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Msg# 9317

Correct to QuickList for Characters on Browse Stories page Posted by Tanaqui July 27, 2008 - 11:10:50 Topic ID# 9317
Hi All

Agape flagged up that the QuickList page for Characters was sometimes
pulling up stories that didn't feature the particular character
concerned. We looked into this and discovered that a bug in the code
meant characters whose name forms part of another character were include
under that character as well eg stories about Denethor II were getting
listed under Boromir II (Son of Denethor II). Obviously this was Not A
Good Thing.

I've now fixed the bug and uploaded the new code, so the QuickList
Character page should now show you exactly the same results as if you
use the drop down lists in the filter on the Browse Stories page.

Please do let us know if you still notice anything listed where it
shouldn't be.


Msg# 9319

Re: Correct to QuickList for Characters on Browse Stories page Posted by Agape 4Rivendell July 27, 2008 - 13:49:00 Topic ID# 9317
Wow - that was quick! Many thanks as I do love the QuickList option!


On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 12:08 PM, Tanaqui <> wrote:

> Hi All
> Agape flagged up that the QuickList page for Characters was sometimes
> pulling up stories that didn't feature the particular character
> concerned. We looked into this and discovered that a bug in the code
> meant characters whose name forms part of another character were include
> under that character as well eg stories about Denethor II were getting
> listed under Boromir II (Son of Denethor II). Obviously this was Not A
> Good Thing.
> I've now fixed the bug and uploaded the new code, so the QuickList
> Character page should now show you exactly the same results as if you
> use the drop down lists in the filter on the Browse Stories page.
> Please do let us know if you still notice anything listed where it
> shouldn't be.
> Tanaqui

Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]