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Msg# 8575

2007 MEFA Results Posted by aure\_enteluva January 02, 2008 - 21:13:48 Topic ID# 8575
Hey guys,

The results for the 2007 Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards are displayed
below. But first, a few notes on scoring.

Each story is assigned a score based on the number of reviews it
receives and how long they are. A review is worth up to ten points; we
add up the score for each review, and that is the story's score. We
then rank the stories in each subcategory by the number of points it
received. (Ties are broken by the number of reviews each story got,
and then by the total number of characters.)

First, second, and third place are exactly what you would expect. They
represent the three highest-scoring entries in each subcategory.

Honorable mentions take a bit more explaining. We calculated the
average number of points by adding up the scores for all the stories
and dividing by the number of entries. That worked out to just over 31
points. So every entry with 31 points or more that didn't also get a
first, second or third place. We recognize that some subcategories are
more competitive than others, and that a story might have placed in a
less competitive subcategory even if it didn't get first, second, or
third place in the subcategory it competed in. Honorable mentions are
our way of recognizing these stories. Honorable mentions are also
given out when we break a tie and the higher-scoring story gets third
place. Otherwise, we'd have two stories scoring very close to each
other, one getting recognized and the other not.

In either case, honorable mentions are used to identify stories that
did well, but that didn't quite place. Enjoy them.

It seems cliched to say that most of the competing stories deserve to
be recognized, but it's true. This year we had a lot of people writing
an awful lot of reviews for some very nice stories. The competition
was stiff, and there are some excellent pieces that could have easily
won in previous years, but didn't get quite enough points to earn even
an honorable mention. So if you're looking for a Tolkien fanfic story
to read over the next few months, I hope you'll consider all of the
nominated stories, not just those that won an award.

I also want to give credit to the people who worked hard to run these
awards the last few months. Everyone is busy reading and reviewing, so
a lot of times these volunteers' contribution is overlooked; I know
that if I was not working with them, in many cases I wouldn't know
what was being done.

Aranel Took and Tanaqui provided technical support for the website.
Inkling discussed policy issues with me as they came up and helped in
making decisions over the last few months. She also helped on lots of
special projects whenever I needed help. Annmarwalk posted the reviews
from the MEFA2007 website to this Yahoo group and LJ every day (often
more than once a day). Elliska set up memberships for people at the
voting website when they joined the Yahoo group. AmandaK, Baranduin,
and nautika customized banners for the authors listed below. Nautika
and Nessime created those same banners, and Rhapsody and Nautika made
some banners and buttons for nominated stories and reviewers.

And the list goes on. I am positive I'm forgetting someone --I always
do-- so do check out the full list of MEFA volunteers at And if you
know any of these people, please do thank them. These awards are much
too big for any one person to manage.

Now, without further adieu, here are the results for the 2007 MEFAs.


*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "The Three Hunters" by Dreamflower
2. "In Shadow Realm" by Legolass
3. "The Green Knight and the Heir of Meduseld" by Le Rouret
Honorable Mention
--- "I Bid You Stand" by storyfish

*** Sub-Category: Fixed-Length Ficlet ***
1. "Fell and Fair" by Elena Tiriel
2. "Some Dark Place" by Raksha the Demon
3. "All in a Day's Work" by Gwynnyd
Honorable Mentions
--- "Calm After the Storm" by Imhiriel
--- "Sarn Gebir" by agape4gondor

*** Sub-Category: Incomplete ***
1. "Stirrings of Shadow" by Fiondil
2. "Emissary of the Mark" by Soledad
3. "A Time to Reap" by Linda Hoyland

*** Sub-Category: Minas Tirith ***
1. "Keeper of the Jewels" by Cuthalion
2. "More Than Just Years" by Llinos
3. "The Archives Incident" by Dreamflower

*** Sub-Category: Pre-Ring War ***
1. "Exploring the Wild" by EdorasLass
2. "Lighting Fires" by Gwynnyd
3. "Journeys in High Places" by Illwynd


