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Msg# 8512
MEFA Reviews for December 24, 2007 (Part 1) Posted by Ann December 24, 2007 - 5:19:34 Topic ID# 8512Title: The Love of Lore · Author: Oshun · Races: Men: Gondor · ID: 271
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2007-12-22 19:59:58
[this review might contain spoilers]
This drabble set was such a delight to read! Even though the emphasis
lies on Faramir, I love the way how Oshun shed light on the minor
characters, placing delicate touches here and there, giving this
series such a complete feel. For example, I love Boromir's reaction,
often portrayed as the warrior and leader, but Oshun portrays him just
more than that. It just feels that the love for books and knowledge is
passed on to the other like a baton: from Imrahil to Boromir, from
Boromir to Faramir and of course from Faramir into his son. The second
drabble conveys the depth of a friendship between Eowyn and Arwen
(when I read [Black hair mingled with gold] I had to think immediately
of Faramir proposing to Eowyn and thusly changing her life), another
detail I loved in this piece. Greatly drabbled!
Title: A Time to Reap · Author: Linda hoyland · Genres: Adventure:
Incomplete · ID: 415
Reviewer: juliaaurelia · 2007-12-22 20:10:44
This is the fourth in this author's series of longer fics, a work
still in progress. It takes up from where the previous story, Web of
Treason, leaves off, and sends Aragorn and Faramir off on a camping
trip into the Gondorian woods to try to renew their relationship,
which was left deeply fractured at the end of Web of Treason. This
motif reminds of one used often by Shakespeare, where the pastoral is
seen as place of healing and safety, in contrast to the evils of city
life. Aragorn and Faramir have a tought row to hoe in order to restore
their friendship, and with characterstic skill, the author begins to
take them through this journey. The ladies are not forgotten, as it is
at the behest of Arwen and Eowyn that the King and Steward even
attempt the journey. The author continues to throw in interesting new
OC's, as well as utilizing those that she has already created. The
reader gets a glimpse of village life in Gondor, as Aragorn and
Faramir must work during the harvest in order to keep their identities
secret. A challenge for the heroes lurks in the form of a giant
spider, one of Shelob's escaped young, and Aragorn must put on his
healer's mode again, after disgarding it so emphatically in Web of
Treason, in order to help both the villagers and his Steward recover
from the Spider's bites. Altogether a very arresting fic, one that
promises a satfisying ending to the various conflicts and questions
Title: The Handmaiden's Rainbow · Author: Isil Elensar · Races: Elves:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 238
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2007-12-22 20:14:16
This drabble series features a strongly written original character
that is driven by the pride a Noldo takes in its craft. With
determination and great skill, this ofc could rival with the Noldor
smiths in her drive to find perfection in her dyes. In a short span of
work, Isil puts down a rounded character: strong willed, driven to
create something so beautiful and not willing to stick within the
conventions of what is proper. Besides this strong characterisation, I
really appreciated the thought Isil put into using the colours of the
rainbow and the purpose the cloth might have later on. On top of that,
she adds the cultural aspects of Lorien court life to the mix, not
overly done, but just enough to add a bit of conflict to the series as
Calendiel rises up in the ranks her own way. This series simply
sparkles off the screen and could with small changes very muchly stand
on its own.
Title: A Pirate's Life for Me! · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races:
Men: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 438
Reviewer: juliaaurelia · 2007-12-22 20:17:21
Pirates? Did someone say Pirates, mate? I love pirate stories, drinks
all around, savvy! Well, after the monumental piece of filmaking dreck
that was Pirates of the Carribbean Part III, it was refreshing to come
and read these delightful ficlets, which, unlike the movie, had humor,
shivery goodness, and coherent plot and character. The author deserves
an extra bottle of rum for these yarns!
Title: A Mother's Touch · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Humor:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 44
Reviewer: juliaaurelia · 2007-12-22 20:20:40
Aw, little Smauggy is just so gosh-darned cute in this one, it makes
you forget you are reading about a ferocious beast and his mommy. Good
Tolkieny language in this one too.
Title: Better Days Ahead · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Humor:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 51
Reviewer: juliaaurelia · 2007-12-22 20:24:59
Captain Shagrat, motivational leader and speachifyer extraordinaire!
The Uruks are scary in this, but it's so well-written that you
almost--almost--wish them suggest. An excellent ficlet with a humorous
point of view from the dark side.
