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Msg# 9282

MEFA Reviews for Sunday, July 20, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 20, 2008 - 20:36:47 Topic ID# 9282
Title: Small Strengths · Author: Elwen · Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort
· ID: 238
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-30 06:33:03
A nice h/c story in which Frodo encounters a small spider and has a
reaction to it. The typical aversion he might well have developed is
well described and presented, and the response quite realistic. And
love that his own strength of character is well displayed in reaction
to his experience.

Title: Promises Broken and Kept · Author: periantari · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Frodo or Sam · ID: 144
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-30 07:07:29
A childhood promise to a heart-broken Merry in the end helps Merry to
make the commitment to accompany Frodo on the quest. A sweet tale.

Title: There Was A Hobbit · Author: agape4gondor · Genres: Humor:
Drabbles · ID: 111
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-06-30 09:33:03
Very amusing little tale. Well done.

Title: Call of the Wild · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Romance:
Drabbles · ID: 94
Reviewer: Makamu · 2008-06-30 12:40:36
There are few who write the Rohirrim as well as Annarwalk does, and
this is a prime example of exactly how well she does it. Morwen and
Thengel are amongst the interesting couples that are sadly not always
given their proper due.

The most interesting aspect for me was how very much Morwen's thoughts
already resemble the language of the Rohirrim, rather than those of
her own people. And she also embraces them in a way one sees echoed in
her granddaughter Éowyn.

Title: Estel I Was Called · Author: Marta · Genres: Drama: Featuring
Aragorn · ID: 351
Reviewer: gwidhiel · 2008-06-30 13:44:07
This is such a well-imagined scene; I think you do a very good job
depicting the confusion, angst, and conflicting loyalties that Aragorn
must have felt when he had to come to terms with his true identity. I
especially appreciated your focus on the small details of life -- furs
vs. quilts -- that differ between cultures. I can well imagine young
Estel struggling with feelings of inferiority on multiple levels --
personal and cultural -- when he confronts his true identity, when all
he'd known up until that point was life in Imladris.

I also enjoyed Halbarad's exasperation at Estel's seeming petulance
about his name. "Halbeleg" seems like a good way to have his revenge
while still accommodating his cousin's insistence on shedding his
childhood identity before it's time to embrace his true one!

Title: The Last Throw · Author: nau_tika · Genres: Drama · ID: 556
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-30 15:49:12
Nautika has written a nice little ficlet which was very unique due to
the fact it was written solely in dialogue of one person. I'm sure
others have done so but this is my first time reading a story like
this. I felt very in touch with the character and interested in what
story he had to tell. Although we all know the story of what happened
at the Black Gates, its nice to see it from a 'every day' man or a
common man rather than from Aragorn or Eomer's point of view. I also
like how her main character was telling this story to children and it
read like a bedtime story to me. Very easy to get engaged in what he
had to say. I also really enjoyed the fact that the main character had
such faith in his new king, King Elessar, and his reasons why. One
thing that stood out to me was that he felt that King Elessar gave
back pride to those who turned back rather than making them feel
ashamed. I cannot help seeing Viggo doing that even though it wasn't
in the movie. The character that we've come to know and love in
Aragorn did indeed inspire a lot of faith in his friends and followers.

Title: Like Roses over a Fence · Author: Ellie · Times: First Age and
Prior: House of Finwe · ID: 110
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-30 15:59:56
This is a touching story by Ellie that shows how tragic the Kinslaying
and Flight of the Noldo and the deeds of the House of Finwe on those
left behind. She showed quite well how the three wives Nerdanel, wife
of Feanor, Anairë, wife of Fingolfin, and Indis, wife of Finwe felt
that it was *their* fault and they had failed their 'men' somehow to
have caused this. I enjoyed how each wife had a different voice in
this piece and they went from hopeless to having a purpose through
confiding in each other their sense of failure. Plus the imagery of
the Roses over a fence compared to what they needed to do to repair
what was broken and make the first steps in these tasks. I've always
liked Ellie's style of writing and how she picks characters that are
often times overlooked in the fandom. This was no exception and I
really appreciated a little peak in what these ladies might be
thinking after the kinslaying. Its a tragic tale. I think it could be
told from everyone's point of view and still add something new or a
new perspective to it. I also really love Ellie's flowing and engaging
story writing. Her fiction never disappoints me.

Title: Spiced Wine On A Snowy Day · Author: Nieriel Raina · Races:
Elves: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 558
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-30 16:09:47
Nieriel Raina has written a nice little fiction about two elves
sitting around with some home made wine talking about the darkness and
their future. Its nice to see Erestor in a more interesting light.
Usually he fades into the background of fiction. This time I think he
was equal to Glorfindel on sharing the stage. Nieriel Raina has a good
balance in her story writing as well as a fluidness. And she gives you
little glimpses in the life of the characters while still intriguing
and entertaining you. I also like that she has so many fictions that
are all age appropriate. Although I enjoy a good R-NC17 adult fiction,
its nice to see the more children/teen friendly ones as well since the
love for Lord of the Rings is multi-aged.