*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "Resurrection" by Dwimordene
2. "The Blue Book of Bilbo Baggins, or, Tales of the Forbidden
Silmarillion" by Gandalfs Apprentice and Greywing
3. "Pick Your Battles" by Aliana
Honorable Mentions
--- "Five Things That Never Happened to Theodred and Boromir" by
--- "Prince of Winter" by jastaelf
--- "When Day is Done" by Dana

*** Sub-Category: Gondor or Rohan ***
1. "The Turn of the Tide" by Altariel
2. "Subdivisions" by Aliana
3. "Fruition" by EdorasLass
Honorable Mention
--- "And Not to Yield" by Lady Marshy
--- "Letter to Frodo" by AmandaK
--- "Soap" by Aliana
--- "The Captain and the King" by plasticChevy
--- "Those Darned Socks!" by AmandaK

*** Sub-Category: Incomplete ***
1. "O, Cruel Fate" by Greywing
2. "The Blessing" by Golden and Pearl Took
3. "Lords of Gondor" by Linaewen
Honorable Mention
--- "In Aragorn's Safekeeping: Life in the King's House" by Radbooks
--- "No Man's Child" by Anoriath

*** Sub-Category: The Shire or Buckland ***
1. "Elements: Dreams of the Dead, Visions of the Living" by
2. "Go Out in Joy" by Larner
3. "Turned Earth" by Dana


*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "Green Magic" by Gandalfs Apprentice
2. "Wind of Change" by Imhiriel
3. "On Starless Waters, Far Astray" by Empy

======= MAIN CATEGORY: DRAMA =======

*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "Reconciliation" by Dwimordene
2. "Field of Dreams" by agape4gondor
3. "Drawing Straight With Crooked Lines" by Fiondil
Honorable Mention
--- "A Suitable Tribute" by EdorasLass
--- "Last Light" by Ignoble Bard
--- "Safe in My Arms" by Fiondil

*** Sub-Category: Elves in Later Ages ***
1. "Not Fade Away" by Jael
2. "Elf, Interrupted: Book One: Glorfindel Redux" by Fiondil
3. "The Inner Light" by Rhapsody
Honorable Mention
--- "Leaf Subsides to Leaf" by Ignoble Bard
--- "The Undiscovered Country" by Wimsey

*** Sub-Category: General Drabble ***
1. "The Waves' Song" by Branwyn
2. "Perturbation of Fate" by Rhapsody
3. "Shadows of the Past" by Marta

*** Sub-Category: Gondor Drabble ***
1. "The Lesson" by Branwyn
2. "Where There's Life, There's Hope (and in need of vittles)" by
3. "A Game of Chess" by Marta
Honorable Mention
--- "End Times" by annmarwalk
--- "Geometry" by Branwyn
--- "Justice" by Imhiriel
--- "Swan Song" by Imhiriel

*** Sub-Category: Incomplete ***
1. "Passages" by Isabeau of Greenlea
2. "Tales of the Innkeeper" by Allee
3. "The Sword of Elendil" by Gandalfs Apprentice
Honorable Mention
--- "Brotherhood" by Bodkin

*** Sub-Category: Ithilien ***
1. "Journey's End" by Altariel
2. "The Far Corner of the Garden" by annmarwalk
3. "Graceful and Green" by Alawa
Honorable Mentions
--- "Charms of Wisdom and Grace" by annmarwalk
--- "Firelight" by Songspinner

*** Sub-Category: Minas Tirith ***
1. "Circumstantial Heroes" by Gwynnyd
2. "The Dancer" by annmarwalk
3. "The End of Dark Days" by annmarwalk and EdorasLass
Honorable Mention
--- "The Eagle's Gift" by Raksha the Demon

*** Sub-Category: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet ***
1. "Of Numenor That Was" by Marta
2. "Fell Memories" by Gwynnyd
3. "Under the Eyes of the Evenstar" by Raksha the Demon
Honorable Mentions
--- "Family Jewels" by Raksha the Demon
--- "Oliphaunts and String" by agape4gondor
--- "Sea King; Seeking" by Tanaqui

*** Sub-Category: Second Age or Earlier ***
1. "The Rose in the Fisted Glove" by Jael
2. "The Last Temptation" by Maeve Riannon
3. "Bonfires of Trust, Flashfloods of Pain" by Klose

