Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 8546

Hooray for the MEFAs Posted by Stephanie Brucker December 31, 2007 - 15:44:26 Topic ID# 8546
Thanks to everyone who reviewed my story "Thirteenth Birthday." And,
especially, thanks to Marta and the MEFAs gang for a wonderful
competition. I managed to just make my reviewing goal, even though I'd
been without a functioning at-home computer for over 3 weeks. My local
Internet Cafe was my friend, I can tell you.

The MEFA junkie challenge setting idea was a terrific incentive for
getting people to read and review stories. Hooray for the MEFAs team
for inventing this challenge. Let's do it again next year.

- Steff

Msg# 8547

Re: Hooray for the MEFAs Posted by Agape 4Rivendell December 31, 2007 - 17:08:02 Topic ID# 8546
Accckkkkkk - give us a moment to breath, Steff!

Happy New Year everyone!


On Dec 31, 2007 4:44 PM, Stephanie Brucker <>

> Thanks to everyone who reviewed my story "Thirteenth Birthday." And,
> especially, thanks to Marta and the MEFAs gang for a wonderful
> competition. I managed to just make my reviewing goal, even though I'd
> been without a functioning at-home computer for over 3 weeks. My local
> Internet Cafe was my friend, I can tell you.
> The MEFA junkie challenge setting idea was a terrific incentive for
> getting people to read and review stories. Hooray for the MEFAs team
> for inventing this challenge. Let's do it again next year.
> - Steff

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8548

Re: Hooray for the MEFAs Posted by December 31, 2007 - 19:40:13 Topic ID# 8546
Stephanie Brucker wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who reviewed my story "Thirteenth Birthday." And,
> especially, thanks to Marta and the MEFAs gang for a wonderful
> competition. I managed to just make my reviewing goal, even though I'd
> been without a functioning at-home computer for over 3 weeks. My local
> Internet Cafe was my friend, I can tell you.

Go you! That's impressive that you made it, especially with computer

And thank you for the thanks. It was far from a solo effort, and I'm
sure everyone involved appreciates it.

> The MEFA junkie challenge setting idea was a terrific incentive for
> getting people to read and review stories. Hooray for the MEFAs team
> for inventing this challenge.

I forget who exactly came up with it, but it came out of the discussions
in the post mortem. We'll be starting that in a few days once the
results are posted. I encourage anyone who sees room for improvement
with the awards to bring up any suggestions or problems there. (It will
occur at the "mefa-discussion" Yahoo group, which anyone can join.) Not
every suggestion gets implemented, but we do discuss as many as we can
get to.

> Let's do it again next year.

Hee! Well, yes, I look forward to it - but I'm also looking forward to a
bit of a break. We won't get started up again for several months. But
when we do, I hope it was as much fun as 2007.


Msg# 8555

Re: Hooray for the MEFAs Posted by nau\_tika January 01, 2008 - 9:47:30 Topic ID# 8546
Agreed. This is fun for most of us, but a lot work for others! Thanks
to them and to those who reviewed my fic. Next year, I think I'll
participate in the Review Junkie part of the contest, too, even if I
didnt get all the stories reviewed that I wanted to. I was so hurt to
see that reply that said I couldnt review any more. :(


--- In, "Stephanie Brucker"
<stephanie.brucker@...> wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who reviewed my story "Thirteenth Birthday." And,
> especially, thanks to Marta and the MEFAs gang for a wonderful
> competition. I managed to just make my reviewing goal, even though I'd
> been without a functioning at-home computer for over 3 weeks. My local
> Internet Cafe was my friend, I can tell you.
> The MEFA junkie challenge setting idea was a terrific incentive for
> getting people to read and review stories. Hooray for the MEFAs team
> for inventing this challenge. Let's do it again next year.
> - Steff

Msg# 8556

Re: Hooray for the MEFAs Posted by January 01, 2008 - 11:01:13 Topic ID# 8546
nau_tika wrote:
> Agreed. This is fun for most of us, but a lot work for others! Thanks
> to them and to those who reviewed my fic. Next year, I think I'll
> participate in the Review Junkie part of the contest, too, even if I
> didnt get all the stories reviewed that I wanted to. I was so hurt to
> see that reply that said I couldnt review any more. :(
> nautika

*g* It was a fun ride, wasn't it? Even as a volunteer --and they do put
in a lot of work behind the scenes-- I still was able to enjoy the
awards as a participant, too.

The Review Junkie status isn't for everyone. Some people might find it
too competitive for their tastes. And I have no problem with people not
using the Review Junkie feature if it doesn't help them. But a lot of
people find it motivating, and if you think it would help you, by all
means give it a try next year.
