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Msg# 9273

MEFA Reviews for Friday, July 18, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 18, 2008 - 20:53:48 Topic ID# 9273
Title: Renewal · Author: Elena Tiriel · Times: Late Third Age: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 208
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 21:57:01
As usual, you take my breath away with your deeply emotional imagery.
You have a truly special talent in your ability to get so deeply in
point of view and bring characters to life. You know I love all your
writing in general, but this is one that shines even above and beyond
your usual work.

Title: Hearts of Stone · Author: Elen Kortirion · Races: Men: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 12
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 21:59:47
I love the thought of Aragon collecting and shaping the souvenirs of
his travels, but how heartbreaking to think of the one she'll never hold.

Title: The Wedding Gift · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Romance: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 40
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 22:06:43
I love the intimacy of the gift, it's almost counter-point to the
typical dwarfish greed, but on deeper reflection, it's exactly the
kind of custom I can see them following.

Title: Of Dreams... · Author: Avon · Races: Men: General Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 7
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:21:40
This is a lovely view of Aragorn. I loved these glimpses of the things
that were important to him.

Title: Men of the Twilight · Author: Elena Tiriel · Genres: Romance:
Drabbles · ID: 209
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:22:56
Indeed. well done, as usual, beautiful and insightful.

Title: Call of the Wild · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Romance:
Drabbles · ID: 94
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:26:20

Yumm! I enjoyed this a lot. It's a wonderful portrayal of the ageless
"lady and the outlaw". There just seems to be something about a wild
ranging horsemen that some women find irresistible.

Title: Nine Companions · Author: Aranel Took · Genres: Humor: Drabbles
· ID: 259
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:33:05
I love the lighthearted, insightful view of these guys and the
wonderful little twist. How very true - loyal companions, king and
heroes, but still guys.

Title: Gently Held · Author: viv · Genres: Romance: Other Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 6
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:35:30
This is beautiful viv, very emotional and insightful in a way that
portrays the heart of the woman as well as the heart of the king.

Title: Loudwater · Author: Adaneth · Times: Late Third Age: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 63
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:38:23
I enjoyed this very much. You do have a special way with words and
your description here is perfectly balance with the emotion.

Title: Some Confusion in Accounts · Author: viv · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 276
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:41:10
HAHA! This one needs a spew warning. - and we all know, of course, the
answer to that question.

Title: My Precious · Author: SheBit · Genres: Romance: Drabbles · ID: 14
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:43:15
oh dear! That was truly awful in a horribly delightful way. It gave me
the shudders. Well done!

Title: Journey's End · Author: Ignoble Bard · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 234
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:46:20
This is beautiful Bard, I especially appreciate the subtle
implications and layers inherent in the undercurrents.

Title: Hide the Knives · Author: Nieriel Raina · Genres: Humor: Gondor
· ID: 485
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:48:39
This is a fun little story, Niri, and I really enjoyed it. I
especially enjoyed the contrast of Arwen's humanity through the
difficulties of childbirth with her Elvish strength and skills. Well done!

Title: Stars of the Lesser · Author: Dawn Felagund · Times: First Age
and Prior · ID: 74
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 15:14:36
I really enjoyed this story. Dawn Felagund has always been a great
writer but over the last few years has improved even more. As a huge
fan of Celebrimbor I was drawn to this story from the summary and it
did not disappoint. The idea of a young Celebrimbor trying to recreate
light through nature is intriguing and I loved the cockiness he showed
toward defending the fact that Feanor had proven the Valar wrong about
harnessing light. The innocence of Pengolodh is also very sweet. Even
though he was shocked and appalled by what the Feanorians had done,
you could sense a little admiration for Celebrimbor yet he still stood
up to him (despite knowing his family's history). I am certain that
many of the rest of the Noldos wondered about the remaining
Feanorians, both feared and interested in their skills and actions.
And as one of Turgon people and son of loremasters/historians,
Pengolodh would probably have heard more about them than some others.
What Celebrimbor said about light and the contridictions of the Valar
was both arrogant and accurate. This story reminds me a lot of people
being told 'the world is flat' and someone setting out to prove them
wrong. If no one ever tries to disprove what we have learned, we will
never exceed our past and remain stagnant forever.

