Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 9260

Re: spoilers; was: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signature... Posted by July 17, 2008 - 18:38:29 Topic ID# 9260
I certainly did not consider that a mandate nor a request! Dear lord! I have
no idea how you and the other MEFA volunteers are keeping up as it is. I
thought it sounded like fun at some point, for someone else to do--certainly not
the MEFA admin!

For example one could conceivably use an LJ poll open to everyone. Not right
now. I think people should just concentrate on reading and reviewing.

**************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for
FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9261

Re: spoilers; was: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signature... Posted by July 17, 2008 - 18:50:46 Topic ID# 9260
Hi Oshun,

Coolness! I just wanted to make sure you guys weren't asking for a poll
to be set up.

I think a private poll, like at LJ, might be cool - so long as it's done
later, like you say. :-)

Marta wrote:
> I certainly did not consider that a mandate nor a request! Dear lord! I
> have
> no idea how you and the other MEFA volunteers are keeping up as it is. I
> thought it sounded like fun at some point, for someone else to
> do--certainly not
> the MEFA admin!
> For example one could conceivably use an LJ poll open to everyone. Not
> right
> now. I think people should just concentrate on reading and reviewing.
> **************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for
> FanHouse Fantasy Football today.
> (
> <>)
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9262

Re: spoilers; was: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signature... Posted by Arthur Boccaccio July 17, 2008 - 18:54:12 Topic ID# 9260
I've been reading this discussion about spoilers and have decided to put in
my 2-cents-worth. (*grin)

It's a tricky thing. I try not to write reviews that reveal MAJOR plotlines,
though I see nothing wrong with stating that you liked a particular scene or
piece of dialogue and quote it. This is just a normal aspect of reviewing
anything... you have to give examples of what you are talking about.
Recently I wrote two reviews and could not decide if they contained spoilers
so I sent the reviews to the authors in a PM and asked *them* if they
thought my review contained spoilers. One said she didn't see anything that
was a specific spoiler, the other one said go ahead an put the spoiler lable
on. Now, in both cases, I knew the authors personally so I felt comfortable
sending them the review and asking for their opinion. I doubt I would do
that to an author I didn't know.

On the other hand I was writing a review the other night and couldn't decide
if it contained spoilers so I checked the summary offered by the author for
the story and saw that the summary was more revealing than my review! So I
decided putting a spoiler alert on the review was senseless.

There really is a fine line and it's hard to say where it's crossed. I think
the best maxim is "if in doubt, tick" or if you know the author, ask. I tend
not to read reviews of stories I've already selected to read until after
I've read the story and just skp over the reviews of other stories I haven't
read that have the spoiler alert until I've read the story. At least with
the alert I know which reviews to skip until I'm ready to read them.

So that's my take... for what it's worth. I do think sometime perhaps during
the post-mortem period a poll or discussion about this would be efficacious
to seeing if it's worth using next year.


"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nımo to an
Unidentified Elven Fıa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lımı! Utılie'n aurı! ı Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurı entuluva! ı Battle Cry of Hırin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utılie'n Estel ı Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9263

Re: spoilers; was: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signature... Posted by Agape 4Rivendell July 17, 2008 - 19:27:48 Topic ID# 9260
I don't read reviews at all. I look for the things that interest me - mostly
Boromir - and read tthose first... then I read authors I know and like -
then I read anything about the lesser known characters....

With a goal of 100 stories, I get to read a lot... I don't have time to read
reviews... and I really don't want to be 'swayed' by another person's

That's just me.

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 7:47 PM, <>

> Hi Oshun,
> Coolness! I just wanted to make sure you guys weren't asking for a poll
> to be set up.
> I think a private poll, like at LJ, might be cool - so long as it's done
> later, like you say. :-)
> Marta
> <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I certainly did not consider that a mandate nor a request! Dear lord! I
> > have
> > no idea how you and the other MEFA volunteers are keeping up as it is. I
> > thought it sounded like fun at some point, for someone else to
> > do--certainly not
> > the MEFA admin!
> >
> > For example one could conceivably use an LJ poll open to everyone. Not
> > right
> > now. I think people should just concentrate on reading and reviewing.
> >
> >
> >
> > **************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for
> > FanHouse Fantasy Football today.
> > (
> > <>)
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >

Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9264

Re: spoilers; was: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signature... Posted by nau\_tika July 17, 2008 - 19:48:38 Topic ID# 9260
I've already told Fiondil this: I think he should give lessons in how
to write a review! :D I feel I say the same thing over and over
again no matter what I'm reviewing.


