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Msg# 8505

MEFA Reviews for December 21, 2007 (Part 1) Posted by Ann December 21, 2007 - 5:25:31 Topic ID# 8505
itle: At The Foot of the Sarn Gebir · Author: Rabidsamfan · Times:
Late Third Age: 3018-3022 TA · ID: 787
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-20 17:08:59
The recipes reminded me of the few "all-day breakfasts" I had while on
study abroad in the U.K., which made the piece feel nicely British.
But more than that, this is a nice character moment for Sam. I'm sure
he needed rejuvenation just as much as anyone else (and more than
some), and I can see a few hours focusing on the simple stress of
preparing a meal would be good for him. Nicely told.

Title: Drawn With Love · Author: MerryK · Genres: Drama: Youth · ID: 569
Reviewer: Llinos · 2007-12-20 19:09:40
This is a lovely character study of Boromir as a youth. I found his
care and devotion of Faramir, looking out for his small brother's
happiness and well-being, to be very believable. It was very nice to
see that Denthor was touched as well, showing a side to him far less
cold than he comes across as being in later years.

Title: Dawning Hope · Author: Radbooks · Genres: Drama: Youth · ID: 498
Reviewer: Llinos · 2007-12-20 19:15:41
I thought that this story captured the characters of Eomer and Eowyn
very well as children. The were clearly recognisable as youthful
versions of the adults that they would become. I was glad that they
would clearly have a happy childhood with Theodred and Theoden and be
well cared for, despite the loss of their parents and first home.

Title: Day and Night · Author: Peredhil lover · Genres: Drama: Youth ·
ID: 190
Reviewer: Llinos · 2007-12-20 19:19:43
An enjoyable and exciting coming-of-age story, well told and with good
detail. I enjoyed the interaction between the characters very much. In
particular I enjoyed the characterisation of Glorfindel - his
personality was richly layered and well-thought out.

Title: Jewel · Author: Aranel Took · Genres: Romance: Drabble · ID: 325
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-20 19:47:26
Very Dwarven! I can see young dwarves in life evaluating potential
lovers in just this way. Nicely done, Aranel.

Title: Blackest Fate · Author: Branwyn · Times: Mid Third Age: 2851 -
3017 TA: Drabble · ID: 476
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-20 20:00:24
You really climbed into the headspace of those horses, making me think
about characters that I'd never thought about before. They really are
tragic in their own way, when you put it like this.

Title: Blooded · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Drama: Youth · ID: 3
Reviewer: Llinos · 2007-12-20 22:07:13
Faramir really shows his nobility in this story. What a terrible
situation for any young man to face but Faramir is clearly strong
enough to do what he must and has the strength of character to
maintain his morality.

Title: In The Shadows I Wait · Author: Pentangle · Genres: Drama:
Youth · ID: 248
Reviewer: Llinos · 2007-12-20 22:10:50
A very interesting character study about a very interesting
*character*! It seemed very fitting to me that these two should be
together, and with Elrond's blessing.

Title: Regrets and Consolations · Author: Mews1945 · Genres: Drama:
Youth · ID: 430
Reviewer: Llinos · 2007-12-20 22:15:22
The descriptions of little Merry are just lovely; the author has
really brought him especially to life in this story. Esmeralda's fear
was one every mother has faced at one time or another and was very
believable. I liked the industry of the hobbits, everyone with a task
to do. An enjoyable story all round.

Title: Hossis · Author: Fawsley · Genres: Drama: Youth · ID: 520
Reviewer: Llinos · 2007-12-20 22:19:00
I liked the anonimity in the beginning of this story. The little boy
was a delight. This story relates an excellent example of how lives
can change in the blink of an eye.

Title: Too Many Adverbs · Author: Branwyn · Genres: Humor: Drabble ·
ID: 660
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2007-12-21 00:57:42
Branwyn, I think this story is directed at me, who cringes at J.K.
Rowling's bizarre (to me) use of adverbs. As a technical writer who
sometimes uses adverbs incorrectly (just ask my editors), I double (or
doubly) appreciated this little drabble.