Title: Elflings · Author: Jael · Races: Elves: Family · ID: 348
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 15:18:51
This is such a sweet story Jael without being too cutesy. Jael has
such a talent for story telling. I love her young Thranduil and
Galion. Between Oropher's guard thinking his lord had screamed like a
girl, the elleth getting into bed with the frog (the frog alone made
me crack up), and the whole scene of the kids re-enacting the fighting
of the first age (poor Galion always stuck being a Noldo *gasp* The
horror!!) to Galion predicting Thranduil's future love for cave
dwelling (made me laugh out loud) - you stuck a lot of little nuggets
of priceless gold in this that made it just as humorous as it was
cute. I usually don't go for elfling fictions because they can be too
sugary sweet but this one had a perfect edge. This was very well done
and very engaging. I think I've become a fan!

Title: Gently Held · Author: viv · Genres: Romance: Other Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 6
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 15:51:38
This delightful look into Arwen's mind about Aragorn makes the inner
romantic in me want to sigh or swoon. I have always been a sucker for
the romance of Arwen and Aragorn - much more so than Beren and Luthien
- and hearing Arwen's view of Aragorn touched me. To her he is not
just a king, a leader, a great warrior, or a great ranger. He is
flawed and not the most beautiful she has ever see - after all she has
lived surrounded by the beautiful First Born elves all of her life.
But something so small as his hands, made it so much more realistic to
me. Most people in love notice something small and perhaps
insignificant to others that stands out to them. Viv has also shown
Arwen's more human side in my opinion. The line about stroking his
son's hair made me teary eyed then the last paragraph gave me chills.

[So when I press my lips to each raw knuckle and to the toughened pad
of each dear finger, he knows not only that I love him. He knows that
he holds my fëa, and a doom now uncertain, in his ever gentle hands.]

Gah! how romantic is that?? It makes me want to melt and it definately
helps add to my love for Aragorn. Wimpers. And a little teary eyed -
her writing always makes me emotional. Not to mention Viv's style of
writing just flows exquisitely and leaves you wanting more. I am
waiting impatiently for her full length story with Arwen and Aragorn
because I think she could write it so it was true to canon,
unbelievable romantic, without being too over the top 'romance novel'.

Title: And Then There Was Cake, or Begetting Day Horrors · Author:
Klose · Races: Elves: Family · ID: 540
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 16:00:25
This is a cute little fiction about Maedhros' Begetting Day
Celebration. Considering the Feanorian family, you can only imagine
how this disfunctional group could have an eventful and hilarious
celebration or event. This is the type of people that you would want
to go and be a part of their celebration however you probably would
not want to be related to them. And I'm sure that alot of people can
relate to that. *ahem* I loved the way Klose had little tidbits that
made you laugh outloud such as saying Maedhros was referred to as 'You
bloody bastard' by the fathers of the local ladies! haha Overall this
is a great story and makes you realize that despite all the kinslaying
and whatnot they weren't always all bad, just similar to a family off
the Jerry Springer show.

Title: Hide the Knives · Author: Nieriel Raina · Genres: Humor: Gondor
· ID: 485
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 16:54:57
I really enjoyed this little snippet of married life for Aragorn and
Arwen. And to read about Arwen being less than queenly or Elvish
(perhaps the half elf part makes me act like a human under stress lol)
We all know that during birth we aren't acting our normal selves. And
I could almost see Aragorn's face when Arwen threatened him. I'm
envisioning the expression he had on his face when he stabbed Lurtz
and he didn't die - sort of like 'oh great, now what?' He's lucky her
head didn't spin around like the exorcist. But the end was a very
sweet and tender moment discussing the naming of their son.

Title: The Making of Werewolves · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races:
Villains · ID: 42
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-06-24 18:49:17
A very atmospheric and chilling take on the genesis of werewolves,
utterly creepy and fascinating at the same time. The style of this
short fiction is by all means captivating to someone as much in love
with the Silmarillion as myself -- it perfectly reflects the tone of
the book without being overdone. Amazingly well written!

