Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 931

Categorizing Posted by Kate May 17, 2004 - 6:55:04 Topic ID# 931
This is mainly a message for Marta. Marta - have you been databasing
some of the romance nominations? I noticed that a few of the newer
nominations were in the database. Not that I mind you doing it :P
Just don't want you doing any extra work, lol. Plus there could be
the problem of doubling up. I've just recorded all of the newest
nominations, plus a couple of old ones that must have been missed a
while ago.

Also, Ainae - there were a couple of nominations for "The Hobbit" and
it's possible that it's now a viable category. Not completely sure,
but we must be pretty close (assuming that we can get author approval
for them all). And thanks so much for the excel file. I'm terrible
with that program, but since you've made it up for me, I'll be sure
to use it!

- Pervinca

Msg# 936

Re: Categorizing Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 9:16:53 Topic ID# 931
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kate []
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 6:52 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Categorizing
> This is mainly a message for Marta. Marta - have you been
> databasing some of the romance nominations? I noticed that a
> few of the newer nominations were in the database. Not that I
> mind you doing it :P Just don't want you doing any extra
> work, lol. Plus there could be the problem of doubling up.
> I've just recorded all of the newest nominations, plus a
> couple of old ones that must have been missed a while ago.

I know I did a few leading up to when you took over, but I copied them intot
he spreadsheet for you. Otherwise, I suppose it's possible your predecessor
did them if it was just before she left us.

> Also, Ainae - there were a couple of nominations for "The
> Hobbit" and it's possible that it's now a viable category.
> Not completely sure, but we must be pretty close (assuming
> that we can get author approval for them all). And thanks so
> much for the excel file. I'm terrible with that program, but
> since you've made it up for me, I'll be sure to use it!

Possible. I'll do another update of the web site today and see where we
stand. I do have a Viability database in the Database section now also that
I try to keep up to date with the web site updates.


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it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 955

Re: Categorizing Posted by Marta May 17, 2004 - 21:53:16 Topic ID# 931
Kate wrote:

> This is mainly a message for Marta. Marta - have you been databasing
> some of the romance nominations? I noticed that a few of the newer
> nominations were in the database. Not that I mind you doing it :P
> Just don't want you doing any extra work, lol. Plus there could be
> the problem of doubling up. I've just recorded all of the newest
> nominations, plus a couple of old ones that must have been missed a
> while ago.

Hi Pervinca-

Many apologies! I was confused as to what topic I was supposed to
database. Ainae has cleared this up for me, and I won't be doing
romance any more. (I'm just doing mystery and horror at the time.


Msg# 962

Re: Categorizing Posted by Kate May 18, 2004 - 5:09:48 Topic ID# 931
> Hi Pervinca-
> Many apologies! I was confused as to what topic I was supposed to
> database. Ainae has cleared this up for me, and I won't be doing
> romance any more. (I'm just doing mystery and horror at the time.
> Marta

No need to apologise :) Made life a little easier for me. And it's so
easy to get confused sometimes, so don't worry about it.

Good luck with your categories!

- Pervinca