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Msg# 9275

MEFA Reviews for Saturday, July 19, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 19, 2008 - 22:48:46 Topic ID# 9275
Title: A Large Bold Hand · Author: Jay of Lasgalen · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 10
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-26 17:11:58
This is an interesting interaction between characters I've never seen
set in the same room before! What a terrific use of that (not quite)
throw-away line that identified the writer of the last entry in the
dwarven chronicle to the Fellowship.

Ori's appreciation of script works well - it suggests an appreciation
for the artistry of writing, and of one particular elf's writing. It
makes a nice gap-filler for "[The Hobbit]", one that has to highlight
the gap in the act of filling it.

Well done, Jay! An enjoyable drabble!

Title: Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim · Author: EdorasLass · Genres:
Humor · ID: 71
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-26 17:25:27
Tolkien's hair-fetishizing tendencies meet their match in this
humorous guide to Rohirric hair-care. Everything from fourth-wall
breaching to invocation of radically out-of-place characters (all
nicely 'Rohirricized' by the use of the "thorn" character, just for
authenticity's sake....), this comedic coiffure's advice column has it
all, including vehemently offered 'argument' on the masculinity of
hair care (so there is no excuse for refusing) as well as suggested
ways of procuring sparkly (but again, very very masculine) clips for
said hair. And since no story about Rohirrim is complete without
reference to a horse, EdorasLass makes sure to cover this base about
three times, managing to get in a dig at Dunedain-Rohirrim cultural
differences in the process. Nothing is sacred, after all, except
horses, whose manes are markedly less messy than those of their manly
and desirable Riders...

I laughed as hard as I reasonably could without being ejected from a
library and plan to reread at need. Thank you, EdorasLass!

Title: Rivendell International Airport · Author: Primsong · Genres:
Humor: Elven Lands · ID: 345
Reviewer: Virtuella · 2008-06-26 19:38:15
This was very funny. You have some great ideas, like Bill being
checked in as a piece of luggage. The security check was a very
obvious one, but still well executed. Merry's name backwards was fun,
but "Stinky Dwarf" was a hoot! I also liked the way Gimli was stripped
to the bone. SIR Rimorob! Hahaha! The rabbits in the hat and the
inappropriate joke! Well done, well done indeed.

Title: Broken Star · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 54
Reviewer: hrymfaxe · 2008-06-26 19:49:09
This is such a thrilling tale, sending shivers down my spine. Worse,
much worse than the physical torture must be the betrayal Celebrimbor
now knows of, and the things and events he helped set in motion in his
eager study of the art of crafting. He is such a tragic figure –
tearing himself free from the taint of the house of Fëanor and still
ending up worse perhaps, as you show in this story, as the
hearth-brother of evil! It's good that we know he created the rings
for the elves that enabled the eventual downfall of Sauron.

I love that there is a small part of Sauron that is saddened at the
loss of their friendship – joined in their common interests and
fascination at what they could learn from one another. He is not
wholly evil, he was trusted and that makes his betrayal of Celebrimbor
even harder to take.

The images in this are so invoking – the sight of Celebrimbor as a
broken star gives rise to all sorts of imaginings about what has
happened before the story begins, which puts the apparent gentleness
of Sauron into even greater relief. Wonderful, sad story

Title: A New Day · Author: Oshun · Genres: Longer Works · ID: 35
Reviewer: elfscribe · 2008-06-27 02:49:28
I love this story. Its subtle and very "human" characterizations, the
romantic and caring love between Maitimo and Findekano, and the sense
of family politics with both the easy joking and familiarity as well
as political maneuvering that goes on in all families - all come
shining through with detailed descriptions that let me feel as if I'm
right there in the scene. In addition to the domestic details of their
lives are scenes that feel "near-mythic" as if they come from right
the Silm and I can see them in all their bloody, metal detail as in
the scene quoted below of clan Feanor taking the oath.
["He would never forget looking through eyes, bloodshot and itchy,
upon Maitimo's handsome, determined face illuminated in the red glow
as he and each of his brothers drew their swords and, holding them
aloft, joined in swearing their father's oath. Beautiful and terrible
they all had been in their fierce majesty. Findekáno had been
enthralled and horrified in equal parts, as though seeing them as
near-mythic in potency, forgetting for a moment that these fearsome
seven had long been closer to him than his own brother."]

