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Msg# 8481

MEFA Reviews for December 13, 2007 Posted by Ann December 13, 2007 - 4:29:47 Topic ID# 8481
Title: Mettare Duties · Author: Marta · Genres: Romance: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 647
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2007-12-12 16:09:08
A sweet look at Faramir and his Eowyn years after their marriage. The
shieldmaiden still lurks not far beneath the surface, and she still
does not suffer fools gladly. Faramir's dance with Beregond's
granddaughter in the accompanying shorter drabble gives a glimpse of a
new generation of women growing up impowered by Eowyn's heroics.

Title: A Thankless Task · Author: EdorasLass · Genres: Drama: Youth ·
ID: 49
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2007-12-12 16:15:23
As a costumer for several years at a university, I had my share of
run-ins with students who didn't know how to sew and couldn't see the
need for learning, so I enjoyed this piece. Boromir and Faramir's
nanny has the unenviable task of teaching her two charges basic sewing
so that they can repair their clothing in the field. Faramir takes the
lessons well-Boromir is another matter. Family politics come into play
when Boromir has to plead his case to his father himself in order to
be excused. Faramir is more assertive in this piece than in some,
needling his older brother a little smugly, and I liked that. It is a
much more equitible relationship than is often portrayed between the
two brothers.

Title: Despair · Author: Silivren Tinu · Genres: Drama: The Fellowship
· ID: 171
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-12 18:09:31
Nice job capturing a moment between the Fellowship. All the characters
portrayed were captured affectively, but especially Legolas's
"otherness." You did a good job writing about the torment Boromir
would have gone through, too - I particularly liked that.

Title: Dragons! · Author: Aranel Took · Races: Hobbits: Drabble · ID: 327
Reviewer: White Wolf · 2007-12-12 19:29:11
What an adorable little story. It made me smile when I visualized the
scene. I love dragons, so I'd also want to hear a story about them.

Title: Before the Gate · Author: Jay of Lasgalen · Races: Elves:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 704
Reviewer: White Wolf · 2007-12-12 19:43:38
This story is exactly the way Elladan and Elrohir would have faced the
battle, side-by-side and determined to meet their fate together. Well

Title: Geometry · Author: Branwyn · Genres: Drama: Gondor Drabble · ID: 80
Reviewer: White Wolf · 2007-12-12 20:02:28
I really like the way you had Faramir think of his family in geometric
terms. It was a sad situation that was unfortunately accurate. Very

Title: Pest Control · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Cross-Cultural: Drabble
· ID: 697
Reviewer: White Wolf · 2007-12-12 20:40:28
We don't see much about the Entwives. I like the the way you expressed
fertilizing the corn and the orc odor. Very original

Title: A Moment Lost · Author: Fawsley · Races: Men: Gondor Drabble ·
ID: 491
Reviewer: White Wolf · 2007-12-12 20:55:14
The first sentence was the perfect way to open this wonderful little
glimpse into the idea that Aragorn didn't know just when it was he had
truly become a king.

Title: Gone Fishin' · Author: Aranel Took · Times: Late Third Age:
3018-3022 TA: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 322
Reviewer: White Wolf · 2007-12-12 21:08:48
I often wondered if Aragorn ever found the time to sneak off and enjoy
himself in some form of indulgence so he could escape the pressures of
being the king. I'm glad he did so in your little story. I love this.

Title: The Green Hill · Author: Baranduin · Races: Cross-Cultural: The
Fellowship · ID: 562
Reviewer: Inkling · 2007-12-12 21:24:08
The magical, fleeting moment Frodo and Aragorn share at the foot of
Cerin Amroth is one of my favorite passages in FOTR, not only for its
mysterious blurring of past and present, but also as one of the most
intimate glimpses Tolkien provided of the bond between these two
companions. In this lovely little piece Baranduin has imagined a
sequel to that scene--and further developed their friendship--as the
two revisit the heart of Lothlorien.

It seems very fitting, and believable, that Aragorn can't recall what
he and Arwen said to each other when they pledged their troth: ["It
was the dearest night of my life, but by all the Valar, I do not
remember!"] So often we remember the feelings, more than the details,
of moments of exquisite happiness.

The ending, as the shadow passes over and yet [there was something
fluttering in his heart], is sublime.

Title: Helping Hands · Author: Llinos · Races: Hobbits: Drabble · ID: 615
Reviewer: Inkling · 2007-12-12 21:28:30
These brief glimpses of the hobbits' post-Quest problems are handled
with great subtlety and sensitivity, as we see them helping to ease
each other's hurts, both psychic and physical. I especially liked the
second drabble, with Sam's belated awareness of Frodo's need of
assistance, and his tact in doing it silently; and the third, as Merry
slams down the bottle of Rohirric 'emergency' whiskey. Nice work!

Title: In Silence Remembered · Author: fantasyfan · Genres: Drama: The
Shire · ID: 598
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-12 21:49:55
It's really hard to find good fanfic that balances Tolkien's claims
about the relative innocence of hobbits against their durability and
martial ability. This story does a good job of that by taking the
point of one of the normal Bywater hobbits and looking back at the
battle that forced the Ruffians out of the Shire. It's sad and
disturbing in the sense that the hobbit is *so* normal he could have
been any one of us -- but the author brings out hobbity good sense,
bravery, and their lasting spirit quite well. Good work, fantasyfan --
I really enjoyed reading this.