Title: The Road to Recovery · Author: Isil Elensar · Races: Elves ·
ID: 241
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2007-12-22 20:48:41
One can wonder how it was possible that Amrod managed to live up to
his father’s oath as much as possible, especially after the first
losses of his brothers. Isil has written a lovely drabble series
evolving around her pairing and clearly illustrates with the themes of
the senses how he managed to, well stay alive despite these dark and
uncertain times. There is despair, love, madness, pain, grief in his
words, thoughts and actions, but oh the last drabble shows the pain
that those who know that one day, they will loose what they love the
most. The ofc in this story knows that one day she will not be able to
restrain him and with this realisation, a parallel is drawn between
Feänor and Nerdanel. The drabbles smoothly flow into the other, but
the author leaves it up to the reader how much time has passed and in
a skilful manner indirectly tells so much more than those 100 or 200
words can say. Greatly written and I loved to read it again!
Title: Bitter · Author: vladazhael · Genres: Drama: General Drabble ·
ID: 173
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2007-12-22 20:56:48
I can’t help to think that the striving for perfection of Maedhros is
mingled with his bitterness. This drabble gives me a strong visual, I
can see Maedhros standing there, feeling angry about all that has
happened so far, they ended up without their instigator. Great job
dad, and now we’re stuck with this and I can fix it. Besides the
severe consequences of the oath at itself, Fëanor indeed leaves legacy
that completely is messed up and would turn every warlord [bitter]
indeed. This is very strongly drabbled!
Title: Tales of the Innkeeper · Author: Allee · Genres: Drama:
Incomplete · ID: 237
Reviewer: Doc Bushwell · 2007-12-22 21:02:18
As a relative neophyte in Tolkien fan fic, I have been surprised to
encounter those who object strenuously to original characters (OC).
This is a midguided tenet in my opinion. Some of the best stories I
have encountered in the past year of reading JRRT flavored fiction use
OCs to wonderful effect. [Tales of the Innkeeper] falls solidly in
that category.
Allee's OC is an engaging fellow. He's an archetype whose folksy,
practical wisdom sees into the character of the new regent of the
Reunited Kingdom. The author's style is appealing to me as well - nice
balance of description, action and dialog. I'm kind of a
post-modernist so I'm typically not keen on rustic vernacular, but
Allee's innkeeper's voice is very well exectuted - his "salt of the
earth" speech is perfectly natural and never grating.
I now check HASA regularly to see if Allee has added another chapter
to "Tale of the Innkeeper."
Title: Of Dragons and Manicures · Author: Llinos · Genres: Humor · ID: 714
Reviewer: Aranel Took · 2007-12-22 21:45:53
A very cute and funny story! I love how Frodo knows how to approach a
dragon [("Shhh!")] and the descriptions of Frodo and Sam [("finder of
spectacles misplaced", "nemesis of weeds")], Frodo's dramatic
proclamation of ["I am a manicurist"] *heehee*, and Sam's ["and he'll
give you a manicure you'll never forget!"]. They use the vanity of
dragons against Spangla to trap her and get away with the treasure,
leaving behind a very unhappy dragon [("You'll get no reference from
me!")]. And of course it all ends up being a wild story from Bilbo,
told to the hobbit children, which seems to be just the sort of story
Bilbo would tell. I also like how the ending hints at things to come,
of Frodo proving his bravery, of resourceful Sam being there to help,
and of Merry and Pippin joining in the adventure.
Title: Merry's Wedding · Author: Larner · Races: Hobbits: Pre-Quest ·
ID: 84
Reviewer: Aranel Took · 2007-12-22 22:10:27
A very sweet story--bittersweet at the end, because Frodo couldn't be
there for Merry's "second" wedding. It seems to be just the thing
young hobbits would do, pretending to have a wedding. And I love the
advice that Rory gives to Frodo: ["Why, even we adults play at times,
you realizeâ€"we have to, or we’d die of solemnity."] So very true!
Title: Thinking of Marigold · Author: grey_wonderer · Genres: Humor ·
ID: 349
Reviewer: Aranel Took · 2007-12-22 22:23:42
A hilarious story. I knew there was more to naked, frolicking hobbits
than Tolkien let on. ;-) I love the "guy talk", and how Pippin's
musings on a certain Marigold lead to the development of a problem for
him. *snicker* And Sam was remarkably good-natured about Pippin's
infatuation with Marigold (luckily for Pippin)! I love the euphemisms
at the end: ["Lower the sails on the good ship Peregrin, Pip! I think
Tom's here!"] Very funny story!
