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Msg# 8500
MEFA Reviews for December 18, 2007 (Part 2) Posted by Ann December 18, 2007 - 4:29:36 Topic ID# 8500Title: The Steward's Tale · Author: plasticChevy · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Incomplete · ID: 739
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-18 02:19:38
This is a sequel to [The Captain And The King]. I don't think you need
to read the first story, although it might help to get a better handle
on the OCs in this tale. In this Boromir!lives AU all is not well
after Sauron's fall. Enemies from within and without try to undermine
Aragorn's reign and Boromir's stewardship. Boromir and his loyal page
are sent in vivid descriptions of sound and smell through a horrible
ordeal, and the reader is on the edge of her seat to see how he can be
rescued. I refused to believe he would die ;-). I love the description
of the relationships in this story. Boromir has very close friendships
with Merry and Aragorn and Gil, his squire, an OC and a unique
relationship to Ugluk, his archenemy, another OC. I especially like
the description of his friendship with Aragorn who is torn between his
duty to Gondor and his friendship to Boromir.
Title: To Represent the Elves · Author: Nieriel Raina · Genres: Humor
· ID: 810
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-18 02:21:41
A lighthearted little story about the beginning of the friendship
between Pippin and Legolas. Pippin is his typical inquisitive self,
and I love it how he peppers Legolas with questions, only to be
silenced once he realizes how old Legolas, one of the youngest elves
in Mirkwood, really is.
Title: Sometime Ever After · Author: Dwimordene · Times: Fourth Age
and Beyond · ID: 363
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-18 02:22:50
In haunting dreams and nightmares Aragorn 'meets' Halbarad. I like the
transitions between the dreams scapes, the not quite knowing where and
when he is. Although Halbarad died in the battle on the Pelennor, it
seems as if he is still watching over Aragorn.
Title: Stone of the King · Author: Rowan · Races: Hobbits: Drabble ·
ID: 309
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-18 02:25:57
This is truly sad, but also very evocative and true to the story
Tolkien wrote. It also says a lot that Frodo can see this -- he's
every inch Bilbo's heir. Nice work.
Title: The Personification of Evil: The Corruption of Angband ·
Author: Aeode · Times: First Age and Prior · ID: 527
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 02:28:33
As do most who turn to evil, Melkor will not accept responsibility for
his own actions, but will blame Manwe and Nienna, hating Varda for
seeing his heart.
Nicely done, although it is obvious English is not the author's first
language. I wish I were as fluent in Spanish, however.
Title: Pippin's Little Experiment · Author: Budgielover · Races:
Cross-Cultural: With Pippin · ID: 291
Reviewer: Llinos · 2007-12-18 02:32:36
Budgie gets the hobbits into some very interesting situations and this
story is no exception. I could just see Merry's initial reaction and
subsequent panic. A fun read!
Title: Healing Lessons · Author: Pearl Took · Races: Cross-Cultural:
With Pippin · ID: 296
Reviewer: Llinos · 2007-12-18 02:38:24
There is a different and entertaining slant in this Cormallen story. I
enjoyed this portrayal of tender and practical Gimli and that he was
willing to share his knowledge for Pippin's sake.
Title: In Silence Remembered · Author: fantasyfan · Genres: Drama: The
Shire · ID: 598
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 02:39:02
This is a marvelous tale of the Battle of Bywater from the POV of one
of those who took part in it, one who saw his best mate killed beside
him. Perhaps more within the Shire understand what Frodo has
experienced than he realizes; but this one will never forget the
initial desire for revenge and the horrors of seeing the deaths of
friend and villains both.
An excellently done story of how battles can indelibly change those
who must take part in them.
Title: Shadowfax, Lord of all Horses · Author: grey_wonderer · Races:
Cross-Cultural: With Pippin · ID: 597
Reviewer: Llinos · 2007-12-18 03:09:17
I really enjoyed seeing Shadowfax interacting with the Fellowship in
such an intelligent way. But poor Pippin! A very funny tale and the
characterisatons of the hobbits were especially well done.
Title: Wind of Change · Author: Imhiriel · Genres: Crossover · ID: 669
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 03:11:14
Oh, to have Maglor there at that time, and to find him holding
grey-eyed, dark-haired twin boys in his arms once more. He might not
have spoken to the rest of the Berliners, but he certainly added to
their rejoicing!
Marvelous bringing ME into historical occasions!
