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Msg# 8490

MEFA Reviews for December 14, 2007 (Part 1) Posted by Ann December 14, 2007 - 3:56:51 Topic ID# 8490
Title: A Song of Silence · Author: Nessime · Races: Men · ID: 156
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 10:31:21
Her mother-in-law had lost her hearing as a child as the result of a
high fever from a epidemic that cost her her parents as well. But the
Rohirric lady had yet found a way of singing in spite of being mute.

A marvelous tale of creativity and the need to preserve the past.

Title: A Queen Among Farmers' Wives · Author: Imhiriel · Genres:
Humor: Drabble · ID: 635
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2007-12-13 11:18:00
Goodness, but hobbits are resilient! One moment Farmer Maggot is laid
out on the floor by his irate wife's rolling pin, the next he's
feeling frisky. A cute look at what might happen when Maggot comes
back from visiting Tom Bombadil in less than sober condition.

Title: Crossing towards Sunrise · Author: Imhiriel · Times: Fourth Age
and Beyond · ID: 14
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 11:28:14
What do the Ringbearers, and particularly Elrond, anticipate as the
ship approaches the quays of Tol Eressea? Elrond, after all, has known
more than his share of sorrow and loss. What will it take to aid this
healer to know healing himself?

Marvelous look at Gandalf's thoughts on his companions.

Title: Between Crown and Mantle · Author: Marastar · Times: Late Third
Age: 3018-3022 TA · ID: 701
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 11:34:03
Having written my own version of the last battle of Ondoher and his
sons against the forces of the Wainriders and other enemies encouraged
by the Necromancer, this was a fascinating look at that period through
the eyes of Eowyn and Gandalf, inspired by an ancient tapestry. Love
the image of the aging tapestry melting away due to time and moths.

Very thought-provoking, and excellent imagery.

Title: Anchor · Author: Songspinner · Genres: Drama: Elves in Later
Ages · ID: 772
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 11:45:23
Legolas finds the anchors he needs to remain within Middle Earth while
it is needful. Poignant.

Title: Tom Cotton · Author: Dreamflower · Races: Hobbits: Post-Grey
Havens · ID: 774
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 11:51:54
What the four Travelers went through together has changed them and
their relationships with those they knew before. Now Sam's first son
is born, and young Tom Cotton refrains--for the moment, at least--to
join them, for the fourth they would prefer to sit there....

Sad and thoughtful, but filled with the steady hope of the Shire.

Title: Descent · Author: Dwimordene · Times: Early Third Age: 1-2850
TA · ID: 632
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 12:06:39
Valacar is dying, and already Eldecar and Castamir are in contention,
with those who dwell in Pelargir caught in the midst of the tug-of-war
for rule.

A thoughtful look at how this situation affects the lives of two from
disparate homelands, come to dwell midway between their worlds.

Title: Mushrooms · Author: claudia6032000 · Genres: Drama: The
Fellowship · ID: 561
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 12:28:08
Frodo learns a painful lesson as he mistakes mushrooms he finds within
Hollin for a common variety enjoyed at home; he's only grateful that
for once Pippin listened to threats uttered and leaves them alone.

Poor Frodo!

Title: Keeper of the Jewels · Author: Cuthalion · Genres: Adventure:
Minas Tirith · ID: 64
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 12:32:59
Ah, such a marvelous tale! The keeper of the Citadel's jewels has
turned the duty over to his daughter; but it is his wish to restore
the rule of the Steward. In the meantime his daughter finds herself
being used to facilitate her father's twisted plan, leading to an
attempt to kidnap the Ringbearer so as to use him to coerce Aragorn
into a vulnerable position. However, they don't manage to get the
right Hobbit!

A page turner if there ever was one!

Title: The man in the woods · Author: Dot · Races: Men: Eriador or
Rivendell · ID: 13
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 12:35:47
A child finds a stranger in the woods of Eriador; and it is up to her
and her brother to deal with the situation. A horrible way to learn
the truth that rangering isn't about adventure and fame and glory, but
about dealing with enemies and all too often dealing in death.

Well told.

Title: For the Dwarves, Gimli · Author: annmarwalk · Races: Dwarves ·
ID: 155
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 12:38:20
Ah, humorous and poignant at the same time, we see Gimli's mother
fretting over the possible fate of her son on this quest of theirs!
This one is well, well worth the read as we look into the homelife of
Gimli son of Gloin.

A superb tale.

Title: Some Dark Place · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Adventure:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 226
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 12:44:53
Now we know how it was that Aragorn came to the wisdom concerning the
wraiths he speaks to the Hobbits. A marvelous gapfiller based on the
quote from the book--excellent use of tension.

Title: Holding onto Hope · Author: Alassante · Times: First Age and
Prior · ID: 368
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 17:29:02
Ah, the deathly pride of the sons of Feanor; at least Celebrimbor was
able to breach it.