*** Sub-Category: The Fellowship ***
1. "Despair" by Silivren Tinu
2. "Divided" by Pen52
3. "Requesting Mercy" by Larner
Honorable Mention
--- "Dear" by Febobe (Frodo Baggins of Bag End)
--- "Forcing a Path" by Linaewen
--- "Not an Ordinary Day" by nau_tika

*** Sub-Category: The Shire ***
1. "Letting Go" by Rowan
2. "In Silence Remembered" by fantasyfan
3. "When the King Comes Back (the Great Smials)" by Dreamflower
Honorable Mention
--- "The Dwarf Dagger" by Dreamflower

*** Sub-Category: Vignette ***
1. "Stopping by Woods" by Branwyn
2. "Outmatched" by Tiana Luthien
3. "Emmaus" by Dwimordene

*** Sub-Category: With Aragorn ***
1. "Conversion" by Pentangle
2. "The spaces between two silences" by illyria-pffyffin
3. "Waiting By the Water" by Linaewen
Honorable Mention
--- "Shadow and Thought" by Linda Hoyland
--- "The Days of the King" by Randomrattle

*** Sub-Category: With Merry ***
1. "Are You Going to Leave Me?" by Llinos
2. "Left Behind" by Elanor
3. "In the Hours of Joy" by Spindle Berry

*** Sub-Category: Youth ***
1. "Blooded" by Raksha the Demon
2. "Drawn With Love" by MerryK
3. "A Thankless Task" by EdorasLass
Honorable Mentions
--- "Answers and Questions" by Peredhil Lover
--- "Day and Night" by Peredhil Lover

======= Main Category: Humor =======

*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "A Boy and His Lob" by Ignoble Bard
2. "Lord Namo's Yule Gift" by Fiondil
3. "Of Dragons and Manicures" by Llinos
Honorable Mentions
--- "Irreverence" by Aratlithiel
--- "The Arachnid's Appeal" by TrekQueen
--- "The Unbearable Smugness of Being Feanor" by Ignoble Bard
--- "To Represent the Elves" by Nieriel Raina

*** Sub-Category: Children ***
1. "A Useful Skill" by EdorasLass
2. "Sea Food" by annmarwalk
3. "Knave of Hearts" by grey_wonderer
Honorable Mention
--- "All that is gold...." by Perelleth

*** Sub-Category: Drabble ***
1. "Clothes Make the Man" by Gandalfs Apprentice
2. "An Unexpected Party" by Branwyn
3. "A Queen Among Farmers' Wives" by Imhiriel
Honorable Mention
--- "Rauros, Golden Rauros-Falls" by Imhiriel
--- "Too Many Adverbs" by Branwyn

*** Sub-Category: Gondor or Rohan ***
1. "Gentlemen's Night Out" by Oshun
2. "A Truth Universally Acknowledged" by annmarwalk
3. "The Promise in Her Eyes" by EdorasLass
Honorable Mentions
--- "Foreign Ways" by annmarwalk
--- "Mardil Goes A-Courting" by Le Rouret
--- "Rohan's Future" by Madeleine

*** Sub-Category: Other Fixed Length Ficlet ***
1. "A Mother's Touch" by Raksha the Demon
2. "Don't Be Deceived" by Imhiriel
3. "Better Days Ahead" by Raksha the Demon
Honorable Mentions
--- "Gifts" by Acacea
--- "Love Story" by Gandalfs Apprentice

*** Sub-Category: Parody ***
1. "Comes Now the Plaintiff, Frodo Baggins" by EdorasLass
2. "The Tragedye of Leaflet, Prince of Mirkwood" by Jael
3. "The Witch-king's Cloak" by Radbooks
Honorable Mention
--- "A Texas Gay Boy in King Thranduil's Court" by Ignoble Bard

*** Sub-Category: The Shire or Buckland ***
1. "More Than Meets the Eye" by Dadgad
2. "Decorum" by Larner
3. "A Passing Troll" by Dreamflower