Title: Dear · Author: Febobe (Frodo Baggins of Bag End) · Genres:
Drama: The Fellowship · ID: 811
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 03:23:51
The fair house in Middle Earth isn't home--but it's close enough for
Sam--almost. And the cooking brings back the thoughts of being
home--almost. Now, if Mr. Frodo would begin to recover....
Sam realizes all will never truly be the same.
Poignant, and marvelously well done.
Title: Living Tales · Author: pippinfan88 · Races: Hobbits: Post-Grey
Havens · ID: 806
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 03:50:15
Generation after generation has been caught up in the aftermath of the
tale of the Silmarils, as Sam and Frodo commented within LOTR. Now it
is Faramir Took who reads his father's words once uttered here in....
Marvelously thought out and crafted.
Title: Aragorn's Moment · Author: docmon · Races: Men: Eriador or
Rivendell · ID: 509
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-18 03:50:53
This is a nice glimpse at Aragorn on the eve of the Fellowship
departing Rivendell. All of Aragorn's thoughts seemed genuine. It's a
well-executed and convincing gapfiller - good work.
Title: Following the King · Author: sophinisba solis · Genres: Drama:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 735
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 04:01:52
To follow the King to the Black Gate is now the only way in which
Peregrin Took can help Frodo. But, if he's dead or under torture as
they've been told by Sauron's mouthpiece?
Yes, a wonderful means of working Aragorn's "For Frodo" from the movie
into the stories, as we see the King raise his standard--for Frodo"
and Peregrin Took seek to be as brave.
Title: The Wink of an Eye · Author: Linda hoyland · Times: Mid Third
Age: 2851 - 3017 TA: Drabble · ID: 664
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 04:04:09
What is it that Denethor has seen in the palantir? Fascinating way of
driving the Steward mad!
Title: The Weregild · Author: tyellas · Races: Dwarves · ID: 522
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 04:15:24
How marvelous to find such a Dwarf-fic! Bolin is convinced by his wife
Nili not to accept all the weregild offered by this stranger
Annatar--but the single ring has the feel of Dwarf-make to it; and it
begins to work on him almost immediately.
The manner in which the betrayal is carried out is most delicately yet
at the same time brutally described. Well recommended.
Title: The Northmen · Author: SheBit · Times: Fourth Age and Beyond:
Drabble · ID: 451
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 04:18:48
The northern Dunedain have been shaped by their environment, and do
not envy their southern kinsmen.
A rather sharp contrast of the two brotherhoods.
Title: Many Guises and Many Names · Author: Gandalfs apprentice ·
Times: Mid Third Age: 2851 - 3017 TA: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 380
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 04:27:40
This look at Aragorn across the years as shown in vignettes is very
poignant. Estel, Thorongil, Aragorn, Strider....
Title: Longing · Author: Larner · Times: Fourth Age and Beyond · ID: 468
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-12-18 04:29:09
[Warning - Plot Spoilers]
This vignette presents the intriguing possibility that Merry and
Pippin's postRingWar restlessness was caused by Sea Longing; and that
the Sea Longing was a side-effect of the lembas bread given them by
the Elves.
The elderly Pippin's conversation with his son Faramir is in-character
all the way, bittersweet and poignant. Pippin is traveling for the
last time; and the sorrow and frustration of Faramir is well-written.
Title: A Quadrabble for Sam · Author: agape4gondor · Genres: Drama:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 397
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 04:40:44
Even the most innocent comments can cause the memories to assail one.
And in Sam's case, of course, it has to do with both food and
gardening--and Frodo and Gollum.
Interesting treatment.
Title: A Long Road, There and Back · Author: Dana · Races: Hobbits:
Gapfiller · ID: 27
Reviewer: Elanor · 2007-12-18 04:45:42
This is a story of the Occupation, full of action and uncertainty and
hidden danger, but it is the inner voice of Celandine Brandybuck,
skillfully threaded through the suspenseful narrative, that makes it a
compelling read. Celandine--young, naive, and headstrong--is about to
be surprised by destiny, and it is going to bring her everything she
never knew she wanted!
Grave, insightful and sweetly romantic, this is a story rich in
characterizations, all of which (the villains and those offstage
included) are deftly drawn with quick and clever strokes by a writer
who intuitively understands what it takes to transform a simple story
into a special one.
Dana's stories are always thoughtful, plumbing emotional depths with
respectful intensity, and her characters are unerringly
multi-dimensional. Celandine Brandybuck, as rendered here, is
memorable as well!