It is beautifully written in language that feels very appropriate - a
little formal with no jarring modern vernacular and yet definitely not
so formal, old-fashioned and stilted that it makes for difficult reading.

Family interactions:
This feels so much like a family - all the brothers each with their
own personality come through well and that is hard to do with such a
crowd of people. I also really like the dialogue. It is mature and
intelligent and interesting.

The Feanoreans do do oaths well, don't they? The language of
Macalaure's oath is perfect. Love the playful banter that actually is
covering up tension, the way Maitimo used Macalaure's support to lever
the support of others, the joke about heirs, and especially the jibe
at Curvo's ambitions, a reminder of his being 5th in secession. That
last bit about the mathematics very well done, ["Ah yes, Curvo, nor is
politics yours." ]

I like the politics, the fact that there is more going on in your
story than just the love affair. I liked Maitimo's admission: ["Being
my father's heir, the oldest grandson, meant something to me."]

Maitimo and Findekano's relationship:

This is the best kind of slash, imho, in which the men are still men
and yet have a romantic relationship:

Poor Fingon, I can really feel his pain and pity for his beloved. The
details you give about the care for Maedhro's injury, cutting the hair
and so forth really let me see the scene.

The little sexual interludes are quite lovely. I really like that you
have them speaking to each other throughout with the same voices and
that the love scene becomes just a continuum of their relationship.
The love scenes are the right balance of hot and not too explicit.

Findekano's constant scrutiny of Maitimo, worrying, is very
understandable and convincing. I like that they get mad at each other
as that is very realistic, especially Maitimo not wishing his lover to
see all his scars - both the physical and the psychological ones.
["And a hand"] yes, indeed that has to weigh on him, even though there
was no other choice.

F & M's sweet tumbling affection. This was so like a man: [ Findekáno
did not think of himself as vain in the abstract, but he did admit to
expedience-" ] lol. ["In fact, better yet, get rid of the trousers."]
I do love their conversation as Kano is pushing Maitimo towards the
bed, playful,loving, and yet it feels fresh, NOT the same cliches read
many times in such encounters. Hard to do.

The scene at Angband was so well done. Often it is the small details
such as slipping in some unnamed substance or trying to keep from
lying against a fetid wall with open wounds that are truly horrific.
His friendship with the elves very poignant and all the details of
lying in a corridor and no need for locks in Angband. I could just see
and feel and smell it. It was very realistic that it took Maitimo a
long time to talk about his experience, very like a soldier in war.

The love scene was just perfect. Hot and emotional with such good
dialogue. ["Their minds were both wide open. Findekáno was aware of
pockets of obscurity and shadows within Maitimo. Yet there was nothing
sinister about them. It was like watching a mixture of light and dark
clouds drift across the summer sky in Formenos, as though the contrast
made the blue bluer and the light more precious than they ever could
have been in the unvarying perfection of Tirion. For the first time
since they had come back together, Findekáno felt he wasn't reaching
for or pulling at Maitimo for something he could almost but not quite
attain."] Gorgeous and ["Let go now, Káno. I can't hold on any longer."]

Great story!

Title: On Canon and Fanfic · Author: Marta · Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 123
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-27 02:52:43
I love this examination of what constitutes AU stories. One of the
criticisms I've appreciated least is that a gapfiller I've written is
seen as unacceptable solely because Tolkien never indicated what
actually happened here, so in suggesting a possible scenario somehow
I'm sinning against the man. That you covered so well, Marta! I've
written a few AU stories, and now and then I stretch canon at least a
little even in my most consistent gapfillers or alternate POV stories.
and I don't mind AU stories that are well written and that capture my

Anyway, thank you for writing this--it belongs with Dreamflower's Musings.

Title: The Web of Darkness · Author: Soledad · Genres: Adventure:
Incomplete · ID: 101
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-27 03:06:14
Now, this is a fascinating crossover with a series originally based
strongly on LOTR that has managed to become original over the years.
To see how Drizzt do'Urden adjusts to living in Thanduil's court is
fascinating, along with the manner in which he fights back against the
powers that brought him to Middle Earth out of his own world.
Characterizations are excellent; existing cultures are expanded and
enriched; original characters are well drawn. And I absolutely love
Half-tooth the hunting lynx that helps Drizzt find his way originally
through his new environment.