Title: More than Meets the Eye · Author: Dadgad · Genres: Humor: The
Shire or Buckland · ID: 128
Reviewer: Aranel Took · 2007-12-22 22:56:42
I love how the story of the brave hobbits and the Battle of
Greenfields is told through the report by Elladan and Elrohir to their
father. Poor Elrond, I can picture him so clearly as his sons' amazing
(and unbelievable) tale unfolds! I love how the hobbits rushed bravely
to defend their home and managed to improvise -- they're dangerous
with an apple! I love how Bandobras Took invents golf -- with a hole
in one even! I love how the hobbits didn't think they were proper
elves because they weren't blonde and shiny on white horses. *heehee*
And how the tale piques Gandalf's interest in the hobbits, which of
course sets the ball rolling for the adventures to come. There are
just so many wonderful little details in here that lets the humor flow
naturally without overdoing it. I was giggling the whole way through.
Very nice job!
Title: Drunken Hobbits and an Irishman · Author: TrekQueen · Genres:
Crossover · ID: 784
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2007-12-22 22:58:11
[this review contains spoilers]
[Drunken Hobbits and an Irishman] is another excellent crossover
written by Trekqueen. In this story, we see a continuation of an
interesting bunny from [Pointy Eared Mischief]. I really loved that
this sequel was set in the ST:DS9 universe and all my favourite
characters from that series popped up. I find it immensely interesting
how Trekqueen took the canon from both series and connected them. The
Changelings as fallen Valar with the Dominion being presented as its
fighting host. As I gave this more thought, being aware of the
abilities of the Valar and Maiar: this did made a lot of sense to me.
The story is action packed, as one can expect from a tale set on DS9,
but oh my, there were many moments where I nearly fell of my chair
from laughing.
My nr 1 moment must be Quark negotiating with Orophin and Rúmil about
some crates filled with Dorwinion wine. That was so immensely in
character and it was most precious, especially once I found myself
whispering that to touch the stock of Miruvor to sell it to Quark
might not bode well for the elves. Oh and Erestor defeating O’Brien
and Bashir during their usual game of darts: the banter of those two
before Erestor threw his first dart: precious. To read how Glorfindel
and Jadzia Dax connected: breath taking. The terse meeting of Elrond
and Odo: so incredibly well written. I think I can go on for much
longer what I so deeply loved about this story, including Frodo
meeting a Dabo girl, but moreover this story has simply rich
characters, a very intriguing plot (which is to be continued) and with
great skill, Trekqueen merges these two very different worlds into one
without forcing it. If you love science, Tolkien’s take on it,
combined with a substantial dose of Star Trek, then this comes highly
Title: Belonging · Author: Bodkin · Genres: Romance: Second Age or
Earlier · ID: 422
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-22 23:30:58
I liked the amount of passion you communicated through this story --
Elrond and Celebrian are very clearly in love. I like how you had
Elrond realize his need of healing through his love of Celebrian, that
seemed very appropriate.
Title: Celeborn's Trees · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Races: Elves:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 514
Reviewer: White Wolf · 2007-12-22 23:49:24
I can't think of anything Celeborn could have said to Galadriel that
better demonstrates his deep love for her than what he told her after
being insulted by her kin. This is truly a lovely piece.
Title: Never Lack · Author: Ruby Nye · Times: Late Third Age:
3018-3022 TA: General Drabble · ID: 453
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2007-12-23 00:19:16
ouch! you've painted a wonderfully horrible picture from the other
side. Well done.
Title: Unstrung · Author: Tehta · Times: First Age and Prior · ID: 161
Reviewer: dkpalaska · 2007-12-23 00:20:39
This piece absolutely shimmers with the very best that fanfic has to
offer: deft insights, excellent writing, and arresting twists to the
common conceptions. It is full of quiet allusions, mixed with powerful
metaphors and spot-on observations, all done in Tehta's lovely,
wonderful style. Some of her revelations are so subtle that I had to
read them more than once to feel that I caught everything; it made
them all the more head-spinning for the unexpected impact when they
finally struck home.
I devoured solely Silm-based stories for a long while after I
discovered fanfic, and I think this is probably the most unusual and
compelling characterization of Maglor that I've yet come across.
