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Msg# 9296

MEFA Reviews for Wednesday, July 23, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 23, 2008 - 20:04:59 Topic ID# 9296
Title: On Amon Sûl · Author: Dreamflower · Genres: Drama: Featuring
Frodo or Sam · ID: 299
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-08 23:23:39
What love is demonstrated amongst the three unwounded hobbits towards
Frodo! Anything he needs, they are more than willing to give.

And Frodo feels the same love towards them, which is proven by how
much he resists the Ring when it threatens to claim them as well.

Title: The Making of Werewolves · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races:
Villains · ID: 42
Reviewer: Dawn Felagund · 2008-07-09 00:09:14
This piece is dark and chilling, perfectly suited to its rather
archaic style. We never get a glimpse of the werewolves' origins in
the canon, yet IgnobleBard's version is entirely plausible, piecing
together what we do know in perfectly logical ways, and the offhand
mentions of violence work very effectively to show the malice behind
the creation of these awful creatures.

Title: Courage · Author: rhyselle · Times: First Age and Prior: House
of Finwe · ID: 69
Reviewer: Dawn Felagund · 2008-07-09 00:16:28
The mood and slightly archaic style of this piece fits its subject
matter perfectly. Rhyselle does a great job of showing the
awe-inspiring grace of the Firstborn in a way that few writers manage
as we get a glimpse at her version of of this history-changing event.

Title: Grandmum's Button Box · Author: pippinfan88 · Races: Hobbits:
Family · ID: 135
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-09 00:29:20
This is a lovely tale, reminding me of my own Grandmother and her
button box.

Title: The Last Dance · Author: pippinfan88 · Races: Hobbits: Family ·
ID: 397
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-09 01:59:50
This was heartbreakingly lovely. I always imagine both Pippin's and
Merry's marriages as being filled with romance and tenderness. Great
portrayal of a healthy,happy marriage.

Title: The Flute · Author: Golden · Races: Hobbits: Post-Ring War ·
ID: 150
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-09 02:20:12
This is a very tender story. I love how all four hobbits are bound
together in such a way. Just lovely.

Title: Faeries · Author: Pearl Took · Times: Fourth Age and Beyond ·
ID: 304
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-09 02:30:53
Poor Faramir! It's not easy being a Took in Buckland!

This was very sweet and engaging. Little Faramir, trying to act all
grown up but then succumbing to his childlike ways.

Very nice.

Title: Summer's Lease · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Romance:
Gondor · ID: 650
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-09 02:41:36
This is a truly delightful interlude for anyone who appreciates the
handsome male form. What more could any lady reader ask for than a
shirtless Faramir and Legolas cooling off in a fountain on a hot
summer day? The reader, just like Eowyn is invited to come closer to
enjoy the view. Who cpould contine planting the flowers beds when such
delights were on offer?
I have a confession to make, Legolas does nothing for me at all. I'm
an Aragorn girl, with Faramir coming a close second.However, like
Eowyn, I would be curious to see what a shirtless Elf looked like and
like her think how different they are,not subject to the ravages of
time like we mortals.

My eyes would linger on Faramir, though I imagine him as bearded with
a dusting of body hair, but as Tolkien did not tell us, we are all
free to imagine him as we will and I love the image of his tanned
,lean body under the spray.

Although this story features an Elf,it is very human in its emotions
and reactions, that two males who have been plannting trees on a hot
day would feel a need to cool off.

Raksha makes the reader feel the heat of the day,so it is little
wonder that Eowyn sheds her outer garments and joins the man and the Elf.

A truly delightful summer interlude,best read on a hot day with a
refreshing glass of lemonade.

Title: Sing All Ye People! · Author: Raksha the Demon · Times: Late
Third Age: Gondor · ID: 249
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-09 02:56:25
I just love the Great Eagles in Tolkien's works.I was pleased that the
films caught them so well too.Tolkien depicted them as messengers of
the divine, most especially Manwe, the highest and greatest of the
Valar .The words they speak sound very like something from the
beautiful King James version of the Bible.