======= MAIN CATEGORY: MYSTERY =======

*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "The Case of the Purloined Mushrooms" by Inkling
2. "The Stone of Erebor" by Primsong
3. "The City and Star Island Line" by lipstick
Honorable Mention
--- "A Dragon in Buckland" by Pearl Took


*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "The Accidental King: Five Reasons Why Finarfin Deserves an
Appreciation Month" by Dawn Felagund
2. "The Tolkienian War on Science" by Doc Bushwell
3. "Who Is This Gil-galad, of Whom You Speak?" by Erunyauve
Honorable Mention
--- "The Anglo-Saxons and the Rohirrim" by willow_41z
--- "The Perfect Girl" by nikara

======= Main Category: Poetry =======

*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "Good Rest Ye Merry" by Llinos
2. "Hiraeth" by Llinos
3. "A Collection of Sindarin Tanka" by juno_magic

*** Sub-Category: With Hobbits ***
1. "Watching and Waiting" by Llinos
2. "Romancing the Smut" by Llinos
3. "Hope Unquenched" by White Gull

====== Main Category: Romance =======

*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "Cophetua" by Jael
2. "Come Back to Me" by Marta
3. "He Came to Meet Me" by sophinisba solis

*** Sub-Category: Drabble ***
1. "And Thought How Blessed He Was" by Imhiriel
2. "Bliss and Beauty" by Imhiriel
3. "A Life Between II" by Elen Kortirion

*** Sub-Category: Gondor ***
1. "Measures of Time" by Raksha the Demon
2. "A Game of Chess" by Altariel
3. "The Spear of the Lily" by The Bookbinder's Daughter
Honorable Mention
--- "Waters of Life" by Linda Hoyland

*** Sub-Category: Incomplete ***
1. "Unexpected" by Madeleine
2. "To This My Love Hath Come At Last" by Roh_wyn
3. "A Hidden Hope" by dancingkatz

*** Sub-Category: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet ***
1. "The Smile That Wins" by Marta
2. "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush" by Isabeau of Greenlea
3. "Beginnings" by Gwynnyd
Honorable Mentions
--- "Four Voices - Autumn, 3018" by annmarwalk

*** Sub-Category: Pre-Ring War ***
1. "Summer Daze" by Marta
2. "Seeking to Please" by Gwynnyd
3. "Duty Bound" by Bodkin

*** Sub-Category: Second Age or Earlier ***
1. "Youngest Son" by Bodkin
2. "Maitimo and Findekano" by Oshun
3. "Belonging" by Bodkin

*** Sub-Category: With Rohirrim ***
1. "Wings" by ErinRua
2. "Yours to Command" by Lialathuveril
3. "Winds of Change" by Lady Bluejay
Honorable Mention
--- "Black Eyes" by Lialathuveril


*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "Beneath a Gibbous Moon" by Bodkin
2. "Strange Stars" by Jael
3. "Rock and Hawk" by Adaneth
Honorable Mentions
--- "A New Reckoning" by Dreamflower
--- "Fair Folk and Foul" by Adaneth
--- "Property Rights" by Salsify
--- "Tamer's Tale" by juno_magic
--- "The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship" by Imhiriel
--- "The Most Beautiful" by Meril

*** Sub-Category: Drabble ***
1. "The Horses of Eorl" by Branwyn
2. "Pest Control" by Tanaqui
3. "Maiden Voyage" by Fawsley

*** Sub-Category: Gondor ***
1. "Multicultural Interactions" by annmarwalk
2. "Time" by Bodkin
3. "Dissonance" by EdorasLass
Honorable Mention
--- "Sunshine and Roses" by shirelinghpc

*** Sub-Category: Incomplete ***
1. "Falling Into Shadow" by Marigold
2. "The Tenant From Staddle" by Larner
3. "Divine Intervention" by Meril

*** Sub-Category: The Fellowship ***
1. "The Green Hill" by Baranduin
2. "Concerning the Curious Healing Properties of Soup" by pipkinsweetgrass
3. "An Apple for Your Thoughts?" by Demus