Admittedly, we are shown post-Sirion Maglor - a rather damaged
individual at this point - but Tehta gives even his fundamental nature
some very unique characteristics. Yet I don't think any part of it
makes him AU (assuming one takes the Silm as canon), but simply
fascinatingly singular.
The PoV is extremely well done, taking us right into Maglor's head,
and quite frankly it's not a very comfortable place to be. Maglor is
loving and deceitful, charming and unsettling all at once, and it's
difficult to tell just how sane he is; part of the power of this piece
is how much of that determination is left up to the reader.
More than just being about Maglor, Tehta uses his recollections to
deliver an altered vision of the Feanorians and the tragic events of
their lives that is stunning in its mixed complexity and simplicity.
Even more thought-provoking is how she uses Maglor to explore the
relationship between an artist and his subject of interest, and the
captivating and sometimes soul-consuming symbiosis that can develop
when the art is true and done well.
Title: The Northmen · Author: SheBit · Times: Fourth Age and Beyond:
Drabble · ID: 451
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2007-12-23 00:21:46
You do a wonderful job of painting a very descriptive picture of two
different cultures with just a few words.
Title: Firelight · Author: Songspinner · Genres: Drama: Ithilien · ID: 817
Reviewer: White Wolf · 2007-12-23 00:28:09
Three stories, in which fire plays a part, are revealed when the
Fellowship gathers in Ithilien to help heal their wearied spirits
after the Ring is destroyed. Nicely done.
Title: To Represent the Elves · Author: Nieriel Raina · Genres: Humor
· ID: 810
Reviewer: White Wolf · 2007-12-23 00:53:51
What an adorable story. The hobbits never fail to entertain with their
curiosity and charm, which you demonstrated beautifully.
Loved Legolas and Pippin in this.
Title: Resurrection · Author: Dwimordene · Genres: Alternate Universe
· ID: 265
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2007-12-23 01:14:32
I can't praise this story enough--and it's not just pure
self-indulgence for this dedicated Dunedain lover!
The self-indulgence part of my enthusiasm is that this story depicts
my main AU fantasy--Halbarad lives past the battle of the Pelennor
fields, to stand by the side of his king into the Fourth Age. (Another
AU fantasy--Gilraen lives into the Fourth Age. What reason did Tolkien
have to kill her off? Just couldn't help wiping out all the women
And it's not PURE self-indulgence because the story is so good. From
the fever-pain of the beginning, through to the warm friendship of the
two battle-scarred warriors at the end, neither of whom will ever be
the same, written in Dwim's poetic angsty style, wandering in some
dream state.
Halbarad is a favorite character of many of us pervy Aragorn
fanciers--a sort of Aragorn stand-in, as it were, but one whom we can
make more of our own character, there being so little canon to stamp
him in a mold. We don't even know how he was related to Aragorn (I
have my own canon on that, and Dwimordene has, what, three versions,
is it? I've lost count).
But the one piece of canon we can't escape is his death in the War of
the Ring. And I don't know if I'll ever forgive Tolkien for that. But
Dwimordene has lessened the sting to a very great extent. Now if
she'll only make it into a novel....
Title: Tolkien's Usage of "Thou" and "Thee" · Author: DrummerWench ·
Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 443
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2007-12-23 01:19:31
DrummerWench has done a great service not only to all writers and
readers of Tolkien fanfiction, but to the poor, abused language, which
is apparently no longer taught in schools. Pardon me if I get testy,
but it's only to underscore how much I appreciate this essay.
The author provides great examples of why her point is crucial--if you
don't understand it, you miss a great deal of nuance in the Lord of
the Rings, like Denethor's scorn for Gandalf, and Eowyn's attempt to
cozy up to Aragorn.
Thank you for your careful research!
Title: The Unbearable Smugness of Being Feanor · Author: Ignoble Bard
· Genres: Humor · ID: 164
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2007-12-23 01:36:07
Oh! Bard, this cracks me up. It is simply delightful. I get a giggle
or three every time I read it.
Title: Blooded · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Drama: Youth · ID: 3
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2007-12-23 01:43:46
This is a wonderful story, but a difficult read because of the
intensity of emotion and the tough subject matter. But it is something
that is close to all our hearts in today's world, as much as it has
been through our own histories and even times of legend. I liked that
you showed the full range of emotion, from the young men who truly
loved the killing to our beloved Faramir who sees the heart of the
enemy is not so different than his own.