I can well imagine that Faramir with his love of lore and legend being
quite overwhelmed with joy to see and hear these wonderful birds and
the even more wonderful message that they bring of Sauron's defeat and
the coming of the King.

It is interesting that the recently bereaved Faramir thinks that he
can hear the voices of his late father and brother in the Eagle's song
as well as the voice of the recently reborn Mithrandir.

It is a wonderful touch to contrast the Great Eagles with the Fell
Beast that Faramir has also recently encountered.

What joy it must have been to see the winged messengers of the Valar
and hear the glad tidings that they brought.The experience must have
been akin to seeing Angels in the Bible, bringing good news,wonderful
and maybe a little frightening too.

How can we who live in relative peace and security, imagine what it
must have been like living in the shadow of Mount Doom and Sauron's evil.

Raksha has captured a moment of joy beyond description beautifully here.

Title: Frodo's Crosswise Verse · Author: Elanor Gardner · Genres:
Drama: Featuring Frodo or Sam · ID: 520
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-07-09 03:30:13
The true power of a tale is shown when it can be read and re-read and
still can move the reader. This is such a one as is "Sam's Crosswise
Verse". A heartaching/breaking tale of Frodo thoughts after the Quest
about the terrible rape of his soul by the Ring, his continuing lust
for it and the horrific damage done to him because of it, talking out
loud to Sam, who is sleeping. Very powerfully written! And of course,
he thinks of Sam's love and how it saved him and continues to do so.
["You wonder why I wake you out of sleep, out of blessed sleep and
dreams you so desperately need. You wonder why I ask nonsensical
questions in the cold hours of the night."

"To hear your voice. I will listen to you recite that horrible poetry
they are singing in the streets about us, just to hear your voice."]

Love the ending! Both this and Sam's are wonderful tributes to the
power of love neverending. *True* love - I wouldn't have nominated
this if I thought slash was involved.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: The Elanor Bloom · Author: Claudia · Genres: Drama: Incomplete
· ID: 194
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-09 03:44:45
This is off to a really good start. I'm looking forward to the further
development of the friendship between Strider and Frodo.

Great description of the fear they all feel concerning the Black Riders.

Title: The Mariner's Son · Author: cairistiona · Genres: Adventure ·
ID: 329
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-09 03:58:57
This story opens with a thrill ride. Well, a very scary thrill ride;
as Thorongil awakens in a locked building, in a bad storm and soon
finds the water rising. Two mysterious characters are added later,
turning the adventure story into a deeper, more psychological drama.
And the author's addition of temporary amnesia, which is credible due
to Aragorn's physical injuries, just ratchets up the tension.

The writing of the danger chapters is extremely vivid and fast-paced,
without being extreme or overloaded. Later, the pace slows down a bit
as Aragorn finds out the origin and reasons for the trap in which he
had been placed, which also works well.

Title: Sunset Gates · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races: Dwarves: Drabbles
· ID: 342
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-09 09:18:52
Touching, clever and very nicely written drabble.

Title: Summer's End · Author: pippinfan88 · Races: Hobbits: Post-Ring
War · ID: 380
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-09 16:30:42
This was great! I love to read stories where Frodo finds some joy
during his last days in the Shire. It brought tears to my eyes to read
how he was committing this night to memory, so that he would have it
forever; and Merry's drawing, too.

Title: This crown of stars · Author: Fawsley · Races: Men: General
Drabbles · ID: 586
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-09 21:21:01
A bittersweet, elegantly written drabble of Strider's thoughts. Lovely
comparison between the earthly crown he doubts he will ever wear, and
the [diadem] of stars.

Title: Midnight · Author: EdorasLass · Genres: Romance · ID: 18
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-09 21:41:29
A quietly lovely portrait of two lovers; possibly (at least in my
opinion) the only two men in Tolkien's world for whom a good case can
be made that they were homosexual. The details are wonderful;
Theodred's concern and his observations, that of warrior and lover, of
Boromir's scars. And a nice observation of Boromir's arrogance in his
preference for soap...