Title: Arwen in the Afternoon · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Genres:
Romance: Elven Lands · ID: 244
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-30 16:18:21
Although I was warned I wasn't expecting that! lol Gandalf's
Apprentice's story has an interesting twist on the thoughts of LaCE
and how men and elves behave. Those naughty elves - who knew? The
style of writing was wonderful and it was a very enjoyable story to
read. I like seeing a fiction with Gilraen and Halbarad in it as well.
Gilraen is so often ignored in the fandom in general. Poor Aragorn
though - all that pressure to get married then his little minx of a
woman er elf exhausts him and his friend. A future King and leader of
the Dunedain's work is never done!

Title: Trading Pledges · Author: Adaneth · Races: Dwarves · ID: 339
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-30 17:59:06
This is a very sweet story by Adaneth. I'm not a dwarf expert nor do I
know alot about the early Third Age so it was nice to see a little
snippet of what life might be like for the dwarves getting ready for
the War of Dwarves and Orcs in Third Age 2792. Plus this is my first
romantic story about a female dwarf! I enjoyed Adaneth's story and her
characterizations were wonderful for a short fiction. The story about
making the shirt and the specialness of the shirt plus her choice on
who to make it for was really unique and I enjoyed it alot. The
exploration of dwarf customs is new to me so I am not sure if this is
based on canon or just Adaneth's own universe but I am interested to
read more about it plus Adaneth's writing is so engaging that you
could not help but be intrigued about what happened next for Aud, the
female original character, as well as Trekk, the original male
character. When the story ended I found myself wanting more so
hopefully Adaneth has more on this couple. Plus I got a little bit of
an education about dwarves, a race I have not read much about.

Title: If I Had One Wish · Author: Ellie · Times: First Age and Prior:
House of Finwe · ID: 658
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-07-01 02:00:30
When I first started reading this I clicked backwards to see if it was
in the alternative universe section, then I realized the title might
have something to do with things. Ellie has written a nice piece here
showing a simple wish for Indis to have - had things been different
for her and her husband. Its unimaginable to think that she was the
first widow of Aman, a place where the elves felt so safe. I'm sure
that when Indis married Finwe - she never thought she would lose him,
murdered in the peaceful land where they were supposed to have safety
and happiness. How very sad for her. Ellie really writes angst
beautifully and hauntingly and this one starts out very happy and
tranquil only to turn into a tale of loss. Very touching.

Title: Yrch Song · Author: Phyncke · Genres: Poetry · ID: 564
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-01 06:55:09
Rather cute in an evil way. I hope never to hear this song for real,
hurled off-tune out of orc throats...

Title: Cold Be Hand and Heart and Bone · Author: Imhiriel · Races:
Villains: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 286
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-01 06:58:14
This is an unusual drabble - a sketch of a nascent horror that will
one day stalk the hobbits on the Barrow-downs. The rich details of the
prince's disposition, the love and reverence with which he was laid
out in the burial mound, make an effective contrast to his eventual fate.

Beautifully researched and written; typical of this skilled author.

Title: Trinity · Author: pandemonium_213 · Times: Modern Times · ID: 51
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-01 07:00:52
A rather fascinating examination of the implications of the creation
of the atomic bomb, filtered through the mind of its creator and
linked to, as he finds out, two of Tolkien's most powerful intellects.
A surprising and original fanfictional version of an old problem.

Title: Cat's Paws · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains · ID: 58
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-01 07:07:47
A story that is elegant, sophisticated, and just plain scary. It's all
so plausible, the way the greatest of the Jewel-Smiths was suckered by
Sauron-as-Annatar, and not even touches of the darkness within the
fair-formed teacher could stop Celebrimbor's enthrallment. And yet;
Celebrimbor is not a mindless dupe, here, he is being seduced here,
not physically, but offered things he craves - affection from someone
resembling his lost relatives, and, above all, more knowledge.

Very well done!

Title: Vodka · Author: Ford of Bruinen · Times: First Age and Prior:
House of Finwe · ID: 714
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-01 08:09:07
A somewhat sad read, seeing Maglor as he's presented here, enhancing
his feelings of guilt with alcohol. Although I always felt Maglor held
the most honor of all the seven, it appears he does not agree.

A few problems with word usage; but the images are clearly and starkly

Title: The Dancing Lesson · Author: Lindelea · Races: Hobbits:
Friendship · ID: 664
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-01 08:19:06
Frodo's not too certain he wishes to go to the dance, and isn't doing
well learning to waltz, either. Now, how can Bilbo motivate his young
cousin not to tread on feet? Between feather dusters and images of
horrid creatures?