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2007-12-22 19:59:58
[this review might contain spoilers]
This drabble set was such a delight to read! Even though the emphasis
lies on Faramir, I love the way how Oshun shed light on the minor
characters, placing delicate touches here and there, giving this
series such a complete feel. For example, I love Boromir's reaction,
often portrayed as the warrior and leader, but Oshun portrays him just
more than that. It just feels that the love for books and knowledge is
passed on to the other like a baton: from Imrahil to Boromir, from
Boromir to Faramir and of course from Faramir into his son. The second
drabble conveys the depth of a friendship between Eowyn and Arwen
(when I read [Black hair mingled with gold] I had to think immediately
of Faramir proposing to Eowyn and thusly changing her life), another
detail I loved in this piece. Greatly drabbled!
Title: A Time to Reap · Author: Linda hoyland · Genres: Adventure:
Incomplete · ID: 415
Reviewer: juliaaurelia · 2007-12-22 20:10:44
This is the fourth in this author's series of longer fics, a work
still in progress. It takes up from where the previous story, Web of
Treason, leaves off, and sends Aragorn and Faramir off on a camping
trip into the Gondorian woods to try to renew their relationship,
which was left deeply fractured at the end of Web of Treason. This
motif reminds of one used often by Shakespeare, where the pastoral is
seen as place of healing and safety, in contrast to the evils of city
life. Aragorn and Faramir have a tought row to hoe in order to restore
their friendship, and with characterstic skill, the author begins to
take them through this journey. The ladies are not forgotten, as it is
at the behest of Arwen and Eowyn that the King and Steward even
attempt the journey. The author continues to throw in interesting new
OC's, as well as utilizing those that she has already created. The
reader gets a glimpse of village life in Gondor, as Aragorn and
Faramir must work during the harvest in order to keep their identities
secret. A challenge for the heroes lurks in the form of a giant
spider, one of Shelob's escaped young, and Aragorn must put on his
healer's mode again, after disgarding it so emphatically in Web of
Treason, in order to help both the villagers and his Steward recover
from the Spider's bites. Altogether a very arresting fic, one that
promises a satfisying ending to the various conflicts and questions
Title: The Handmaiden's Rainbow · Author: Isil Elensar · Races: Elves:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 238
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2007-12-22 20:14:16
This drabble series features a strongly written original character
that is driven by the pride a Noldo takes in its craft. With
determination and great skill, this ofc could rival with the Noldor
smiths in her drive to find perfection in her dyes. In a short span of
work, Isil puts down a rounded character: strong willed, driven to
create something so beautiful and not willing to stick within the
conventions of what is proper. Besides this strong characterisation, I
really appreciated the thought Isil put into using the colours of the
rainbow and the purpose the cloth might have later on. On top of that,
she adds the cultural aspects of Lorien court life to the mix, not
overly done, but just enough to add a bit of conflict to the series as
Calendiel rises up in the ranks her own way. This series simply
sparkles off the screen and could with small changes very muchly stand
on its own.
Title: A Pirate's Life for Me! · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races:
Men: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 438
Reviewer: juliaaurelia · 2007-12-22 20:17:21
Pirates? Did someone say Pirates, mate? I love pirate stories, drinks
all around, savvy! Well, after the monumental piece of filmaking dreck
that was Pirates of the Carribbean Part III, it was refreshing to come
and read these delightful ficlets, which, unlike the movie, had humor,
shivery goodness, and coherent plot and character. The author deserves
an extra bottle of rum for these yarns!
Title: A Mother's Touch · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Humor:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 44
Reviewer: juliaaurelia · 2007-12-22 20:20:40
Aw, little Smauggy is just so gosh-darned cute in this one, it makes
you forget you are reading about a ferocious beast and his mommy. Good
Tolkieny language in this one too.
Title: Better Days Ahead · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Humor:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 51
Reviewer: juliaaurelia · 2007-12-22 20:24:59
Captain Shagrat, motivational leader and speachifyer extraordinaire!
The Uruks are scary in this, but it's so well-written that you
almost--almost--wish them suggest. An excellent ficlet with a humorous
point of view from the dark side.