Title: The Minstrel to the War Is Gone · Author: Pentangle · Races:
Elves: With Mirkwood Elves · ID: 813
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-12-18 04:48:02
Good characterisation of Lindir and also Glorfindel, as well as action
and a heckuva lot of suspense. I applaud the writer for resisting the
temptation to prolong the scenes of torment and pain, and make the
story only as long as it needed to be. Good use of folk songs and
Elvish myth-motifs.
Title: Salt · Author: Dawn Felagund · Times: First Age and Prior · ID: 743
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2007-12-18 04:58:31
"Salt" is a demanding tale and an angst-ridden one, at that. Dawn
Felagund's remarkably evocative style drops you deep into the
viewpoint of Caranthir, the "strangest" (by his own admission) of
Feanor's brood of strange sons. The result is a stark, almost gothic
presence, especially the sections where Dawn presents the reason for
Caranthir's lack of emotion--his stubborn refusal as a child to
contribute his tears to the vial that his mother Nerdanel wears upon
her neck. As a full-grown elf, Caranthir sheds not a tear in sadness
but instead tastes salt on his lips.
I recommend "Salt" to readers with a good working knowledge of the
"Silmarillion. People with this background will certainly enjoy how
Caranthir views such iconic moments as growing up in Aman, the kin
slaying, and the sons of Feanor's attempt to steal the last remaining
Title: Taking Leave · Author: Soubrettina · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond: Gondor or Rohan · ID: 326
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 05:01:55
When the time comes, Eowyn manages it in her own way, stubbornly
making certain all goes properly, dealing with the conditions and the
love and the fear and impending loss as only she can.
And Aragorn watches several he loves dealing with the grief as well,
knowing that all too soon he must also face what Eowyn faces now.
Have a tissue ready--but do read it.
Title: Capturing the Moonlight · Author: Rhapsody · Genres: Romance:
Second Age or Earlier · ID: 279
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2007-12-18 05:11:16
"Capturing the Moonlight" is a lovely piece of erotica, and therefore
for the over 18 set. I thought it was nicely done, not too mushy or
full of cliches as these pieces sometimes are. Melian of Doriath and
Beleg Strongbow enjoy a surprising encounter, as all Beleg has
requested from Melian is a bit of innocent knowledge.
Universe: Incomplete · ID: 739
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-18 02:19:38
This is a sequel to [The Captain And The King]. I don't think you need
to read the first story, although it might help to get a better handle
on the OCs in this tale. In this Boromir!lives AU all is not well
after Sauron's fall. Enemies from within and without try to undermine
Aragorn's reign and Boromir's stewardship. Boromir and his loyal page
are sent in vivid descriptions of sound and smell through a horrible
ordeal, and the reader is on the edge of her seat to see how he can be
rescued. I refused to believe he would die ;-). I love the description
of the relationships in this story. Boromir has very close friendships
with Merry and Aragorn and Gil, his squire, an OC and a unique
relationship to Ugluk, his archenemy, another OC. I especially like
the description of his friendship with Aragorn who is torn between his
duty to Gondor and his friendship to Boromir.
Title: To Represent the Elves · Author: Nieriel Raina · Genres: Humor
· ID: 810
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-18 02:21:41
A lighthearted little story about the beginning of the friendship
between Pippin and Legolas. Pippin is his typical inquisitive self,
and I love it how he peppers Legolas with questions, only to be
silenced once he realizes how old Legolas, one of the youngest elves
in Mirkwood, really is.
Title: Sometime Ever After · Author: Dwimordene · Times: Fourth Age
and Beyond · ID: 363
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-18 02:22:50
In haunting dreams and nightmares Aragorn 'meets' Halbarad. I like the
transitions between the dreams scapes, the not quite knowing where and
when he is. Although Halbarad died in the battle on the Pelennor, it
seems as if he is still watching over Aragorn.
Title: Stone of the King · Author: Rowan · Races: Hobbits: Drabble ·
ID: 309
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-18 02:25:57
This is truly sad, but also very evocative and true to the story
Tolkien wrote. It also says a lot that Frodo can see this -- he's
every inch Bilbo's heir. Nice work.
Title: The Personification of Evil: The Corruption of Angband ·
Author: Aeode · Times: First Age and Prior · ID: 527
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 02:28:33
As do most who turn to evil, Melkor will not accept responsibility for
his own actions, but will blame Manwe and Nienna, hating Varda for
seeing his heart.
Nicely done, although it is obvious English is not the author's first
language. I wish I were as fluent in Spanish, however.