Title: A Dream Come True · Author: Lady Bluejay · Genres: Romance:
Gondor · ID: 162
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 19:12:25
This was the first story I have read of LadyBlueJay but I can assure
you it will not be the last. I loved her writing style as well as this
whole story. What a great and unique way to have the mysterious
meeting of Eomer and Lothiriel explained! I was truly surprised by how
easily I became engrossed in this story. I also enjoyed her Eomer
greatly. Despite the fact there is a 'book' Eomer and a 'movie' Eomer
- it seems that throughout fanfiction he varies so greatly, at times
its hard to appreciate the interpretation of the author. I had no
problem enjoying LadyBlueJay's version of him. He was funny, charming,
sexy, oafish at times, kingly at others, compassionate, fiery, *sigh*
all the things Eomer should be. And although I have never been a great
Lothiriel fan I found myself very intrigued by her in this piece. She
wasn't as flat as I have read her in the past and I like the idea of
her having a mysterious behind the scenes personality that only Eomer
gets to see. I think alot of real life women have those qualities as
well so it seemed very realistic to me that she was not a 'Queen' when
she stepped through the bedroom doors. Plus her having to make the
first move on Eomer amused me. She should have expected him to be a
little gunshy after what she did though. He completely deserved it but
I'm glad she forgave him. Men are dumb that way sometimes!

Title: Summer Nights · Author: Marta · Races: Men: Gondor Drabbles ·
ID: 344
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-06-24 19:17:51
Boromir's impatiance is palpable here.

Title: Expert Treasure Hunter · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 447
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-06-24 19:19:34
It's intriguing to think of Smaug as such a sensual creature! And so

Title: On Amon Sûl · Author: Dreamflower · Genres: Drama: Featuring
Frodo or Sam · ID: 299
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 19:22:50
I have never been a hobbity person but I really enjoyed this glimpse
into the mind of Frodo after being stabbed on Amon Sul. The care shown
by his friends and Strider, the concern about whether Strider could be
trusted, and Frodo's internal battle with the ring was very touching.
Dreamflower is a gifted writer and I really enjoyed his fiction. I
think she personifies Frodo and the other hobbits rather well in this

Title: I Ain't Got Nobody · Author: Ignoble Bard · Genres: Humor:
Valar & Maiar · ID: 568
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 19:31:26
I think it is safe to say that Ignoble Bard is carving out his own
path in the Silmarillion humor category. After reading his hysterical
'The Unbeatable Smugness of Being Feanor', I knew he had a somewhat
twisted sense of humor (Which I LOVE btw) and this story did not
disappoint. Its rare to find someone who writes so well and at the
same time is so dang funny! He is the George Carlin of the Simarillion
Fanfiction. Writing about Glorfindel's death, repeated death rather,
was perfect - made the elf lord seem a little less perfect. And not
many of his deaths were something to be proud of either. I keep
thinking of mother's warnings about 'we can't have nice things'.
Apparently wtih Glorfindel he 'can't have a great body'. Even the
title is hysterical - I keep hearing the song in my head!

Title: Love at First Sight · Author: Gwynnyd · Races: Elves: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 432
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 20:01:57
This is a beautiful drabble that Gwynnyd has written about both the
love that Finwe felt at first sight for Feanor and the love Feanor
felt for the light. The love between a parent and a newborn is usually
at instantly and unconditional. To create a life so strong and
influential as Feanor was quite an accomplishment for Finwe and
Miriel. It is so sad to read about Miriel's feelings afterwards
knowing her history. It makes me wonder if she knew his future deeds
and could not live with herself so Eru allowed her the grace of fading
away peacefully rather than dealing with the obsessive desire Feanor
had for capturing and harnessing light. It also makes me wonder if
Finwe would have felt the same of his son had he known what would
become of him. Very invocative piece of writing that inspires me to
think about the relationship between what Feanor did and if it would
have been different if Miriel had remained part of his life. I always
enjoy Gywynnd's writing. Her style is engaging, professional, elegant,
and Tolkien'ish flowing over you and subtly pulling you into the
moment so you can peek inside the heads of the characters. I did not
realize she wrote many Silmarillion stories so now that I know I will
have to check out more! Since she has betaed my work I'm sure she's
probably laughing at all of my point of view changes, bad grammar, and
bad spelling in this review.