Title: The Road to Recovery · Author: Isil Elensar · Races: Elves ·
ID: 241
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2007-12-22 20:48:41
One can wonder how it was possible that Amrod managed to live up to
his father’s oath as much as possible, especially after the first
losses of his brothers. Isil has written a lovely drabble series
evolving around her pairing and clearly illustrates with the themes of
the senses how he managed to, well stay alive despite these dark and
uncertain times. There is despair, love, madness, pain, grief in his
words, thoughts and actions, but oh the last drabble shows the pain
that those who know that one day, they will loose what they love the
most. The ofc in this story knows that one day she will not be able to
restrain him and with this realisation, a parallel is drawn between
Feänor and Nerdanel. The drabbles smoothly flow into the other, but
the author leaves it up to the reader how much time has passed and in
a skilful manner indirectly tells so much more than those 100 or 200
words can say. Greatly written and I loved to read it again!
Title: Bitter · Author: vladazhael · Genres: Drama: General Drabble ·
ID: 173
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2007-12-22 20:56:48
I can’t help to think that the striving for perfection of Maedhros is
mingled with his bitterness. This drabble gives me a strong visual, I
can see Maedhros standing there, feeling angry about all that has
happened so far, they ended up without their instigator. Great job
dad, and now we’re stuck with this and I can fix it. Besides the
severe consequences of the oath at itself, Fëanor indeed leaves legacy
that completely is messed up and would turn every warlord [bitter]
indeed. This is very strongly drabbled!
Title: Tales of the Innkeeper · Author: Allee · Genres: Drama:
Incomplete · ID: 237
Reviewer: Doc Bushwell · 2007-12-22 21:02:18
As a relative neophyte in Tolkien fan fic, I have been surprised to
encounter those who object strenuously to original characters (OC).
This is a midguided tenet in my opinion. Some of the best stories I
have encountered in the past year of reading JRRT flavored fiction use
OCs to wonderful effect. [Tales of the Innkeeper] falls solidly in
that category.
Allee's OC is an engaging fellow. He's an archetype whose folksy,
practical wisdom sees into the character of the new regent of the
Reunited Kingdom. The author's style is appealing to me as well - nice
balance of description, action and dialog. I'm kind of a
post-modernist so I'm typically not keen on rustic vernacular, but
Allee's innkeeper's voice is very well exectuted - his "salt of the
earth" speech is perfectly natural and never grating.
I now check HASA regularly to see if Allee has added another chapter
to "Tale of the Innkeeper."
Title: Of Dragons and Manicures · Author: Llinos · Genres: Humor · ID: 714
Reviewer: Aranel Took · 2007-12-22 21:45:53
A very cute and funny story! I love how Frodo knows how to approach a
dragon [("Shhh!")] and the descriptions of Frodo and Sam [("finder of
spectacles misplaced", "nemesis of weeds")], Frodo's dramatic
proclamation of ["I am a manicurist"] *heehee*, and Sam's ["and he'll
give you a manicure you'll never forget!"]. They use the vanity of
dragons against Spangla to trap her and get away with the treasure,
leaving behind a very unhappy dragon [("You'll get no reference from
me!")]. And of course it all ends up being a wild story from Bilbo,
told to the hobbit children, which seems to be just the sort of story
Bilbo would tell. I also like how the ending hints at things to come,
of Frodo proving his bravery, of resourceful Sam being there to help,
and of Merry and Pippin joining in the adventure.
Title: Merry's Wedding · Author: Larner · Races: Hobbits: Pre-Quest ·
ID: 84
Reviewer: Aranel Took · 2007-12-22 22:10:27
A very sweet story--bittersweet at the end, because Frodo couldn't be
there for Merry's "second" wedding. It seems to be just the thing
young hobbits would do, pretending to have a wedding. And I love the
advice that Rory gives to Frodo: ["Why, even we adults play at times,
you realizeâ€"we have to, or we’d die of solemnity."] So very true!
Title: Thinking of Marigold · Author: grey_wonderer · Genres: Humor ·
ID: 349
Reviewer: Aranel Took · 2007-12-22 22:23:42
A hilarious story. I knew there was more to naked, frolicking hobbits
than Tolkien let on. ;-) I love the "guy talk", and how Pippin's
musings on a certain Marigold lead to the development of a problem for
him. *snicker* And Sam was remarkably good-natured about Pippin's
infatuation with Marigold (luckily for Pippin)! I love the euphemisms
at the end: ["Lower the sails on the good ship Peregrin, Pip! I think
Tom's here!"] Very funny story!