Title: Pippin's Little Experiment · Author: Budgielover · Races:
Cross-Cultural: With Pippin · ID: 291
Reviewer: Llinos · 2007-12-18 02:32:36
Budgie gets the hobbits into some very interesting situations and this
story is no exception. I could just see Merry's initial reaction and
subsequent panic. A fun read!
Title: Healing Lessons · Author: Pearl Took · Races: Cross-Cultural:
With Pippin · ID: 296
Reviewer: Llinos · 2007-12-18 02:38:24
There is a different and entertaining slant in this Cormallen story. I
enjoyed this portrayal of tender and practical Gimli and that he was
willing to share his knowledge for Pippin's sake.
Title: In Silence Remembered · Author: fantasyfan · Genres: Drama: The
Shire · ID: 598
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 02:39:02
This is a marvelous tale of the Battle of Bywater from the POV of one
of those who took part in it, one who saw his best mate killed beside
him. Perhaps more within the Shire understand what Frodo has
experienced than he realizes; but this one will never forget the
initial desire for revenge and the horrors of seeing the deaths of
friend and villains both.
An excellently done story of how battles can indelibly change those
who must take part in them.
Title: Shadowfax, Lord of all Horses · Author: grey_wonderer · Races:
Cross-Cultural: With Pippin · ID: 597
Reviewer: Llinos · 2007-12-18 03:09:17
I really enjoyed seeing Shadowfax interacting with the Fellowship in
such an intelligent way. But poor Pippin! A very funny tale and the
characterisatons of the hobbits were especially well done.
Title: Wind of Change · Author: Imhiriel · Genres: Crossover · ID: 669
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 03:11:14
Oh, to have Maglor there at that time, and to find him holding
grey-eyed, dark-haired twin boys in his arms once more. He might not
have spoken to the rest of the Berliners, but he certainly added to
their rejoicing!
Marvelous bringing ME into historical occasions!
Title: Dear · Author: Febobe (Frodo Baggins of Bag End) · Genres:
Drama: The Fellowship · ID: 811
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 03:23:51
The fair house in Middle Earth isn't home--but it's close enough for
Sam--almost. And the cooking brings back the thoughts of being
home--almost. Now, if Mr. Frodo would begin to recover....
Sam realizes all will never truly be the same.
Poignant, and marvelously well done.
Title: Living Tales · Author: pippinfan88 · Races: Hobbits: Post-Grey
Havens · ID: 806
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 03:50:15
Generation after generation has been caught up in the aftermath of the
tale of the Silmarils, as Sam and Frodo commented within LOTR. Now it
is Faramir Took who reads his father's words once uttered here in....
Marvelously thought out and crafted.
Title: Aragorn's Moment · Author: docmon · Races: Men: Eriador or
Rivendell · ID: 509
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-18 03:50:53
This is a nice glimpse at Aragorn on the eve of the Fellowship
departing Rivendell. All of Aragorn's thoughts seemed genuine. It's a
well-executed and convincing gapfiller - good work.
Title: Following the King · Author: sophinisba solis · Genres: Drama:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 735
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 04:01:52
To follow the King to the Black Gate is now the only way in which
Peregrin Took can help Frodo. But, if he's dead or under torture as
they've been told by Sauron's mouthpiece?
Yes, a wonderful means of working Aragorn's "For Frodo" from the movie
into the stories, as we see the King raise his standard--for Frodo"
and Peregrin Took seek to be as brave.
Title: The Wink of an Eye · Author: Linda hoyland · Times: Mid Third
Age: 2851 - 3017 TA: Drabble · ID: 664
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 04:04:09
What is it that Denethor has seen in the palantir? Fascinating way of
driving the Steward mad!
Title: The Weregild · Author: tyellas · Races: Dwarves · ID: 522
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 04:15:24
How marvelous to find such a Dwarf-fic! Bolin is convinced by his wife
Nili not to accept all the weregild offered by this stranger
Annatar--but the single ring has the feel of Dwarf-make to it; and it
begins to work on him almost immediately.
The manner in which the betrayal is carried out is most delicately yet
at the same time brutally described. Well recommended.
Title: The Northmen · Author: SheBit · Times: Fourth Age and Beyond:
Drabble · ID: 451
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 04:18:48
The northern Dunedain have been shaped by their environment, and do
not envy their southern kinsmen.
A rather sharp contrast of the two brotherhoods.