After being originally put off of reading Salvatore's work due to the
highly derivative nature of his original work, I now intend to read
some of his later works in order to see how he has found his own
voice. And it's been an honor to help see this story edited.

Title: Tree of Knowledge · Author: Nancy Brooke · Times: Late Third
Age: Gondor Drabbles · ID: 172
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-27 03:11:58
A marvelous drabble from Denethor's POV. The Tree of Knowledge spoken
of is clearly the lineage of Isildur's heirs; and the cost of seeing
that tree fruit as told by Denethor is rather chilling.

Excellently sets and maintains the mood; wonderfully thought-provoking.

Title: Bears With Honey · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Genres: Humor:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 243
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-27 03:17:23
A nice look at Mistress Beorn as she deals with her husband's
capabilities as a skinchanger and her knowledge of his bear side's
habits. A nice harkener back to The Hobbit.

Title: Old Man Willow · Author: Nath · Races: Other Beings · ID: 314
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-27 03:28:34
Perhaps the most unique of all the "X takes the Ring" stories I've
read! Certainly it's one of the most ominous as the particular form of
intelligence that takes the Ring does not use thought processes,
reasoning, or means we can easily understand or predict! However, it's
a world I wouldn't wish to inhabit once Old Man Willow begins
enforcing his will!

Eerie; lyrical; fascinating; terrifying. Nath's vision of this
particoular Ringbearer is well worth the read.

Title: MAGIC: The Password · Author: Fiondil · Genres: Humor: Elven
Lands · ID: 451
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-27 03:37:09
Why, when bespelling the doors to Thranduil's keep did Radagast choose
such a long and complicated password? Hilarious allusions to Disney
here! Fiondil does some marvelous comedy! A wonderful short read.

Title: Vengeance's Folly · Author: Rhapsody · Races: Elves: Noldor
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 718
Reviewer: hrymfaxe · 2008-06-27 14:00:31
What an interesting glimpse at this pivotal moment in time. I like how
you show the brothers through Celegorm's eyes, how they are all
sitting inwounded inaction and he is driven to do something. This is a
very low point in the House of Fëanor (and his observation of the
Laiquendi who would refuse the fëanorian superiority made me laugh).

Is that dismay he feels as even Maedhros will not act? Celegorm is
ready to take the reins, but it must still be disconcerting to
suddenly have them. And the sad part is knowing where it will lead him…

Title: Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast? · Author: viv · Genres:
Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 180
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-06-27 17:01:29
Let's see: there is the Witch King of Angmar who wants to date a girl.
And there is a girl, well for now in disguise, but still. And she
misinterprets what he told her.

And I roared with laughter once again when I read Viv's drabbles. This
one is utterly hilarious. Great job!

Title: The Rescue of Celebrian · Author: NeumeIndil · Genres: Drama:
Incomplete · ID: 382
Reviewer: eiranae · 2008-06-27 17:59:45
The suspense in this story leaves me aching for more. As I read, the
description pulled me in to the story until I could smell, see, and
feel everything the characters did.

The depiction of Celebrian's mental anguish nearly left me in tears.
The struggle of her friends and family to bring her back to some shred
of her former self was heart-wrenching. The most touching moment is
when her maid comes to her confirming that everything she had endured
was truly only a dream. Such a profound ache.

Neume joins rich description with vivid character depiction to create
intense moments that enrich not only the experience of reading her
stories but also help you to see life from a different perspective. I
await further updates with bated breath.

Title: Dawn Twilight · Author: viv · Times: Modern Times · ID: 182
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-06-28 06:06:12
An amusing, well-paced and occasional thrill ride of a modern
LOTR-connected fanfiction story. Moira Eldolen is an enjoyable
character and narrator, at times sprightly and at times sardonic. And
of course she turns out to have some interesting connections she never
realized, not to mention developing a love interest with a character
we rarely see in Tolkien fanfic.

Entertaining and enjoyable.

Title: Reparation · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Races: Men · ID: 296
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-06-28 08:23:35
It's always difficult, when writing original characters in fairly
well-populated settings, to not idealize those characters in a very
real way. This is quite natural, because all too often we are trying
to fill some gap we feel Tolkien left unplugged, but I know that in
similar situations I have found it very hard to write these characters
with real weaknesses.