Title: More than Meets the Eye · Author: Dadgad · Genres: Humor: The
Shire or Buckland · ID: 128
Reviewer: Aranel Took · 2007-12-22 22:56:42
I love how the story of the brave hobbits and the Battle of
Greenfields is told through the report by Elladan and Elrohir to their
father. Poor Elrond, I can picture him so clearly as his sons' amazing
(and unbelievable) tale unfolds! I love how the hobbits rushed bravely
to defend their home and managed to improvise -- they're dangerous
with an apple! I love how Bandobras Took invents golf -- with a hole
in one even! I love how the hobbits didn't think they were proper
elves because they weren't blonde and shiny on white horses. *heehee*
And how the tale piques Gandalf's interest in the hobbits, which of
course sets the ball rolling for the adventures to come. There are
just so many wonderful little details in here that lets the humor flow
naturally without overdoing it. I was giggling the whole way through.
Very nice job!
Title: Drunken Hobbits and an Irishman · Author: TrekQueen · Genres:
Crossover · ID: 784
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2007-12-22 22:58:11
[this review contains spoilers]
[Drunken Hobbits and an Irishman] is another excellent crossover
written by Trekqueen. In this story, we see a continuation of an
interesting bunny from [Pointy Eared Mischief]. I really loved that
this sequel was set in the ST:DS9 universe and all my favourite
characters from that series popped up. I find it immensely interesting
how Trekqueen took the canon from both series and connected them. The
Changelings as fallen Valar with the Dominion being presented as its
fighting host. As I gave this more thought, being aware of the
abilities of the Valar and Maiar: this did made a lot of sense to me.
The story is action packed, as one can expect from a tale set on DS9,
but oh my, there were many moments where I nearly fell of my chair
from laughing.
My nr 1 moment must be Quark negotiating with Orophin and Rúmil about
some crates filled with Dorwinion wine. That was so immensely in
character and it was most precious, especially once I found myself
whispering that to touch the stock of Miruvor to sell it to Quark
might not bode well for the elves. Oh and Erestor defeating O’Brien
and Bashir during their usual game of darts: the banter of those two
before Erestor threw his first dart: precious. To read how Glorfindel
and Jadzia Dax connected: breath taking. The terse meeting of Elrond
and Odo: so incredibly well written. I think I can go on for much
longer what I so deeply loved about this story, including Frodo
meeting a Dabo girl, but moreover this story has simply rich
characters, a very intriguing plot (which is to be continued) and with
great skill, Trekqueen merges these two very different worlds into one
without forcing it. If you love science, Tolkien’s take on it,
combined with a substantial dose of Star Trek, then this comes highly
Title: Belonging · Author: Bodkin · Genres: Romance: Second Age or
Earlier · ID: 422
Reviewer: Marta · 2007-12-22 23:30:58
I liked the amount of passion you communicated through this story --
Elrond and Celebrian are very clearly in love. I like how you had
Elrond realize his need of healing through his love of Celebrian, that
seemed very appropriate.
Title: Celeborn's Trees · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Races: Elves:
Fixed-Length Ficlet · ID: 514
Reviewer: White Wolf · 2007-12-22 23:49:24
I can't think of anything Celeborn could have said to Galadriel that
better demonstrates his deep love for her than what he told her after
being insulted by her kin. This is truly a lovely piece.
Title: Never Lack · Author: Ruby Nye · Times: Late Third Age:
3018-3022 TA: General Drabble · ID: 453
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2007-12-23 00:19:16
ouch! you've painted a wonderfully horrible picture from the other
side. Well done.
Title: Unstrung · Author: Tehta · Times: First Age and Prior · ID: 161
Reviewer: dkpalaska · 2007-12-23 00:20:39
This piece absolutely shimmers with the very best that fanfic has to
offer: deft insights, excellent writing, and arresting twists to the
common conceptions. It is full of quiet allusions, mixed with powerful
metaphors and spot-on observations, all done in Tehta's lovely,
wonderful style. Some of her revelations are so subtle that I had to
read them more than once to feel that I caught everything; it made
them all the more head-spinning for the unexpected impact when they
finally struck home.
I devoured solely Silm-based stories for a long while after I
discovered fanfic, and I think this is probably the most unusual and
compelling characterization of Maglor that I've yet come across.
