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Msg# 8499

MEFA Reviews for December 18, 2007 (Part 1) Posted by Ann December 18, 2007 - 4:28:07 Topic ID# 8499
Title: The End of Dark Days · Author: annmarwalk/EdorasLass CoAuthors
· Genres: Drama: Minas Tirith · ID: 56
Reviewer: phyloxena · 2007-12-17 09:48:25
In first chapter, Nanny with her daughters arrives to the city and
meets Mag the cook. They are both rich, detailed and credible original
characters, and the devastation (or restoration) is very vivid through
their eyes. In second chapter Nanny learns about her family, and also
the terrible story of Denethor's end. In the third part, two old
friends finally have a chance to share stories, cry and gossip
together. I loved the cameo appearance of Aragorn, vaguely resemblig
somebody Mag knew long ago , the description of his ["slow cadenced
speech"]. Two mother hens (and also at least one of them
mother-figure) have every right to cry over Steward's sons and to
gossip about Faramir's personal affairs. ["He is not nine year old
anymore"] was a good reminder -- which, understandably, didn't work.
Mag's description of Eowyn immediately creates an image of a huge,
loud, man-like wench, and Nanny's reluctance is very understandable.

Title: Yours to command · Author: Lialathuveril · Genres: Romance:
With Rohirrim · ID: 129
Reviewer: phyloxena · 2007-12-17 09:58:35
Gripping story. Romance, adventure, intrigue, and action, too. From we
book we know only the name of Lothiriel, and Lia created very
interesting character. Of course, no one ever doubted Eomer.

Title: Mistaken Identities · Author: Greywing · Races: Elves · ID: 201
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-17 17:24:49
[mild spoilers]
This is truly hilarious. I'm quite fond of Greek mythology, and to
have that brought into Middle-earth (or rather, Middle-earth brought
into ancient Greece).... it's just priceless. I found myself chortling
at the thought of Thranduil-as-Bacchus -- that part was truly
inspired. Very nice work all around.

Title: Journeys to Harad · Author: Gwynnyd · Races: Men: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 502
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-17 19:42:39
In this ficlet Gwynnyd shows her skill at historical detail and
working in the pragmatic aspect of life in Middle-earth into her
stories. I really could see this happening, and the difference between
this second journey and the original canonical journey. It does a
really good job of characterizing the change in Aragorn's
circumstances. Aragorn fans won't want to miss this.

Title: Making Acquaintance · Author: Bodkin · Times: Mid Third Age:
2851 - 3017 TA · ID: 216
Reviewer: Inkling · 2007-12-17 19:43:06
A charming "first meeting" story in which Bodkin captures the
personalities of the three characters very nicely: a pragmatic,
protective Merry who musters his courage to face down a Big Person; a
reckless, impulsive Pippin who has no fear to conquer (perhaps because
he has already recognized said Big Person from Bilbo’s stories); and a
kind yet enigmatic Gandalf. I especially liked the hobbit's-eye-view
of the wizard, [enveloped in enough rather threadbare grey cloth to
dress a dozen hobbits, hairier than a sheep before shearing].

Another "chance" meeting that seems meant to be!

Title: Coda · Author: Imhiriel · Times: Second Age: Drabble · ID: 627
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2007-12-17 21:15:25
Warning upon warning, peril upon peril ... it seems that even elven
memory does not stop history repeating itself.

Title: Weary Beyond Joy Or Sorrow? · Author: Imhiriel · Times: Late
Third Age: 3018-3022 TA: Gondor Drabble · ID: 671
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2007-12-17 21:17:56
Poor Aragorn. Such a hollow victory - and without Mithrandir's endless
perspective to put the losses in place.

Title: By Sorrow Unawares · Author: Pearl Took · Races: Hobbits:
Gapfiller · ID: 254
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2007-12-17 21:23:26
Very nightmarish. Poor Pippin - this must have been about his lowest
point and his greatest feeling of guilt. Well - until Amon Hen,
anyway. And at least Gandalf came back. Very spooky.

Title: Dance of Desire · Author: Ellie · Genres: Humor: Children · ID: 405
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2007-12-17 21:26:08
This is a very sweet story - little Rumil fighting wars of the
imagination. At least his big brother is able to persuade their adar
of the cuteness of the action, even if playing with a real sword
probably isn't that good an idea.

And young males don't change! War games always have and always will
have their attraction for them. But I'm glad Rumil's efforts against
an army of orcs aren't real. Yet.

Title: A Time to Reap · Author: Linda hoyland · Genres: Adventure:
Incomplete · ID: 415
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2007-12-17 21:29:25
I am glad that Faramir and Aragorn are beginning to rebuild their
relationship - Faramir starting to overcome his guilt and Aragorn
coming to understand that his Steward's actions were noble rather than
treacherous. Of course, that comes with complications! But then -
that's probably a good thing. Neither of these two expects anything to
be easy!!

Title: Alone, Yourself and Nameless · Author: Pearl Took · Races:
Cross-Cultural: With Pippin · ID: 434
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2007-12-17 21:31:39
Pippin seems young and impulsive - but, every now and then - wham! He
will show deep thought - and considerable intelligence!

Some very interesting musing here!

Title: Matchmakers · Author: Pearl Took · Genres: Drama: With Merry ·
ID: 587
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2007-12-17 21:34:27
Delightful, Pearl. And these are just the kind of people who are
likely to be overlooked in the immediate aftermath of war, when just
finding non-leaking roofs and enough to eat are going to be the
priorities. And then, by the time official eyes turn towards the
adolescents, they will be criminalised.

It was a very good thing that Pippin was there and watching. Even if
it did anger Merry. (Who would have been right in the middle himself,
if only he had been told!)

Title: The Blessing · Author: Golden/Pearl Took CoAuthors · Genres:
Alternate Universe: Incomplete · ID: 235
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2007-12-17 22:14:10
I do like Parsow! He is definitely making a place for himself among
the great!

But I wish Aragorn had told more earlier... And he was still not
telling everything - healers never do ... the minimum information you
can get away with ... which could be a mistake, Strider! (Although I
daresay Parsow will pick up on anything. Hopefully. He has a trained
eye - but, when it comes to Pippin, Merry has a very, very honed sense
of anything being out of place.)

Poor Pippin. Poorer (in a way) Merry. I'm glad to see his cousin
recover enough to realise that he can still offer support to those
whom he loves. And to see Merry understand that Pippin's losses - and
almost losses (which can be worse) have made him grow.

Their problems aren't over. But they are coming to accommodate them. I

Title: Youngest Son · Author: Bodkin · Genres: Romance: Second Age or
Earlier · ID: 406
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-17 23:46:37
This is a fun romp -- I never thought much about these two characters,
but this is one fun version of how their relationship might have
started. I heartily enjoyed it.

Title: Exploring the Wild · Author: EdorasLass · Genres: Adventure:
Pre-Ring War · ID: 30
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-17 23:53:14
Ah, the joys of introducing small boy to the outdoors. Streams, trees,
and fox dens--and a fair amount of dirt. Wonderful look at the
building of two exceptional Men, and the premature nostalgia of those
who know the children will outgrow them one day.

Title: The Tides of the World · Author: Raksha the Demon · Times: Late
Third Age: 3018-3022 TA: Gondor · ID: 101
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 00:02:07
These tides have taken--but have left hope as well. The thought that
those who survived the battle are a kind of weregild for Halbarad is
so wonderful!

Seeing Aragorn offered hope of his own in spite of his grief and
exhaustion is always heartening.

Title: The Voices of Silence · Author: Rhapsody · Times: Multi-Age:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 172
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 00:28:47
In moments of silence, the members of the House of Feanor find their
thoughts filling in the void left.

Thoughtful piece. That of Celebrimbor and that spoken over Finrod's
body were those that meant to most to me.

Title: The hunt across Tirion · Author: Tinni · Genres: Poetry · ID: 607
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-18 01:53:40
This is a really clever look at the Feanorions in their youth. The
concept of crafted objects to look like living things was distinctly
Noldorin, and the whole poem had a lighthearted, refreshing quality. I
enjoyed it.

Title: The Tragedye of Leaflet, Prince of Mirkwood · Author: Jael ·
Genres: Humor: Parody · ID: 243
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 01:57:56
Ah, finally I've come to it! Hilarious treatment for the Bard, and one
case where I don't mind the slash references at all.

Bravo! Well, well worth it for the giggles! Enjoy!

Title: "A Cat Of A Different Color" · Author: Cathleen · Genres:
Mystery · ID: 385
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 02:04:00
When our Pippin wishes a story, Boromir is pleased to offer one to
him. It's a marvelous adaptation of the legends of Beruthiel and her
cats, with her tortoiseshell being given to the art of foretelling.

A wonderful tale within a tale.

Title: The Tides of the World · Author: Raksha the Demon · Times: Late
Third Age: 3018-3022 TA: Gondor · ID: 101
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-18 02:12:01
This little story has Aragorn pondering the aftermath of the battle of
the Pelennor. I like the description of Aragorn's exhaustion after the
battle and then a night of fighting the Black Breath, the way his
thoughts swirled through his head.

Title: No Harm Will Come of It · Author: Marigold · Times: Mid Third
Age: 2851 - 3017 TA: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 456
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 02:13:42
A series of gems having to do with the Gaffer's decision to allow Sam
to learn to read. Did those tales as Sam had read lead to him going
out on his adventure?

But the learning didn't stop with Sam....

Yes, indeed, a series of gems.

Title: Exploring the Wild · Author: EdorasLass · Genres: Adventure:
Pre-Ring War · ID: 30
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-18 02:14:21
This is a lovely little story about Boromir's and Faramir's first time
camping. Nanny is at first concerned and I can understand that,
Faramir is only 4 years old in this tale, but she lets them go. I
loved it that Denethor helped them put the tent up, and the Rangers he
charges with teaching his boys wilderness skills are a delight. I
think Edorasslass gets the characteristics of two young boys on their
first outing just right.

Title: Despair · Author: Silivren Tinu · Genres: Drama: The Fellowship
· ID: 171
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-18 02:17:54
This is a nice extension of the discussion between Boromir and Aragorn
in the movie about using the ring. I never knew how much Legolas and
Boromir have in common. The attempt of the ring to influence Legolas
was chilling. This piece brings the growing power and influence of the
ring to the surface and shows the danger the Fellowship faces from
within their group..

Title: A Tale of Elrond And Celebrían · Author: Nemis · Genres:
Romance · ID: 608
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-18 02:19:26
I started this story a bit tentatively because I very rarely read
novel-length stuff, but it had been recommended to me by a friend who
usually knows my likes very well. The reason I usually read shorter
stories is nothing against the genre; rather I read slow and have a
short attention span. But this story kept my attention remarkably
well, and I'm really blad I read it. Celeborn is one of my favorite
character, definitely my favorite elf, and he is the minor character
in this novel that really jumped out to me. Elrond's doubts and
hesitations created a nicely nuanced characterization. The passion
between him and Celebrian was touchingly told, but with a slow enough
build that I fell in love with them just as they fell in love with
each other.

What really kept me interested, though, is the thoroughly canonical
feel the whole story had. I can't remember one spot where it broke
with any canonical detail, and while I did not completely agree with
every characterization issue, these elves really and truly felt like
Tolkien's elves. This felt like stepping back into Tolkien, and it is
a story I've always wanted to read more of. Really, a pleasure to dive