--- In, "Arthur Boccaccio" <namondil@...>

> It's a tricky thing. I try not to write reviews that reveal MAJOR
> though I see nothing wrong with stating that you liked a particular
scene or
> piece of dialogue and quote it. This is just a normal aspect of
> anything... you have to give examples of what you are talking about.
> Recently I wrote two reviews and could not decide if they contained
> so I sent the reviews to the authors in a PM and asked *them* if
> thought my review contained spoilers. One said she didn't see
anything that
> was a specific spoiler, the other one said go ahead an put the
spoiler lable
> on. Now, in both cases, I knew the authors personally so I felt
> sending them the review and asking for their opinion. I doubt I
would do
> that to an author I didn't know.
> On the other hand I was writing a review the other night and
couldn't decide
> if it contained spoilers so I checked the summary offered by the
author for
> the story and saw that the summary was more revealing than my
review! So I
> decided putting a spoiler alert on the review was senseless.
> There really is a fine line and it's hard to say where it's
crossed. I think
> the best maxim is "if in doubt, tick" or if you know the author,
ask. I tend
> not to read reviews of stories I've already selected to read until
> I've read the story and just skp over the reviews of other stories
I haven't
> read that have the spoiler alert until I've read the story. At
least with
> the alert I know which reviews to skip until I'm ready to read them.
> So that's my take... for what it's worth. I do think sometime
perhaps during
> the post-mortem period a poll or discussion about this would be
> to seeing if it's worth using next year.
> --
> "What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Ná­¯ to an
> Unidentified Elven Fë¡ giving the Lord of Mandos grief
> ****
> Auta i ló­«¡ Ut?n aurë¡ ? Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth
> Arnediad
> Aurë ¥ntuluva! ? Battle Cry of H?at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad
> Ut?n Estel ? Hope hath come
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9265

Re: spoilers; was: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signature... Posted by Kathy July 17, 2008 - 20:54:59 Topic ID# 9260
Hi Nautika,

In case you (or anyone else who may be interested) haven't seen it,
there's a great resource in the MEFA FAQ section called "Strategies
for Reviewing from Veteran Reviewers" (link below). It's just what it
says it is: tips on reviewing from some of the experts! And if
Fiondil would like to contribute an entry, he's more than welcome! :)


--- In, "nau_tika" <nau_tika@...> wrote:
> I've already told Fiondil this: I think he should give lessons in
> how to write a review! :D I feel I say the same thing over and
> over again no matter what I'm reviewing.
> nautika
> --- In, "Arthur Boccaccio" <namondil@>
> wrote:
> >
> > It's a tricky thing. I try not to write reviews that reveal MAJOR
> plotlines,
> > though I see nothing wrong with stating that you liked a
> scene or
> > piece of dialogue and quote it. This is just a normal aspect of
> reviewing
> > anything... you have to give examples of what you are talking
> > Recently I wrote two reviews and could not decide if they
> spoilers
> > so I sent the reviews to the authors in a PM and asked *them* if
> they
> > thought my review contained spoilers. One said she didn't see
> anything that
> > was a specific spoiler, the other one said go ahead an put the
> spoiler lable
> > on. Now, in both cases, I knew the authors personally so I felt
> comfortable
> > sending them the review and asking for their opinion. I doubt I
> would do
> > that to an author I didn't know.
> >
> > On the other hand I was writing a review the other night and
> couldn't decide
> > if it contained spoilers so I checked the summary offered by the
> author for
> > the story and saw that the summary was more revealing than my
> review! So I
> > decided putting a spoiler alert on the review was senseless.
> >
> > There really is a fine line and it's hard to say where it's
> crossed. I think
> > the best maxim is "if in doubt, tick" or if you know the author,
> ask. I tend
> > not to read reviews of stories I've already selected to read
> after
> > I've read the story and just skp over the reviews of other
> I haven't
> > read that have the spoiler alert until I've read the story. At
> least with
> > the alert I know which reviews to skip until I'm ready to read
> >
> > So that's my take... for what it's worth. I do think sometime
> perhaps during
> > the post-mortem period a poll or discussion about this would be
> efficacious
> > to seeing if it's worth using next year.
> >
> >
> > --
> > "What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Ná­¯ to an
> > Unidentified Elven Fë¡ giving the Lord of Mandos grief
> >
> > ****
> > Auta i ló­«¡ Ut?n aurë¡ ? Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor
> > Arnediad
> >
> > Aurë ¥ntuluva! ? Battle Cry of H?at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad
> >
> > Ut?n Estel ? Hope hath come
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >