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Msg# 9247

MEFA Reviews for Wednesday, July 16, 2008 Posted by Ann July 16, 2008 - 20:47:11 Topic ID# 9247
Title: The Gardener Speaks · Author: Armariel · Genres: Poetry:
Hobbits · ID: 428
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-22 18:36:25
A loving tribute Sam makes to the brother and master of his heart.
Wonderful and lyrical.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: The Bridge · Author: Armariel · Genres: Poetry: Drama · ID: 429
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-22 18:39:09
A way is found for Sam and Frodo to reach each other over the Sea.
Another lovely, loving poem.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: On Hobbits · Author: Aratlithiel · Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 457
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-24 03:17:37
Why do we love hobbits - Frodo in particular - let us count the ways.
A wonderful essay on the subject.

Title: Balm · Author: Armariel · Genres: Adventure · ID: 459
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-24 03:30:57
Frodo reflects on the love he received so unstintedly from his Sam on
the Quest. Was the balm Sam spread on his beloved master's wounds
truly a salve he had brought along from Strider's gear or was it the
love itself that he gave so fully that brought such solace and relief?
Another wonderful celebration of true love.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: Candles · Author: Gentle Hobbit · Races: Hobbits: Post-Ring War
· ID: 460
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-24 03:37:34
Sam tells his Frodo that he's always been his light in dark places. A
tender, loving, moving tribute to a beloved master and friend.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: Call of the Dream · Author: Queen Galadriel · Genres: Poetry:
Drama · ID: 402
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-24 04:08:36
You just keep getting better and better! A very powerful,
heartbreaking poem of what Frodo's dreams and fears were like during
his last years in the Shire when he was tormented by memories of the
Quest and feeling lost. Just as well done as "The Sea Bell" which
inspired this wonderful piece! More, more!

Namarie, God bless, Melinyel, Antane :)

Title: Chance Encounter · Author: przed · Races: Men: Steward's Family
· ID: 5
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-05-26 00:21:10
There seems to be a dearth (or maybe I just haven't found them) of
action-adventure-drama tales focusing on Boromir's young manhood, so
was I particularly delighted when I came across this one. It's a
simple premise: Aragorn encounters a (somewhat) grown-up Boromir,
saves him from misadventure, and accompanies him almost all the way to
Minas Tirtih. The author, przed, has skillfully instilled the tale
with warmth and affection and just a touch of melancholy.

I liked the depiction of 'Estel' as somewhat wistful, missing the life
he lived in Minas Tirith as Thorongil, (as well as missing the
friendship and affection he found there); wishing he could somehow
reclaim that life and birthright, even as he knows that is not
possible. It's quite sad when he realizes he will not have the
opportunity, nor the right, to watch Boromir grow into the skillful
and charismatic leader he sees in the young man he has encountered in
the woods.

The portrayal of Boromir is particularly endearing. Headstrong, with a
recognizable dose of cocksureness, he's also warm and engaging, honest
and accepting of his mistakes. The sense of security and protection he
found with Estel reminding him of a dimly remembered figure from his
childhood was a nice touch. His hero-worship of Estel is not
overstated, but shines quite clearly in his plans to share Estel's
tales, as well as his own adventures, with Faramir upon his return. A
heartwarming and well-written story.

Title: Hammer · Author: Aranel Took · Races: Dwarves: Drabbles · ID: 468
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 07:03:16
Very nice. We don't see many dwarf romance fics or even drabbles. The
use of a hammer as an euphemism was humorous. And I liked that she was
feminine even with her beard.

I liked this a lot. Great job!

Title: Hearts Like the Sea · Author: Ignoble Bard · Times: First Age
and Prior · ID: 36
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 07:25:48
An interesting tale. The characterization was nicely done and the
pacing was good. I loved the first craft they tested! And sex scenes
were nicely handled.

Great job!

Title: Forsaken · Author: Imhiriel · Races: Elves: Drabbles · ID: 369
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 07:32:10
Short, but powerfully worded. The author captured Finrod's voice well.