The fact that Andrahar would slug Hethlin seems very believable given
their characters (and I say this only on the merits of "Reparation",
not having read "Dol Amroth Yule" yet); but to have Andrahar not
immediately submit himself for judgment was refreshing. It made him
feel human, and that "weakness" (if it is a weakness) led to some
lovely character moments between both him and Brand, and him and
Peloren. Three cheers all around for a well-rounded look at some of my
favorite OCs.

Title: O Kheled-zâram fair and wonderful! · Author: Imhiriel · Races:
Dwarves: Drabbles · ID: 354
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-06-28 13:01:12
This is lovely and evocative. Your similes are well chosen and rooted
perfectly in a dwarven perspective - the weight of earth, the sparkle
of diamonds.

Title: A Great Cause for Concern · Author: Alassante · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Post-Ring War · ID: 682
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-06-28 13:59:12
I adore every single bit of this story: a lightly ironic hint at the
Valar's overgrown egos, humor, Galadriel's attitude, Aule's need to
know more about the dwarves, and finally Legolas and Gimli proving
that their friendship is eternal. Very beautiful, touching little
tale. Greatly done!

Title: A Moment Away · Author: Elen Kortirion · Races: Men: General
Drabbles · ID: 474
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-06-28 16:46:47
This moment seemed strangely fitting for Eowyn - a woman's moment from
the one who was warrior enough to be called "Steelsheen." I think this
was precisely what Eowyn needed at this point in time, and I'm glad
you thought to fill this gap - it was really very touching.

Title: O Kheled-zâram fair and wonderful! · Author: Imhiriel · Races:
Dwarves: Drabbles · ID: 354
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-06-28 16:47:29
Nicely done! I loved the earthy tones, they felt very dwarven. And it
was a nice touch that they didn't say many words - just knew each
other's hearts without having to speak. There aren't nearly enough
fics that explore the softer side of Durin's sons (and daughters), so
I was very glad to find this one.

Title: I Stand No Longer Alone · Author: Larner · Races: Men: Minas
Tirith · ID: 62
Reviewer: Virtuella · 2008-06-28 17:19:07
This is an original idea, and very elegantly written. I like how the
throne senses the personality of Aragorn.

Title: Burden · Author: Ancalime8301 · Genres: Drama: Featuring Frodo
or Sam · ID: 734
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-06-28 20:51:41
I first started following this story with a bit of trepidation as
Ancalime posted it on her LiveJournal. MPreg is not generally my
thing, you see, but she's generally such a good writer that I decided
to give it a shot. The medical detail is accurate without being too
over the top graphic for me. The characters are lovingly written and
with an eye to canon. I ended up enjoying the story very much!

Title: Slings and Arrows · Author: Ancalime8301 · Genres: Drama:
Hurt/Comfort · ID: 185
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-06-28 20:55:47
An interesting alternate universe look at what might have happened if
Frodo hadn't been wearing his mithril mail shirt when he encountered
Faramir's company of Rangers in Ithilien. This is pretty much flat-out
hurt/comfort, but well-written and the characters feel true to canon.

Title: Secrets · Author: Aprilkat · Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort · ID: 229
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-06-28 21:01:00
I liked this very much for a number of reasons. I like the glimpse
that AprilKat gives us into Rosie's mind and the hints of what Rose
must have endured during the occupation of the Shire by Saruman and
the ruffians. I also like the glimpse of a deep friendship between
Rose and Frodo, and her care and concern for him. The bit of
information she give him for comfort at the end felt real and honest
to me. Beautifully done.

Title: In The Darkness Of My Dreaming · Author: Cuthalion · Genres:
Alternate Universe: Angst/Tragedy · ID: 284
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-06-28 21:20:44
This is a haunting and grim alternate universe for Cuthalion's
wonderful tale 'Before I Go To Sleep.' The original tale tells a love
story between Frodo Baggins and the young midwife of Hobbiton, Lily
Proudfoot - and in the original tale, he leaves her behind and departs
over the sea. This tale contains a series of vignettes which give a
somewhat different ending to the original. What if Frodo had remained
in Middle Earth and married Lily? Would they have had a happily ever
after - or would things have fallen out in a not-so-happy manner?
Angsty and dark dark dark, but gorgeously written, wonderfully told,
and oddly bitter and satisfying simultaneously - like a good dark
chocolate. I enjoyed this, and have re-read it several times.