Title: ...To the Edge of Night: Seven Tells of a Moment · Author: Elen
Kortirion · Races: Men: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 439
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 17:35:26
The feelings of seven who experienced Denethor sending his younger son
to retake Osgiliath in that movie moment. Each of the seven drabbles
is a gem in its own right.

Title: Starlit Memories · Author: Ellie · Genres: Romance: Second Age
or Earlier · ID: 510
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 17:40:52
Glorfindel has reason to rejoice, as he looks at rejoining his wife
and family after countless yeni of separation. Looking at the
starlight one can feel his joy.

Title: In the Bloody Cottage · Author: Soubrettina · Races: Men:
Eriador or Rivendell · ID: 581
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 17:53:08
Ah, it's been a time since I first read this one, as we see the birth
of Aragorn, necessarily by caesarian section, through Gilraen's eyes.
Poor but proud are the Dunedain, complete with goats and chickens.

Title: The princess from the sea : a Gondorian fairy-tale · Author:
Fawsley · Genres: Alternate Universe · ID: 652
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 18:00:25
Indeed a fairy tale as we see Finduilas coming from the small castle
by the sea that she shared with her brother to seek a marriage with
the Steward. Told in traditional threes, this is very sweetly done.

Title: Thyme is a great healer · Author: Tanaqui · Times: Fourth Age
and Beyond: Drabble · ID: 723
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 18:03:57
The presence and scent of herbs remind both Faramir and Sam, visiting
at last from the Shire, of those they've lost. It is said that the
sense of smell is closest to the old brain and can evoke the most
basic and intense of memories; certainly both these two find it so.


Title: Rain on the Downs · Author: Breon Briarwood · Races: Hobbits ·
ID: 794
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 18:10:38
A wonderful tale of childhood adventures, unfortunately one that
didn't happen as did the real one so many years later. But burned
fingers can teach a lesson.

Title: Night Terrors · Author: Tanaqui · Times: Mid Third Age: 2851 -
3017 TA: Drabble · ID: 752
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 18:15:39
Ah, if only all night terrors could be reduced to a mother intent on
seeing her child clean and being put to bed when the child would
gladly stay up but a time longer.

A sweet tale.

Title: Frodo's Thoughts - Boromir · Author: trikywun · Genres: Drama:
General Drabble · ID: 674
Reviewer: Llinos · 2007-12-13 18:19:03
This drabble brings up some interesting thoughts that I hadn't really
considered before in so much depth and does a good job of highlighting
Frodo's intelligence and compassion. Yes, we know that Frodo was
certainly concerned for his companions in regards to physical danger
but the depth of consideration he gives here to Boromir's possible
emotional and moral damage is well thought out.

It is clear that Frodo understands what is going on with Boromir, both
because he is intelligent and well-read and so understands the wider
political implications that Boromir must feel constrained to obey
despite his new oath and also, because of his compassion, the more
personal dilemma that the man of Gondor must wrestle with. Not to
mention his intimate knowledge of the strain that Boromir is under -
as Frodo himself must constantly struggle against the hold of the Ring
there is no one that could understand quite so well what is going on
in Boromir's mind.

Frodo's empathy is excellent in this and very true to his character. A
fine drabble!

Title: Charcoal, Stone and Cloud · Author: shadow975 · Races: Men ·
ID: 610
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 18:36:40
Did Aragorn reveal his past as Thorongil to Boromir during the journey
southwards? If so, I certainly hope it WAS like this!

Yea, Boromir has met the King to be Returned, and has at last
recognized an old friend.

Title: Shadows of the Past · Author: Marta · Genres: Drama: General
Drabble · ID: 331
Reviewer: Llinos · 2007-12-13 18:38:51
(Spoiler Alert)

I liked the style of this drabble and thought that it was well-done
and very effective written as it was in the first person. There is a
simple innocence and beauty in the descriptions of the gravesite,
beneath the willows and surrounded by sunflowers, that is perfect for
the River Folk.

It is also chilling though, as I felt myself wondering what Smeagol's
state of mind was like as he prepared the grave in tribute to his
friend; did he even truly realise, other than in a hidden part of his
already twisted mind, that he himself had killed Deagol? And how sad
that a place of beauty had to be used for such a purpose, meaning that
even the simple pleasure of the memory of the place is tainted. A
wonderful example of how the Ring corrupts everything.

Contrasting the golden ring of sunflowers with the evil and
unwholesome Ring was a nice touch. Well done Marta!

Title: Snare · Author: Ruby Nye · Times: Late Third Age: 3018-3022 TA
· ID: 539
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-13 18:41:24
How does one capture a ruffian for the purposes of the Thain? Pervinca
Took shows how it is done, as awful a job as it proves.

An excellent look at the courage and steadfastness of the best of

Title: The spaces between two silences · Author: illyria-pffyffin ·
Genres: Drama: With Aragorn · ID: 677
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-13 18:43:40
You portrayed Aragorn's and Arwen's love really well, especially how
Aragorn's experiences in Harad changed him and subsequently the way
she viewed him. I wouldn't have thought of it, but the way you wrote
it makes perfect sense. Good job!