Title: Sunset Gates · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races: Dwarves: Drabbles
· ID: 342
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 07:34:18
This is one of my favorite drabbles. So touching, so emotionally
moving, so hilarious. It makes me smile every time I read it.

Title: Out of the Blue · Author: Jael · Races: Elves · ID: 205
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 07:38:42
A wonderful sequel to Not Fade Away. Once again the author takes us
into the world of the elves who still remain in modern times. The
social worker had my sympathy throughout, since she had no idea what
she was dealing with. So nice to see the familiar faces of Randy,
Linda, Leif, and Hal again, along with so many others. I enjoyed
getting to see the home life of the elves. Legolas as always is
adorable. Galen too cute. But as always it is Randy who steals the
show. My favorite scene will forever be Randy singing to his wife
while she plays the piano. Very moving.

Overall one fantastic tale. I hope to see more.

Title: Loudwater · Author: Adaneth · Times: Late Third Age: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 63
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 07:40:19
The language is almost poetic in form. I'm not a fan of drabbles but
this one shines. Well done!

Title: Epiphany · Author: Larner · Races: Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 293
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 07:41:52
Very nice!

Title: MAGIC: The Password · Author: Fiondil · Genres: Humor: Elven
Lands · ID: 451
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 08:05:56
A very humourous, if embarrassing for Thranduil, look at the gates of
the Elvenking's halls. The author has a great grasp on mixing canon
with humor and bringing the reader to peals of laughter. Legolas'
cameo is cute, and the password revealed made me snort. Classic comedy
here and a wonderful read.

Title: The Otters of Imladris · Author: chaotic_binky · Genres: Humor:
Elven Lands · ID: 491
Reviewer: weepingnaiad · 2008-05-26 19:18:19
This is a wonderful, heart warming tale and is an enjoyable read!

Title: Above All Shadows · Author: Ignoble Bard · Genres: Alternate
Universe · ID: 492
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-26 19:22:41
This story immediately struck me with it's true Tolkienesque flavor.
This is in part because it is very much book-verse and is written in
that grand, mythic way which many stories fail to convey. It is
fascinating because it is a story within a story - I would and have
said sub-plot, save that it is actually more than that. The plot which
runs under the main story which we all know and love is actually as
interesting as that story.

I tend to find that first person point of view is either written very
well in fanfiction or not well at all, but this story is excellent,
taking the reader into the mind of the canon character. And the plot
is enthralling, the mystery is so masterfully handled that there is
just enough to make one engrossed but not too much as to tell exactly
what has happened to the character. Even when it is revealed, one
still is unsure of what effect this will have upon him and at the end,
my heart was in my mouth. Up until then I was reading it as a story
subtly and expertly woven into the Lord of the Rings and believing
that it could have happened but at the critical point I believed it
must surely be utterly AU. However, on finishing it I still found
myself believing that this could have been a sub-plot within the book
which the author had found and written.

The revelation of what happened to the main character is beautifully
and chillingly written. Too often people writing of evil characters
will make them boringly evil, like a wall covered in black paint,
whereas I believe that certainly those like Morgoth and Sauron had
definite and complex personalities and the author has written in this
way. There is cruelty and malice, but it is a scalpel and not a
sledgehammer. I can only be extremely relieved that the ending was a
good one and the story itself incredibly readable, in a grand, elegant
Tolkien style.

Title: Dawn Twilight · Author: viv · Times: Modern Times · ID: 182
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-27 03:56:16
I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes. This story has taken the spot
of my favorite modern Tolkien tale. Just beautiful! I didn't want it
to end! Stories like this are VERY few and far between. This author
should be commended for a job well done!

This story holds the readers attention from the get go. From the
quirky beginnings with a HAWT linguistics professor and a bunch of rag
tag college students, to traveling to exotic places, chases worthy of
Hollywood drama, dwarves hiding out in West Virginia as red necks in
the hills, planes being attacked by dragons. And elves... My favorite
race in Tolkien's legendarium is so wonderfully represented with such
care in this fabulous tale.