Title: No Escape · Author: Aranel Took · Times: Mid Third Age: 2851 -
3017 TA: Drabble · ID: 324
Reviewer: Inkling · 2007-12-12 22:07:14

A heart-breaking look at the fate of Balin's colony from an unusual
perspective. The matter-of-fact treatment of female dwarves' physical
appearance was very nicely done, giving a new twist to our accustomed
notion of graybeards. And the use of the refrain [There was no escape]
was most effective, bringing to mind Ori's haunting words in FOTR:
["We cannot get out."]

Well done!

Title: The Rose in the Fisted Glove · Author: Jael · Genres: Drama:
Second Age or Earlier · ID: 240
Reviewer: crowdaughter · 2007-12-12 23:09:02
[May contain spoilers]

There is so much in this story that makes it worth reading: The slash
element, tastefully executed, that comes over so naturally and
believably since it is more a kind of warrior's comfort, that there is
no need to take some extra effort at suspension of disbelief; as I
normally do when I read LOTR slash; the easy comradeship between
Thranduil and his esquire here, that then necessarily changes on
Galion's side after the tragic outcome of the second chapter to that
of a subject toward his king; and, not the least, the great view we
are given at Noldorin (rather sinister) politics, and at the uneasy
relationship between Gil-galad and his uppity leading claim, and
Oropher; seen only from the sidelines, here, but still quite clearly.

Add to this a few jabs at Elendil's host and the customs of men from
the view of the Grey-elven protagonists, and the clever and well
working mood change - as well as the change of POV - between the first
and the much more grim second chapter, and this short story gives an
excellent view at the events around that infamous charge at the start
of the Last Alliance. An excellent story, perfectly written, and a
very satisfying read, with a very distinct Grey-elven perspective on
those events. One of my favorites. :)

Title: A Ranger's Love (Song to Arda) · Author: Michelle · Races: Men:
Eriador or Rivendell · ID: 112
Reviewer: crowdaughter · 2007-12-12 23:15:08
A wonderful, very effective view at the way Aragorn would feel about
the land he is wandering during his ranger years. I love the poetic
language, and the great images. Lovely and makes one wanting for more! :)

Title: Tamer's Tale · Author: juno_magic · Races: Cross-Cultural · ID: 41
Reviewer: crowdaughter · 2007-12-12 23:27:40
What an intriguing and unusual tale, and what a clever way to deal
with that specific problem about the binding to the Hroa of those of
the Ainur who chose to get... involved with trhe creatures of Arda and
the incarnates. I never imagined that such a pairing could work, but
you pull it off very believably and very convincingly. I also like the
way that this story and its solution is fitted by you to canon, and
how the impact and repercussions of the events given here later
explain the outcome of the events in Moria. Very, very well done! I
really like it! Brava!

Title: Room with a View · Author: Beth · Races: Elves · ID: 459
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-12-13 07:49:12
Unusual and interesting story about the (relatively) early life of
Elrond. It's the courtship scenes of Elrond and Celebrian, the
transition of his interest in her from that of cousin to
lover/husband; that I liked best, but the entire tale is well-written.

Title: Rohan's Future · Author: Madeleine · Genres: Humor: Gondor or
Rohan · ID: 79
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-12-13 08:23:33
A delightful romp through early Fourth Age Edoras with Amrothos
baby-sitting his nephews and niece while Rohan's King and Queen are
away. Wackiness ensues when the high-spirited and resourceful little
Eorlings do their best to drive their poor uncle crazy.

Excellent use of language in this well-written story.

Title: The Last Leaf to Fall · Author: Robinka · Genres: Romance:
Second Age or Earlier · ID: 546
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2007-12-13 08:36:48
[this review contains spoilers!]

This story has a special place in my heart and is written with great
symbolism and themes true to Tolkien’s works. It tells the tale of a
common woman, daughter of an innkeeper that once found her true love,
but it comes at a great cost and inevitable doom for her. So far, that
sounds like true romance story. What makes this story so poignant is
the elements Robinka wove into this tale. From the start, you know
that the lady in question remained single, yet she is so wistful and
waits for a signal. That hook at the start alone makes you want to sit
up and read. In its essence, Robinka uses elements from Tolkien’s
letters regarding elf and man unions (letter 153 to be precise) and
takes that to give us a beautiful take on how Beleg found love, which
remained true to him until the end. Never feels it too forced, even
the erotic bits: it just fits. Beleg is written enigmatically, yet
protective, and responsible, Robinka’s Merilin as the curious and
exploring edain, still so new in life, yet wanting to know. Two worlds
meet and it blends in so well! Their parting still gets to me, we know
Beleg will die and no wife is mentioned and with this awareness you
deeply wish for an AU ending (Beleg Lives!), however this detail is
treated with so much love and reality. The end comes lovely and with
wisdom, Merilin chose her ending and accepted death, feeling grateful
to all what has been given to her. It is written so briefly and so
powerful, the final words make this character study so complete: she
accepted all gifts of the allfather with passion. A great workRobinka!