A lovely look at our irrepressible Bilbo and a reluctant Frodo, both
intent on proving Lobelia wrong!

Wonderful humor, and the characterization of Bilbo in particular is
fantastic--the absent-minded being reminded by the one who never
forgets as to how he led to things not being precisely where they
ought to be! A lovely work by our Lindelea!

Title: Journey's End · Author: Ignoble Bard · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 234
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-01 08:53:26
A very touching and romantic take on the meeting of Aragorn and Arwen.
Beautiful language and a sweet, emotional touch that makes me think of
the first time they met in Lothlorien. Wonderfully done!

Title: A Sea Visit · Author: Elen Kortirion · Genres: Humor: Drabbles
· ID: 96
Reviewer: Makamu · 2008-07-01 13:27:35
This drabble does something very nice- it shows that there may be a
huge amount of surprise found in small and unfamiliar things, not just
the grand adventures we know from Aragorn. And it also showcases the
learning that turned this foster child of the Elves into the
accomplished king.

Title: Coming Home · Author: brindlemom2 · Genres: Romance: Elven
Lands · ID: 233
Reviewer: Erviniae · 2008-07-01 23:50:02
Interesting idea of the thoughts between the two, and how she healed
his heart.

Title: The Otters of Imladris · Author: chaotic_binky · Genres: Humor:
Elven Lands · ID: 491
Reviewer: Erviniae · 2008-07-01 23:54:17
I love the story of Haldir and Erestor's love and how an otter helps
them learn about themselves. A very sweet and endearing fic.

Title: Philosophia to Philomythus and Misomythus · Author:
pandemonium_213 · Genres: Poetry · ID: 50
Reviewer: gwidhiel · 2008-07-02 00:29:29
I have been meaning to review this for more than a week, and at least
twice I started to compose a response that I quickly discarded as

In short: this rocks. And you know why I think it rocks, but I must
elaborate nonetheless: thematically *and* poetically your response is
tellement parfait. This is my response to your response to Tolkien's
response to C.S. Lewis:

I had never read Tolkien's verse to "Misomythus" (but have now, of
course!) and while the words flow beautifully, the binary assumption
that myth conveys a truth that is more intimately human, and is
therefore more relevant to humans than the cold, hard facts provided
by science, is cringe-inducing. Your response neatly reveals Tolkien's
apparent misunderstandings -- not only about the beauty that science
itself can reveal, but the way that humanity is an inextricable part
of the very natural world that science undertakes to understand. To
shut out scientific understandings from expansive spiritual thought is
to rob oneself of a hugely important dimension of life, and one must
wonder how expansive such thought can really be.

It is interesting that humanity has constructed a phantom body of
knowledge which re-constructs the real world from its own particular,
peculiar vantage (via language, which itself can be examined
scientifically). I am interested in understanding how myths and less
formal human narratives inform people's understanding of their
relationship with the real world, with each other, with their
ancestors, etc. But to assume that real beauty of lasting significance
to humans can reside only in the fanciful explanations rendered by
murky myth is to hold an impoverished view of the world at large, and
of humans in particular.

That is what your lovely poem brought to my mind. But you said it much
better than I just did!

Title: I Ain't Got Nobody · Author: Ignoble Bard · Genres: Humor:
Valar & Maiar · ID: 568
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-02 03:32:30
This is an hilarious story in that humorous, irreverent style that
this author does so well. I won't tell you how loud. I laughed at this
one. What makes this so funny? That despite the nature of the story,
the characterization of the two pinciple characters runs through the
entire thing consistently. It has great dialogue as well and
absolutely hilarious visual images.

Title: Loudwater · Author: Adaneth · Times: Late Third Age: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 63
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-02 09:09:53
A very beautifully written drabble with an excellent usage of
language, accurate descriptions and lovely imagery. A wonderful
reference to Elrond. Greatly done.

Title: As the Tide by the Moon · Author: EdorasLass · Genres:
Alternate Universe · ID: 9
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-07-03 02:18:43
This is a story that I have eagerly awaited the finishing of, and have
at times been tempted to read some chapters from it as a
work-in-progress - much against my standard practice of sticking to
finished fics. But it was worth breaking my practice, and it's also
worth the wait to see the full thing.

Lathwyn is a very well-rounded OC, and she is remarkably well-rounded
- a strong woman in her own right apart from her romance with
Theodred. I also liked how it showed how she was duped into helping
Wormtongue, largely by being unable to read - it made me more aware
than ever of the plight of lower-class women or anyone without access
to education.

This story joins the ranks of good "everyman" stories, showing how the
events of the Ring War would have affected those not privileged by
high birth and high fate. But "As the Tide by the Moon" fills its own
unique niche by looking, not at the aftermath or the great events, but
the political wrangling even several years before the War of the Ring.
Nice job all around, EL, I highly enjoyed this story.