I am thoroghly awed at the richness of the plot and wonderful storying
telling this author has put into this tale. The characterizations of
the canon characters was amazingly done. The plot is full of twists
and turns and surprises, and the reader finds themself both cheering
and warning the characters, biting their nails and crying at an epic

The main character, Moira, is quite enteraining and realisitic. Her
snarky comments keep the pace fresh and moving. Mr. Birdsong was very
refreshing. I'll miss him very much. And Greg was a pleasant surprise.

How rare it is to find such a gem of a story, so devoted to Tolkien's
works and yet original and full of it's own merit. All I can do is
stand here and applaud. And wish for more.

Title: Eldarion · Author: Sivan Shemesh · Genres: Humor: Gondor · ID: 510
Reviewer: aranelgoldenflower · 2008-05-27 20:44:12
A lovely story...nice lenth, sweet, and well worthy of nomination!

I picked this one to nominate because I really enjoyed it, and it also
had a good balance between humour and *angst*

'The king scanned the guard, eye for eye,' - agh poor guard, having to
face Aragorn when he knows perfectly well what has happened, but has
the threaths of Legolas and Gimli if he tells!

*the longer the review, the higher the score. Therefore, you should
adjust your reviews accordingly, giving longer reviews to the stories
you most want to win.* - agh how unfair...I always write really short
reviews...not becasue I didn't like the story, but I just don't
express things very well!

oh well Good luck!


Title: Elflings · Author: Jael · Races: Elves: Family · ID: 348
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-05-28 06:31:26
This story is a pleasant mix of subgenres. There are the childish
antics of young Thranduil and Galion, and the expected denouement of
that subplot: the strengthening of bonds in a way that would be real
to young boys. But there is also slightly raunchy romance, a
comedy-of-errors between Oropher and Prestawen, the mandatory
slightly-incompetent seneschal, and plain old-fashioned grief. But
what really caught my attention was the way that the different
elements were balanced so wonderfully - that made it feel much more
real (more like a slice of life than a constructed story), but also I
felt like I'd read a meaningful plot with a real resolution. That's no
mean feat, especially in only 6,000 words. Brava!

Title: In Passing · Author: Altariel · Races: Men · ID: 104
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-05-29 04:00:05
This is a lovely portrait of well-earned peace for Faramir. I love how
his mind is so sharp even at the end, and how one of his last acts is
to connect his future with that boy's past - it seems fitting, and
very in-keeping with Faramir's love of Inas Tirith as a city pregnant
with history. This is a great story, Altariel, very thought-provoking
and touching.

Title: Sam's Crosswise Verse · Author: Elanor Gardner · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Frodo or Sam · ID: 519
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-29 18:00:19
A powerful story of love during the Quest. The sequel is "Frodo's
Crosswise Verse" which is even better!

Title: Young Fëanáro Makes A Stone · Author: Oshun · Genres: Humor:
Valar & Maiar · ID: 77
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-05-29 18:59:12
This story does a good job of capturing a young Feanor, full of energy
and promise; and yet there are darker hints of his disregard for rules
just below the surface. Which must have been a tricky balancing act,
because it is at the end still a humor piece, and a good one at that.
I smiled at several points, and could definitely understand Aule's
belly-laugh. A nice gapfiller, both to explain how the stone came to
be and also to show how a young Feanor could be characterized, so that
he contains the germ of the later Feanor but would not alarm those
around him.

Title: Jewels of Light · Author: Larner · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 394
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-30 02:22:13
One of the most beautiful descriptions of Frodo I have read from
someone who has such a profound love for him.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: Bearer of the Ring · Author: ConnieMarie · Genres: Poetry:
Hobbits · ID: 396
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-30 02:24:07
A loving tribute to our beloved Ring-bearer, [full of grace].

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)