Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 8987

Nominated author Posted by PipMer June 11, 2008 - 16:07:59 Topic ID# 8987
Hello :) I have another question.

I may be jumping the gun, but I thought I would ask now since the end
of the nomination period is fast approaching.

I nominated three stories yesterday, and one of them still
says "nomination submitted by nominator". The other two say "email sent
to author". Just wondering if there's a glitch that is stopping the
other email from going out, or if I'm just being impatient ;)

The author is Shirebound, and the title of the story is "PIppin's

Thank you!

Msg# 8988

Re: Nominated author Posted by June 11, 2008 - 17:39:35 Topic ID# 8987
Hi PipMer,

This is a good question, and I'm glad you asked it. When a story is
nominated, the liaison (the volunteer assigned to that author) checks it
for a few things, to make sure it is eligible before they contact the
author. Like, whether the link provided requires a reader to log in, and
whether the story has competed in a previous year - that kind of thing.

The upshot is, an actual person has to sit down at his or her computer
and look over things before the email is sent out. Since our volunteers
live around the globe and have different schedules they do their MEFA
work at different times. And since different authors are assigned to
different authors, those ones that still have the "nomination submitted
by nominator" probably are assigned to a volunteer who just hasn't had a
chance to sort through them.

Since it's only been a day I wouldn't worry too much. :-) But thanks for
asking, as other people might have had a similar question.


PipMer wrote:
> Hello :) I have another question.
> I may be jumping the gun, but I thought I would ask now since the end
> of the nomination period is fast approaching.
> I nominated three stories yesterday, and one of them still
> says "nomination submitted by nominator". The other two say "email sent
> to author". Just wondering if there's a glitch that is stopping the
> other email from going out, or if I'm just being impatient ;)
> The author is Shirebound, and the title of the story is "PIppin's
> Secret".
> Thank you!