Admittedly, we are shown post-Sirion Maglor - a rather damaged
individual at this point - but Tehta gives even his fundamental nature
some very unique characteristics. Yet I don't think any part of it
makes him AU (assuming one takes the Silm as canon), but simply
fascinatingly singular.
The PoV is extremely well done, taking us right into Maglor's head,
and quite frankly it's not a very comfortable place to be. Maglor is
loving and deceitful, charming and unsettling all at once, and it's
difficult to tell just how sane he is; part of the power of this piece
is how much of that determination is left up to the reader.
More than just being about Maglor, Tehta uses his recollections to
deliver an altered vision of the Feanorians and the tragic events of
their lives that is stunning in its mixed complexity and simplicity.
Even more thought-provoking is how she uses Maglor to explore the
relationship between an artist and his subject of interest, and the
captivating and sometimes soul-consuming symbiosis that can develop
when the art is true and done well.
Title: The Northmen · Author: SheBit · Times: Fourth Age and Beyond:
Drabble · ID: 451
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2007-12-23 00:21:46
You do a wonderful job of painting a very descriptive picture of two
different cultures with just a few words.
Title: Firelight · Author: Songspinner · Genres: Drama: Ithilien · ID: 817
Reviewer: White Wolf · 2007-12-23 00:28:09
Three stories, in which fire plays a part, are revealed when the
Fellowship gathers in Ithilien to help heal their wearied spirits
after the Ring is destroyed. Nicely done.
Title: To Represent the Elves · Author: Nieriel Raina · Genres: Humor
· ID: 810
Reviewer: White Wolf · 2007-12-23 00:53:51
What an adorable story. The hobbits never fail to entertain with their
curiosity and charm, which you demonstrated beautifully.
Loved Legolas and Pippin in this.
Title: Resurrection · Author: Dwimordene · Genres: Alternate Universe
· ID: 265
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2007-12-23 01:14:32
I can't praise this story enough--and it's not just pure
self-indulgence for this dedicated Dunedain lover!
The self-indulgence part of my enthusiasm is that this story depicts
my main AU fantasy--Halbarad lives past the battle of the Pelennor
fields, to stand by the side of his king into the Fourth Age. (Another
AU fantasy--Gilraen lives into the Fourth Age. What reason did Tolkien
have to kill her off? Just couldn't help wiping out all the women
And it's not PURE self-indulgence because the story is so good. From
the fever-pain of the beginning, through to the warm friendship of the
two battle-scarred warriors at the end, neither of whom will ever be
the same, written in Dwim's poetic angsty style, wandering in some
dream state.
Halbarad is a favorite character of many of us pervy Aragorn
fanciers--a sort of Aragorn stand-in, as it were, but one whom we can
make more of our own character, there being so little canon to stamp
him in a mold. We don't even know how he was related to Aragorn (I
have my own canon on that, and Dwimordene has, what, three versions,
is it? I've lost count).
But the one piece of canon we can't escape is his death in the War of
the Ring. And I don't know if I'll ever forgive Tolkien for that. But
Dwimordene has lessened the sting to a very great extent. Now if
she'll only make it into a novel....
Title: Tolkien's Usage of "Thou" and "Thee" · Author: DrummerWench ·
Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 443
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2007-12-23 01:19:31
DrummerWench has done a great service not only to all writers and
readers of Tolkien fanfiction, but to the poor, abused language, which
is apparently no longer taught in schools. Pardon me if I get testy,
but it's only to underscore how much I appreciate this essay.
The author provides great examples of why her point is crucial--if you
don't understand it, you miss a great deal of nuance in the Lord of
the Rings, like Denethor's scorn for Gandalf, and Eowyn's attempt to
cozy up to Aragorn.
Thank you for your careful research!
Title: The Unbearable Smugness of Being Feanor · Author: Ignoble Bard
· Genres: Humor · ID: 164
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2007-12-23 01:36:07
Oh! Bard, this cracks me up. It is simply delightful. I get a giggle
or three every time I read it.
Title: Blooded · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Drama: Youth · ID: 3
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2007-12-23 01:43:46
This is a wonderful story, but a difficult read because of the
intensity of emotion and the tough subject matter. But it is something
that is close to all our hearts in today's world, as much as it has
been through our own histories and even times of legend. I liked that
you showed the full range of emotion, from the young men who truly
loved the killing to our beloved Faramir who sees the heart of the
enemy is not so different than his own.
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