Title: Gifts · Author: Acacea · Genres: Humor: Other Fixed-Length
Ficlet · ID: 500
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2007-12-21 01:03:37
Proud papa Denethor and single digit Faramir who can't keep toys out
of his mouth are the stars here.The ficlet is cute and seamlessly
illustrates the Steward's opinion of wizards.

Title: Pest Control · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Cross-Cultural: Drabble
· ID: 697
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2007-12-21 01:09:07
I gasped at the end of this drabble. I've never imagined the Entwives
to be vengeful or hasty, but I certainly liked Tanaqui's portrayal of

Title: The Rose in the Courtyard · Author: claudia6032000 · Races:
Cross-Cultural: The Fellowship · ID: 560
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2007-12-21 01:29:46
"The Rose in the Courtyard" is the first story that I've read that
fills a rather tricky gap. In the Houses of Healing, a contrite
Ithilien Ranger apologies to Frodo for rough treatment, while Frodo
appreciates the maimed soldier's sacrifice at the Black Gate. I
especially enjoyed the healing aspects of this story.

Title: Counsel · Author: Alassiel · Races: Cross-Cultural: Gondor ·
ID: 292
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-21 01:47:53
Aragorn has an unusual visitor in the night before his coronation. I
like the ideas and the concept of kingship laid down by Aragorn's
visitor and even if Aragorn is not sure he is up to the task, I have
every confidence that he is.

Title: Fading Embers · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races: Elves:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 760
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-21 01:48:15
Nerdanel has always struck me as a tragic figure, the one who was left
behind to wait for news, and you captured her well here. I actually
had tears in my eyes at more than one point.

Title: The Dancer · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Drama: Minas Tirith ·
ID: 150
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-21 01:48:28
This is a side of Denethor I have never seen described. Although it is
heartbreaking to watch the heart of the lady being broken. She was
very patient to wait for him so long and then when she found joy in
her marriage (four children must account for a reasonable happy
marriage, right?) all this is taken away from her, too. This tale
makes me want to weep.

Title: Rohan's Future · Author: Madeleine · Genres: Humor: Gondor or
Rohan · ID: 79
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-21 01:51:33
Amrothos is left in charge of the children of Eomer and Lothiriel
while the parents are away. All that have read Madeleine's other
stories know that you could question Eomer's sanity for leaving the
kids in his brother-in-law's care. The children give their uncle
Amrothos a hard time and after putting their tutor out of commission,
Amrothos has a brilliant (or maybe not so brilliant) idea to keep them

The children fit right into Madeleine's cast of characters with their
quirks. They are true children of Eomer and Lothiriel and have a lot
in common with their uncle when it comes to harebrained ideas. I love
the way Eomer and Lothiriel deal with the culprits when they come
back. They know exactly what questions to ask to get to the bottom of
several pranks the kids played intentionally and unintentionally.

Title: Seeking to Please · Author: Gwynnyd · Genres: Romance: Pre-Ring
War · ID: 193
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-21 01:54:03
I forgot all about this little ficlet, and you wrote it for me :(. I
still love this. Elrohir as matchmaker is priceless. I especially like
his comments to the actual scene playing out in front of him.

Aragorn really knows how to take his lady. Elrohir might have provided
the opportunity, but he takes full advantage of it. I love the way
Aragorn is picking up more and more of her sticks, the more Arwen
loses her imperturbability and her aloofness. I don't think any man
would have been able to fluster Arwen like this, not if she wasn't
affected by his charm and personality. I love the way you show
Aragorn's growth from the youth Arwen knew to the mature man, who
still can be lighthearted. Aragorn is very clever to tell Arwen the
truth by denying an infatuation to deflect from his real deep love.