Title: Many Guises and Many Names · Author: Gandalfs apprentice ·
Times: Mid Third Age: 2851 - 3017 TA: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 380
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 04:27:40
This look at Aragorn across the years as shown in vignettes is very
poignant. Estel, Thorongil, Aragorn, Strider....
Title: Longing · Author: Larner · Times: Fourth Age and Beyond · ID: 468
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-12-18 04:29:09
[Warning - Plot Spoilers]
This vignette presents the intriguing possibility that Merry and
Pippin's postRingWar restlessness was caused by Sea Longing; and that
the Sea Longing was a side-effect of the lembas bread given them by
the Elves.
The elderly Pippin's conversation with his son Faramir is in-character
all the way, bittersweet and poignant. Pippin is traveling for the
last time; and the sorrow and frustration of Faramir is well-written.
Title: A Quadrabble for Sam · Author: agape4gondor · Genres: Drama:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 397
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 04:40:44
Even the most innocent comments can cause the memories to assail one.
And in Sam's case, of course, it has to do with both food and
gardening--and Frodo and Gollum.
Interesting treatment.
Title: A Long Road, There and Back · Author: Dana · Races: Hobbits:
Gapfiller · ID: 27
Reviewer: Elanor · 2007-12-18 04:45:42
This is a story of the Occupation, full of action and uncertainty and
hidden danger, but it is the inner voice of Celandine Brandybuck,
skillfully threaded through the suspenseful narrative, that makes it a
compelling read. Celandine--young, naive, and headstrong--is about to
be surprised by destiny, and it is going to bring her everything she
never knew she wanted!
Grave, insightful and sweetly romantic, this is a story rich in
characterizations, all of which (the villains and those offstage
included) are deftly drawn with quick and clever strokes by a writer
who intuitively understands what it takes to transform a simple story
into a special one.
Dana's stories are always thoughtful, plumbing emotional depths with
respectful intensity, and her characters are unerringly
multi-dimensional. Celandine Brandybuck, as rendered here, is
memorable as well!
Title: The Minstrel to the War Is Gone · Author: Pentangle · Races:
Elves: With Mirkwood Elves · ID: 813
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2007-12-18 04:48:02
Good characterisation of Lindir and also Glorfindel, as well as action
and a heckuva lot of suspense. I applaud the writer for resisting the
temptation to prolong the scenes of torment and pain, and make the
story only as long as it needed to be. Good use of folk songs and
Elvish myth-motifs.
Title: Salt · Author: Dawn Felagund · Times: First Age and Prior · ID: 743
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2007-12-18 04:58:31
"Salt" is a demanding tale and an angst-ridden one, at that. Dawn
Felagund's remarkably evocative style drops you deep into the
viewpoint of Caranthir, the "strangest" (by his own admission) of
Feanor's brood of strange sons. The result is a stark, almost gothic
presence, especially the sections where Dawn presents the reason for
Caranthir's lack of emotion--his stubborn refusal as a child to
contribute his tears to the vial that his mother Nerdanel wears upon
her neck. As a full-grown elf, Caranthir sheds not a tear in sadness
but instead tastes salt on his lips.
I recommend "Salt" to readers with a good working knowledge of the
"Silmarillion. People with this background will certainly enjoy how
Caranthir views such iconic moments as growing up in Aman, the kin
slaying, and the sons of Feanor's attempt to steal the last remaining
Title: Taking Leave · Author: Soubrettina · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond: Gondor or Rohan · ID: 326
Reviewer: Larner · 2007-12-18 05:01:55
When the time comes, Eowyn manages it in her own way, stubbornly
making certain all goes properly, dealing with the conditions and the
love and the fear and impending loss as only she can.
And Aragorn watches several he loves dealing with the grief as well,
knowing that all too soon he must also face what Eowyn faces now.
Have a tissue ready--but do read it.
Title: Capturing the Moonlight · Author: Rhapsody · Genres: Romance:
Second Age or Earlier · ID: 279
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2007-12-18 05:11:16
"Capturing the Moonlight" is a lovely piece of erotica, and therefore
for the over 18 set. I thought it was nicely done, not too mushy or
full of cliches as these pieces sometimes are. Melian of Doriath and
Beleg Strongbow enjoy a surprising encounter, as all Beleg has
requested from Melian is a bit of innocent knowledge.
If you have any questions about the archive, or would like to report a technical problem, please contact Aranel (former MEFA Tech Support and current Keeper of the Archive) at or at the MEFA Archive group..