Title: A Great Cause for Concern · Author: Alassante · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Post-Ring War · ID: 682
Reviewer: viv · 2008-07-09 22:40:58
I think you really outdid yourself on this one, Miz Alassante. I
especially dug how Galadriel poofed up Aule's ego in her little speech
(something along the lines of "You sure did a good job making those
dwarves, didn't you now, Aule-boy?"). I hear those Valar types cannot
resist such stuff (walkin talkin egos, all). And Gimli himself: How
adorable is his enduring Galadriel-worship? Awwww! And it was also
amusing to think of Gandalf being rapped on the knuckles for bring the
ringbearers over the waters (even though that scene was off stage, so
to speak). But what really makes this a gem of a piece instead of just
amusing fluff is that last bit, the bit in Legolas's head, where he
says basically that he would have gone back to Middle-earth with Gimli
if the Valar had not allowed the dwarf to crash their little paradise
garden party. That's true friendship right there, and in those few
words Legolas shows what it means to be "dwarf-friend." (Good example
of "show not tell" writing, by the way!) I love Legolas/Gimli
friendship pieces in general, but so many of them get bogged down
either in movieverse nonsense or in stilted pseudo-Tolkienstyle.
You've avoided both traps here and offered up a really nice little
ficlet. Now excuse me: I gotta go hug me a dwarf.

Title: Good King Elessar · Author: Dreamflower · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 2
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-10 02:38:17
This was such a heartwarming tale. The good-heartedness of hobbits, as
well as of a certain Man, shine through here. I've always believed
that most people deserve a second chance to make their lives right
again, and this story shows that in a very tender way.

Title: The Last Stand · Author: Rhapsody · Times: First Age and Prior
· ID: 82
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-10 04:39:14
A close-up of the Nírnaeth Arnoediad and some of its combatants.
Rhapsody uses her substantial knowledge of the First Age to good
effect here, and the great battle comes to life in all its terror,
gravity and confusion.

Title: Fatherhood · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Humor: Drabbles · ID: 547
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-10 12:28:10
Very sweet and enjoyable glimpse at Imrahil's family life as he
ponders his feelings toward his young daughter. Nicely written!

Title: Nine Companions · Author: Aranel Took · Genres: Humor: Drabbles
· ID: 259
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-11 18:38:04
A nicely written and warm drabble about the Fellowship that got
together after Aragorn's coronation -- with Faramir in Boromir's
stead. I liked it a lot. Very enjoyable.

Title: Healing · Author: Bodkin · Races: Elves · ID: 419
Reviewer: Virtuella · 2008-07-11 20:45:00
This is an enchanting and beautifully written story. Your sensitive
characterization of the elves does you credit. I've often found
Tolkien's representation of them fairly bland, and you have given them
depth and definition.

Title: Celebrity · Author: Bodkin · Races: Men: Minas Tirith · ID: 635
Reviewer: Virtuella · 2008-07-11 20:59:14
I enjoyed this story very much. Your portrayal of Aragorn is well
balanced and believable, and your writing style is crips and elegant.
You show the dilemma and the restrictions of being King very well.

Title: For What I Wait · Author: Dawn Felagund · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Angst/Tragedy · ID: 125
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-12 16:08:39
When I first read this story I seemed to have no suitable words to
offer as a review. I was there, sitting completely awed and did not
know what to say – whether to say anything because I felt that nothing
I would tell Dawn Felagund about her story would accurately reflect
what I was feeling.

This story brought tears to my eyes. It is wonderfully written, but
the very idea is one of those that we may expect to be heart-breaking.
What if Fëanor outlived all of his children? At first, I recalled
Théoden's words from the Two Towers when he said that no parent should
bury their child, but this story is much more than that. Poignant,
haunting, sorrowful and beautiful tale. Great job!

Title: Bears With Honey · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Genres: Humor:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 243
Reviewer: kitt_otter · 2008-07-12 20:07:32
Now I always wondered about what life would be like for Beorn's wife.
You made it real in a few short words.
She is quite a dutiful wife. A good day to make honey cakes indeed - a
fun end!