Title: Lord Námo's Yule Gift · Author: Fiondil · Genres: Humor · ID: 335
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-21 02:00:06

This is a warmhearted, delightful piece. Merry and Pippin, just by
being themselves, liven up the Halls of Waiting. If the Halls are
[being tastefully low-key, a place for quiet reflection], I can see
that they are not really a place for these two hobbits. Their wish to
celebrate Yule seems to me to bring a fresh wind into the Halls, and
obviously the other Vala agree. I love the interaction of the two
hobbits with Namo and through him their impact on the other Vala. That
Olorin doesn't want to go to the Halls of Waiting so as not to have to
see his mortal friends leaving again I found very touching.

Title: She Watches · Author: Larner · Races: Hobbits: Gapfiller · ID: 640
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-21 02:00:18
This is a touching look at Sam. I can easily see these two sides of
him nearly pulling him apart. Well told, Larner.

Title: If I Keep You Beside Me · Author: sophinisba solis · Races:
Cross-Cultural: With Pippin · ID: 548
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-21 02:03:33
This is a lovely little story. It brings into sharp relief the
differences between hobbits and men. Although, Denethor at the end and
Boromir before he succumbed to the ring might not be the best examples
of their species. I loved it how the same basic beginning of a story
leads to different conclusions for hobbits and men.

Title: The Far Corner of the Garden · Author: annmarwalk · Genres:
Drama: Ithilien · ID: 554
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2007-12-21 02:06:24
The moments before I fall asleep set my imagination free and that is
obviously true also for Eowyn. Her dream garden comes across in vivid
pictures. I wish I could have a garden like this.

Title: In Aragorn's Safekeeping: Life in the King's House · Author:
Radbooks · Genres: Alternate Universe: Incomplete · ID: 416
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2007-12-21 02:44:52
This is a pleasant addendum to the original story, where two
teenagers, Thomas and Rebecca, find themselves in Middle-earth and
become embroiled in the events chronicled in “The Lord of the Rings”.
What is unusual about all this is that these young people have no
knowledge of Middle-earth or the War of the Ring for they come from a
time prior to the publication of Tolkien’s famous book. Thus, they do
not attempt to “change history” or anything, being as ignorant of
future events pertaining to the war as any of the Fellowship, although
their presence does affect the outcome of some people’s fates that
diverge from what we know.

In this “Epilogue” we see the two young people continuing to adjust to
their new circumstances, not only in trying to “blend in” but also in
learning what it means to be the king’s wards. They must not only
learn to accept that they will never return to their own time and
place but must also learn to accept the sometimes strict circumstances
of their lives as royal wards, with all the rights and
responsibilities that go with their new status. Yet, in spite of all
this, they do adapt and some of the most poignant scenes are their
attempts to introduce some of their own traditions of Thanksgiving and
Christmas into their new lives. Aragorn and Arwen are especially
understanding and encourage them not to give up all of their cherished
traditions or forget their loved ones. At the same time, it was good
to see these two children, both of whom lost their own fathers when
they were young, calling Aragorn “adar”.

Radbooks writes a convincing tale of what it might mean for someone to
lose all they’ve ever known and be forced to adjust to a new way of
living and being. Thomas and Rebecca are endearing characters and the
canon characters, especially Aragorn, are well-rounded and nicely
drawn. You get the feeling that whatever happens, Thomas and Rebecca
will indeed be well in Aragorn’s safekeeping.

Title: A Little Knowledge Can Be A Dangerous Thing · Author: Tanaqui ·
Races: Men: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 352
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-21 02:50:56
[mild spoilers]

I remember when this author was writing "The Influence of Kindred
Desires," discussing her idea that Faramir would give his father's
library to the Rohirrim. There are a lot of similarities between this
drabble series and that longer piece, the most meaningful one (to me
at least) being the way Faramir relates to books as gift. I love how
the author affectively gets across just how rare and expensive books
would have been, and the emotional connection invested in giving the
books. In a way it is not just a gift of an object; it is a forging of
a deep connection between the gifter and giftee. Faramir and Arwen
would have to have gotten along well, and this is an interesting look
at how that friendship might have begun. And I loved the references to
"Paying the Price" - I quite agree on Aragorn's thoughts on the
scratchy shirts.