*** Sub-Category: With Pippin ***
1. "Lost in Translation" by sophinisba solis
2. "If I Keep You Beside Me" by sophinisba solis
3. "Healing Lessons" by Pearl Took
Honorable Mentions
--- "Pippin's Little Experiment" by Budgielover
--- "Shadowfax, Lord of All Horses" by grey_wonderer
--- "Woven in Friendship" by SlightlyTookish


*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "Fissures" by Thundera Tiger
2. "The Gates" by Isabeau of Greenlea
3. "For the Dwarves, Gimli" by annmarwalk
Honorable Mention
--- "Seen in the Halls of Dwarrowdelf" by Aruthir
--- "The Ground Portends" by Thevina Finduilas
--- "The Weregild" by tyellas

======= Main Category: Elves =======

*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "Mistaken Identities" by Greywing
2. "Elladan and Elrohir's Not So Excellent Adventure" by Fiondil
3. "The White Tower" by Anna Wing

*** Sub-Category: Fixed-Length Ficlet ***
1. "Where Once My Enemy Stood" by Nieriel Raina
2. "Before the Gate" by Jay of Lasgalen
3. "Celeborn's Trees" by Isabeau of Greenlea

*** Sub-Category: Incomplete ***
1. "Flame Rekindled" by Istarnie
2. "A New Day" by Oshun
3. "Nerdanel's Story" by Istarnie

*** Sub-Category: With Mirkwood Elves ***
1. "To Light the Way" by Dot
2. "City of Trees" by Gwynnyd
3. "All Lies and Jest" by Jael

======= MAIN CATEGORY: HOBBITS =======

*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "Freddy and the Thain's Rabbit" by grey_wonderer
2. "Moira" by illyria-pffyffin
3. "Three Turnings of the Year" by Ruby Nye

*** Sub-Category: Children ***
1. "The Company of Heroes" by annmarwalk
2. "Bilbo's Gifts" by Llinos and Marigold
3. "Signs" by permilea
Honorable Mention
--- "Observations" by grey_wonderer

*** Sub-Category: Drabble ***
1. "Helping Hands" by Llinos
2. "Stone of the King" by Rowan
3. "Beauty" by Marta
Honorable Mention
--- "The Lining of the World" by Ruby Nye

*** Sub-Category: Gapfiller ***
1. "She Watches" by Larner
2. "By Sorrow Unawares" by Pearl Took
3. "A Long Road, There and Back" by Dana
Honorable Mention
--- "In This These Days of Glory: From Autumn to Spring" by Dana

*** Sub-Category: Hurt/Comfort ***
1. "A Rohan Tapestry" by Shirebound
2. "Stay With Me" by pippinfan88
3. "For Eyes to See That Can" by SlightlyTookish

*** Sub-Category: Incomplete ***
1. "The Great Hobbiton Race 1435" by Llinos
2. "Miss Dora Baggins' Book of Manners" by Dreamflower
3. "If You Could See What I Hear" by Cathleen

*** Sub-Category: Merry and Pippin ***
1. "It's No Mystery, Really" by grey_wonderer
2. "Through the Eyes of Another" by grey_wonderer
3. "Looking Awfully Hard" by Gryffinjack

*** Sub-Category: Post-Grey Havens ***
1. "A Kingly Discussion" by GamgeeFest
2. "Tom Cotton" by Dreamflower
3. "Still Round the Corner" by lbilover

*** Sub-Category: Post-Ring War ***
1. "Letting Go" by SlightlyTookish
2. "Cool Sunlight and Green Grass" by SlightlyTookish
3. "Setting the Captives Free" by pippinfan88
Honorable Mention
--- "Returning the Favor" by cpsings4him

*** Sub-Category: Pre-Quest ***
1. "Golfing Fever" by lbilover
2. "Merry's Wedding" by Larner
3. "In the Bleak, Cold Winter" by GamgeeFest

*** Sub-Category: Vignette ***
1. "Keepsake" by Marigold
2. "A Mother's Work" by Dreamflower
3. "Thirst" by sophinisba solis

