador. Larner has a knack for creating plausible scenarios involving
the laws of various races; and it's put to good use here. There's a
sense that the sheltered little worlds of the Shire and Bree are
opening up to both past and future in a process that is fascinating to

Title: Justice · Author: Imhiriel · Genres: Drama: Gondor Drabble ·
ID: 633
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-12-10 05:16:58
A sober reminder of the sufferings of Sauron's human slaves; and the
King's justice given to them after the Ring War. Imhiriel's
appropriately named drabble illuminates Tolkien's predilection for the
mingling of justice and mercy and kindness.