======= MAIN CATEGORY: MEN =======

*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "Mettare" by Galadriel
2. "Sorgbyrthen" by Aranel Took
3. "Stone From Above" by Thundera Tiger
Honorable Mentions
--- "A Song of Silence" by Nessime
--- "A Very Rain of Sparrows" by Dwimordene
--- "Burden of Guilt" by Linda Hoyland
--- "Charcoal, Stone and Cloud" by shadow975
--- "The Slave of the Ring" by Linda Hoyland
--- "Who the Sword Devours" by Nancy Brooke

*** Sub-Category: Eriador or Rivendell ***
1. "The man in the woods" by Dot
2. "Aragorn's Moment" by docmon
3. "In the Bloody Cottage" by Soubrettina
Honorable Mention
--- "A Ranger's Love Song" by Michelle
--- "Drink Down the Sun" by Michelle

*** Sub-Category: General Drabble ***
1. "Conjuror" by Branwyn
2. "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Tanaqui
3. "A Life Between - No Secrets" by Elen Kortirion
Honorable Mention
--- "Transformation" by Imhiriel

*** Sub-Category: Gondor ***
1. "The Young Knights" by Soledad
2. "13th Birthday" by stefaniab
3. "Free and Gay" by Marta
Honorable Mention
--- "A Wish for Yestare" by rhyselle
--- "In the Waiting" by Altariel
--- "The Love of Lore" by Oshun

*** Sub-Category: Gondor Drabble ***
1. "Respite" by Lindelea
2. "Could Will Have Its Way" by Nancy Brooke
3. "Heart of Lamedon" by Nancy Brooke
Honorable Mention
--- "A Moment Lost" by Fawsley

*** Sub-Category: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet ***
1. "A Pirate's Life for Me!" by Raksha the Demon
2. "A Little Knowledge Can Be a Dangerous Thing" by Tanaqui
3. "Inroads" by Raksha the Demon
Honorable Mentions
--- ".... To the Edge of Night: Seven Tells of a Moment" by Elen Kortirion
--- "The Exile" by Raksha the Demon
--- "Well-Lettered (The Director's Cut)" by Ribby


*** Sub-Category: Drabble ***
1. "Fun With Farm'n" by Sulriel
2. "With No Pity" by Elen Kortirion
3. "Fell Beasts" by Tanaqui

======= MAIN CATEGORY: EARLY THIRD AGE (1-2850 T.A. / pre-1250 S.R.)

*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "Friendship of Their Kind" by Dwimordene
2. "Descent" by Dwimordene
3. "Promises to Keep" by Jay of Lasgalen


*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "Unstrung" by Tehta
2. "Salt" by Dawn Felagund
3. "Tales of Thanksgiving" by Dawn Felagund

*** Sub-Category: House of Fingolfin ***
1. "The Land of Gift" by Maeve Riannon
2. "Still Waters" by Ellie
3. "From the Sea" by Ford of Bruinen


*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "Sometime Ever After" by Dwimordene
2. "Crossing Towards Sunrise" by Imhiriel
3. "Remembering Anew" by Pearl Took
Honorable Mention
--- "My Dear Bandobras" by Le Rouret

*** Sub-Category: Drabble ***
1. "Enter the Fourth Age, Hastily" by Dwimordene
2. "Celebration" by Tanaqui
3. "Reunion" by Fawsley
Honorable Mention
--- "Thyme is a great healer" by Tanaqui

*** Sub-Category: Gondor or Rohan ***
1. "South" by Aliana
2. "The Harper" by juno_magic
3. "Taking Leave" by Soubrettina
Honorable Mention
--- "Comforting Silence" by Radbooks
--- "Fourth Year, Age 13" by Dwimordene
--- "Getting Away From It All" by Bodkin
--- "Web of Treason" by Linda Hoyland

======= Main Category: Late Third Age (3018-3022 T.A. / 1418-1422
S.R.) =======

*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "Ten Thousand Years" by Marta
2. "Fire and Ice" by NeumeIndil
3. "Between Crown and Mantle" by Marastar
Honorable Mention
--- "Snare" by Ruby Nye

*** Sub-Category: General Drabble ***
1. "The Dryad" by Imhiriel
2. "The Third Eagle" by Imhiriel
3. "Diversion" by Mar'isu

*** Sub-Category: Gondor ***
1. "The Burning of the Year" by Raksha the Demon
2. "Vocabulary Lessons" by Larner
3. "The Tides of the World" by Raksha the Demon
Honorable Mentions
--- "Adrift" by fantasyfan
--- "Bransle Royal" by Ribby

*** Sub-Category: Gondor Drabble ***
1. "Green" by annmarwalk
2. "Osgiliath" by Dwimordene
3. "Twice Blessed is Help Unlooked For" by Tanaqui
Honorable Mentions
--- "Mastering Men" by Imhiriel
--- "Weary Beyond Joy or Sorrow?" by Imhiriel

*** Sub-Category: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet ***
1. "Duty and Devotion" by Marta
2. "Glimpses from Cormallen" by Marigold
3. "The Oarsman" by Tanaqui
Honorable Mentions
--- "Cultural Exchanges in Gondor" by Llinos and Marigold
--- "None may live now as they have lived" by Tanaqui

======= MAIN CATEGORY: MID THIRD AGE (2851-3017 T.A. / 1251-1417 S.R.)

*** Sub-Category: General ***
1. "Brothers at Heart" by Radbooks
2. "Escape" by Bodkin
3. "Bitter Springs" by Dwimordene
Honorable Mention
--- "Dawning Hope: A Day Out" by Radbooks
--- "Foray" by Raksha the Demon
--- "Future Imperfect" by Tanaqui
--- "Making Acquaintance" by Bodkin

*** Sub-Category: Drabble ***
1. "Blackest Fate" by Branwyn
2. "No Escape" by Aranel Took
3. "Behind Every Great Man...." by annmarwalk
Honorable Mentions
--- "And We Will Travel North" by bewize
--- "Spring After Winter" by annmarwalk
--- "The Wink of an Eye" by Linda Hoyland

*** Sub-Category: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet ***
1. "No Harm Will Come of It" by Marigold
2. "First Flight" by Isabeau of Greenlea
3. "Temptation" by Linda Hoyland
Honorable Mentions
--- "Building the Future" by Tanaqui
--- "Many Guises and Many Names" by Gandalfs Apprentice

======= MAIN CATEGORY: MULTI-AGE =======

*** Sub-Category: Fixed-Length Ficlet ***
1. "Marking Fours" by Raksha the Demon
2. "Droplets" by Dawn Felagund
3. "Mighty among both Elves and Men" by Tanaqui
Honorable Mention
--- "Three Cups of Kindness" by Elen Kortirion


*** Sub-Category: Drabble ***
1. "Coda" by Imhiriel
2. "Iron to Iron" by mrkinch
3. "Mentor" by Nessime
Honorable Mention
--- "For All Things a Cost" by Sulriel

PS - If you'd like to read reviews written for these stories, find
links to where they're posted online, or anything like that, check out
our website, If you need help using the
website, just ask.

Msg# 8576

Re: 2007 MEFA Results Posted by Kathy January 05, 2008 - 19:41:46 Topic ID# 8575
--- In, "aure_enteluva" <melayton@...> wrote:

> I also want to give credit to the people who worked hard to run
> these awards the last few months. Everyone is busy reading and
> reviewing, so a lot of times these volunteers' contribution is
> overlooked; I know that if I was not working with them, in many
> cases I wouldn't know what was being done.

And a big thanks to *you*, Marta, for doing such a fabulous job of
running these awards. And kudos to the banners team for all the lovely


Msg# 8579

Re: 2007 MEFA Results Posted by January 05, 2008 - 22:13:13 Topic ID# 8575
Kathy wrote:
> --- In <>,
> "aure_enteluva" <melayton@...> wrote:
> > I also want to give credit to the people who worked hard to run
> > these awards the last few months. Everyone is busy reading and
> > reviewing, so a lot of times these volunteers' contribution is
> > overlooked; I know that if I was not working with them, in many
> > cases I wouldn't know what was being done.
> And a big thanks to *you*, Marta, for doing such a fabulous job of
> running these awards. And kudos to the banners team for all the lovely
> banners.
> Kathy/Inkling

Hi Kathy,

Thank you - I appreciate it.

*nods in agreement at Kathy's kudos for the banners team*
